stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. III [IC] (Completed)


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Ladreth steps forward toward the opening, reaching a hand onto the iron bars, giving it a quick, hard pull to test its strength and, if he really tried, if he'd be able to pry them apart.

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As Ladreth follows through on his brawny attempts to get past the bars, Jarrith goes for the brainy attempts by looking for levers, gears, traps or mechanics to raise or open the cell.


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The forbidding and unsettling aura continued to weigh heavily on Tessa's spirit as the party continued their investigation of the tomb. She drew upon her faith to sustain herself, constantly murmuring a litany of prayer in a soft whispery voice. She shifted her shield to her back, and raised her Everbright lantern so that the others had proper light for their work- and she readied Milosh's wand in case that work was disturbed by the presence which Ashlyn had sensed...


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
With a combination of heavy effort and skill, the group manages to open the tomb without the quiet Marrot's help. The group's bootsteps echo forlornly on the marble floor.

A closer inspection of the tomb shows the plinth is carved in form of a striking figure whose face looks eerily similar to that of Lord Sergei, though perhaps a bit younger. The figure appears to be a warrior, with ravens emblazoned on his armor, and the depiction of light coming from his sword.

It is now that Ashlyn notes a thrumming that has been growing more insistent as she came closer to the tomb. It his the sunblade, and taking it aside, she notices a flicker of light just momentarily along its surface.

Jarrith believes he could open the sarcophagus is he so desired.


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Marot the Silent

"Err, umm," says the warlock,"Sorry, spaced out a bit there -- this place had me a bit unnerved for a moment..."

He keeps his eyes and ears focused all around him, his right hand already showing wisps of white energy flickering around it.


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Noting the thrumming and momentary flickers of light along the blade of the sunsword, and noting the ravens on the armor of the figure carved on the sarcophagus lid, Ashlyn smiles.

Focusing on the blade she approaches the sarcophagus, Ashlyn carefully places the blade upon the sword engraved on the tomb. She then proceeds to draw her own trusty blade which has languished in its sheath during the last few days and places it beside the sunsword. She finally takes a measured amount of platinum coins which are also ritually placed before she begins with the ritual.

Ashlyn is entirely focused on the blade, trusting in her friends and companions, as she prepares.

[If I recall, we need 300 platinum (which we luckily have) for the ritual to awaken the sunsword and Ashlyn will also sacrifice her old trusty +1 longsword]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Rituals]You have enough for the sunsword. You also have the components for the "unbinding" ritual spoken of in the Book of Strahd. You have some items to identify, a sarcophagus to possibly open, and an ally to restore. Might want to hole up.

Both the unbinding and sunsword rituals will take about 8 hrs.[/sblock]


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Marot the Silent

The warlock looks on with fleeting interest as she watches the paladin set out to awaken the sword.

He watched the tomb opening and beyond for any signs of motion, or any signs of approaching undeath, certain that the vampire lord knew of their presence within his manse.

Talking with Jarrith and Khensu,"There is no doubt in my mind that Strahd knows of our presence here -- I just do not understand why he has avoided us to this point -- if she," pointing to Ashlyn," is correct about the blade, then certainly Strahd should fear the awakening and put a stop to it."

He shakes his head.

"Last time we went head to head with him, one of us was forever changed, and even I did wish that to ever happen to anyone, including that wicked woman."

He folds his arms over his chest,"I fully expect to have visitors sooner, rather than later, and I doubt they will come bearing a pulse."


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OOC: It might be worth doing both since we actually have all the pieces now ... however I'll defer to the others on this one since Ashlyn is occupied.

Voidrunner's Codex

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