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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Saemund Prepares

Saemund looks in the direction that everyone else is looking and doesn't see anything. He removes his large axe holding it at the ready. He walks ten paces off the path toward the direction of the disturbance. The attempts to "feel" what may be out there. If he feels nothing he will return to the group, walking backward still facing the threat. If he senses something he will use hand signals to show how many threats he senses.
Readying his Fighting Axe, Saemund begins to move toward the north by northwest. In 3 paces he catches a glimpse of movement at the extent of good vision, moving in and out of the trees, trying to maintain cover. He cannot sense anything, yet, at the distance he can see, but holds his current position at the 3 pace advance knowing someone is coming to him.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sheldon-Indigo Prepare

Indigo signals the pack animals to lie down where they are as she draws her twin, simple cane swords. She and Sheldon flank to the left at a slow trot, using cover and attempting to be quiet.
[sblock=Sheldon]82 + 90 + 62(luck) = 234[/sblock]
[sblock=Indigo]79 + 98 + 54(luck) = 230[/sblock]
GM: Both Sheldon and Indigo, amazingly, seems to blend into the surrounding.

Sylvar B.

Saemund turns and walks back to the party slowly, so as to not indicate that he is alarmed. He walks over to Sannit and in a low voice says, It is difficult to get count the number, but the other party is trying very hard to remain hidden. Something tells me they aren't going to introduce themselves before we have to kill them.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit readies his spear and says, "If we know where they are, and know they are going to attack, we should take the offense before they can get in position. What about it Seekers? Want to be the aggressive this time?"

Bolo prepares her bow and nocks an arrow. Bolo can sense Sannit's anger at the constant ambushes and his desire to strike first for once. She makes sure his intent is sent through their link to Sheldon and Merin.

Turtle starts stamping his feet. Looks like Bolo's mate wants to charge in and have some fun. About time.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Take It to Them

OOC: After physically walking off some paces in the pasture yesterday, I have made modifications to the ranging chart for projectile combat.

Ranging Modifiers

Sannit readies his spear and says
"If we know where they are, and know they are going to attack, we should take the offense before they can get in position. What about it Seekers? Want to be the aggressive this time?"

Bolo prepares her bow and nocks an arrow. Bolo can sense Sannit's anger at the constant ambushes and his desire to strike first for once. She makes sure his intent is sent through their link to Sheldon and Merin.

Turtle starts stamping his feet. Looks like Bolo's mate wants to charge in and have some fun. About time.
Only emotion that could be described in a single word can be conveyed through the links, as more skill will be required for true telepathy, but in the event of danger, one word emotion is enough. Bolo is surprised at the distance Sheldon and Indigo have already covered in the few seconds of preparation, but she is certain they agree. Tor looks over and nods, he feels the same. Merin mentally conveys an identical emotion. Everyone is in agreement.

Despite it being midday, there are plenty of shadows in the forest. Utilizing this, the skirmishers can be seen moving in a circular pattern at about 40 paces. They are all female and all armed with bows. Just before it becomes necessary to cease detecting others by the use of manipulating way, 10 archers are detected. Now that glimpses of them can be seen, they are indeed Evipau. Seeing as they appear to intend to use their bows and maintain their distance, Sannit's desire to close is confirmed as a good idea.

GM: It will take Sannit 7 seconds to cover the distance.
It will take Turtle 6 seconds.
It will take Saemund 8 seconds.
It will take Tor 7 seconds.
It will take Indigo 7 seconds.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Combat Sequencing

OOC: Note:
Bear with me. I will do my best to describe positioning for this battle. I do not have a way to create a tactical map.

GM: Sequencing:
Body + Mind + Knowledge + Motility + Wisdom +...
Collegiate + Commercial + Aberrative / Academic / Theologic + Athletic +...

OOC: Note: Since all other mechanics use positive additions, I'm going to flip the direction of the random element for sequencing. This means armor and weapon hindrances will be negative while the sequencing bonus and random roll will be positive. The highest result will go first, counting backward. I like the idea of uniformity in mechanics. Companion animals always react at the same time as their owner, being constantly linked.

[sblock=Sequencing]Sheldon: 67(bonus) - 47(AH) + 90 = 110
Tor: 54 - 44 + 60 = 70
Merin: 66 - 51 + 52 = 67
Indigo: 63 - 48 + 72 = 87
Sannit: 52 - 57 + 73 = 69
Bolo: 63 - 32 + 82 = 113
Saemund: 47 - 40 + 66 = 73
NPCs: 52 - 28 + 64 = 88[/sblock]

It is instantly obvious that these foes have no intention of closing to melee and are constantly in motion in hopes of using their range weapons to their advantage. They are also very fast on their feet and not easily caught, but each time they fire, they must pause to do so allowing pursuers to gain ground.

It seems to Sannit, who was pondering the option, that rather than increase his own speed, hindering the skirmishers' motility instead should prove more beneficial.

GM: The Evipau Skirmishers will attempt to maintain a distance of about 20 paces.

Bolo and Turtle react first, followed by Sheldon, then the Evipau.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Bolo keeps pace with Sannit until she has a clear target, draws her bow and releases her arrow, aiming for a mid torso shot. At the same time she will concentrate on her opponent, focusing way to slow her speed and reaction time.

Turtle will run ahead, chasing down the closest Evipau, sweeping with his paws to knock his opponent down.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Leading the Assault

Bolo keeps pace with Sannit until she has a clear target, draws her bow and releases her arrow, aiming for a mid torso shot. At the same time she will concentrate on her opponent, focusing way to slow her speed and reaction time.

