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I will post my version of the Archdevils.
In all versions of D&D, archdevils are more powerful than normal demi-deities, with even actual deities preferring not to fight with them, especially in Hell. To create this template I used the standard demi-deities template of the IH as a base and combined it with the Lord of the Nine template of the Dicefreaks from the Gates of Hell volume 9, taking some abilities from the Asmodean Advocate – d20PFSRD , the Master Spy – d20PFSRD and from the Devil, Contract (CR 12/MR 5) - Spheres of Power Wiki.

Lord of the Nine

For millennia untold, the true nature of Hell’s enigmatic rulers, the infamous Lords of the Nine, has been steeped in rumor, buried under myth, and spoken of in hushed tones. To this very day, the Lords of the Nine remain enigmas, yet none doubt their existence, much less their power and evil. The pinnacles of Hell’s nobility, the Lords of the Nine are masters of the nine layers of Hell, the heart of all Lawful Evil in Creation. The Lords of the Nine are all extremely independent, greedy, tyrannical, and evil. In short, they are among the most debased beings in the Cosmos. Each of them possess powers well beyond those of the devils they command, and are enemies to the forces of goodness and chaos. The Lords of the Nine rule an entire layer of the Nine Hells of Baator. “Lords of the Nine” is somewhat of a misnomer when it comes to who is included. As a group, it would appear that they make up the highest strata of Hell’s nobility, commanding the Dukes of the lowest strata, and this is true as far as eight of the Lords are concerned. The Lords of the First through Eighth are powerful arch-devils with the added potency given them by The Lord of the Nine, Asmodeus. However, the eight all bow to the power of Asmodeus, who power is equal to a Greater Deity (or even to an Elder One according to some). The Lords of the Nine maintain powers that rival those of the gods. While not completely omnipotent, a Lord in his layer is virtually unstoppable, capable of feats beyond that of most beings in the Cosmos. Additionally, each maintains his own unique powers related to his interests, goals, and the nature of the layer he commands. Thus, as the ruler of the largest and most “inviting” city in Hell, Arch-Duke Dispater is a canny, witty, almost friendly fiend with powers to smother weaker minds in order to maintain the law of Dis; on the other hand, the narcissistic Beelzebub, committed to achieving perfection, reveals the weakness and impurity in all lesser creatures, forcing them to wither into nothing with but a touch. Although they hate each other, the Lords of the Nine are well aware of the necessity for treaties and political maneuvering even as each strives to make itself better than the other lords in the eyes of Asmodeus.

Beyond a doubt, there are few beings in existence that wield as much power as the Lords. Although not true gods, the Lords have god-like might at their disposal, and are always eager to gain more power. They are among the most dangerous beings in existence, capable of cheating even gods. All creatures, mortal or not, should avoid dealing with these monsters at all costs.

Diabolical Metamorphosis: Almost all of the Lords experience some kind of physical change upon their apotheosis into this new status. This new form always relates to their duties and desires (and their Portfolio). The designer should add abilities accordingly (see Diabolical Adaptation).

Creating a Lord of the Nine

“Lord of the Nine” is a template that can be added to any creature with at least 30 HD.

Alignment: Always Lawful Evil.

Size and Type: Type changes to Outsider unless Construct or Undead. The creature’s gains the evil, extraplanar [native of the Hell], and lawful subtypes. Recalculate BaB, saves, and skills for racial HD. Class based hit dice, saves, and skills are unaffected. If the base creature have the chaotic or good subtype, it lose them.

Senses: The Lord of the Nine gains darkvision 600 ft. (already increased with Divine Senses) and the see in darkness ability. It also gains Divine Senses.

Divine Senses (Ex): The senses of a Lord of the Nine are ten times superior to that of the base creature.

Armor Class:

Deflection Bonus (Ex): A Lord of the Nine gains a deflection bonus to its armor class equal to its Charisma modifier.

Divine Bonus (Ex): It also gains a +6 Divine Bonus to its armor class (See Divine Bonus Special Quality).

Natural Armor Bonus (Ex): It gains a natural armor bonus equal to ¼ its total Hit Dice/Levels (round any fractions down).

Profane Bonus (Ex): It gains a profane bonus equal to its higher between its mental abilities modifiers (See Diabolic Will Special Quality).

Hit Dice: A Lord of the Nine use d20’s for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points per die.

Defensive Abilities: A Lord of the Nine gains resistance to acid 40 and cold 40, and to Stellar Hazard. It gains DR 20/chaotic, epic, good, and silver, and immunity to ability damage and drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, fire (unless a Portfolio give vulnerability to fire), mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorphing, petrification or any other attack that alters its form, death from massive damage and Terrestrial Hazard. It gains regeneration equal to its HD (chaotic, epic, good, and silver). It gains also the following ability.

Infernal Resurrection (Ex): If a Lord of the Nine is killed (even while in Hell), its body crumbles into ashes, leaving behind any gear it held or carried, with the exception of its 4 artifacts, while it is immediately restored to life (as per true resurrection, no HD, Quintessence or DR lost and no banished from that plane for a century) in a location of its choosing in its domain. A Lord of the Nine can’t use this ability again for 1 year, and it avoids direct combat if possible until that year has passed. If slain again or killed by unusual methods (such as with an artifact created for this purpose), a Lord of the Nine rejuvenate with the usual rules (1 HD per week and 1 DR for every 5 HD recuperated, or automatically slain if killed in Hell).

Weaknesses: A Lord of the Nine gains the following weakness.

Locked Within the Gates (Ex): A Lord of the Nine cannot travel into the Prime Material Plane by “traditional means.” Thus, the Lord cannot use nor take advantage of spells like plane shift or gate to travel between the Realities. Only powerful artifacts, magics or rituals grants a Lord of the Nine the ability to enter the Prime. Interestingly, if a Lord is given certain magic items, such as an amulet of the planes, by a mortal, it can use it to travel to the mortal coil once a year for up to nine days; while the mortal must be willing, it cannot be a sworn servant or worshiper of the Lord of the Nine.

Repulsion from the Upper and Maelstrom (Ex): Although the Lord of the Nine detests the forces of chaos or righteousness, it also fears them. As a result, the Lord find it difficult to enter any chaotic or hallowed site. A Lord of the Nine attempting to enter a godly realm of a Chaotic or Good demi-deity or higher power as a full-round action must make a rank check against the immortal (DC 11 + DR of the immortal) (it does not reapply the Divine Rank or the bonus of Diabolic Will to this check but can use the surge as normal); if the immortal is both Chaotic and Good, the DC increase to 15 + DR of the god. If the check fail, the Lord of the Nine cannot try again for a number of days equal to the DR of the immortal. Once a Lord try this check (whether it is successful or not), the immortal in question is immediately alerted to the devil’s attempt and will often arrive in person to deal with the intrusion.

Speed: All movement speeds tripled. A Lord of the Nine can chose between grow up to 12 wings (in this case it gains a fly speed equal to the higher between its increased movement speeds (perfect) that is extraordinary in nature) or simple walk in the air (in this case it gains air walk as a constant spell-like ability) when this template is gained. If the wings are chosen, their design is discretion of the Lord of the Nine.

Attacks: A Lord of the Nine gains a +6 Divine Bonus to Attacks (See Divine Bonus Special Quality) and a profane bonus equal to its higher between its mental abilities modifiers (See Diabolic Will Special Quality).

Integrated Class Features (Var.): A Lord of the Nine with Outsider Hit Dice (instead of Class Levels) gain class features of any class equal to half its Hit Dice. A Lord of the Nine with both Hit Dice and Class Levels do not count its levels for the purposes of determining these integrated class features, only its Hit Dice. Caster Level for integrated spellcaster classes is always equal to the Lord of the Nine’s total Hit Die + Divine Rank, it has nothing to do with the integrated levels.

Special Attacks: A Lord of the Nine gains several special attacks.

Aura of Baator (Su): Medium range (100 ft. +10 ft. per Hit Dice/Level). The presence of a Lord is so vile that it causes lesser beings to cower or pay homage to the might of its evil. All within the above range must succeed in a Will save equal to 10 + ½ the Lord’s HD + its Charisma modifier + its Divine Bonus. Those who succumb to the evil the Lord represents suffer one of the two following effects as determined by the Lord (who can change the effect, or discontinue it, as a free action once per round):

Cower: Affected beings cower before the might of the devil. They can defend themselves normally but take no actions.

Induce Fear: Affected beings become panicked and suffer a –6 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks. The merest glance or gesture from the Lord of the Nine makes them frightened, and they flee from it as quickly as they can. A panicked creature has a 50% chance to drop what it’s holding, chooses its path randomly (as long as it’s getting away from immediate danger), and flees any other dangers that confront it. If cornered, a panicked creature cowers.

The Lord can make its servants, “worshippers,” beings of Lawful Evil alignment, or a mixture of all three types immune to this effect as a free action. This immunity lasts one day or until the Lord dismisses it. Other Lords of the Nine, and beings possessing divine ranks equal to or greater than that of the Lord, are immune to the Aura of Baator. The Aura of Baator replaces any existing fear auras of the base creature. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect (other powers added with Greater Aura or other abilities are not automatically fear and mind-affecting).

For effects, prerequisites and interaction with abilities, Aura of Baator count as divine aura (like the Enlarge Aura or Greater Aura Divine Abilities or reach of the Aura version of an [Effect[).

Command Devil (Su): A Lord of the Nine can channel negative energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + its Charisma modifier, but only to affect creatures with the devil subtype as if they were undead and it possessed the Command Undead feat, with a cleric level equal to its HD. Unlike the normal channel negative energy, the range of this ability is 120 ft. A Lord of the Nine can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Improved Channel, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Alignment Channel.

Diabolical Decree (Su): Each Lord of the Nine has the ability to demote or promote lesser devils with but a thought. Nine times per day, as a move equivalent action, a Lord may demote any number of devils. The range of this power depends on the location of the Lord. The Lord may use this power anywhere within its Layer and the target(s) does not receive a save. In another part of Hell or a divine realm (even another Lord’s layer), the Lord may extend this power only to devils sworn to it. Beyond Hell, this power only to devils sworn to it, the Lord must be within 900 feet of the target(s), and they receives a Will saving throw (DC ½ the Lord’s HD + its Charisma modifier + its Divine Bonus) against the effect. The Lord may demote devils to whatever power level it determines appropriate. While a Lord may demote any common devil from pit fiend to lemure status, a Lord may only strip a Duke of Hell of its status (although, afterward, the Lord may then use its power again to demote the Duke to a lower station). Conversely, the Lord may promote a devil as a move equivalent action. This ability possesses the same limitations on layer and planar boundaries as the demotion ability. A Lord may raise a common devil from lemure all the way to pit fiend status and the Lord may apply the Duke of Hell status (see below) to any devil with at least 20 HD; in rare circumstances, a Lord will grant the Duke of Hell status to worthy creatures not of diabolical origins. A Lord may promote up to nine times per day.

Infernal Duke Traits (Ex/Su)

An infernal duke is a powerful unique fiend. It possesses the following traits:

  • Immunity to charm and compulsion effects, death effects, fire, and poison.
  • Resistance to acid 30 and cold 30.
  • Telepathy 300 feet.
  • An infernal duke’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, are treated as epic, evil and lawful for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Frightful Presence (Su): A Lord of the Nine gains the frightful presence (duration 5d6 rounds). Unlike the normal frightful presence, the range is equal to its Aura of Baator, the Lord can activate its frightful presence as a free action as part of any attack, special attack, or spell-like ability, or by speaking aloud and creatures with less HD of the Lord of the Nine who fail the save are panicked for the duration.

Hellfire (Su): When the Lord of the Nine would normally deal fire damage, it instead deal hellfire damage. With hellfire damage, half the damage is fire damage, but the other half results directly from the power of Baator and is therefore not subject to being reduced by fire immunity or resistance. For spells and effects that already have the damage split between half fire and half untyped (like flame strike and hellfire ray), the power of Baator replace the untyped part of the damage. Any creature killed by hellfire must attempt a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ the Lord’s HD + its Charisma modifier + its Divine Bonus); failure means the creature’s soul is damned to Hell as a burst of brimstone appears around its corpse. A nonevil spellcaster attempting to bring the creature back from the dead must attempt a caster level check (DC = 10 + the slain creature’s level) to succeed; failure means the spellcaster cannot try again for 1 day. Lawful Evil spellcasters can raise the slain character normally, without requiring a check. A raised character’s soul is no longer automatically consigned to Hell. If the Lord of the Nine has the Fire Portfolio or other Portfolios that give Divine Fire or Perfect Divine Fire, the power of Baator replace the base elemental part (effective causing the Effect to do half divine and half untyped damage, but totally treating the Effect as the base elemental damage when beneficial, such as interrupting regeneration or being multiplied in case of vulnerability), while for the Perfect Divine Fire, the power of Baator replace half the divine damage (in this case the same rules apply as for the parenthesis of Divine [Element]). For spells and effects that already have the damage split between half fire and half untyped (like flame strike and hellfire ray) while the Lord of the Nine has Divine Fire or Perfect Divine Fire, the rules of Divine Fire and Perfect Divine Fire of the second part are applied instead of the initial rule.

Spell-like Abilities (Sp):

detect chaos, detect good, detect thoughts, discern lies, freedom of movement, mind blank, true seeing

At willanimate dead, baleful polymorph, beguiling gift, blasphemy, breath of life, calm emotion, charm monster, commune, create greater undead, deeper darkness, delayed blast fireball, desecrate, dictum, dimension door, dispel chaos, dispel good, dominate person, dream, etherealness, flame strike, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater scrying, greater teleport, hellfire ray, hold monster, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, magic jar, mirage arcane, modify memory, persistent image, polymorph, project image, protection from chaos, protection from good, order’s wrath, raise dead, rage, restoration, scorching ray, sending, shield of law, suggestion, summon monster IX (evil or lawful only), unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, veil, vision of hell, wall of fire


3/dayantipathy, blade barrier, demand, destruction, dominate monster, feeblemind, firestorm, force cage, globe of invulnerability, mass charm monster, mass suggestion, mindwipe, mislead, resurrection, sympathy, summon devil

1/dayenergy drain, foresight, greater possession, greater restoration, hellball [E], imprisonment, mage’s disjunction, mass suffocation, meteor swarm, microcosm, polymorph any object, power word kill, prediction of failure, overwhelming presence, shapechange, soul bind, time stop, true resurrection, weird

Caster Level equal to total Hit Dice/Levels + 6 (Divine Bonus).

In addition, each Lord chooses one of the domain (or subdomain) it granted. The Lord may cast all domain spells listed one time per day each as spell-like abilities. The Lord also gains the benefit of the domain power (as a cleric of its spell-like abilities caster level).

Summon Devil (Sp): 3 times per day, a Lord of the Nine can summon 1d4+1 mythic pit fiend, 2d6 pit fiend, 6d6 any CR 19 or less devil or 3d6 any CR 19 or less mythic devil (in this case 19 is the CR of the base creature before apply the mythic version). This is a conjuration (summoning) spell-like ability with spell level equal to ½ the HD of the Lord of the Nine that last for 1 hour. It count as an epic spell for the purpose of being used in an antimagic field. Remember that summoned devils have 200% more HD. Once per day, the Lord of the Nine can maximize the dice(s) of summon.

