stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. III [OOC] (Completed)


First Post
Well, that works too, ... however, I was thinking more of the corpse itself. Since raising her will require the corpse, and raising her is a "good thing" (even if it happens after we've finished dealing with 'Sergei'), it might be a good idea to find somewhere 'safer' to stash the corpse. Not that I'm getting paranoid here, but I don't think leaving it lying around to rot in the murky water here is a smart idea.

... besides, aren't we heading for the crypts? What better place to stash a body?

Would Marot be up for transporting the body (pickup -> bamph -> drop -> repeat)?

Would we need to destroy her spectre before we can resurrect her? Ladreth is fine carrying her body around in non-combat, but once fighting starts he'd set her down.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
@stonegod: What was found in the room? I have the following:
- a wicked looking dagger*,
- a pale hide made into studded leather armor*,
- a pair of rings*,
- a headband*
- vile paper fragment**
- necromancers notes
A few more:
- bone amulet*
- a periapt*
- a fine cloak of Karrnathi make*.
Everything with a star is magical; the fragment doubly so. You also will find a bag of coins behind the throne in the water room with 600 pp (yes, platinum).
Would we need to destroy her spectre before we can resurrect her? Ladreth is fine carrying her body around in non-combat, but once fighting starts he'd set her down.
Ashlyn knows that so long as the undead remains, there are no means to bring Ravika back. No one knows of anyone capable of raising, but a druid might be able to reincarnate Ravika. Requires a druid, diamond dust, and only a fragment of the body.


First Post
If we can't find Janis (or convince her to help), there might even be another option, if Tessa gains 2 more cleric levels, then she can raise dead. However this would have to happen in the next 8 days (and Ravika's spectre would have to be destroyed too), in order for Ravika to be ressurected on the 9th day.

On other matters, the group gear is updated.


First Post
@stonegod: were there any diamonds in that ancient necklace/lattice of jewels thing that we found in that safe behind that picture construct thing (lift trap)?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Doesn't look like it, no. Mateusz supposedly has some, as does Ireena. She has promised assistance, but no one has yet asked her about the diamond dust AFIK.
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First Post
Just a quick note, we are moving today so my internet usage will likely be less frequent until we have the new internet connection established (1-2 weeks).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Okay folks, its three weeks since the last post in the IC thread. I know the game has been getting slow (largely my fault) and if we want to call it, I'm fine with that. I'd just prefer to let that be known explicitly instead of implicitly. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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