Turtle will run ahead, chasing down the closest Evipau, sweeping with his paws to knock his opponent down.
GM: Bolo cannot keep pace with Sannit, within 3 seconds he will outdistance her unless he holds back. He is taller and faster than she. If he holds back he will not be able to catch the running Evipau, but in 3 seconds time, at a separation of 20 paces from one target, Bolo pauses to fire as does the opponent. Turtle is already some distance ahead aiming for a different target. Sannit continues on, as well, wanting to take advantage of the pause to close some distance.

GM: Attack w/ Projectile:
Core + Knowledge + Motility + Cohesion + Will + Wisdom +...
Base + Academic + Athletic + Projectile +...

[sblock=Bolo]Attack = 105 - 0(range) + 66(luck) = 171 - 90(defense) = 81
Armor = 19: tunic
Damage = 81% * 20 = 16 - 10(soak) = 6
Body = 10 - 6 = 4: hurt[/sblock]
GM: Bolo pauses to fire, hitting and injuring her intended target despite her movement and Hoghide Tunic. Bolo realizes at this point that she must try to decrease her separation by 6 more paces if she going to attempt to effect one by manipulating way. As the arrow races past Sannit, he closes 9 paces on the Evipau as she draws and fires her bow at him.

[sblock=NPC]Attack = 104 - 0(range) + 96 = 200 - 67(defense) = 133
Armor = Armor: hauberk
Damage = 133% * 15 = 20 - 12(soak) - 8(soak) = 0[/sblock]
GM: The Evipau's arrow strikes true, boring through Sannit's Pigskin Hauberk and into the Corded Silk Hauberk underneath; but despite its true flight, it does no harm, but may prove fatal for the shooter. As she turns to run again, she cannot reach full speed before Sannit catches her, launching his lanzita toward her fleeing backside while still in full stride. As he does so, an arrow from a different flies at him as does one at Turtle.

[sblock=Sannit]Attack = 84 + 100(point blank) + 74 = 258 - 90(defense) = 168
Armor = 49: tunic
Damage = 168% * 20 = 34 - 10(soak) = 24
Body = 4 - 24 = -20: incapacitated
Mind = 10 - 20 = -10: paralyzed
Essence = 10 - 10 = 0: dead[/sblock]
GM: Sannit throws while on his left foot, catching up the spear from the dead Evipau with the very next right stride, turning toward his new shooter.

[sblock=NPC]Attack = 104 - 0(range) + 65 = 169 - 67(defense) = 102
Attack = 104 + 20 = 124 - 49 = 75
Armor = 29: hauberk
Damage = 102% * 15 = 15 - 12(soak) - 8(soak): ineffective
Damage = 75% * 15 = 11 - 14(soak): ineffective[/sblock]
GM: Neither the arrow intended for Sannit nor the one intended for Turtle have any effect.

Before the woman who fired at Turtle can turn to run again, the bear, at full speed, barrels straight into her.
[sblock=Turtle]Attack = 60 + 90 = 150 - 84 = 66
Damage = 66% * 5 = 3
Mind = 10 - 3 = 7[/sblock]
Surprisingly, the woman maintains her footing as Turtle collides with her, since she weighs almost what the bear does and is stronger. The problem now arises in that Turtle, being almost 3 times faster, will render her bow ineffective, and she must try to fend him off with her bare hands.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sheldon and Indigo

The 2 archers that are circling around in the direction that Sheldon and Indigo are traveling do not see the 2 in their counter flanking maneuver as the effectiveness of their attempt at Stealth appears to be greater than the Evipaun skill at Perception, and run headlong into a dire melee situation.
GM: Attack Melee:
Core + Knowledge + Motility + Strength + Confluence + Wisdom +...
Base + Academic / Theologic + Athletic + Melee +...

Essence + Mind + Knowledge + Persona + Confluence +...
Collegiate + Theologic +...

[sblock=Sheldon]Attack = 98 + 82(stealth) + 75 - 84(defense) = 171
Damage = 171% * 6 = 10
Mind = 10 - 10 = 0: unconscious
Shock = 59 + 60 = 119 - 16(resist) = 103
Damage = 103% * 18 = 18
Body = 10 - 18 = -8: incapacitated
Essence = 10 - 8 = 2: not dead[/sblock]
Sheldon appears immediately in front of the startled Evipau, slamming both palms into the center of her chest.
GM: The blow alone knocks the air from the woman's lungs with such force as to render her unconscious, but electrocuting her at the same time leaves her incapacitated as well.

[sblock=Indigo]Attack = 95 + 89(stealth) + 85 = 269 - 84 = 185
Armor = 16: tunic
Damage = 185% * 20 = 37 - 10(soak) = 27
Body = 10 - 27 = -17: incapacitated
Mind = 10 - 17 = -7: unconscious
Essence = 10 - 7 = 3: not dead[/sblock]
When Indigo reveals herself to the startled Evipau, it is from her left side.
GM: As she swings her left cane sword into the Evipau's torso, it cuts through armor, incapacitating her.

Saemund, Tor, then Merin and Myth act.
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Sylvar B.

Saemund locks eyes with the nearest Evipau, the expression on his face is one of primal rage. He holds his axe in one hand hits himself in the chest and screams wildly. He charges the nearest Evipau screaming, he axe at the ready, he blows air through his mouth in order to produce spittle. He wants the Evipau to believe he is out of his mind in order to intimidate them. When he reaches the Evipau he is going to attempt to drive his axe into the Evipau's shoulder in order to incapacitate them.
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