The Might of Hell (Su): So terrible is the presence of a Lord of the Nine that it may corrupt an entire area with but a thought. Three times per day as a swift action, a Lord of the Nine may unhallow an area with radius of 30 feet per HD centered on the Lord of the Nine. The Lord can determine which spell to attach to the unhallow as listed in the spell description. The duration and all associated effects of the unhallow and adjoined spell are based upon the Lord’s spell-like ability caster level.

Uncanny Hellfire Mastery (Su): The Lord of the Nine gains Uncanny Fire Mastery as a bonus ability. If the Lord of the Nine has the Thunder or Winter Portfolio or other Portfolios that give Divine [Element] or Perfect Divine [Element], it gains Uncanny [Element] Effect but unlike the normal rules, it consider this elemental damage as fire damage and Divine [Element] or Perfect Divine [Element] as Divine Fire or Perfect Divine Fire for interactions with its Hellfire ability.

Special Qualities: A Lord of the Nine maintain the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following.

At Home in Baator (Ex): A Lord of the Nine, while in Baator, gains a lot of powers. It increase its Damage Reduction to 40/chaotic, epic, good, and silver and gains a x2 hp multiplier (not only in its Godly Realm). Also, it gains Omnicompetent as a bonus Divine Ability without the need to meet its prerequisite while in Baator and for 24 hours after leaving it.

Deceiving Truth (Ex): A Lord of the Nine can deceive truth-detecting magic. A creature using this sort of magic against the Lord of the Nine must succeed on a caster level check against a DC of 15 + the Lord of the Nine’s HD + its DR to succeed (as if it was under the effect of a glibness spell); failure means the magic doesn’t detect the Lord of the Nine’s lies or force it to speak only the truth. This ability does not give the Lord of the Nine the glibness spell’s bonus on Bluff checks. When a creature is using detect thoughts or similar magic to read the Lord of the Nine mind, it decides what surface thoughts its opponent detects, and its true surface thoughts remain private. This ability does not protect against mental attacks or mind-reading that delves deeper than surface thoughts. Also, a Lord of the Nine can trick an opponent into believing that it has been charmed or dominated. When the Lord of the Nine succeeds at a saving throw against a magical effect that provides ongoing control (such as charm person, dominate person, or a vampire’s dominate ability), it can allow the spell to take partial effect. To the caster, it appears that the Lord of the Nine failed its saving throw, but the Lord of the Nine is not under the caster’s control. If the spell provides a telepathic link, it functions normally, but the Lord of the Nine is under no obligation to follow the caster’s commands. The Lord of the Nine can dismiss a fooled spell as a swift action. Deceiving truth can be used when the Lord of the Nine succeeds at a subsequent saving throw against an ongoing effect, such as that granted by the slippery mind rogue talent.

Devil in the Details (Ex): A Lord of the Nine learns to choose its words so carefully that even when it says something designed to deceive listeners, the words are phrased to be technically true. It can use its Profession (barrister) skill for Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Linguistics checks (but only related to forgeries for the Linguistics). A Lord of the Nine gains Divine Skill Focus (Profession [barrister]) as a bonus ability without the need to meet its prerequisites.

Diabolic Will (Ex): A Lord of the Nine gains a profane bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); initiative and saving throws equal to its highest mental modifier.

Diabolical Adaptation (Var.): Each Lord of the Nine typically gains one special ability or one special quality in keeping with its areas of interest and/or Portfolio; for every 10 HD possessed, the Lord acquires an additional special ability or special quality. Many of these abilities are on par with a Divine Ability and are unique for every Lord of the Nine.

Divine Bonus (Ex): A Lord of the Nine gains +6 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance.

Godly Realm (Var.): The godly realm of a Lord of the Nine is its sanctum, a little part of the layer of which command (the godly realm of Dispater is the Iron Scepter, its palace at the center of Dis). No specific rule governs how large its godly realm is, but it is generally no larger than a little city. Within Hell (not only in its Godly Realm) a Lord of the Nine can impose a divine penalty to any or all characters (even more powerful deities) equal to its divine bonus. In this case -6. Penalty for fighting multiple Lords of the Nine stack.

Grant Spells (Su): Lord of the Nine can grant spells as if it was a deity. Each archdevil has a favored weapon and grants the Evil and Law domains, plus two other domains and four subdomains.

Hear Name (Su): A Lord of the Nine hears its name when it is spoken, regardless of distance and even across planar boundaries. If a creature speaks the Lord’s name three times in the same breath, the Lord learns the creature’s name and precise location, and can hear the next 25 words spoken by that speaker. Once per day, if any image or statue of the Lord of the Nine is within 10 feet of the speaker, the Lord can answer the speaker via that image or statue. The Lord of the Nine can observe, converse, or utilize its spell-like abilities and Infernal Contract through this vessel for up to 1 minute, but if the Lord uses a spell-like ability or Infernal Contract through this link, the connection immediately ends thereafter, regardless of any remaining duration. This power is barred from the other layers of Hell and from the realms of beings with divine ranks (or equivalent) equal or greater than the Lord’s.

Immortality (Ex): A Lord of the Nine does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink, nor sleep.

Infernal Contract (Su): As a standard action, a Lord of the Nine can produce an infernal contract for a single mortal creature. This contract can grant a wide range of abilities and effects, as detailed in the contract devil’s entry (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3), including the granting of a mythic wish. To receive any of these bonuses, however, the mortal must sign its true name to the document of its own free will. Upon doing so, that mortal’s soul is sworn to the Lord of the Nine, condemning the soul to an eternity of servitude in Hell rather than whatever fate would naturally befall it upon the mortal’s death. Breaking a contract with a Lord of the Nine is difficult and dangerous; as long as the infernal contract remains in effect, the victim cannot be restored to life after death by any power less than a Demi-Deity but even in that case, they will usually avoid stepping on Hell's toes, risking a diplomatic incident.

Infernal Investment (Su): As a subclause of all infernal contracts, a Lord of the Nine can use detect thoughts, possession and greater scrying upon any creature with which it has a contract or gains powers from the Lord (like a cleric or inquisitor) while in its Layer. The target creature always fails its save against this abilities—this ability otherwise functions at caster level equal to the HD of the Lord of the Nine plus its Divine Bonus. The Lord of the Nine, when using possession, unlike normal, maintains a strong bond with its body and is not helpless for the duration of the effect but only flat-footed and can make Perception checks to notice events as normal, but suffers a –10 penalty to the roll. This ability work even if the target is on another plane and for the purpose of the possession effect, you always count on the same plane (allowing your soul to return to Baator at the end of the effect or if the host is killed).

Infernal Nobility (Ex): Although not gods, the fact that each Lord of the Nine rules an entire layer of Hell affords them a grotesque amount of power. Furthermore, while on its layer, each Lord functions as an even more powerful being, having abilities that give the true deities of Hell pause. Each Lord gains the Cosmic Firmament Cosmic Ability while in its own layer, increasing its ability to control and manipulate it. Perhaps most frightening about a Lord’s command over its layer is the fact that it has no upper limit with regard to range. Only the realms of gods are resistant to the power of the Lord; in order to affect a divine realm on its Layer, the Lord must be physically within the realm or adjacent and then make a check DC 11 + HD of the Immortal + its Charisma modifier + its Divine Rank (the Lord make a check with 1d20 + its HD + its Charisma modifier + its Divine Rank + its higher mental modifier). Only Asmodeus has the power to supersede a Lord’s ability to manipulate the Lord assigned layer, not to mention the ability to strip the Lord of its power altogether.

Language Mastery (Ex): A Lord of the Nine knows all languages, as though using a tongues spell, although this ability is not supernatural and cannot be dispelled.

Might (Ex): A Lord of the Nine deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Mythic (Ex): A Lord of the Nine has Mythic Power (6/day, surge +1d8) and counts as a 6th-rank Mythic creature. A Lord of the Nine can use any of its spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities. While in Baator, it count as a 10th-rank Mythic creature and its Mythic Power increase to (10/day, surge +1d12).

Perfect Summoning (Devil) (Ex): Creatures with the devil subtype summoned have 200% more HD. This replace the Improved Summoning (Evil/Law) of the Portfolios Evil and Law (see below).

Portfolios (Var.): Each Lord of the Nine gains 3 Portfolios (see Chapter 3 for more details on Portfolios) as a demi-deity, but 2 are compulsorily Evil and Law (already written the spell-like at will in the template). A Lord of the Nine cannot renounce the Evil or Lawful Portfolios for increase its divine ability slots.

Power/Spell Resistance (Ex): A Lord of the Nine gain Power/Spell Resistance equal to its total Hit Dice/Levels +16 (10 + Divine Bonus Special Quality).

Saves (Ex): A Lord of the Nine gains a +6 Divine Bonus to all Saves (See Divine Bonus Special Quality) and a profane bonus equal to its higher between its mental abilities modifiers (See Diabolic Will Special Quality).

Abilities (Ex): +12 to each Ability Score.

Skills (Ex): A Lord of the Nine gains a +6 Divine Bonus to all Skills (See Divine Bonus Special Quality) and a profane bonus equal to its higher between its mental abilities modifiers (See Diabolic Will Special Quality). A Lord of the Nine gains Appraise, Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (all), Linguistics, Profession, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, and Use Magic Device as class skills.

Maven (Ex): A Lord of the Nine has its skill ranks raised to maximum for each class skill.

Divine Abilities (Var.): 6 Divine Abilities.

Languages: A Lord of the Nine gains Abyssal, Celestial and Infernal as a languages and telepathy 1,000 ft.

Treasure: 4 Artifacts (see Infernal Arms) plus quadruple standard.

Infernal Arms: The Lords of the Nine all have signature items that serve as symbols of their station and authority over all that is diabolical. The weapons and magic items used by the Lords are true artifacts in every sense of the word. While some were crafted by the Lord in question or by a powerful subordinate, some of the weapons were created by Asmodeus himself. Although each signature item is unique to each Lord, these infernal arms all maintain a similarity. Each Lord can instantly call his or her infernal arms as a free action at will (as for the Apport Divine Ability).


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Today I will post the evil of Christmas, Krampus. For create it, I used the base 1st edition Krampus (Krampus – d20PFSRD), with some abilities from some 3pp versions (Krampus – d20PFSRD / - Forums: Conversions: Krampus / Krampus (3.5e Monster) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki / Krampus in DnD???), and the 2nd edition version (Krampus - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database).


LE Large monstrous humanoid (abomination, cold)

Init +19; Senses blindsight 500 ft., detect evil, detect good, discern lies, naughty scent, see in darkness, snow vision, true seeing; Perception +64

Aura cold (1d12 cold damage, 60 ft.), frightful presence (DC 48, 120 ft.), snowstorm (1 mile)

AC 76, touch 43, flat-footed 59 (+20 armor, +13 deflection, +11 Dex, +4 divine, +6 dodge, +13 natural, -1 size)

hp 1.008 (42d10+588) fast healing 20, regeneration 20 (epic and good)

Fort +61, Ref +56, Will +56

Defensive Abilities limited immortality, nondetection, sixth sense; DR 20/epic and good; Immune ability damage and drain, cold, curse, death effects, disease, electricity, energy drain, fear, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, polymorphing, petrification, or any form-altering attack, enchantment, illusion and transmutation magic, death from massive damage; Resistance acid 30, fire 30, Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 56

Weakness fire vulnerability


Speed 90 ft., air walk, snowstep

Melee spiked chain +70/+70/+65/+60/+55 (4d10+37/15–20x3 plus 3d6 cold and grab), gore +63 (3d10+14) or 2 claws +68 (2d10+23), gore +68 (3d10+23)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (60 ft. with spiked chain)

Special Attacks capture, dragging lash, melodious roar (DC 48), mythic power (4/day, surge +1d8), powerful charge (gore, 8d12+32), punish the naughty, rattling chains, regression, spellstrike, turn gift to coal

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 46th; concentration +63)

Constantair walk, detect evil, detect good, discern lies (DC 31), greater magic fang, nondetection, tongues, true seeing

At willbeguiling gift (DC 28), bestow curse (DC 31), commune (Santa Claus only), cone of cold (DC 32), control weather (as a druid), frostball (as fireball but cold damage and descriptor, DC 30), frost fall (DC 29), dimension door, discern location, flesh to ice (as flesh to stone but ice instead of stone and cold descriptor, DC 33), greater scrying (DC 34), ice storm, icy prison (DC 32), invisibility, sleet storm (DC 30), wall of ice (DC 31)

3/daybaleful polymorph (DC 32), commune with nature, create food and water, delayed blast frostball (as delayed blast fireball but cold damage and descriptor, DC 34), greater bestow curse (DC 34), greater invisibility, greater teleport, legend lore, mass icy prison (DC 36), phantasmal killer (DC 32), polar midnight (DC 36), polar ray, summon evil toys (3d6 evil toys, spell level 9th), winter storm (as fire storm but cold damage and descriptor [catch in fire deal cold damage as well], DC 35)

1/yearcold winter [E] (as rain of fire but cold damage and descriptor, DC 37), polymorph any object (DC 35), sympathy (DC 35), weird (DC 36), wish (to a mortal creature only)

1/100 yearsdire winter [E]

Str 46, Dex 33, Con 38, Int 26, Wis 33, Cha 36

Base Atk +42; CMB +65; CMD 105

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Specialization (spiked chain), Improved Critical (spiked chain), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack, Signature Skill (intimidate), Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (spiked chain), Weapon Specialization (spiked chain)

Epic Feats Good Fortitude, Greater Critical (spiked chain), Improved Critical Multiplier (spiked chain), Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense

Skills Acrobatics +29, Appraise +54, Bluff +59, Craft (toymaker) +57, Diplomacy +59, Disable Device +29, Heal +29, Intimidate +80, Perception +64, Sense Motive +61, Stealth +56, Survival +60, Swim +64, Use Magic Device +59

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Celestial, Druidic, Infernal, Sylvan; tongues, telepathy 1.000 ft.

SQ bountiful bag, chain armor, compression, cook people, hide in plain sight, might, mystical chains, mythic, nightmare out of a dark winter, virtual size category +1

Divine Abilities

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

Bountiful Bag (Su)
Krampus carries a large bag brimming with barely contained gifts and trinkets, including one of every magical item that is a consumable and cannot be recharged (potions, scrolls, or wands) with a value of 20.000 gp or less, at least 20 golden rod memento, and an assortment of food and valuables. This particular bag contain even potion of level higher that 3rd (like a potion of resurrection that value 16.000 gp). Once every 24 hours, the bag's contents magically regenerate, replacing any of these items that have been removed. Krampus can interact with the bag to stow or withdraw items as a move action, always finding the desired stored item at the top of the bag. The bag conduce to a private extradimensional demiplane, so the weight of its contents doesn't count against Krampus's carrying capacity. The bag functions as a normal sack if used by anyone other than Krampus, and if Krampus is slain, the bag retains 2d4 random consumable items of 100.000 gp or less (this is the loot of the encounter).

A creature can use the Disarm or Steal combat maneuver to extract a consumable item from Krampus's bag. As part of the action, the creature can envision a specific item it wants to extract. On a successful combat maneuver, the creature Disarms or Steals the object (or a random consumable item of at least 10.000 gp value if the creature didn't envision an object).

If the creature fail by 10 or more the combat maneuver the creature Disarms or Steals a golden rod memento (see the end of the sheet) instead of a consumable item.

