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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Saemund Acts

Saemund locks eyes with the nearest Evipau, the expression on his face is one of primal rage. He holds his axe in one hand hits himself in the chest and screams wildly. He charges the nearest Evipau screaming, he axe at the ready, he blows air through his mouth in order to produce spittle. He wants the Evipau to believe he is out of his mind in order to intimidate them. When he reaches the Evipau he is going to attempt to drive his axe into the Evipau's shoulder in order to incapacitate them.
Picking his target, one right of center moving to his right. She is a bit surprised at the fervor of her quarry. She has never met anyone unintimidated by her clan. She fires her bow at 30 paces, a long shot. She fires again at 20. If her target is not down she will then run using her well-training harrying technique.
[sblock=NPC]Attack = 104 - 50(range) + 53 = 107 - 66(defense) = 41
Armor = 67: shendyt
Damage = 41% * 15 = 6 - 10 = -4: ineffective[/sblock]
GM: The first arrow is low, striking the newly acquired Hoghide Shendyt and being unable to penetrate it. Saemund continues on, undaunted. By the time the Evipau fires her second shot, he is at full speed.

[sblock=NPC]Attack = 104 - 0(range) + 32 = 136 - 66(defense) = 70
Armor = 44: tunic
Damage = 70% * 15 = 11 - 9(soak) = 2 - 8(soak) = ineffective[/sblock]
GM: The second arrow flies true, striking the Black Snakeskin Tunic and passing into the Silk Hauberk underneath, but is still unable to be effective. After releasing the second arrow, the Evipau turns to run. She covers 1 pace while, Saemund at full speed covers 7, separating them now by 14 paces. The next second finds them separated by 9 paces, while the one after that finds them separated by 6. Realizing the futility of trying to outpace her pursuer, she turns and fires at almost point-blank, hoping to kill Saemund before he reaches her.

[sblock=NPC]Attack = 104 + 50(range) + 76 = 230 - 66(defense) = 164
Armor = 07: tunic
Damage = 164% * 15 = 25 - 9 = 16 - 8 = 8
Body = 10 - 8 = 2: hurt[/sblock]
GM: At such short range, the arrow blows through the Snakeskin Tunic and the Silk Hauberk and into Saemunds gut causing significant damage. The shot is not fatal and Saemund is on his target.

[sblock=Saemund]Attack = 90 + 75 = 165 - 84(defense) = 81
Armor = 95: bare skin
Damage = 81% * 20 = 16
Body = 10 - 16 = -6: incapacitated
Mind = 10 - 6 = 4: conscious[/sblock]
GM: As Saemund brings his Fighting Axe to bear, the Evipau flinches trying to block with her bow, exposing the gap in armor under her arm. The axe bites in hard, rendering the woman incapacitated, though she is still conscious.

Tor, Merin, and Myth are to act.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor will fire an arrow at the lead archer, then drop his bow, sling the shield into place, draw his sword, and rush forward toward the closest archer. As he charges, he screams, in Ansylin, "Your kind is a blight upon the world! Taste steel, my little runners! My legs are longer than yours, so you shall not run for long!"

When Tor charges, Merin follows suit.
OOC: 6'2" / Motility 7
Although he is not as fast as Tor, he surmises that he is probably faster than the archers. As soon as he closes enough ground to manipulate Way, he will light up the nearest archer, using the feather as an augment. Merin is totally silent as he runs, intent only upon his intention.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Tor and Merin Act

Tor will fire an arrow at the lead archer, then drop his bow, sling the shield into place, draw his sword, and rush forward toward the closest archer...

When Tor charges, Merin follows suit...
Three skirmishers are making their way around the right flank. As the lead archer turns to fire, she notices Merin in his hiding place and fires at him instead of Tor. The second and third archers fire at Tor, all from about 30 paces which is long range.
[sblock=NPC]Attack = 104 - 50(range) + 41 = 95 - 83(defense) = 12
Armor = 60: surcoat
Damage = 12% * 15 = 2 - 9(soak): ineffective

Attack = 104 - 50(range) + 64 = 118 - 75(defense) = 43
Armor = 71: tunic
Damage = 43% * 15 = 6 - 8(soak): ineffective

Attack = 104 - 50(range) + 88 = 142 - 75(defense) = 67
Armor = 79: tunic
Damage = 67% * 15 = 10 - 8(soak) = 2
Body = 10 - 2 = 8: annoyed[/sblock]
GM: The arrow flies at Merin's crouched position. He does not even feel the impact as it bounces harmlessly from his Black Snakeskin Surcoat. Both arrows flying at Tor miss his shield and strike an exposed part of his Silk Hauberk. The first cannot penetrate, but the second does, causing an annoyance.

