stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [OOC]


First Post
You make it sound so easy....:D

Any reason why we search for the backpack, and then for the fane? Why not search for the fane first?
Regarding the backpack, Since it is a magical haversack, it is worthwhile searching for in terms of utility to the group, and the fane may still be inside. Indeed if the fane is still inside the backpack, then locate object will not work since the inside of the backpack counts as an extradimensional space.

pathfinderq1 said:
1. Who wants to pony up a spell slot for Locate Object? Do we want to spend two slots to memorize it twice? A third level slot means a significant chunk of spell power, but Jarrith, Tessa, and Avron can all memorize it.
Since locate object has a limited range and only gives direction to the object and not it's precise location, I would recommend that we have at least 3 memorized within the group at a minimum (it would really suck if we use up all the locate object spells without finding anything and then have no idea where to go next). In fact, if any of you guys think you can manage it I would even recommend memorizing more than 1 each.

pathfinderq1 said:
2. Any thoughts on the viability of using that Break Enchantment scroll to break Ireena free of whatever hold is (apparently) on her? Both a 'do you think that might work?' and a 'should we do it?' level response.
Firstly, and more urgently, we know for sure that Khensu has been affected by a vampire dominate ability and that the affect can last for weeks. Thus I highly recommend that we 'fix' Khensu first.
This can be done with break enchantment, but it can also be done with a simple dispel magic, which Tessa and Jarrith at least can cast.

Secondly, we suspect that Irena is affected by the same affect, and it should be a simple matter to find out for sure ... a simple detect magic ought to reveal that. If she is affected then we should once again use dispel magic to deal with it.

Since we still have one day of rest (and planning), then that gives us two days worth of dispel magic if necessary.

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First Post
With regards to 4e. I don't have the books myself and to be honest, I wouldn't have the first idea where to start to 'translate' Ashlyn into a 4e version.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Two heads up:
- As long as you can distinguish Khensu's haversack from others, locate object will work. The fane is definitely more unique.
- dispel magic won't work on supernatural abilities, which a vampire's domination certainly is. break enchantment can work.


Changed the date on my post.

I can only take a single Locate Object spell, as I only have one open 3rd level slot (my other slot is for my domain spell only). But I have made the switch on my sheet.

I'd be happy to take the Break Enchantment spell on Khensu, but I also realize that with only one available to us presently, if we want to save it for a potential primary PC, I'm okay with that too.

And while I probably at some point will see what a transfer of Jarrith to 4E looks like (once the PHII info appears in the Character Builder), I think I'd prefer to stay with 3E for this gane at present (not that it appears as though we were thinking of actually switching systems anyway).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'd be happy to take the Break Enchantment spell on Khensu, but I also realize that with only one available to us presently, if we want to save it for a potential primary PC, I'm okay with that too.
Remember, protection from evil or its greater variants will supress any control should its be immediately necessary.
And while I probably at some point will see what a transfer of Jarrith to 4E looks like (once the PHII info appears in the Character Builder), I think I'd prefer to stay with 3E for this gane at present (not that it appears as though we were thinking of actually switching systems anyway).
Too much effort to convert the addy, but I still think the idea of converting characters is cool. Its mental exercise for me.


First Post
I'm willing to have Tessa take two castings of Locate Object, though that will cut into her ability to help out in combat. Given the number of characters on board now, that may be less critical, but be forewarned.

I'll change her spell list later tonight.


Remember, protection from evil or its greater variants will supress any control should its be immediately necessary.

Good point, and thanx for reminding me. Made a couple changes on Jarrith's and Khensu's spell lists. (Added Prot From Evil as Jarrith's 1st level domain spell, and took it as Khensu's only spell.)


By the way... a couple other ideas I just had that might've been accomplished during the 5 days of downtime.

1) Do we as characters know about the various defensive measures needed versus vampires? Like wooden stakes? If so, is it possible for all of us to make/acquire a couple stakes each? And buy mallets as needed?

2) What is the availability (if any) of powdered silver? If it's available (from melting down silver coins or other means), could Jarrith make more vials of holy water?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
By the way... a couple other ideas I just had that might've been accomplished during the 5 days of downtime.

1) Do we as characters know about the various defensive measures needed versus vampires? Like wooden stakes? If so, is it possible for all of us to make/acquire a couple stakes each? And buy mallets as needed?

2) What is the availability (if any) of powdered silver? If it's available (from melting down silver coins or other means), could Jarrith make more vials of holy water?
You know about stakes, wafers, and head cutting. And there is some powered silver in the Church for holy water, though not lots. Let me know how much you plan on making.

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