Capture (Su)
If Krampus begins its turn grappling an adjacent Large or smaller creature, it can stuff the target into its bag as a swift action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. This use of the bad conduce to an extradimensional space similar of a bag of holding with the difference that the air is magically constantly renewed (a creature is never in danger of suffocating) and never conduce to the private demiplane that hold the objects (see Bountiful Bag). A creature stuffed into this bag is subjected to Krampus’s regression ability (see below). A creature in the bag can try to cut its way free with any light slashing weapon. The bag has AC 46, hardness 20, 120 hit points and automatically heal 20 hit points at the start of Krampus turn. If a creature reduce the bag to 0 hit points, the automatic heal is deactivate and Bountiful Bag cannot be used but Krampus can repair the bag as a swift action that does not provokes attacks of opportunity, restoring the bag to 120 hit points and reactivating the automatic heal and Bountiful Bag. Until then, any creature stuffed into the bag is still subjected to the regression ability but can escape with a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity from Krampus. The bag has other special qualities while in Krampus’s possession. The weight of creatures in the bag doesn’t count against Krampus’s carrying capacity. Up to 16 Small creatures, 8 Medium creatures or 4 Large creatures can fit in the bag at a time. If used by any creature other than Krampus, the container functions as a mundane sack. If Krampus’s bag is lost or destroyed, it can create a new bag with a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The bag is tied up to the chains that adorn Krampus, so it doesn't need to use a hand to hold it.

Chain Armor (Ex)
The chains that adorn Krampus grant it a +20 armor bonus, but are not treated as armor for the purpose of arcane spell failure, armor check penalties, maximum Dexterity, weight, or proficiency.

Cook People (Su)
Krampus gains and can use the Cook People witch’s hex, even if it doesn’t meet that hexes normal prerequisites.

Divine Traits (Abomination) (Ex)
As an abomination, Krampus gains a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Krampus ’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Krampus does not age and requires no food or drink to sustain itself.

Dragging Lash (Ex)
If Krampus grapple a foe with its spiked chain, it can immediately attempt a drag check without provoking attack of opportunity. If Krampus wins the check, it draws the foe automatically into an adjacent square, regardless of the total check result.

Grant Spells
Krampus can grant spells of 7th level or less. It grant access to the domains of Community, Evil, and Law and to the subdomains of Education, Judgment, Torture°, and Yule°.
°Clerics of Krampus can use the Torture subdomain to modify the Evil domain and Yule subdomain to modify the Community domain.

Hide in Plain Sight (Su)
Krampus can use the Stealth skill even while being observed. As long as it is within 10 feet of an area of dim light, Krampus can hide itself from view in the open without anything to actually hide behind. It cannot, however, hide in its own shadow.

Limited Immortality (Ex)
If Krampus is killed, a new Krampus forms elsewhere in the world after a year’s time—this new Krampus retains the memories of the previous Krampus and likely holds a grudge against the person who killed it the year before. If a method to disrupt this cycle exists, it has yet to be discovered by mortals.

Melodious Roar (Su)
As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, Krampus can lets out a soothing roar that can be heard up to a mile away. All creatures that hear it must make a Will save DC 48 or fall under a magical sleep until the next dawn. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise or slapping does not. Creatures with 21 or more HD or that succeed the save are immune to melodious roar for 24 hours. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting, sonic effect and deaf creatures are immune to it. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Might (Ex)
Krampus deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Mystical Chains (Su)
Krampus’s chains function as a +6 ghost touch, icy blast, impact, speed spiked chain made of cold iron. These chains become non-magical if Krampus does not carry or wield them, and if a chain is disarmed or destroyed, Krampus can create a new set of chains as a standard action. The chains react almost as a living extension of Krampus’s will and have the grab ability. If Krampus grapple a foe with its chain, the foe gains the grappled condition, but Krampus does not. If the target is protected by a spell or spell-like ability (including the effects of magical items) that provide freedom of movement or a similar effect that prevents grappling, Krampus can spend one use of its mythic power as a swift action while making the grapple check to use greater dispel magic to negate that effect; this dispelling does not affect other effects. Finally, Krampus can still make attacks with its spiked chain even while a creature is grappled in it. Doing so imposes a -4 penalty on Krampus’s attack rolls, but causes both the grappled creature and the target to suffer an additional 6d6 points of bludgeoning damage with each successful hit. Krampus can grapple only one creature at a time with its chain.

Mythic (Ex)
Krampus has Mythic Power (4/day, Surge +1d8) and counts as a 4th-rank Mythic creature. Krampus can use any of its spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Naughty Scent (Su)
Krampus gains the scent ability with a base of range of 1 mile, but only with respect to creatures with the evil alignment. Creatures of evil alignment with 5 or more HD count as having a strong scent. Creatures with the evil subtype or with evil alignment and 11 or more HD count as having an overpowering scent. Creatures that commit a “minor” evil act in the last year like stealing a toy or snapping at parents count as having the evil alignment for this capacity.

Nightmare Out of a Dark Winter (Ex)
Krampus Intimidate and frightful presence ignore immunity to fear and mind-affecting of creature with 20 HD or less or if the creature is a child, a creature with the young template, or a victim of Krampus’s regression ability.

Punish the Naughty (Su)
As a swift action, Krampus can designate a single target it can see as being “naughty.” The target must be a child, a creature with the young template, or a victim of Krampus’s regression ability. Against that target, Krampus gains a +20 bonus on attack and damage rolls and Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks. These bonuses remain in effect until the target is dead or Krampus designates another target as naughty.

Rattling Chains (Ex)
As a standard action, Krampus can attempt to demoralize opponents by rattling its chains. This functions as the Dazzling Display feat, except it does not require Krampus to be wielding a weapon and the range is 60 ft. Krampus can expend one use of mythic power when use this ability to make those affected by the display frightened rather than shaken (does not stack with the use of Intimidate Unchained).

Regression (Su)
Each round a creature begins its turn stuffed into Krampus’s bag, it must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw DC 48 or be regressed back to its childhood. The creature is affected in size as if via reduce person (even if his not humanoid), but none of the target’s gear changes size. This effect persists for 24 hours, after which the target regains its original size. A creature which is a child or currently under the effects of regression cannot be further affected by this ability. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Snowstep (Ex)
Krampus ignores difficult terrain and movement penalties caused by snow and ice, and it leaves no tracks when moving through areas of snow or ice (as under an extraordinary pass without trace effect). Krampus can move across icy surfaces without penalty and does not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice.

Snowstorm (Su)
Krampus is surrounded by whirling blasts of snow, even in areas that wouldn’t allow for such weather, that comprise a 1 mile-radius spread. Within this area, the snowfall and wind gusts cause a -4 penalty on Perception checks and ranged attacks. The wind itself blows in a clockwise rotation around Krampus, and functions as severe wind. Krampus is unaffected by this snowstorm (see snowstep and snow vision). Any effect that causes these winds to drop below severe (such as control weather or control winds) cancels the snowstorm effect entirely but Krampus can reactivate it as a standard action in its turn.

Snow Vision (Ex)
Krampus can see perfectly well in stormy and snowy conditions, including in blizzards, and does not take penalties on Perception checks when in snowy or blizzard conditions, as well as concealment due to ice or snow.

Spellstrike (Su)
Whenever Krampus uses a spell-like ability with a range of touch, it can deliver the spell through its spiked chain as part of a melee attack. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell effect, Krampus can make one free melee attack with its spiked chain as part of activating the ability. This attack uses the weapon’s reach and critical range, but the spell effect only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell.

The little helper of Krampus, they are not used to fight but to scare and announce the arrival of the Christmas Nightmare to the unfortunate family.

Evil Toys

NE Small construct

Init +6; Senses darkvision 60, low-light vision, snow vision; Perception +16


AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)

hp 65 (10d10+10)

Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3

Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune cold, construct traits; PR/SR 15

Weakness vulnerability to fire


Speed 20 ft., burrow 10 ft, climb 10 ft., snowstep

Melee slam +13 (1d3)


Str 10, Dex 14, Con –, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10

Base Atk +10; CMB +9; CMD 21

Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Focus (perception, stealth), Weapon Finesse

Skills Perception +16, Stealth +22

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Celestial, Druidic, Infernal, Sylvan (cannot speak)

Golden Rod Memento (Minor Artifact)
overwhelming abjuration and good; CL 46th; Slot slotless; Weight
This coin-sized golden pin depicts a bundle of five trimmed tree branches. Once you've stolen the pin, accepted it from Krampus willingly, or carried it for at least 1 minute, its curse activates. After that happens, the pin fastens itself to your clothing, providing you an insistent empathic admonition not to be naughty and constantly informing Krampus of your location, as for the spell status that transcends planar borders. The pin reappears and reattaches itself within moments if discarded or destroyed. The pin constantly monitors your actions, judging you against the following code of conduct:
  • Help those in need (provided they do not use the help for evil ends).
  • You must never willingly commit an evil act, such as murder, torture, or the casting of an evil spell.
  • You must never knowingly harm an innocent, or allow immediate harm to one through inaction when you know you could reasonably prevent it. This tenet doesn't force you to take action against possible harm to innocents at an indefinite time in the future, or to sacrifice your life to protect them.
  • Punish those who harm or threaten innocents.
  • You must never knowingly steal or inflict harm with the goal of stealing the victim's wealth. This tenet doesn't prevent you from looting those you harm primarily in the defense of yourself and others.
Whenever you violate this code of conduct, one of the golden branches tarnishes (and utterly egregious violations might tarnish multiple branches). During the winter following the curse activating, the pin transforms based on the number of golden branches remaining.

5 Branches: The pin either transforms into a pile of golden trinkets whose gold piece value equals your level × 10.000 and it grants you absolution for your misdeeds as for an atonement spell (leading towards good only). You don't need to pay a gp price; your exemplary behavior over the past year qualifies.

3–4 Branches: The pin either becomes a non-magical golden pin worth 100 gp, or it grants you absolution for your misdeeds as for an atonement spell (leading towards good only). You must pay any cost for the atonement spell.

1–2 Branches: The pin transforms into a leering Krampus face that curse you before dissolving. You lose any immunity and resistance to cold from class abilities, race or subtype. This curse can be removed only with miracle or wish.

0 Branches: The pin transforms into Krampus, who appears in an adjacent space and knows of your misdeeds while wearing the pin.

A golden rod of memento dissolve automatically 1 year after the object is activated.


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Today I will bring the destroyer of Egyptian myth, the serpent of Chaos Apophis. Apophis was probably the first thing I created in the IH even if I'm not very proud of it: its first version was a simple and anonymous Old One with the Portfolio chaos and darkness without any particular unique abilities apart from its poison which was totally broken and senseless: whenever you failed a saving throw against it, you lost 1 Divine Rank and the appropriate Quintessence. Later I got back to revisiting it and fixing/balancing it. I realized that Dendar is nothing more than the D&D version of Apophis and they didn't even bother trying to change it much. So why not take advantage of it? I've recovered Dendar abilities from 3.5 (Realms Helps Creature: Dendar the Night Serpent), 5e of @dave2008 (D&D 5E - 5e EPIC MONSTER UPDATES) and a nice custom ability inspired by Kane Chronicles' Apophis (reality break) and here is this version.


CE Macro-Medium Magical Beast (aquatic, chaotic, entity, extraplanar)

Init +187 (Always First); Senses blindsight 5.000 ft., cosmic consciousness (galaxy/plane), darkest vision, darkvision 10.000, divine senses (x20), low-light vision, scent, true seeing; Perception +238

Aura divine (DC 93, 6.800 ft.), nightmare (DC 173, 6.800 ft.), reality break (6.800 ft.),

AC 305, touch 113, flat-footed 257 (+51 deflection, +42 Dex, +6 dodge, +32 divine, +192 natural, -28 size)

hp 24.640 (160d100+8.640) fast healing 80 regeneration 80 (epic and lawful)

Fort +273, Ref +261, Will +260; +50 against divination effects

Defensive Abilities cosmic string (1d10 minutes), nightmare scales, sixth sense; DR 200/—; Immune ability damage or drain, cold, death effects, energy drain, mind-affecting, poison, enchantment, illusion and transmutation effects, death from massive damage, Terrestrial Hazards; Resistance all elements 100, Stellar Hazards; PR/SR 202, any spell which fails to penetrate Apophis spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness light blindness

Speed 2.000 ft., burrow 1.000 ft. (ground with maximum hardness of 97), fly 2.000 (perfect), swim 10.000 ft.

Melee bite +406 touch (160d20+347/17-30x3 plus grab, nightmare venom and poison)

Space 8.000 ft.; Reach 5.335 ft. (8.000 ft. with bite)

Special Attacks breath weapon (1-mile cone, DC 173, unleash nightmares), capsize, crush (Macro-Diminutive Creatures, DC 176, 160d20+157), fast swallow, god-eater, jaws of the eater of the sun, mythic surge 32/day (+20d6), nightmare venom, poison, rend ship, siege monster, swallow whole (160d20+105 damage plus 1d6 nightmares, 106 AC, 2.464 hp), tail sweep (2-miles cone, Macro-Fine Creatures, DC 227, 160d20+157 plus push back 1 mile and knocked prone), unleash nightmares

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 192th, concentration +275)


At will—animate objects, blindness/deafness (DC 95), chaos hammer (DC 97), cloak of chaos (DC 101), deeper darkness, dispel law, greater shadow evocation (DC 101), magic circle against law, nightmare (DC 98), obscuring mist, protection from law, shades (DC 102), shadow body, shadow step, shadow walk, shatter (DC 95), summon monster IX (chaotic creatures only), word of chaos (DC 100)

3/day—summon snakes (level 39th, 1d8 spawn of apophis [fiendish paragon teratoid giant anaconda CR 53] 100%)

Str 220, Dex 94, Con 118, Int 90, Wis 88, Cha 112

Base Atk +160; CMB +430; CMD 434 (cannot be tripped)

Feats Alertness, Blind-FightB, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Mobility, Muscle Reaction, Run, Seize the Opportunity, Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats Cats Fall, Double Standards, Ether Goer, Etheric Double, Etheric Vision, Good Will, Improved Combat Reflex, Improved Dodge, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Plastic Soul, Second Strike, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Shadow Strike, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body, Timely Dodge, Underwalker

Metamagic Feat Aquatic Spell, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x7, Bouncing Spell, Contingent Spell, Continual Spell, Delayed Spell, Disruptive Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Elemental Spell, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extended Spell, Flaring Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Latent Curse, Lingering Spell, Maximize Spell, Murky Spell, Metamagic Freedom [E], Persistent Spell, Profane Spell, Quicken Spell, Reach Spell, Seeking Spell, Selective Spell, Shadow Grasp, Snuffing Spell, Solid Shadow, Stygian Spell, Tenacious Spell, Tenebrous Spell, Thanatopic Spell, Threnodic Spell, Trap Spell, Umbral Spell, Widen Spell

Skills Omnicompetent - All skills 195 + ability modifier

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Ancient Egypt, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Old Tongue, other 194 (GM’s discretion); telepathy 10.000 ft.

