stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. III [OOC] (Completed)

Ashlyn is in serious need of assistance here. Unless she gets seriously unlucky, she can hold the spectre's off for 1 to 2 rounds, but she really needs help in the damage department (and running away is not an option for her). Basically, the others aren't going to to arrive in time to be of any help, so it's up to everyone else downstairs to kill these things.

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Correct me if I'm mistaken, but it appears the Specters are the only enemies remaining. Power Attacking 2, Ladreth attacks at +13/+8 dealing 2d6+18 damage, so he could conceivably, given two hits, deal 40-60 points of damage in a round. Here's to hoping.

This is a post I've not wanted to write, but I should. I'm not canceling Ravenloft (yet), but I do want to talk about its future some.

Work has been busier for me this semester due to my taking over some major responsibilities. Thats good for work, bad for gaming. In addition, running 3.5 is taking up more of my cognitive workload than the 4E side (fewer things to check). That being said, this game is important to me and were are "close" in PbP terms.

From where I sit in the DM's chair, there are two/three major encounters left after this slog. Problem is, they are all big major fests which means several months each (esp at my current posting rate, though I'm trying to fix that). I want to get to the end game so that we can all face the BBEG and I can reveal all those secrets I've been piling behind the DM screen for years.

So, I'd like to get a feel for how everyone wants to proceed. BTW, the big fights left that I see:
- Getting the sunsword
- Performing the ritual
- Finding the BBEG

This is after trimming a lot of fat from the game (the crypt is an encounter fiesta, but that'd take until 6E is out to finish!).


Hmmmm..... from Ravika's position... she's good either way. However she's/I'm a newcomer to the game so I'll defer to them. Are we of level to be able to Raise Dead?

Hmmmm..... from Ravika's position... she's good either way. However she's/I'm a newcomer to the game so I'll defer to them. Are we of level to be able to Raise Dead?
Until you hunt down spectre Ravika, she ain't coming back.

You have no one in the party able to cast Raise Dead. Reincarinate is possible, but they'll have to kill the spectre, find a caster, and 1000 gp (which they've looked into).

As I'm a relative newcomer as well, I think my opinion carries less weight than some of the other mainstays, but I've always been of mind to defer to the DM's preference. Afterall, it is the DM that has to do all the legwork, all the heavy lifting, and so I would much rather them be comfortable at a pace of their choosing than forcing something up to appease one voice. Yes, the game is meant to be fun for the players, but is it not also supposed to be fun for those in the DM's chair?

All that being said, whatever you choose, stonegod, I'll be here.

@stonegod: As long as you are willing to do so, I'm definitely up for continuing. I have to admit to enjoying this story arc exceedingly much and would love to get through to the end-game.

As far as how, I would be happy enough even if you were to to fast-forward between each of the major events, although the limited fast-forwarding that we have been doing 'recently' would also go work well as long as it does not impose too much on your time (for which I am very grateful that we have gotten).

@stonegod: What was found in the room? I have the following:
- a wicked looking dagger,
- a pale hide made into studded leather armor,
- a pair of rings,
- a headband
- vile paper fragment
- necromancers notes

@all: What, if anything, do we want to do with Ravika's corpse and her belongings? We will need her corpse if we intend to get her resurrected eventually.

Well...she's dead... take her stuff?
Well, that works too, ... however, I was thinking more of the corpse itself. Since raising her will require the corpse, and raising her is a "good thing" (even if it happens after we've finished dealing with 'Sergei'), it might be a good idea to find somewhere 'safer' to stash the corpse. Not that I'm getting paranoid here, but I don't think leaving it lying around to rot in the murky water here is a smart idea.

... besides, aren't we heading for the crypts? What better place to stash a body?

Would Marot be up for transporting the body (pickup -> bamph -> drop -> repeat)?

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