The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Have not watched it, but is the answer to delete social media, and the news beyond anything local to your own actual community? Because I know that improved my life dramatically.
More or less. It also goes into the science of what is going on with everyone, which isn't what I expected. (Which is true almost every time I watch a Kurzgesacht video.)


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Have not watched it, but is the answer to delete social media, and the news beyond anything local to your own actual community? Because I know that improved my life dramatically.
Kind of, yeah. They endorse smaller online communities (like this one!).

Also, all habitues of this thread in particular should at least check out 6:16-6:21 of the video for something directly germane to our discussion.
(though the whole vid is good)

Muskrats, lol
Sir, this guy would like oyu know it's offened by the usage of it's name in that manner


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