SQ amphibious, chaos portfolio traits (Old One), cleaving bite, cosmic might, darkness portfolio traits (Old One), divine traits (entity), eater of souls, ignore armor, massive, mythic, lord of the tenth region of the night, virtual size category +7

Environment: Tenth region of the night

Organization: Unique

Treasure: Incidental

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 320 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 112)

• ApocryphaB (Su): You are difficult to detect or scry

• Carapace (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to your hit die

• Celerity (Ex): Speed x3

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Invincibility (Ex): Fortitude save for negate damage

• Lurking (Ex): You are difficult to detect

• Maven (Ex): Maximum rank in all know skill

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Omnicompetent (Ex): All skills are class skill

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• Shadow Self (Ex): Create a shadow duplicate

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

• True SeeingB (Su): You gain a constant true seeing

Cosmic Abilities

• Cosmic Consciousness (Su): Your senses extend to the edge of the plane

• Divine Inspiration (Ex): You gain one divine ability which you can change at will

• Slipstream (Su): You are immune to temporal effects

• Unearthly Weapon Focus (bite)B: Touch attack for hit

Chaos Portfolio Traits (Old One)

Hostile Environment (lawful): You take a competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while in a lawful aligned environment

Axiomatic Vulnerability: You suffer 50% extra damage from lawful based attacks and spells

• Transmutation Immunity: You are immune to transmutation based attacks

• Scion of Chaos (Su): Competence bonus (equal to your divine rank) on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while she is within a chaos aligned locale

• Improved Summoning (Chaos): Chaotic creatures summoned by you have 50% more HD

• Greater Taint of Chaos (Su): Healing against your damage 50% effective except in lawful aligned locale

• Uncanny Anarchic Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with chaos based attacks

• Anarchic Regeneration (Su): You gain regeneration equal to ½ HD while within a chaos aligned locale

• Chaos Messiah (Su): You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly by chaotic creatures of lower divine rank

Cosmic Imperfection (Lawful): One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string

• Aximatic Pariah (Su): Lawful based spells/effects cease to function in your divine realm

Darkness Portfolio Traits (Old One)

Granted Power: You gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat

Darkest Vision (Ex): You have perfect vision in darkness, even magical darkness

Hostile Environment (Sunlight) (Ex): Competence penalty on all die rolls equal to your divine rank while within a sunlit environment

Light Vulnerability (Ex): Suffer 50% extra damage from light attacks and spells

• Shadow Immunity (Su): You are immune to shadow attacks and spells

• Scion of Darkness (Ex): Competence bonus (equal to your divine rank) on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while shrouded in darkness

• Improved Summoning (Shadow) (Ex): Shadow creatures summoned have 50% more HD

• Embodiment of Darkness (Su): Negative Energy immunity only 50% effective against you

• Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks

• Darkness Regeneration (Ex): Regeneration equal to ½ your HD while shrouded in darkness

• Dark Messiah (Su): Shadow creatures of a lower divine rank cannot harm you (no save)

Cosmic Imperfection (Sun): One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string

• Pariah of Light (Su): Light based spells/effects cease to function in your divine realm

Uncanny Anarchic Mastery

Beam (Ray) 160d8; 6.800 ft.

Blast 80d8; 6.800 ft./425 ft. Standard action Ref 103/half

Blood 40d8; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 106/negate

Breath* 160d8; 425 ft. (cone) 1.700 ft. (line) Standard Ref 106/half

Hand 240d8; Melee Touch

Immolation 240d8; 6.800 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 106/half

Storm 40d8; 6.800 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 103/half

Strike 40d8; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 80d8; all creature in 425 ft. Will 103/negate

Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery

Beam (Ray) 26; 6.800 ft.

Blast 13; 6.800 ft./425 ft. Standard action Ref 103/half

Blood 6; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 106/negate

Breath* 26; 425 ft. (cone) 1.700 ft. (line) Standard Ref 106/half

Hand 40; Melee Touch

Immolation 40; 6.800 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 106/half

Storm 6; 6.800 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 103/half

Strike 6; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 13; all creature in 425 ft. Will 103/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Apophis can duplicate any spell of 16th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 255 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Capsize (Ex)
Apophis can overturn a boat of its size or Smaller by ramming it as a charge attack and making a CMB check. The DC of this check is 25 or the result of the boat captain’s Profession (sailor) check, whichever is higher.

Cleaving Bite (Ex)
A single attack from Apophis’s bite can target all creatures in a 100-foot square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the bite. Creatures struck by this area bite are exposed to the Chaos Serpent’s poison, and it can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple and immediately swallow all creatures it hits with this bite attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. If Apophis grapples a creature of Macro-Tiny size or smaller, it does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining its grapple. Apophis can grapple any number of creatures of Macro-Tiny size or smaller simultaneously. Apophis natural weapons are considered area attacks for the purpose of attacking swarms.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
Apophis deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Divine Traits (Entity) (Ex)
As an entity, Apophis gains a +32 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Apophis’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An entity does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Eater of Souls (Su)
Apophis live in the underword and because of this, its bite attack gains the ghost touch property. Incorporeal creatures can be grappled by Apophis with its bite and swallowed. Also, the grab special attack of Apophis ignore freedom of movement and similar abilities (like the Eternal Freedom Divine Ability) of creatures with lesser power of a Sidereal. Finally, its bite attack gains the mighty disruption property with a Fortitude save DC of 173 instead of 21. The save DC is Charisma-based.

God-Eater (Ex)
Apophis despises all deities and their mortal and immortal servants. It can detect outsiders, extraplanar creatures, creatures with divine rank and divine spellcasters (as well as any creature called or summoned by outsiders, extraplanar creatures, creatures with divine rank or divine spell- casters) by scent at 1.000 times the normal range, and can always pinpoint their location when they are within 1.000 feet. Its poison ignore the ability damage and ability drain immunity, poison immunity and Fortitude save immunity of creatures with lesser power of a Sidereal.

Grant Spells
Apophis can grant spells of any level. It grant access to the domains of Chaos, Death, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Scalykind, and Water and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Corruption, Demon, Entropy, Fear, Flotsam, Hatred, Murder, Night, Rivers, Riot, Venom, Undead.

Ignore Armor (Ex)
Apophis's incredibly sharp fangs pierce any armor as if it were paper. Not even the most powerful magic armor protects against its vicious bites; as a result, Apophis gains the Unearthly Weapon Focus (bite) as a bonus Cosmic Ability.

Jaw of the Eater of the Sun (Ex)
Apophis’s applies triple its Strength modifier to bite damage, and its bite attack has a base critical threat range and multiplier of 17-20x3. Apophis’s bite attack automatically bypass any DR, that is not /–, and hardness the target might possess, and gains +32 enhancement bonus.

Lord of the Tenth region of the Night (Ex)
Apophis, while in areas of dim light or lower condition of light ignore all size penalties on Stealth checks and gain a +32 bonus on attack rolls against flat-footed enemies.

Massive (Ex)
Because Apophis is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to Apophis (GM’s discretion). A Macro-Tiny or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Apophis, or vice-versa. Apophis can be flanked only by Macro-Tiny or larger foes. Apophis gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Macro-Tiny or smaller creature to climb Apophis—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on Apophis body provokes an attack of opportunity from it.

Mythic (Ex)
Apophis has Mythic Power (32/day, Surge +20d6) and counts as a 32th-rank Mythic creature. Apophis can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Nightmare Aura (Su)
Apophis has a nightmare aura which manifests as darkened shadows, subtle rot, and skewed perspective with the same area of its divine aura. The first time a creature ends his turn within the aura, it must succeed at a DC 173 Will save or be panicked for as long as it stays within the aura and for 32d4 rounds thereafter. Apophis can suppress or reactivate this aura as a swift action. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, he cannot be affected again by the aura for another 24 hours. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect. The DC is Charisma-based.

Nightmare Scales (Su)
Anyone striking Apophis in melee combat causes one of its scales to fly off. Each scale contains a nightmare of a consumed soul, which is unleashed on the character in the form of a phantasmal killer spell (Will/Fortitude DC 173). Unlike a normal phantasmal killer spell, this ability ignore immunity to emotion, fear, insta-kill or mind-affecting of creatures with lesser power of a Sidereal. Once a creature succeed 32 (DR of Apophis) consecutive saving throw in an hour, he become immune to nightmare scales for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Nightmare Venom (Ex)
Anyone struck by Apophis's bite attack must succeed on a DC 173 Will save or fall into a coma. While in this state, the character is assailed by a constant stream of his worst nightmares. The only way to recover a character in this state is through the use of a wish or miracle spell that make a caster level check against a DC of 192 (HD + DR of Apophis), and even then the character must succeed on a DC 173 Will save or take 32d3 points of Wisdom drain from the horrible lucid nightmares he has experienced. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Poison (Ex)
—injury; save Fort DC 176; frequency 1/day for 32 days; effect 10d6 Constitution and Wisdom drain, cure 32 consecutive saves. This poison overcome immunity to poison, fortitude save and ability drain of creatures with lesser power of a Sidereal. Magical means for remove the poison or cure the drain while the poison is still present require the user to succeed a caster level check against Apophis' spell resistance or the effect (which can also be a supernatural, all effects must check) backfire and immediately activate the poison effect as if the creature had failed a Fortitude save.

Reality Break Aura (Su)
The mere presence of Apophis, an Entity, in the actual universe, break the laws of physics. In the divine aura of Apophis the reality break and fracture in smaller pieces. Every creature inside the aura is treated as in a different plane respect of the other creatures in the area, with the exception of Apophis. Effectively this allows creatures to occupy the same space as others but not target each other with effects (even beneficial), flanking, teamwork feats or attacks (unless the specific effect or attack can work between planes; they can see but not ear each other, so, unless the creature has labial or Vegepygmy (PF sign language) as languages, they cannot communicate without using sending [and even them, there is the 5% that does not work] or similar methods) but can target Apophis normally and viceversa. A plane shift spell allow a creature to move from one “plane” to another of a creature in line of sight. When used in this way, the plane shift spell does not need the usual Focus forked metal rod or the 5d% mishap and does not “move” the creature in the space, only in the regard of the “planes” (the creature arrive in the same square he originally occupied before using plane shift, unless a creature occupy it, in this case he arrive in the closed free square). Apophis ignore the effect of this aura (if 5 creatures are “adjacent” to each other, they cannot help each other but Aphopis can bite all of them with cleaving bite or target all of them with a fireball). Apophis can chose to move any number of willing creatures in a specific “plane” (like moving a specific ally against a specific enemy) as a swift action at the start of its turn. If a creature exit the area and re-enter it, is moved to a new “plane” compared to the previous one.

Rend Ship (Ex)
As a full-round action, Apophis can attempt to use its immense coils to grapple a ship of its size or smaller. It makes a CMB check opposed by the ship’s captain’s Profession (sailor) check, but Apophis gets a cumulative +4 bonus on the check for each size category smaller than itself the ship is. If Apophis grapples the ship, it holds the ship motionless; it can only attack targets on deck with its bite. Each round it maintains its hold on the ship, it automatically inflicts its crush damage on the ship’s hull (x2 with siege monster).

Siege Monster (Ex)
Apophis against an object or structure deals double damage.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
Horrible things inside lurk inside the Chaos Serpent's gizzard. The undigested nightmares of thousands of souls reside within Apophis's belly. Anyone trapped within take 160d20+105 damage every round and is automatically assailed by these nightmares 1d6 times per round as if he had struck Apophis in combat. There are two ways to escape this nightmare prison. The first is to deal at least 2.463 points of damage to the Chaos Serpent's gizzard with a light slashing or piercing weapon (its gizzard has an AC of 106). Once a creature has escaped in this way, muscular action closes the hole; other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out. The second method of escape is under Apophis's control. If the Chaos Serpent ever uses its breath weapon (unleash nightmares) with a creature in its gizzard, the creature is automatically expelled along with the nightmares, suffering the nightmare attack along with all others in the area of effect (and possibly finding its way right back into its belly). Swallowed incorporeal creatures must escape like corporeal creatures, they cannot pass through the corpse of Apophis. Apophis can have swallowed at the same time any number of creatures as long their total space is equal or lesser than its space.

Tail Sweep (Ex)
Apophis can sweep with its tail as a standard action, affecting 2 miles-radius half-circle extending from an intersection on the edge of its space. Macro-Fine or smaller creatures and objects in the area take 160d20+157 points of damage (DC 227 Reflex half). Creatures that fail the save are also pushed back 1 mile and knocked prone. A successful save half the damage and negate both the push back and prone. The save DC is Strength-based.

Unleash Nightmares (Su)
The Chaos Serpent can cause any being on the same plane as him to relive his worst nightmare as a standard action. Unless the creature succeeds at a DC 173 Will save, he goes completely insane (as a combination of the feeblemind and insanity spells; this ignore immunity to compulsion or mind-affecting effects of creatures less than Sidereals). This insanity can be cured only by a miracle or wish spell that make a caster level check against a DC of 192 (HD + DR of Apophis). Once a creature succeed this save, he is immune to this version of unleash nightmares for 1 year (but not to the breath weapon version). Apophis can unleash this ability us a breath weapon once every 1d6+4 rounds as well. If it does so, all creatures within 1-mile cone must make the saving throw, and those that fail are carried by their own nightmares into the Night Serpent's belly, in addition to being driven insane. When using this breath weapon, Apophis automatically activate the Breath [Effect] of both Uncanny Anarchic Mastery and Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery with a range of 1-mile cone, even if they are both in cooldown (the save DC remain 106 for both). Apophis is immune to unleash nightmares. The save DC of unleashed nightmares is Charisma-based, even for the breath weapon version.


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Today I will bring the destroyer of Egyptian myth, the serpent of Chaos Apophis. Apophis was probably the first thing I created in the IH even if I'm not very proud of it: its first version was a simple and anonymous Old One with the Portfolio chaos and darkness without any particular unique abilities apart from its poison which was totally broken and senseless: whenever you failed a saving throw against it, you lost 1 Divine Rank and the appropriate Quintessence. Later I got back to revisiting it and fixing/balancing it. I realized that Dendar is nothing more than the D&D version of Apophis and they didn't even bother trying to change it much. So why not take advantage of it? I've recovered Dendar abilities from 3.5 (Realms Helps Creature: Dendar the Night Serpent), 5e of @dave2008 (D&D 5E - 5e EPIC MONSTER UPDATES) and a nice custom ability inspired by Kane Chronicles' Apophis (reality break) and here is this version.


CE Macro-Medium Magical Beast (aquatic, chaotic, entity, extraplanar)

Init +187 (Always First); Senses blindsight 5.000 ft., cosmic consciousness (galaxy/plane), darkest vision, darkvision 10.000, divine senses (x20), low-light vision, scent, true seeing; Perception +238

Aura divine (DC 93, 6.800 ft.), nightmare (DC 173, 6.800 ft.), reality break (6.800 ft.),

AC 305, touch 113, flat-footed 257 (+51 deflection, +42 Dex, +6 dodge, +32 divine, +192 natural, -28 size)

hp 24.640 (160d100+8.640) fast healing 80 regeneration 80 (epic and lawful)

Fort +273, Ref +261, Will +260; +50 against divination effects

Defensive Abilities cosmic string (1d10 minutes), nightmare scales, sixth sense; DR 200/—; Immune ability damage or drain, cold, death effects, energy drain, mind-affecting, poison, enchantment, illusion and transmutation effects, death from massive damage, Terrestrial Hazards; Resistance all elements 100, Stellar Hazards; PR/SR 202, any spell which fails to penetrate Apophis spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness light blindness

Speed 2.000 ft., burrow 1.000 ft. (ground with maximum hardness of 97), fly 2.000 (perfect), swim 10.000 ft.

