• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Long Journey Home

Arthur Campbell

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As the rubble was cleared and the remnants of their mechanical assailants revealed themselves Arthur's mind started racing trying to calculate the best course of action. Drawing a grenade he had an idea he started giving it the necessary charge to amplify the blast, drawing upon his suits apparently limitless power supply he found himself unable to stop.

The grenade started sparking, as the blue energy drained from his suit into the grenade it started to shake as the casing struggled to contain the power as a bright light started to stream from the cracks rapidly forming on the grenade.

Now or Never

He hurled the grenade at his assailants, as it soared through the air the casing finally succumbed to the pressure cracking and falling away leaving only a shining blue light. The ensuing luminous blue explosion tore through the robots scattering them across the room behind in countless tiny bits. Arthur was speechless as he stared slack jawed at the scene before him, it was unlike anything he'd ever seen and yet he had not idea how he did it... his head swam and his head ached. Fighting the pain he quickly regained composure and turned to his squad.

No more movement detected, now that's settled shall we finish investigating this bunker?

OOC: If no one minds I'll go investigate the room with the coloured circles/cogs whatever they are
Investigation: critical success= 6DOS
Perception: 9-8= 1 DOS
Traps:9-5= 4 DOS

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Mikhail Zhukov

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OOC: Get dat shiit fixed.
4 dos engineering
3 dos Scavenge (if needed)

Mikhail approached the pod and after brief observation decided that important looking equipment like that doesn't get to remain broken while he is present. Removing the remnants of paneling covering the inner workings he attempted to restore power to the device while muttering some fascinating theories about the biological structure of the person who constructed the pod, the common theme being his brain's close proximity to his rectum.


First Post
Ghost takes the claw pointing to them, follows it with an image of an explorer, then follows that with the image of space. He then takes the claw, points it towards the aliens and follows that with a picture of bricks being piled on each other then chooses a picture of the building moving his arm in a large arc suggesting the entire building.

As he waits for the response he chooses the claw, points it at himself and Ray, then of the prison, then of the aliens.


Arthur does find a couple of fail safes in the equipment he is going through but they have been disabled so pose no real threat to him. The centre room of the bunker is controlling what looks like environmental control. You can see they have all however been forcibly turned off though not by being damaged or anything. Someone just turned it off, whomever it is knew how as the panels and devices do not look hacked into or tampered with.


Mikhail manages to repair the pod in short order, it doesn't have anything to sustain however. All the screen associated with keeping it on are turned on and visual displays are flashing bright orange as if an alarm is going off.

Aleksandra reading the writing, best she can make it by how it is written compared to the devices she saw downstairs is that this is a name. Not actually a word but the name of something.


First set: Building, Radio tower, claw at the aliens.
Second set: Claw pointing at the pair, Confusion, Picture of a dangerous creature, Picture of prison, claw pointing towards the aliens, picture of an alien protecting small ones.

Aleksandra went to place a hand on what she thought was the being's shoulder but thought better of it. She made simple comforting tones again and solemnly turned to the others.

"I do not think that there is much we can do for this alien here. As we discovered before the toasters are raiding these places for resources. This being has lost someone treasured to such raiding. It wants us to help get them back but I do not know where to begin. It also occurs to me that we would probably have to deal with the entire toaster initiative in this galactic area in order to help."

She thought hard for a moment. She had reason to believe that the Being had used paksis as a way to communicate. She focussed hard and attempted to try to manipulate the paksis energy in a similar way.

OOC: Gonna roll a paksis, gonna probably spend some destiny and I'll do other stuff if needed. That's two degrees but I'll spend to make it 5 degrees of success leaving me on 4 destiny.

Arthur Campbell

First Post
I found some kind of environment control room which appears to be deactivated, though still intact. Moving on, Anything in particular we should be looking for sir?

OOC: I'll investigate the other room with circles in it, next to the current room I'm in
Investigation:7-7= flat pass
Perception:10-8= 2 DOS


First Post
Ghost takes the picture of the claw and turns it towards him and ray, then follows that with a picture showing a negative or no, then the picture of a dangerous animal, he then points the claw at himself only and follows that with a picture of regret.

He then takes the claw and turns it towards the aliens, then a picture of the aliens in a shelter followed by a picture of a planet. Again gesturing to the floor as he does so.


Aleksandra's eyes suddenly flash blue once again. A flash of imagery enters her mind. She sees the Alien infront of her in the pod itself, another flash and Aleksandra is inside the pod. She feels safe however Aleksandra also feels like her heart has been trapped. Aleksandra's chest feels heavy, then her eyes flare open. She sees another alien holding something very heavy walk over and shatter the pod. Moments later Aleksandra regains her sense.


In the centre room (the one next to the striped floor) Arthur finds the door has been broken into and he finds some dead aliens not wearing any armour just left on the desks. It looks like a camera room there are many screens but they are all blanked out due to loss of power. The aliens seem to have been dissected or at least were in the process of being dissected. A few are missing their lower bodies. There is one control panel with a light still on though the text around it is of course in an alien language.


Raymond's armour finally calms down with a slow drum of energy the sound is extinguished.
The alien in front of them is now a bit calmer and continues the difficult conversation they are having.

The alien first replies to Ghost: Shelter, Underground, He motions to planet, Radio, then a picture of a different planet.
The alien then says something to the aliens behind it.
Then it continues: A picture of a prison being opened, then a picture of an alien stopping another going into a building. He then points to the edge of the area the aliens are in.

Voidrunner's Codex

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