[sblock=Tor]Attack = 91 - 0(range) + 76 = 167 - 90(defense) = 77
Armor = 54: tunic
Damage = 77% * 20 = 15 - 10(soak) = 5
Body = 10 - 5 = 5: hurt[/sblock]
GM: Loosing his arrow at the Evipau who fired at Merin, it bores through her Hoghide Tunic, causing some damage.

All three Evipaun continue their flanking motion as Tor switches his weaponry to go melee, followed closely by Merin. Cats being somewhat intelligent killers, Myth follows the trajectory of the lead runners path and leaps across the trees in an attempt to intercept.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
After her first shot, Bolo will move closer to the opponents, not wanting to be separated too far from Sannit or Turtle. She will smoothly draw a flint arrow, heat the tip with way, and fire at the closest unengaged Evipau.

Turtle will give his best bear bellow at the Evipau, and attempt to death hug her to bind her arms while biting at her face and neck.

Sannit's intent is to close with the nearest unengaged Evipau. He will NOT throw his spear again, but will bob and weave to make himself a more difficult target. If he reaches an opponent, he will sweep the legs with his longer reach and thrust to finish her off.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sannit, Bolo, and Turtle Continue the Fight

OOC: Since En World ran maintenance a short time ago, the site no longer functions with anything near efficiency and often does not function at all. All other saved sites function correctly. My guess is that En World now requires more bandwidth, something that is unavailable to me unless I drive almost 50 miles.

I sincerely hope to be able to continue to post.

After her first shot, Bolo will move closer to the opponents, not wanting to be separated too far from Sannit or Turtle. She will smoothly draw a flint arrow, heat the tip with way, and fire at the closest unengaged Evipau.

Turtle will give his best bear bellow at the Evipau, and attempt to death hug her to bind her arms while biting at her face and neck.
The nearest opponent is the one engaged with Turtle as the one closest to Sannit has begun moving toward the left flank, farther away. Turtle stands and roars at the Evipau, launching himself forward. Having confidence that she will not harm Turtle, Bolo draws and fires.
[sblock=Turtle]Attack = 60 + 80 = 140 - 84 = 56
Damage = 56% * 5 = 3
Mind = 7 - 3 = 4: impaired[/sblock]
GM: Turtle grabs the girl, knocking the breath from her again. Surprisingly, she is slightly stronger than the Turtle and he cannot squeeze her.

[sblock= Bolo]Attack = 105 - 80(cover) + 92 = 117 - 84 = 33
Damage = 33% * 15 = 5
Body = 10 - 5 = 5: injured

Heat = 58 + 91 = 149 - 16(resist) = 133
Damage = 133% * 14 = 19
Body = 5 - 19 = -14: incapacitated
Mind = 4 - 14 = -10: unconscious
Essence = 10 - 10 = 0: dead[/sblock]
GM: As the Evipau moves Turtle around, before he can bite, Bolo's arrow finds home and ignites. Turtle, constantly linked with Bolo, releases the girl as she falls to the ground, dead.

Kwargrow said:
Sannit's intent is to close with the nearest unengaged Evipau. He will not throw his spear again, but will bob and weave to make himself a more difficult target. If he reaches an opponent, he will sweep the legs with his longer reach and thrust to finish her off.
The target Sannit is closing on, sees that she is running headlong into Sheldon and Indigo. She pauses drawing an arrow, and then stops, unknocking it and dropping her bow as the three Seekers reach her. For the first time in their experience, apparently, someone is surrendering.

Saemund, having finished his opponent but being significantly injured, looks around at the situation and decides everything is well enough in hand and presses his left palm around the arrow shaft protruding from his body hoping to stifle the flow of blood until the wound can be better tended.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merin, Tor, and Myth Continue to Fight

The trailing Evipau is slightly slowed, and Tor senses that he will catch her in about 4 seconds even if she does not stop to fire again. Merin changes his bearing to cut across the circular path the lead two are running. He realizes that if they do not pause to fire, he can pace them but not catch them.

Not realizing the speed of her pursuer, the injured Evipau turns to fire within a 2 second interval. Before she can fully draw the arrow, Tor is upon her, who shield bashes her at full run before attempting to bring his sword to in to play.
[sblock=Tor]Attack = 91 + 90 + 81(luck) = 262 - 84 = 178
Damage = 178% * 11 = 20
Mind = 10 - 20 = -10: unconscious
Body = 10 - 10 = 0: incapacitated[/sblock]
GM: Tor slams into the girl so hard, the shield cracks her skull. She is incapacitated and rendered unconscious. The sword is only necessary if he wishes to end her life.