Melee bite +406 touch (160d20+347/17-30x3 plus grab, nightmare venom and poison)

Space 8.000 ft.; Reach 5.335 ft. (8.000 ft. with bite)

Special Attacks breath weapon (1-mile cone, DC 173, unleash nightmares), capsize, crush (Macro-Diminutive Creatures, DC 176, 160d20+157), fast swallow, god-eater, jaws of the eater of the sun, mythic surge 32/day (+20d6), nightmare venom, poison, rend ship, siege monster, swallow whole (160d20+105 damage plus 1d6 nightmares, 106 AC, 2.464 hp), tail sweep (2-miles cone, Macro-Fine Creatures, DC 227, 160d20+157 plus push back 1 mile and knocked prone), unleash nightmares

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 192th, concentration +275)


At will—animate objects, blindness/deafness (DC 95), chaos hammer (DC 97), cloak of chaos (DC 101), deeper darkness, dispel law, greater shadow evocation (DC 101), magic circle against law, nightmare (DC 98), obscuring mist, protection from law, shades (DC 102), shadow body, shadow step, shadow walk, shatter (DC 95), summon monster IX (chaotic creatures only), word of chaos (DC 100)

3/day—summon snakes (level 39th, 1d8 spawn of apophis [fiendish paragon teratoid giant anaconda CR 53] 100%)

Str 220, Dex 94, Con 118, Int 90, Wis 88, Cha 112

Base Atk +160; CMB +430; CMD 434 (cannot be tripped)

Feats Alertness, Blind-FightB, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Mobility, Muscle Reaction, Run, Seize the Opportunity, Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats Cats Fall, Double Standards, Ether Goer, Etheric Double, Etheric Vision, Good Will, Improved Combat Reflex, Improved Dodge, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Plastic Soul, Second Strike, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Shadow Strike, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body, Timely Dodge, Underwalker

Metamagic Feat Aquatic Spell, Automatic Metamagic Capacity x7, Bouncing Spell, Contingent Spell, Continual Spell, Delayed Spell, Disruptive Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Elemental Spell, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extended Spell, Flaring Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Latent Curse, Lingering Spell, Maximize Spell, Murky Spell, Metamagic Freedom [E], Persistent Spell, Profane Spell, Quicken Spell, Reach Spell, Seeking Spell, Selective Spell, Shadow Grasp, Snuffing Spell, Solid Shadow, Stygian Spell, Tenacious Spell, Tenebrous Spell, Thanatopic Spell, Threnodic Spell, Trap Spell, Umbral Spell, Widen Spell

Skills Omnicompetent - All skills 195 + ability modifier

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Ancient Egypt, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Old Tongue, other 194 (GM’s discretion); telepathy 10.000 ft.

SQ amphibious, chaos portfolio traits (Old One), cleaving bite, cosmic might, darkness portfolio traits (Old One), divine traits (entity), eater of souls, ignore armor, massive, mythic, lord of the tenth region of the night, virtual size category +7

Environment: Tenth region of the night

Organization: Unique

Treasure: Incidental

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 320 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 112)

• ApocryphaB (Su): You are difficult to detect or scry

• Carapace (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to your hit die

• Celerity (Ex): Speed x3

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Invincibility (Ex): Fortitude save for negate damage

• Lurking (Ex): You are difficult to detect

• Maven (Ex): Maximum rank in all know skill

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Omnicompetent (Ex): All skills are class skill

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• Shadow Self (Ex): Create a shadow duplicate

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

• True SeeingB (Su): You gain a constant true seeing

Cosmic Abilities

• Cosmic Consciousness (Su): Your senses extend to the edge of the plane

• Divine Inspiration (Ex): You gain one divine ability which you can change at will

• Slipstream (Su): You are immune to temporal effects

• Unearthly Weapon Focus (bite)B: Touch attack for hit

Chaos Portfolio Traits (Old One)

Hostile Environment (lawful): You take a competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while in a lawful aligned environment

Axiomatic Vulnerability: You suffer 50% extra damage from lawful based attacks and spells

• Transmutation Immunity: You are immune to transmutation based attacks

• Scion of Chaos (Su): Competence bonus (equal to your divine rank) on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while she is within a chaos aligned locale

• Improved Summoning (Chaos): Chaotic creatures summoned by you have 50% more HD

• Greater Taint of Chaos (Su): Healing against your damage 50% effective except in lawful aligned locale

• Uncanny Anarchic Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with chaos based attacks

• Anarchic Regeneration (Su): You gain regeneration equal to ½ HD while within a chaos aligned locale

• Chaos Messiah (Su): You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly by chaotic creatures of lower divine rank

Cosmic Imperfection (Lawful): One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string

• Aximatic Pariah (Su): Lawful based spells/effects cease to function in your divine realm

Darkness Portfolio Traits (Old One)

Granted Power: You gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat

Darkest Vision (Ex): You have perfect vision in darkness, even magical darkness

Hostile Environment (Sunlight) (Ex): Competence penalty on all die rolls equal to your divine rank while within a sunlit environment

Light Vulnerability (Ex): Suffer 50% extra damage from light attacks and spells

• Shadow Immunity (Su): You are immune to shadow attacks and spells

• Scion of Darkness (Ex): Competence bonus (equal to your divine rank) on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while shrouded in darkness

• Improved Summoning (Shadow) (Ex): Shadow creatures summoned have 50% more HD

• Embodiment of Darkness (Su): Negative Energy immunity only 50% effective against you

• Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with negative energy based attacks

• Darkness Regeneration (Ex): Regeneration equal to ½ your HD while shrouded in darkness

• Dark Messiah (Su): Shadow creatures of a lower divine rank cannot harm you (no save)

Cosmic Imperfection (Sun): One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string

• Pariah of Light (Su): Light based spells/effects cease to function in your divine realm

Uncanny Anarchic Mastery

Beam (Ray) 160d8; 6.800 ft.

Blast 80d8; 6.800 ft./425 ft. Standard action Ref 103/half

Blood 40d8; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 106/negate

Breath* 160d8; 425 ft. (cone) 1.700 ft. (line) Standard Ref 106/half

Hand 240d8; Melee Touch

Immolation 240d8; 6.800 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 106/half

Storm 40d8; 6.800 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 103/half

Strike 40d8; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 80d8; all creature in 425 ft. Will 103/negate

Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery

Beam (Ray) 26; 6.800 ft.

Blast 13; 6.800 ft./425 ft. Standard action Ref 103/half

Blood 6; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 106/negate

Breath* 26; 425 ft. (cone) 1.700 ft. (line) Standard Ref 106/half

Hand 40; Melee Touch

Immolation 40; 6.800 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 106/half

Storm 6; 6.800 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 103/half

Strike 6; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 13; all creature in 425 ft. Will 103/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Apophis can duplicate any spell of 16th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 255 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Capsize (Ex)
Apophis can overturn a boat of its size or Smaller by ramming it as a charge attack and making a CMB check. The DC of this check is 25 or the result of the boat captain’s Profession (sailor) check, whichever is higher.

Cleaving Bite (Ex)
A single attack from Apophis’s bite can target all creatures in a 100-foot square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the bite. Creatures struck by this area bite are exposed to the Chaos Serpent’s poison, and it can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple and immediately swallow all creatures it hits with this bite attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. If Apophis grapples a creature of Macro-Tiny size or smaller, it does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining its grapple. Apophis can grapple any number of creatures of Macro-Tiny size or smaller simultaneously. Apophis natural weapons are considered area attacks for the purpose of attacking swarms.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
Apophis deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Divine Traits (Entity) (Ex)
As an entity, Apophis gains a +32 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Apophis’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An entity does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Eater of Souls (Su)
Apophis live in the underword and because of this, its bite attack gains the ghost touch property. Incorporeal creatures can be grappled by Apophis with its bite and swallowed. Also, the grab special attack of Apophis ignore freedom of movement and similar abilities (like the Eternal Freedom Divine Ability) of creatures with lesser power of a Sidereal. Finally, its bite attack gains the mighty disruption property with a Fortitude save DC of 173 instead of 21. The save DC is Charisma-based.

God-Eater (Ex)
Apophis despises all deities and their mortal and immortal servants. It can detect outsiders, extraplanar creatures, creatures with divine rank and divine spellcasters (as well as any creature called or summoned by outsiders, extraplanar creatures, creatures with divine rank or divine spell- casters) by scent at 1.000 times the normal range, and can always pinpoint their location when they are within 1.000 feet. Its poison ignore the ability damage and ability drain immunity, poison immunity and Fortitude save immunity of creatures with lesser power of a Sidereal.

Grant Spells
Apophis can grant spells of any level. It grant access to the domains of Chaos, Death, Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Scalykind, and Water and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Corruption, Demon, Entropy, Fear, Flotsam, Hatred, Murder, Night, Rivers, Riot, Venom, Undead.

Ignore Armor (Ex)
Apophis's incredibly sharp fangs pierce any armor as if it were paper. Not even the most powerful magic armor protects against its vicious bites; as a result, Apophis gains the Unearthly Weapon Focus (bite) as a bonus Cosmic Ability.

Jaw of the Eater of the Sun (Ex)
Apophis’s applies triple its Strength modifier to bite damage, and its bite attack has a base critical threat range and multiplier of 17-20x3. Apophis’s bite attack automatically bypass any DR, that is not /–, and hardness the target might possess, and gains +32 enhancement bonus.

Lord of the Tenth region of the Night (Ex)
Apophis, while in areas of dim light or lower condition of light ignore all size penalties on Stealth checks and gain a +32 bonus on attack rolls against flat-footed enemies.

Massive (Ex)
Because Apophis is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to Apophis (GM’s discretion). A Macro-Tiny or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Apophis, or vice-versa. Apophis can be flanked only by Macro-Tiny or larger foes. Apophis gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Macro-Tiny or smaller creature to climb Apophis—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on Apophis body provokes an attack of opportunity from it.

Mythic (Ex)
Apophis has Mythic Power (32/day, Surge +20d6) and counts as a 32th-rank Mythic creature. Apophis can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Nightmare Aura (Su)
Apophis has a nightmare aura which manifests as darkened shadows, subtle rot, and skewed perspective with the same area of its divine aura. The first time a creature ends his turn within the aura, it must succeed at a DC 173 Will save or be panicked for as long as it stays within the aura and for 32d4 rounds thereafter. Apophis can suppress or reactivate this aura as a swift action. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, he cannot be affected again by the aura for another 24 hours. This is a fear, mind-affecting effect. The DC is Charisma-based.

Nightmare Scales (Su)
Anyone striking Apophis in melee combat causes one of its scales to fly off. Each scale contains a nightmare of a consumed soul, which is unleashed on the character in the form of a phantasmal killer spell (Will/Fortitude DC 173). Unlike a normal phantasmal killer spell, this ability ignore immunity to emotion, fear, insta-kill or mind-affecting of creatures with lesser power of a Sidereal. Once a creature succeed 32 (DR of Apophis) consecutive saving throw in an hour, he become immune to nightmare scales for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Nightmare Venom (Ex)
Anyone struck by Apophis's bite attack must succeed on a DC 173 Will save or fall into a coma. While in this state, the character is assailed by a constant stream of his worst nightmares. The only way to recover a character in this state is through the use of a wish or miracle spell that make a caster level check against a DC of 192 (HD + DR of Apophis), and even then the character must succeed on a DC 173 Will save or take 32d3 points of Wisdom drain from the horrible lucid nightmares he has experienced. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Poison (Ex)
—injury; save Fort DC 176; frequency 1/day for 32 days; effect 10d6 Constitution and Wisdom drain, cure 32 consecutive saves. This poison overcome immunity to poison, fortitude save and ability drain of creatures with lesser power of a Sidereal. Magical means for remove the poison or cure the drain while the poison is still present require the user to succeed a caster level check against Apophis' spell resistance or the effect (which can also be a supernatural, all effects must check) backfire and immediately activate the poison effect as if the creature had failed a Fortitude save.

Reality Break Aura (Su)
The mere presence of Apophis, an Entity, in the actual universe, break the laws of physics. In the divine aura of Apophis the reality break and fracture in smaller pieces. Every creature inside the aura is treated as in a different plane respect of the other creatures in the area, with the exception of Apophis. Effectively this allows creatures to occupy the same space as others but not target each other with effects (even beneficial), flanking, teamwork feats or attacks (unless the specific effect or attack can work between planes; they can see but not ear each other, so, unless the creature has labial or Vegepygmy (PF sign language) as languages, they cannot communicate without using sending [and even them, there is the 5% that does not work] or similar methods) but can target Apophis normally and viceversa. A plane shift spell allow a creature to move from one “plane” to another of a creature in line of sight. When used in this way, the plane shift spell does not need the usual Focus forked metal rod or the 5d% mishap and does not “move” the creature in the space, only in the regard of the “planes” (the creature arrive in the same square he originally occupied before using plane shift, unless a creature occupy it, in this case he arrive in the closed free square). Apophis ignore the effect of this aura (if 5 creatures are “adjacent” to each other, they cannot help each other but Aphopis can bite all of them with cleaving bite or target all of them with a fireball). Apophis can chose to move any number of willing creatures in a specific “plane” (like moving a specific ally against a specific enemy) as a swift action at the start of its turn. If a creature exit the area and re-enter it, is moved to a new “plane” compared to the previous one.

Rend Ship (Ex)
As a full-round action, Apophis can attempt to use its immense coils to grapple a ship of its size or smaller. It makes a CMB check opposed by the ship’s captain’s Profession (sailor) check, but Apophis gets a cumulative +4 bonus on the check for each size category smaller than itself the ship is. If Apophis grapples the ship, it holds the ship motionless; it can only attack targets on deck with its bite. Each round it maintains its hold on the ship, it automatically inflicts its crush damage on the ship’s hull (x2 with siege monster).

Siege Monster (Ex)
Apophis against an object or structure deals double damage.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
Horrible things inside lurk inside the Chaos Serpent's gizzard. The undigested nightmares of thousands of souls reside within Apophis's belly. Anyone trapped within take 160d20+105 damage every round and is automatically assailed by these nightmares 1d6 times per round as if he had struck Apophis in combat. There are two ways to escape this nightmare prison. The first is to deal at least 2.463 points of damage to the Chaos Serpent's gizzard with a light slashing or piercing weapon (its gizzard has an AC of 106). Once a creature has escaped in this way, muscular action closes the hole; other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out. The second method of escape is under Apophis's control. If the Chaos Serpent ever uses its breath weapon (unleash nightmares) with a creature in its gizzard, the creature is automatically expelled along with the nightmares, suffering the nightmare attack along with all others in the area of effect (and possibly finding its way right back into its belly). Swallowed incorporeal creatures must escape like corporeal creatures, they cannot pass through the corpse of Apophis. Apophis can have swallowed at the same time any number of creatures as long their total space is equal or lesser than its space.

Tail Sweep (Ex)
Apophis can sweep with its tail as a standard action, affecting 2 miles-radius half-circle extending from an intersection on the edge of its space. Macro-Fine or smaller creatures and objects in the area take 160d20+157 points of damage (DC 227 Reflex half). Creatures that fail the save are also pushed back 1 mile and knocked prone. A successful save half the damage and negate both the push back and prone. The save DC is Strength-based.

Unleash Nightmares (Su)
The Chaos Serpent can cause any being on the same plane as him to relive his worst nightmare as a standard action. Unless the creature succeeds at a DC 173 Will save, he goes completely insane (as a combination of the feeblemind and insanity spells; this ignore immunity to compulsion or mind-affecting effects of creatures less than Sidereals). This insanity can be cured only by a miracle or wish spell that make a caster level check against a DC of 192 (HD + DR of Apophis). Once a creature succeed this save, he is immune to this version of unleash nightmares for 1 year (but not to the breath weapon version). Apophis can unleash this ability us a breath weapon once every 1d6+4 rounds as well. If it does so, all creatures within 1-mile cone must make the saving throw, and those that fail are carried by their own nightmares into the Night Serpent's belly, in addition to being driven insane. When using this breath weapon, Apophis automatically activate the Breath [Effect] of both Uncanny Anarchic Mastery and Uncanny Negative Energy Mastery with a range of 1-mile cone, even if they are both in cooldown (the save DC remain 106 for both). Apophis is immune to unleash nightmares. The save DC of unleashed nightmares is Charisma-based, even for the breath weapon version.
Nice, this is bad ass!

