stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [OOC]

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I just realized, now that the PHII 4E is out, we have everything to make this party in 4E (mostly):
* Ashlyn: Human Guardian Paladin
* Jarrith: Human Pursuing Avenger
* Khensu: Longtooth Shifter Avenging Paladin
* Tessa: Human Devoted Cleric
* Marot: Human Deceptive Dark Pact Warlock
* Ravika: Razorclaw Predator Druid
* Landreth: Half-orc Great Weapon Fighter
The only oddball is our archivist
* Avron: Human War Wizard (?) Or Human Wrathful Invoker



First Post
For the cloth recovered from the church, do we need some kind of ritual to use them against Taint, or do they just "work"? Do they need to worn continuously, for example? Or if we need to process them in some way, can we do that in our allotted downtime?

Tessa is willing to help with them as needed, but she doesn't need them herself. Is it just Marot and Jarrith who are currently Tainty?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
For the cloth recovered from the church, do we need some kind of ritual to use them against Taint, or do they just "work"? Do they need to worn continuously, for example? Or if we need to process them in some way, can we do that in our allotted downtime?

Tessa is willing to help with them as needed, but she doesn't need them herself. Is it just Marot and Jarrith who are currently Tainty?
They protect from taint, but will not remove current Taint. Jarrith & Marot already have a geas to deal w/ their current taint.

No ritual: Just wear them.


First Post
I would recommend that we proceed as follows:
  • return to the castle
  • search for platinum (Ashlyn needs this for the ritual to awaken the sunsword) (we can probably use locate object to search)
  • find the crypt of the prince
  • awaken the sunsword
  • search for khensu's backpack (with locate object)
  • if the relic is no longer in the backpack, then search for relic (with locate object)
  • leave the castle and bring the 3 relics together
  • ...


First Post
Two questions for the group:
1. Who wants to pony up a spell slot for Locate Object? Do we want to spend two slots to memorize it twice? A third level slot means a significant chunk of spell power, but Jarrith, Tessa, and Avron can all memorize it.

2. Any thoughts on the viability of using that Break Enchantment scroll to break Ireena free of whatever hold is (apparently) on her? Both a 'do you think that might work?' and a 'should we do it?' level response.

And on an unrelated note: for the 4e conversion, it looks like Sorceror multiclassing/power swap feats work work to cover Tessa' aberrant mark and PrC nicely...

Voidrunner's Codex

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