The middle Evipau turns to fire at Merin.
[sblock=NPC]Attack = 104 - 50(long range) + 86 = 140 - 83(defense) = 57
Armor = 11: belt
Damage = 57% * 15 = 8 - 28: ineffective[/sblock]
GM: The arrow strikes exactly in Merin's middle, which is protected by his Fang covered Laminar Deerskin Belt, and careens harmlessly aside.

Merin closes 16 paces as the girl draws, fires, and turns to run. She only regains 1 pace. In one more stride, Merin closes enough distance to affect her.
[sblock=Merin]Fire = 57 + 30(feather) + 66 = 153 - 16(resist) = 137
Damage = 137% * (15 + 3(feather)) = 25
Body = 10 - 25 = -15: incapacitated
Mind = 10 - 15 = -5: unconscious
Essence = 10 - 5 = 5: dying[/sblock]
GM: As the girl makes her second stride, her body spontaneously combusts. She falls to the ground, dying, as Merin reaches her. Not wanting to risk damage to the forest, Merin manipulates way to extinguish the flames.

The lead girl is so shocked at the sight of her clan mate bursting into flame, that she stares in awe. Her brain refusing to register the vision. She is completely unprepared for a 70 pound cat to land on her from 3 paces above in the trees.
[sblock=Myth]Claws = 36 + 171(stealth) + 63 = 270 - 83(defense) = 187
Damage = 187% * 4 = 6
Bite = 36 + 171(stealth) + 52 = 259 - 83 = 176
Damage = 176% * 3 = 5
Mind = 10 - 11 = -1: unconscious
Body = 10 - 1 = 9[/sblock]
GM: The force of the landing cat renders the girl unconscious, though it causes little physical damage. Myth immediately clamps his fangs on the girls throat as he would game he intended to eat. When the girl stops moving, he releases her, coughing out the taste. People are just not meant for food.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit regards the surrendered Evipau while Turtle and Bolo go to his side.

Bolo keeps an arrow nocked but not drawn, scanning the surroundings for any other enemies.

Turtle lumbers over and sits next to Bolo, staying alert for any surprises.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Indigo who seldom speaks still surprises everyone with her alto voice. As she arrives on the scene she offers,

"I have an idea. We can collectively charm her, gather what information we can, and then direct her to travel south, which is the opposite of our direction."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Both Merin and Tor are in full agreement with Indigo's plan.

Merin says, "After gathering the information, we should appeal to her natural inclinations; we should tell her that there is plentiful game for hunting just 3 days to the south."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Technical Information

OOC: Manipulating Way:
There are 5 forms of way: Mystical, Electromagnetic, Chemical, Mechanical, And Thermal.

The are 5 path of manipulating them: Geomantic, Hermetic, Kinetic, Necromantic, and Sorcerous.

Mystical Way is primarily used in Necromancy and Sorcery. It is involved in draining and restoring inherent abilities. After mastery, this may be used to animate corpses, summon spirits or outer planer beings.

Electromagnetic Way is primarily used in Sorcery. It is involved in the creation of light and shock. After mastery, this may be used to sear Essence and banish summoned beings.

Chemical Way is primarily used in Hermetics. It is involved in draining and restoring inherent abilities and the creation of acid. After mastery this may be used to summon animals and shapeshift.

Mechanical Way is primarily used in Kinetics. It is involved in creating sound and wind. After mastery, this may be used to alter relative space.

Thermal Way is primarily used in Geomancy. It is involved in creating heat. After mastery, this may be used to manipulate rock and summon elementals.

OOC: Defensive and Non-Lethal Combat:
Any combat with a blunt object is considered non-lethal, which means that it reduces a targets Mind score before Body.

Anything held in both hands are attached to an off-hand can be used defensively to block, from a shield to another weapon to a bracer. Acquiring ranks in the Shield Skill will increase the coverage area of that object. The path to the Shield Skill is Commercial, Obscurative, Defensive, Shield.

OOC: Injuries:
All injuries, loss of ability points, can be recovered naturally. It is only a matter of time. Body and its subset abilities require days to restore. Essence and its subset abilities require hours, and Mind with its subset abilities requires minutes.

OOC: I have been working diligently to provide as much information as I can.
Paranormal Tasks

OOC: I have also been compiling a Players Guide, if anyone would like to take a look.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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