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Pale Stranger Template (CR +3) "It's High Noon"

Sometimes death itself cannot come between a gunslinger and its final revenge. When a gunslinger is slain by a hated enemy, or murdered before it can achieve vengeance against a hated foe, the anger and wrath can animate its remains as a vengeful undead monstrosity. When a pale stranger first rises, it seeks out the source of its anger to finish the job—thereafter, it wanders the desolate parts of the world looking for new victims to vent its unending rage upon.

A pale stranger appears much as it did in life, though desiccated and obviously undead. Pale strangers have the ability to hide their undead nature and appear as they did in life using veil. These pale strangers often attract large groups of adoring bandits and followers who may or may not realize that their murderous idol is in fact an unliving horror.

Creating a Pale Stranger

“Pale Stranger” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature with 5 or more HD and proficiency with firearms (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). A Pale Stranger uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: As the base creature +3.

Alignment: Any Evil.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead (augmented). Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, or saves.

Senses: A Pale Stranger gains darkvision 60 ft.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4.

Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected. As undead, Pale Strangers use their Charisma modifier to determine bonus hit points (instead of Constitution).

Defensive Abilities: A Pale Stranger gains channel resistance +4, DR 10/bludgeoning and magic, and SR 11 + HD, in addition to all of the defensive abilities granted by the undead type.

Special Attacks: A Pale Stranger retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following special attacks.

Bullets of Vengeance (Su)
Shots from a Pale Stranger's firearms deal an additional 1d6 damage, or 2d6 damage against the one who murdered it. A creature who has never killed a living being doesn't take this damage. When a pale stranger confirm a critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save DC (10 + ½ HD of the Pale Stranger + its Charisma modifier) or be staggered for 1 round.

Firearms (Su)
A Pale Stranger fights with firearms enhanced with its dark magic. While firearms normally consume bullets and black powder when fired, a Pale Stranger’s firearms supernaturally reload the instant it fires them, allowing the undead to make multiple attacks in a round with the weapon. In addition, any firearm a Pale Stranger wields functions as a +1 weapon, unless its enhancement bonus is higher.

Gun Training (Ex)
A Pale Stranger select one specific type of firearm (such as an axe musket, blunderbuss, musket, or pistol). It gains a bonus equal to its Dexterity modifier on damage rolls when firing that type of firearm. If the Pale Stranger already have gun training (like if its a gunslinger of 5th level), this firearm is in addition to those already selected. A Pale Stranger does not provoke attacks of opportunity when it fires a firearm in melee, and treats any one-handed firearms as light weapons for the purposes of determining penalties and interactions with two-weapon fighting.

High Noon (Su)
As a free action once per day, a Pale Stranger can challenge a creature within 60 ft. in a mortal 1vs1. A Will save DC 10 + ½ Pale Stranger HD + its Charisma modifier negate this effect. If the target fail the Will save, both him and the Pale Stranger remain visible and audible, and can see and hear other creatures, but cannot physically interact with any creature save one another or be interacted by other creatures. Spells or weapon attacks from the affected creature and the Pale Stranger impact only each other, and spells or weapon attacks from other creatures cannot impact them though spells might affect terrain or other factors not related to other creatures or them. If the target or the Pale Stranger becomes unconscious or dies, the effect ends for both of them. The creature gains a new Will saving throw at the beginning of each turn, and on a successful saving throw the effect ends. The maximum duration of this ability is 1/round per HD of the Pale Stranger and it can dismiss it as a free action.

Stranger’s Shot (Ex)
As a full-round action, a Pale Stranger can take careful aim with one of its firearms and take a single, ruinous shot. This single shot always resolves as a touch attack, regardless of the actual range. If the Pale Stranger threatens a critical hit with this shot, it automatically confirms the critical hit. Regardless of whether the shot is a critical hit or not, it deals +1d6 points of damage per 2 HD of the Pale Stranger (minimum +1d6). This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

Spell-like Abilities: A Pale Stranger may use the following spell-like abilities with caster level equal to its HD.

Constantbullet shield

At-willveil (self only; only to appear as when alive, no Disguise check needed)

3/daynamed bullet, quieting weapons (firearms only), recoil fire, violent misfire

1/daygreater named bullet, ricochet shot

Special Qualities: A Pale Stranger maintain the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following.

Stranger’s Luck (Su)
A Pale Stranger gains a luck bonus to AC equal to 1/3 its HD and has no chance of misfire when using firearms.

Ability Scores: Str +2, Dex +6, Wis +6, Cha +4.

Skills: Pale Strangers have a +8 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy; firearms ammunition only), Craft (firearms), Intimidate, Ride, Stealth, and Survival checks.

Feats: Pale Strangers gain Clustered Shot, Deadly Aim, Improved Critical (one firearm selected with gun training), Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Quick Draw as bonus feats without the need to meet their prerequisites. If the Pale Stranger have the Grit class feature and at least 10 HD, it also gains Guns out of the Grave as a bonus feat.

Guns out of the Grave
(originally found her Guns out of the Grave -- Pathfinder Undead Gunslinger Feat)
You don't stay dead, and you bow to none. Possessed of a soul that burns with hated and an unquenchable thirst for vengeance, you're a shade too rough and an ounce too mean to stay buried ... or scorching down in the hot-spot. On the lonely prairie wind, you ride upon the songs of the dead, your guns blazing with hellfire and your boots striding implacably over ashen, blood-splattered soil.

Prerequisite: Grit pool, proficiency in firearms, 10 HD, Undead type.

If you are destroyed while you have one or more points of grit, you rise again in 2d4 days, much like the rejuvenation ability of a ghost; if you have no points of grit when you are destroyed, you instead rise after 1d10 years. While destroyed, if your remains are immersed in holy water and targeted with a dispel evil, gentle repose and undeath to death spells in succession you are permanently destroyed. Using this spells in this way does not require a material component and do not allow saving throw or spell resistance.

If your firearms have been removed from whatever remains of your body after your "destruction," they return to your possession when you rise, via a teleportation effect similar to that of a called weapon with a range in miles equal to your Hit Dice. If these weapons were broken or destroyed in the intervening time, they are repaired to their full operational condition upon your return. If your firearms are prevented from returning to you by magic or distance, you instead gain a sense of their location similar to the Sense Murderer ability of a revenant.

In addition, you may spend one point of grit to perform any of the following special deeds:
  • Desolate Cry: As a move action, you cause all those within 30 ft. who can hear you to become shaken (no save) until the beginning of your next turn; you may maintain this ability in subsequent rounds as a free action by spending additional points of grit. This ability also destroys all mundane and non-magical vegetation in the area, causing it to blacken and crumble to dust. It otherwise functions identically to the dirge of doom bardic performance ability.
  • Ghost Rider: You can cast phantom steed as a spell-like ability, using your HD in place of caster level. Much like the mount of a graveknight, this skeletal apparition looks distinctive and always appears the same each time it is summoned.
  • Hideous Wound: As a swift action, you may apply the special effect of any one melee attack type you possess (such as a vampire's energy drain or a ghoul's paralysis) to a single firearm attack you make. You must choose to use this ability before the attack roll is made.
  • Shake Off Control: You gain an immediate, additional Will save to obviate the effects of Command Undead or similar abilities.


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Pale Stranger Template (CR +3) "It's High Noon"

Sometimes death itself cannot come between a gunslinger and its final revenge. When a gunslinger is slain by a hated enemy, or murdered before it can achieve vengeance against a hated foe, the anger and wrath can animate its remains as a vengeful undead monstrosity. When a pale stranger first rises, it seeks out the source of its anger to finish the job—thereafter, it wanders the desolate parts of the world looking for new victims to vent its unending rage upon.

A pale stranger appears much as it did in life, though desiccated and obviously undead. Pale strangers have the ability to hide their undead nature and appear as they did in life using veil. These pale strangers often attract large groups of adoring bandits and followers who may or may not realize that their murderous idol is in fact an unliving horror.

Creating a Pale Stranger

“Pale Stranger” is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature with 5 or more HD and proficiency with firearms (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). A Pale Stranger uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: As the base creature +3.

Alignment: Any Evil.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to undead (augmented). Do not recalculate class Hit Dice, BAB, or saves.

Senses: A Pale Stranger gains darkvision 60 ft.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4.

Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected. As undead, Pale Strangers use their Charisma modifier to determine bonus hit points (instead of Constitution).

Defensive Abilities: A Pale Stranger gains channel resistance +4, DR 10/bludgeoning and magic, and SR 11 + HD, in addition to all of the defensive abilities granted by the undead type.

Special Attacks: A Pale Stranger retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following special attacks.

Bullets of Vengeance (Su)
Shots from a Pale Stranger's firearms deal an additional 1d6 damage, or 2d6 damage against the one who murdered it. A creature who has never killed a living being doesn't take this damage. When a pale stranger confirm a critical hit with a firearm, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save DC (10 + ½ HD of the Pale Stranger + its Charisma modifier) or be staggered for 1 round.

Firearms (Su)
A Pale Stranger fights with firearms enhanced with its dark magic. While firearms normally consume bullets and black powder when fired, a Pale Stranger’s firearms supernaturally reload the instant it fires them, allowing the undead to make multiple attacks in a round with the weapon. In addition, any firearm a Pale Stranger wields functions as a +1 weapon, unless its enhancement bonus is higher. A Pale Stranger does not provoke attacks of opportunity when it fires a firearm in melee, and treats any one-handed firearms as light weapons for the purposes of determining penalties from two-weapon fighting.

Gun Training (Ex)
A Pale Stranger select one specific type of firearm (such as an axe musket, blunderbuss, musket, or pistol). It gains a bonus equal to its Dexterity modifier on damage rolls when firing that type of firearm. If the Pale Stranger already have gun training (like if its a gunslinger of 5th level), this firearm is in addition to those already selected.

High Noon (Su)
As a free action once per day, a Pale Stranger can challenge a creature within 60 ft. in a mortal 1vs1. A Will save DC 10 + ½ Pale Stranger HD + its Charisma modifier negate this effect. If the target fail the Will save, both him and the Pale Stranger remain visible and audible, and can see and hear other creatures, but cannot physically interact with any creature save one another or be interacted by other creatures. Spells or weapon attacks from the affected creature and the Pale Stranger impact only each other, and spells or weapon attacks from other creatures cannot impact them though spells might affect terrain or other factors not related to other creatures or them. If the target or the Pale Stranger becomes unconscious or dies, the effect ends for both of them. The creature gains a new Will saving throw at the beginning of each turn, and on a successful saving throw the effect ends. The maximum duration of this ability is 1/round per HD of the Pale Stranger and it can dismiss it as a free action.

Stranger’s Shot (Ex)
As a full-round action, a Pale Stranger can take careful aim with one of its firearms and take a single, ruinous shot. This single shot always resolves as a touch attack, regardless of the actual range. If the Pale Stranger threatens a critical hit with this shot, it automatically confirms the critical hit. Regardless of whether the shot is a critical hit or not, it deals +1d6 points of damage per 2 HD of the Pale Stranger (minimum +1d6). This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

Spell-like Abilities: A Pale Stranger may use the following spell-like abilities with caster level equal to its HD.

Constantbullet shield

3/dayveil (self only; only to appear as when alive)

3/daynamed bullet, quieting weapons (firearms only), recoil fire, violent misfire

1/daygreater named bullet, ricochet shot

Special Qualities: A Pale Stranger maintain the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following.

Stranger’s Luck (Su)
A Pale Stranger gains a luck bonus to AC equal to 1/3 its HD and has no chance of misfire when using firearms.

Ability Scores: Str +2, Dex +6, Wis +6, Cha +4.

Skills: Pale Strangers have a +8 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy; firearms ammunition only), Craft (firearms), Intimidate, Ride, Stealth, and Survival checks.

Feats: Pale Strangers gain Clustered Shot, Deadly Aim, Improved Critical (one firearm selected with gun training), Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Quick Draw as bonus feats without the need to meet their prerequisites. If the Pale Stranger have the Grit class feature and at least 10 HD, it also gains Guns out of the Grave as a bonus feat.

Guns out of the Grave
(originally found her Guns out of the Grave -- Pathfinder Undead Gunslinger Feat)
You don't stay dead, and you bow to none. Possessed of a soul that burns with hated and an unquenchable thirst for vengeance, you're a shade too rough and an ounce too mean to stay buried ... or scorching down in the hot-spot. On the lonely prairie wind, you ride upon the songs of the dead, your guns blazing with hellfire and your boots striding implacably over ashen, blood-splattered soil.

Prerequisite: Grit pool, proficiency in firearms, 10 HD, Undead type.

If you are destroyed while you have one or more points of grit, you rise again in 2d4 days, much like the rejuvenation ability of a ghost; if you have no points of grit when you are destroyed, you instead rise after 1d10 years. While destroyed, if your remains are immersed in holy water and targeted with a dispel evil, gentle repose and undeath to death spells in succession you are permanently destroyed. Using this spells in this way does not require a material component and do not allow saving throw or spell resistance.

If your firearms have been removed from whatever remains of your body after your "destruction," they return to your possession when you rise, via a teleportation effect similar to that of a called weapon with a range in miles equal to your Hit Dice. If these weapons were broken or destroyed in the intervening time, they are repaired to their full operational condition upon your return. If your firearms are prevented from returning to you by magic or distance, you instead gain a sense of their location similar to the Sense Murderer ability of a revenant.

In addition, you may spend one point of grit to perform any of the following special deeds:
  • Desolate Cry: As a move action, you cause all those within 30 ft. who can hear you to become shaken (no save) until the beginning of your next turn; you may maintain this ability in subsequent rounds as a free action by spending additional points of grit. This ability also destroys all mundane and non-magical vegetation in the area, causing it to blacken and crumble to dust. It otherwise functions identically to the dirge of doom bardic performance ability.
  • Ghost Rider: You can cast phantom steed as a spell-like ability, using your HD in place of caster level. Much like the mount of a graveknight, this skeletal apparition looks distinctive and always appears the same each time it is summoned.
  • Hideous Wound: As a swift action, you may apply the special effect of any one melee attack type you possess (such as a vampire's energy drain or a ghoul's paralysis) to a single firearm attack you make. You must choose to use this ability before the attack roll is made.
  • Shake Off Control: You gain an immediate, additional Will save to obviate the effects of Command Undead or similar abilities.
Ah this is cool. I love the outlaw gunslinger vibe.

Well, after almost a year.

