stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. III [OOC] (Completed)


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I'm going to be flying to the other side of the world, leaving tomorrow. I'll arrive on Wednesday and obviously won't be able to post during the flight(s). ;)

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'm going to be flying to the other side of the world, leaving tomorrow. I'll arrive on Wednesday and obviously won't be able to post during the flight(s). ;)
You mean you'll be in the correct side? ;)

I'll hopefully post this week. Finals. Grr.


My apologies for not being able to contribute more in these recent months. As I mentioned a little while ago in my own game thread, my time at work to play has lessened, and the time I do have available I usually end up reserving for prep-work on my own weekly tabletop game.

I'm dropping out of all my other games... but will try to keep this one active if for no other reason that I've been with it since the beginning. Sorry for the delays. With only this one game to play, perhaps I'll be able to work it more frequently.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Finally an update! And not a good one (for Ravika at least). That's what happens when a spectre rolls a crit...


First Post
<feels disturbance in the force>

Oh my. Incorporeal undead? Negative levels? Critical hit? Very bad mix.

If Marot knew, he'd head down there and spirit blast it into next week, but alas, he is trying to keep from being wolf fodder at the present time.



Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
We're getting close to endgame (in the sense its a year off ;)), and I wanted to make sure the Castle is dangerous. In these two encounters, I've modified little: They're pretty straight up.

That being said, I didn't think they'd tear through Ravika so quickly...

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