MK-003 (Man of Orichalcum)

LE Large construct (robot)

Init +209 (always first); Senses cosmic consciousness (plane/solar system), divine detection, see in darkness, superior optics; Perception +237

AC 355, touch 149, flat-footed 320 (+80 antidivinity, +41 deflection, +29 Dex, +6 dodge, +32 insight, +206 natural, +32 perfection, -1 size)

hp 75.840 hp (160d100+21.920) x2 5.000 shield; regeneration 1.000 (cosmic damage or cosmic might)

Fort +295, Ref +283, Will +282

Defensive Abilities adaptive defensive programming, electricity absorption, eternal freedom, fortification 50%, self mastery, shield, sixth sense, war is eternal; DR 200/–; Immune construct traits, Stellar Hazards, Terrestial Hazards; Resistance acid 1.000, cold 1.000, fire 1.000, Dimensional Hazards; PR/SR 202

Weakness vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity

Speed Supersonic (6710 ft.), booster jets, cling

Melee plasma sword +471/+466/+461/+456 touch (180d20+140/17-20x4 plus stun)

Ranged machine gun +344/+339/+334/+329 touch (11.097.088 with crit.; 693.568 without crit. [2.160d20+148]/16-20x16 x16), 2 integrated chain guns +340 (2.160d20/19-20×4), integrated laser cannon +340 touch (180d20/x6)

Special Attacks atomizer +200 (320d20, DC 175), auto-destruct core (10 miles, DC 175, 480d20), electromagnetic pulse (5 miles, DC 175, 160d20 electricity), rockets (100 miles, 5-mile-radius burst, DC 175, 160d20 points of antidivine damage and 160d20 points of bludgeoning damage), suppression fire, stun (DC 294), tactical antimatter bomb (10 miles, 1-mile-radius burst, DC 175, 320d100 points of antimatter damage)

Str 291, Dex 68, Con –, Int 52, Wis 66, Cha 92

Base Atk +160; CMB +473; CMD 451

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (machine gun), Greater Weapon Specialization (machine gun), Improved Critical (machine gun), Improved Critical (plasma sword), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Muscle Reaction, Signature Skill (intimidate), Run, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (machine gun), Weapon Specialization (machine gun)

Epic Feats Double Standard, Expert Strike, Fire Baptism, Improved Dodge, Epic Skill Focus (perception), Epic Weapon Focus (machine gun), Epic Weapon Specialization (machine gun), Greater Critical (machine gun), Greater Critical Multiplier (machine gun), Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical Multiplier (machine gun), Legendary Tracker, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative, Weapon Abatement

Skills All skills 195 + ability modifier

Languages Pleromian; remote communication

SQ combined arms, conqueror, cosmic might, ego, electric pulse, flexible programming, god killer, hyperborean celerity, hyperborean construction, integrated weaponry, maven, prana generator, omnicompetent, sustenance, virtual size category +18


Environment Any

Organization solitary, pair, squadron (3–12), platoon (1 plus 6–18 Man of Iron) or invasion (30d6, plus 60d6 Man of Iron, 10d6 Man of Orichalcum, 2d6 Man of Neutronium)

Treasure none

antidivine damage work as divine damage but deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers)

A Man of Orichalcum gave up 48 feats to get 8 divine ability slot extra.

Divine Abilities

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first.

• Perfect Weapon Specialization (machine gun) (Ex): Damage maximized.

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds every day.

• Strong Body (Ex): Perfection as circumstance to AC.

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls.

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw.

• Strong Spirit (Ex): Perfection as circumstance to DC.

• Superior Critical (machine gun) (Ex): Critical threat quadrupled.

• Superior Critical Multiplier (machine gun) (Ex): Critical multiplier increase.

• Telelocation (Su): You automatically know the location of the creature you are hunting.

Cosmic Abilities

• Abrogate (Su): Any opponent within 6.800 ft. has its greatest ability negated. This can be an ability score or one of its other abilities (divine, cosmic etc.).

• Perfect Critical (machine gun) (Ex): The critical threat is quintupled.

• Perfect Critical Multiplier (machine gun) (Ex): The critical multiplier is increased.

• Slipstream (Su): Unaffected by time effects or temporal travel.

• Unearthly Weapon Specialization (machine gun) (Ex): Base damage multiplied for the weapon critical multiplied.

Adaptive Defensive Programming (Ex)
Ten times per day as an immediate action, a Man of Orichalcum can change one of its resistances to any other energy type for 1 hour.

Atomizer (Ex)
As a full-round action once every 3 rounds, a Man of Orichalcum can fire a ray as a ranged touch attack with a range of 100 miles. On a hit, the ray deals 2d20 points of damage for Man of Orichalcum’s HD. When used against an object, the atomizer disintegrates as much as a 100-foot cube of nonliving matter. A creature or object that succeeds at a Fortitude save DC 175 instead takes only one-quarter normal damage. Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this attack is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Auto-Destruct Core (Ex)
As a full-round action, and automatically without any action when destroyer (it's a 0 or less hit points while its regeneration is deactivated), a Man of Orichalcum can cause its central power core to overheat and self-destruct in an explosion that destroys the robot and deals 3d20 points of damage per HD of the Man of Orichalcum (480d20 for a standard Man of Orichalcum) to all targets in a 10-miles radius. Half of this damage is antidivine damage while the other half is slashing damage. Creatures in this area that succeed at a Reflex saving throw DC 175 take half damage. This explosion subjects those affected to severe radiation. When adjacent to the robot, a creature with the Craft Construct feat can make a particular Disable Device check with a DC of 292 (100 + robot HD + perfection bonus) as a standard action that provoke attack of opportunity. If the check succeed, the robot auto-destruction core ability is deactivated for 1d4+2 rounds. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Booster Jets (Ex)
As a swift action up to 30 times per hour, a Man of Orichalcum can gain a fly speed of Supersonic (good maneuverability) for a duration of 1 minute.

Chain Guns (Ex)
These advanced weapons which throw rotary saw blades have a range increment of 10 miles. Because the saw blade is ejected from the Man of Orichalcum’s body, it is made of Orichalcum and multiplying the damage x12.

Cling (Ex)
A combination of magnetic pads and electrostatic emitters in its feet allow a Man of Orichalcum to climb and travel on vertical or horizontal surfaces without having to attempt Climb checks, even allowing it to traverse these surfaces while upside down.

Combined Arms (Ex)
When taking a full-attack action, a Man of Orichalcum can attack with melee and ranged natural attacks and integrated weapons simultaneously.

Conqueror (Ex)
By manipulating the fundamental matrices of Fate and Chance, a Man of Orichalcum can bend reality to allow for the best possible outcome in any given situation. This ability mimics the "Inner Eye" Cosmic Ability.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
A Man of Orichalcum deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than the Man of Orichalcum HD.

Divine Detection (Ex)
A Man of Orichalcum can detect creatures that have divine rank or creatures with abilities obtained from creatures with divine rank (like cleric, paladins, the angel Solar, etc.).

Electric Pulse (Ex)
Three times per hours as an immediate action, a Man of Orichalcum can gain the benefit of a haste spell for 10 minutes.

Electricity Absorption (Ex)
Man of Orichalcum can absorb electricity and instead of taking damage from it, the robot is instead healed of an equal value (and multiplied x1.5 for the electricity vulnerability).

Electromagnetic Pulse (Ex)
Every 1d4 rounds, as a standard action, a Man of Orichalcum can unleash an electromagnetic pulse in a 5 miles radius that bypasses any active force fields (or similar effects) and deals 160d20 points of electricity damage to any robots, creatures with electronic circuits, creatures that use electricity signal in their body (like humans) or creatures with cybernetic implants. Creatures affected by this attack that succeed at a Reflex save DC 175 take only half the normal amount of damage. This effect effect the robot itself but instead of damage it, the robot is healed of an amount equal to the damage inflicted x1.5 (as for the electricity absorption). Any technological item within this radius is drained of 3d100 charges unless the item succeeds at a Reflex save. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Ego (Ex)
Unlike other weak construct, a Man of Orichalcum has good all saves, and add its Charisma modifier to hit point and Fortitude save in place of Constitution.

Eternal Freedom (Ex)
A robot with this ability is immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. It is also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell.

Flexible Programming (Ex)
As an immediate action, a Man of Orichalcum can gain the benefit of any feat for which it qualifies but does not have. Each feat remains in effect for 10 minutes. It cannot have more that 100 extra feats with this ability active at the same time. In addition, it counts its racial Hit Dice as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. If it has levels in fighter, these Hit Dice stack with these levels. This feats can be transformed in Divine Ability slots as normal.

God Killer (Ex)
All the damage dealt by a Man of Orichalcum count as magic and epic (artifacts) for the purpose of affecting Immortals. When a Man of Orichalcum kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died.

Hyperborean Celerity (Ex)
For 1 round every 3 minutes, can make a double action just as if it had the Time Dilation Cosmic ability.

Hyperborean Construction (Ex)
This construct is fashioned with the knowledge of the lost Hyperborean empire. This construct use d100’s for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points per Hit Die and its hp multiplied x2. It gains an antidivinity bonus to attack roll, save, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, CMD equal to ½ its HD. Antidivinity is like a normal bonus but that work only against creatures with a divine rank. This antidivinity bonus its not calculated on this sheet.

Integrated Weaponry (Ex)
A Man of Orichalcum’s has integrated weaponry. These weapons cannot be disarmed, removed, or sundered. A Man of Orichalcum’s programming allows it to wield these weapons as if it were proficient in their use. These advanced weapons automatically reload as a free action, and never misfire. All the integrated weaponry are recharged as a free action that does not provoke attack of opportunity. Integrated weaponry can still be targeted by positive effects that target manufactured weapons (such as magic weapon spells) and can be harvested for use outside of the robot’s body once the robot is destroyed (if it's not auto-destroyed). Integrated ranged weapons don’t provoke attacks of opportunity when fired in melee combat. Unlike normal integrated weaponry, a Man of Orichalcum can make iterative attacks with the machine gun and plasma sword.

Laser Cannon (Ex)
Mounted on his back, a Man of Orichalcum has mounted a laser cannon. These weapons emit beams of intensely focused light waves that resolve as touch attacks and deal antidivine damage with a range of 10 miles. A laser can pass through force fields and force effects like a wall of force without damaging that field to strike a foe beyond. Objects like glass or other transparent barriers do not provide cover from lasers (but unlike force barriers, transparent barriers still takes damage from a laser strike passing through it). Invisible creatures are immune to damage caused by a laser weapon. Fog, smoke, and other clouds provide cover in addition to concealment from laser attack.

Machine Gun (Ex)
One of the Man of Orichalcum’s arms ends in a powerful machine gun. This weapon has a range of 60 miles and deals 10d20 points of damage (180d20 with might). Because the ammunition is ejected from the Man of Orichalcum’s body, the machine gun add the construct’s Strength modifier on damage rolls and count as made of Orichalcum for multiplying the damage x12. This weapon has the automatic property and because is integrated, does not impart the -2 (from the automatic property) and -4 (from the use without being mounted) penalty to attack rolls. Deflect Arrows cannot be used for deflect the projectile of the Man of Orichalcum unless the creature is enough powerful to wield Orichalcum objects (115 Strength for a Medium creature).

Plasma Sword (Ex)
One of the Man of Orichalcum’s arms has mounted, a sword that as a blade has plasma and deal damage with the mere touch. Its damage is half antidivine, while the other half is in turn half electricity and half fire. The Man of Orichalcum can retract inside the arm or extract the blade as a swift action to free the hand and allow precise manipulation of objects.

Prana Generator (Ex)
The Man of Orichalcum gains a perfection bonus equal to 1/5 its HD to attack roll, save, initiative, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, and CMD. The robot gain a number of divine abilities slot equal to its perfection bonus and can select Divine and Cosmic abilities. This perfection bonus count as divine rank for the purpose of meet prerequisites of Divine or higher abilities and overcome an opponent cosmic string.

Remote Communication (Ex)
Using radio signals, invisible lasers, or other means, a Man of Orichalcum is capable of communicating with other robot with the Hyperborean constructed trait that also have this ability instantaneously and without making any sound over long distances. This ability has a range of the plane/solar system. This signal is blocked by 100 foot of metal, 500 feet of stone, or 1.000 feet of organic matter.

Rockets (Ex)
As a standard action, a Man of Orichalcum can fire a rocket to a range of 100 miles. A rocket explodes on impact in a 5-mile-radius burst, dealing 160d20 points of antidivine damage and 160d20 points of bludgeoning damage to all creatures and objects in the area, with a Reflex 175 half the damage. A robot carries a maximum number of rockets equal to half its HD. Its core can replenish fired rockets at the rate of one per minute, crafting new rockets from scrap metal and other collected components used in the construction process. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Self Mastery (Ex)
A robot with this ability can separate its individual appendages (arms, legs, head, hands, feet, etc.), thus making it immune to death from decapitation (such as from a vorpal weapon) or dismemberment.

Shield (Ex)
The Man of Orichalcum use technological shield. This provide a 5.000 hp barrier that surrounds this construct. Damage done to the Man of Orichalcum is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 300 health per round. This replace the force fields of the robot subtype.

Stun (Ex)
The Man of Orichalcum’s melee attacks deliver a nonlethal jolt of electricity with each strike. If the robot strikes a creature twice in one round with a melee attack, that target must succeed at a Fortitude save DC 294 or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based.

Superior Optics (Ex)
Man of Orichalcum see as with the true seeing ability, this true seeing count has having a spell level equal to the perfection bonus of the robot for interaction with effects. A Man of Orichalcum can see through solid objects. For each round of concentration it can penetrate 1 inch of adamantine, 1 foot of metal or 3 feet of any other weaker materials. Especially dense metals like orichalcum require double the rounds of concentration.

Suppression Fire (Ex)
As a full-round action, a Man of Orichalcum can give up its regular attacks and instead make one machine gun attack at its highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach of its weapon. It must make a separate attack roll against each opponent. When it use the Suppression Fire, the machine gun lose the automatic weapon property, and also the Man of Orichalcum forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities. Suppression Fire can be used at will but must wait 1d6 rounds between uses.

Sustenance (Ex)
A Man of Orichalcum’s core can process scrap metal into new ammunition, effectively giving the construct infinite ammunition with its integrated weapons.

Tactical Antimatter Bomb (Ex)
As a standard action, a Man of Orichalcum can throw a tactical antimatter bomb to a range of 10 miles. A tactical antimatter bomb explodes on impact in a 1-mile-radius burst, dealing 320d100 points of antimatter damage to all creatures and object in the area, with a Reflex 175 half the damage. Antimatter damage deal full damage to objects and overcome 1.500 points of hardness and damage reduction. Any creature or object reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this attack is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature’s equipment take the damage (and can be possibly disintegrated) as well. A robot carries a maximum number of tactical antimatter bomb equal to 1/10 its HD. The Man of Orichalcum cannot create new tactical antimatter bomb and must stock up on new ones every time it returns to base. If fought off base or has already fought, assume that the robot has available 1d6+2 tactical antimatter bomb. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

War is Eternal (Ex)
When a Man of Orichalcum is reduced to 0 or less hit points, but its regeneration it’s not deactivated, it continue fight but gain the staggered condition. This staggered cannot be removed in any way, but its automatically removed as soon as the robot return to 1 or higher hit points.

Well, after almost a year.

MK-003 (Man of Orichalcum)

LE Large construct (robot)

Init +209 (always first); Senses cosmic consciousness (plane/solar system), divine detection, see in darkness, superior optics; Perception +237

AC 355, touch 149, flat-footed 320 (+80 antidivinity, +41 deflection, +29 Dex, +6 dodge, +32 insight, +206 natural, +32 perfection, -1 size)

hp 75.840 hp (160d100+21.920) x2 5.000 shield; regeneration 1.000 (cosmic damage or cosmic might)

Fort +295, Ref +283, Will +282

Defensive Abilities adaptive defensive programming, electricity absorption, eternal freedom, fortification 50%, self mastery, shield, sixth sense, war is eternal; DR 200/–; Immune construct traits, Stellar Hazards, Terrestial Hazards; Resistance acid 1.000, cold 1.000, fire 1.000, Dimensional Hazards; PR/SR 202

Weakness vulnerable to critical hits, vulnerable to electricity

Speed Supersonic (6710 ft.), booster jets, cling

Melee plasma sword +471/+466/+461/+456 touch (180d20+140/17-20x4 plus stun)

Ranged machine gun +344/+339/+334/+329 touch (11.097.088 with crit.; 693.568 without crit. [2.160d20+148]/16-20x16 x16), 2 integrated chain guns +340 (2.160d20/19-20×4), integrated laser cannon +340 touch (180d20/x6)

Special Attacks atomizer +200 (320d20, DC 175), auto-destruct core (10 miles, DC 175, 480d20), electromagnetic pulse (5 miles, DC 175, 160d20 electricity), rockets (100 miles, 5-mile-radius burst, DC 175, 160d20 points of antidivine damage and 160d20 points of bludgeoning damage), suppression fire, stun (DC 294), tactical antimatter bomb (10 miles, 1-mile-radius burst, DC 175, 320d100 points of antimatter damage)

Str 291, Dex 68, Con –, Int 52, Wis 66, Cha 92

Base Atk +160; CMB +473; CMD 451

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (machine gun), Greater Weapon Specialization (machine gun), Improved Critical (machine gun), Improved Critical (plasma sword), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Muscle Reaction, Signature Skill (intimidate), Run, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (machine gun), Weapon Specialization (machine gun)

Epic Feats Double Standard, Expert Strike, Fire Baptism, Improved Dodge, Epic Skill Focus (perception), Epic Weapon Focus (machine gun), Epic Weapon Specialization (machine gun), Greater Critical (machine gun), Greater Critical Multiplier (machine gun), Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical Multiplier (machine gun), Legendary Tracker, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative, Weapon Abatement

Skills All skills 195 + ability modifier

Languages Pleromian; remote communication

SQ combined arms, conqueror, cosmic might, ego, electric pulse, flexible programming, god killer, hyperborean celerity, hyperborean construction, integrated weaponry, maven, prana generator, omnicompetent, sustenance, virtual size category +18


Environment Any

Organization solitary, pair, squadron (3–12), platoon (1 plus 6–18 Man of Iron) or invasion (30d6, plus 60d6 Man of Iron, 10d6 Man of Orichalcum, 2d6 Man of Neutronium)

Treasure none

antidivine damage work as divine damage but deals no damage to entities not possessing Divine Rank but double damage to entities with a Divine Bonus (still penetrate and destroy all barriers)

A Man of Orichalcum gave up 48 feats to get 8 divine ability slot extra.

Divine Abilities

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first.

• Perfect Weapon Specialization (machine gun) (Ex): Damage maximized.

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds every day.

• Strong Body (Ex): Perfection as circumstance to AC.

• Strong Mind (Ex): Str as insight to attack rolls.

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw.

• Strong Spirit (Ex): Perfection as circumstance to DC.

• Superior Critical (machine gun) (Ex): Critical threat quadrupled.

• Superior Critical Multiplier (machine gun) (Ex): Critical multiplier increase.

• Telelocation (Su): You automatically know the location of the creature you are hunting.

Cosmic Abilities

• Abrogate (Su): Any opponent within 6.800 ft. has its greatest ability negated. This can be an ability score or one of its other abilities (divine, cosmic etc.).

• Perfect Critical (machine gun) (Ex): The critical threat is quintupled.

• Perfect Critical Multiplier (machine gun) (Ex): The critical multiplier is increased.

• Slipstream (Su): Unaffected by time effects or temporal travel.

• Unearthly Weapon Specialization (machine gun) (Ex): Base damage multiplied for the weapon critical multiplied.

Adaptive Defensive Programming (Ex)
Ten times per day as an immediate action, a Man of Orichalcum can change one of its resistances to any other energy type for 1 hour.

Atomizer (Ex)
As a full-round action once every 3 rounds, a Man of Orichalcum can fire a ray as a ranged touch attack with a range of 100 miles. On a hit, the ray deals 2d20 points of damage for Man of Orichalcum’s HD. When used against an object, the atomizer disintegrates as much as a 100-foot cube of nonliving matter. A creature or object that succeeds at a Fortitude save DC 175 instead takes only one-quarter normal damage. Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this attack is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Auto-Destruct Core (Ex)
As a full-round action, and automatically without any action when destroyer (it's a 0 or less hit points while its regeneration is deactivated), a Man of Orichalcum can cause its central power core to overheat and self-destruct in an explosion that destroys the robot and deals 3d20 points of damage per HD of the Man of Orichalcum (480d20 for a standard Man of Orichalcum) to all targets in a 10-miles radius. Half of this damage is antidivine damage while the other half is slashing damage. Creatures in this area that succeed at a Reflex saving throw DC 175 take half damage. This explosion subjects those affected to severe radiation. When adjacent to the robot, a creature with the Craft Construct feat can make a particular Disable Device check with a DC of 292 (100 + robot HD + perfection bonus) as a standard action that provoke attack of opportunity. If the check succeed, the robot auto-destruction core ability is deactivated for 1d4+2 rounds. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Booster Jets (Ex)
As a swift action up to 30 times per hour, a Man of Orichalcum can gain a fly speed of Supersonic (good maneuverability) for a duration of 1 minute.

Chain Guns (Ex)
These advanced weapons which throw rotary saw blades have a range increment of 10 miles. Because the saw blade is ejected from the Man of Orichalcum’s body, it is made of Orichalcum and multiplying the damage x12.

Cling (Ex)
A combination of magnetic pads and electrostatic emitters in its feet allow a Man of Orichalcum to climb and travel on vertical or horizontal surfaces without having to attempt Climb checks, even allowing it to traverse these surfaces while upside down.

Combined Arms (Ex)
When taking a full-attack action, a Man of Orichalcum can attack with melee and ranged natural attacks and integrated weapons simultaneously.

Conqueror (Ex)
By manipulating the fundamental matrices of Fate and Chance, a Man of Orichalcum can bend reality to allow for the best possible outcome in any given situation. This ability mimics the "Inner Eye" Cosmic Ability.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
A Man of Orichalcum deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than the Man of Orichalcum HD.

Divine Detection (Ex)
A Man of Orichalcum can detect creatures that have divine rank or creatures with abilities obtained from creatures with divine rank (like cleric, paladins, the angel Solar, etc.).

Electric Pulse (Ex)
Three times per hours as an immediate action, a Man of Orichalcum can gain the benefit of a haste spell for 10 minutes.

Electricity Absorption (Ex)
Man of Orichalcum can absorb electricity and instead of taking damage from it, the robot is instead healed of an equal value (and multiplied x1.5 for the electricity vulnerability).

Electromagnetic Pulse (Ex)
Every 1d4 rounds, as a standard action, a Man of Orichalcum can unleash an electromagnetic pulse in a 5 miles radius that bypasses any active force fields (or similar effects) and deals 160d20 points of electricity damage to any robots, creatures with electronic circuits, creatures that use electricity signal in their body (like humans) or creatures with cybernetic implants. Creatures affected by this attack that succeed at a Reflex save DC 175 take only half the normal amount of damage. This effect effect the robot itself but instead of damage it, the robot is healed of an amount equal to the damage inflicted x1.5 (as for the electricity absorption). Any technological item within this radius is drained of 3d100 charges unless the item succeeds at a Reflex save. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Ego (Ex)
Unlike other weak construct, a Man of Orichalcum has good all saves, and add its Charisma modifier to hit point and Fortitude save in place of Constitution.

Eternal Freedom (Ex)
A robot with this ability is immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. It is also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell.

Flexible Programming (Ex)
As an immediate action, a Man of Orichalcum can gain the benefit of any feat for which it qualifies but does not have. Each feat remains in effect for 10 minutes. It cannot have more that 100 extra feats with this ability active at the same time. In addition, it counts its racial Hit Dice as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. If it has levels in fighter, these Hit Dice stack with these levels. This feats can be transformed in Divine Ability slots as normal.

God Killer (Ex)
All the damage dealt by a Man of Orichalcum count as magic and epic (artifacts) for the purpose of affecting Immortals. When a Man of Orichalcum kill a deity this counts as if it killed him in his native plane (godly realm) to make sure he really died.

Hyperborean Celerity (Ex)
For 1 round every 3 minutes, can make a double action just as if it had the Time Dilation Cosmic ability.

Hyperborean Construction (Ex)
This construct is fashioned with the knowledge of the lost Hyperborean empire. This construct use d100’s for Hit Dice and has maximum hit points per Hit Die and its hp multiplied x2. It gains an antidivinity bonus to attack roll, save, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, CMD equal to ½ its HD. Antidivinity is like a normal bonus but that work only against creatures with a divine rank. This antidivinity bonus its not calculated on this sheet.

Integrated Weaponry (Ex)
A Man of Orichalcum’s has integrated weaponry. These weapons cannot be disarmed, removed, or sundered. A Man of Orichalcum’s programming allows it to wield these weapons as if it were proficient in their use. These advanced weapons automatically reload as a free action, and never misfire. All the integrated weaponry are recharged as a free action that does not provoke attack of opportunity. Integrated weaponry can still be targeted by positive effects that target manufactured weapons (such as magic weapon spells) and can be harvested for use outside of the robot’s body once the robot is destroyed (if it's not auto-destroyed). Integrated ranged weapons don’t provoke attacks of opportunity when fired in melee combat. Unlike normal integrated weaponry, a Man of Orichalcum can make iterative attacks with the machine gun and plasma sword.

Laser Cannon (Ex)
Mounted on his back, a Man of Orichalcum has mounted a laser cannon. These weapons emit beams of intensely focused light waves that resolve as touch attacks and deal antidivine damage with a range of 10 miles. A laser can pass through force fields and force effects like a wall of force without damaging that field to strike a foe beyond. Objects like glass or other transparent barriers do not provide cover from lasers (but unlike force barriers, transparent barriers still takes damage from a laser strike passing through it). Invisible creatures are immune to damage caused by a laser weapon. Fog, smoke, and other clouds provide cover in addition to concealment from laser attack.

Machine Gun (Ex)
One of the Man of Orichalcum’s arms ends in a powerful machine gun. This weapon has a range of 60 miles and deals 10d20 points of damage (180d20 with might). Because the ammunition is ejected from the Man of Orichalcum’s body, the machine gun add the construct’s Strength modifier on damage rolls and count as made of Orichalcum for multiplying the damage x12. This weapon has the automatic property and because is integrated, does not impart the -2 (from the automatic property) and -4 (from the use without being mounted) penalty to attack rolls. Deflect Arrows cannot be used for deflect the projectile of the Man of Orichalcum unless the creature is enough powerful to wield Orichalcum objects (115 Strength for a Medium creature).

Plasma Sword (Ex)
One of the Man of Orichalcum’s arms has mounted, a sword that as a blade has plasma and deal damage with the mere touch. Its damage is half antidivine, while the other half is in turn half electricity and half fire. The Man of Orichalcum can retract inside the arm or extract the blade as a swift action to free the hand and allow precise manipulation of objects.

Prana Generator (Ex)
The Man of Orichalcum gains a perfection bonus equal to 1/5 its HD to attack roll, save, initiative, checks, AC, DC, PR/SR, CMD, and CMD. The robot gain a number of divine abilities slot equal to its perfection bonus and can select Divine and Cosmic abilities. This perfection bonus count as divine rank for the purpose of meet prerequisites of Divine or higher abilities and overcome an opponent cosmic string.

Remote Communication (Ex)
Using radio signals, invisible lasers, or other means, a Man of Orichalcum is capable of communicating with other robot with the Hyperborean constructed trait that also have this ability instantaneously and without making any sound over long distances. This ability has a range of the plane/solar system. This signal is blocked by 100 foot of metal, 500 feet of stone, or 1.000 feet of organic matter.

Rockets (Ex)
As a standard action, a Man of Orichalcum can fire a rocket to a range of 100 miles. A rocket explodes on impact in a 5-mile-radius burst, dealing 160d20 points of antidivine damage and 160d20 points of bludgeoning damage to all creatures and objects in the area, with a Reflex 175 half the damage. A robot carries a maximum number of rockets equal to half its HD. Its core can replenish fired rockets at the rate of one per minute, crafting new rockets from scrap metal and other collected components used in the construction process. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

Self Mastery (Ex)
A robot with this ability can separate its individual appendages (arms, legs, head, hands, feet, etc.), thus making it immune to death from decapitation (such as from a vorpal weapon) or dismemberment.

Shield (Ex)
The Man of Orichalcum use technological shield. This provide a 5.000 hp barrier that surrounds this construct. Damage done to the Man of Orichalcum is applied to the shield first. It regenerates 300 health per round. This replace the force fields of the robot subtype.

Stun (Ex)
The Man of Orichalcum’s melee attacks deliver a nonlethal jolt of electricity with each strike. If the robot strikes a creature twice in one round with a melee attack, that target must succeed at a Fortitude save DC 294 or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength-based.

Superior Optics (Ex)
Man of Orichalcum see as with the true seeing ability, this true seeing count has having a spell level equal to the perfection bonus of the robot for interaction with effects. A Man of Orichalcum can see through solid objects. For each round of concentration it can penetrate 1 inch of adamantine, 1 foot of metal or 3 feet of any other weaker materials. Especially dense metals like orichalcum require double the rounds of concentration.

Suppression Fire (Ex)
As a full-round action, a Man of Orichalcum can give up its regular attacks and instead make one machine gun attack at its highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach of its weapon. It must make a separate attack roll against each opponent. When it use the Suppression Fire, the machine gun lose the automatic weapon property, and also the Man of Orichalcum forfeit any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities. Suppression Fire can be used at will but must wait 1d6 rounds between uses.

Sustenance (Ex)
A Man of Orichalcum’s core can process scrap metal into new ammunition, effectively giving the construct infinite ammunition with its integrated weapons.

Tactical Antimatter Bomb (Ex)
As a standard action, a Man of Orichalcum can throw a tactical antimatter bomb to a range of 10 miles. A tactical antimatter bomb explodes on impact in a 1-mile-radius burst, dealing 320d100 points of antimatter damage to all creatures and object in the area, with a Reflex 175 half the damage. Antimatter damage deal full damage to objects and overcome 1.500 points of hardness and damage reduction. Any creature or object reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this attack is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. A disintegrated creature’s equipment take the damage (and can be possibly disintegrated) as well. A robot carries a maximum number of tactical antimatter bomb equal to 1/10 its HD. The Man of Orichalcum cannot create new tactical antimatter bomb and must stock up on new ones every time it returns to base. If fought off base or has already fought, assume that the robot has available 1d6+2 tactical antimatter bomb. The save DC is Intelligence-based.

War is Eternal (Ex)
When a Man of Orichalcum is reduced to 0 or less hit points, but its regeneration it’s not deactivated, it continue fight but gain the staggered condition. This staggered cannot be removed in any way, but its automatically removed as soon as the robot return to 1 or higher hit points.
Sorry I thought I commented on this last week, this thing is awesome. I really like your "Man of" series of beings, they're freaking devastating.

Sorry I thought I commented on this last week, this thing is awesome. I really like your "Man of" series of beings, they're freaking devastating.
The funny thing? This sheet has been ready since the beginning of last August but it didn't satisfy me because I felt that something was missing, I felt that it was only 99%. It languished in my PC until last week when reading a story on Reddit's HFY I read about antimatter bombs. I thought to them "It would be cool if Man Of had antimatter bombs...... ANTIMATTER BOMBS!!!!!" I knew, I perceived that it was the piece that was missing and that I was looking for.

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