Things from my setting


A continuation of my old template ( When you want the leader of the pack to be not only higher level but also bigger and badder.


An alpha is a beast among beast, a leader. Larger, more powerful, and muscular than a simple lycanthrope, he commands his pack with the strength and fear he inspires.

Creating an Alpha
“Alpha” is a template that can be added to any living creature with a generally humanoid form—namely, two arms, two legs, and a head or to any natural lycanthrope (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The alpha template can be inherited (for natural alpha) or acquired (for slayer alpha), see new blood for the pack.

An alpha uses either the original creature’s (referred to hereafter as the base creature) statistics and special abilities or those of some other kind of creature (referred to hereafter as the base monster) as described here. The alpha template work as the natural lycanthrope template with the following differences.

Challenge Rating: Same as base creature + 2 + 1/3 the CR of the base monster (minimum +3). Compare the CR of the alpha’s monster form to creatures of the same CR and adjust as necessary using the Monster Creation rules as a guide. If applied to a lycanthrope the CR increase by +2.

Size: When the alpha take hybrid or monster shape form, his final size increase by +1. This stack with other effects that increase size like enlarge person.

Aura: In hybrid and monstrous forms the alpha also gains the frightful presence ability (30 ft.).

AC: In hybrid or monster form the lycanthrope has the natural armor bonus of the base monster +6.

Defensive Abilities:

True Beast of Legends (Ex)

An alpha’s DR/silver cannot be overcome by weapons that are not silver or mithral, regardless of their enhancement bonus or abilities that normally bypass damage reduction, such as a paladin’s smite evil or a mythic champion’s fleet charge. An alpha in monster or hybrid form gains fortification (50%); this fortification does not apply against critical hits or precision damages with silver weapons. At 10 HD an alpha in monster or hybrid form gains immunity to critical hits or precision damages not dealts with silver weapons. This replace the beast of legends ability of the lycanthrope template.

Special Attacks:

Alpha’s Influence (Su)

The alpha exerts influence over allies in the area. Using the alpha’s influence is a swift action. The alpha influence can be used for a number of rounds each day equal to the lycanthrope HD, but they does not need to be consecutive. He can dismiss alpha’s influence with a free action. Alpha’s influence affects all allies within 60 feet (excluding himself) who can hear or see the pack alpha. An ally must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher and be able to understand the alpha’s language to gain the bonus. An alpha’s influence is dismissed if the lycanthrope is dazed, unconscious, staggered, paralyzed, or otherwise unable to be heard, see or understood by her allies. All bonuses granted by an alpha’s influence are moral bonuses. The alpha’s influence lets allies add +1 to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This bonus improves by +1 at 11 HD and every 6 HD thereafter.

Bloodthirsty (Ex)
One of the alpha’s natural attacks (usually bite) deals bleed damage equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1) on a hit. This bleed damage does not stacks. On a critical hit with this attack, the target also takes 1 point of Constitution damage as the alpha rips off the flesh of the victim. Also, the alpha gains the blood rage universal monster ability, though he may choose to suppress this rage for 1 round as a free action. This replace the bloodthirsty ability of the lycanthrope template.

Leader of the Pack (Ex)
The alpha can direct and motivate his allies to act immediately. Once per day, as a standard action, he may grant an extra move action to all of his allies within 30 feet (but not to himself or another alpha). Each of the affected allies takes this extra move action immediately, acting in their current initiative order. This extra action does not affect the allies’ initiative count; the round continues normally after the alpha’s turn is over. A character can benefit from this ability only once per round, even if multiple leader of the pack are used in the same round. If an ally chooses not to take the extra move action, it is lost. At 8 HD and every 8 HD thereafter, the alpha gains another daily use of this ability.

Pheromones (Ex)
As the base lycanthrope template but the DC gains a +4 racial bonus.

Powerful Rage (Ex)
At 2 HD, the alpha may select a barbarian rage power, which functions whenever his blood rage is active. He treats ½ his HD as his barbarian level for all purposes related to rage powers. He gains an additional rage power at 6 HD and every 6 HD thereafter. These rage powers cannot be changed once chosen. The alpha may select the Extra Rage Power feat.

Run with the Pack (Sp)
At 10 HD, the alpha can touch a willing creature and polymorph it into an animal or dire animal of his type, as beast shape III. This transformation last 24 hours but the creature can dismiss it as a standard action. The alpha can use this ability as a standard action a number of times per day equal to ½ his HD. If the alpha base monster is not an animal, select another spell appropriate for the form.

Wild Hunt (Su)
Once per day, the alpha can grant himself and a number of allies equal to his Hit Dice the ranger’s quarry class feature, longstrider, tireless pursuers, and air walk (caster level equal to the lycanthrope’s Hit Dice) for 24 hours, designating a single creature as the target of the hunt.

Special Qualities:

New Blood for the Pack (Ex)

If a lycanthrope personally slay an alpha of the same type (werewolf-werewolf; werebear-werebear; he must have personally defeated the opponent [he must take the majority beneficiary of any EXP gained from the opponents defeat for this ability to take effect]), he become a natural lycanthope (if he was an infected lycanthrope) and gains the alpha template. Lycanthrope that gains the alpha template in this way are called slayer alpha.

True Child of The Moon (Su)
When the moon is at least half full, the alpha gains the benefit of heroism whenever he is outdoors at night. On nights of the full moon (the night that precedes it, the precise night, and the night after), the alpha gains the effect of greater heroism and haste rather than heroism, and retains the benefit indoors. This replace the child of the moon ability of the lycanthrope template.

Abilities: +2 Wis, +2 Cha in all forms (also lose the -2 Cha of the original lycanthrope template, if any); +8 Str, +4 Con in hybrid and monster forms.

Alphas have enhanced senses and are in full in control of their emotions and animalistic urges. In addition to these adjustments to the base creature’s stats, a lycanthrope’s physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity and Constitution) change when he assumes hybrid or monster form. In base form, the lycanthrope’s physical ability scores are unchanged from the base creature’s form. In monster and hybrid forms the lycanthrope’s physical ability scores are the same as the base creature’s or the base monster’s, whichever ability score is higher (plus the +8 to Str and +4 Con). If the base monster has no score in an ability, the lycanthrope uses the base creature’s score in all forms. If the base creature has no score in an ability, it gains the base monster’s score in hybrid and monster form.


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A continuation of my old template ( When you want the leader of the pack to be not only higher level but also bigger and badder.


An alpha is a beast among beast, a leader. Larger, more powerful, and muscular than a simple lycanthrope, he commands his pack with the strength and fear he inspires.

Creating an Alpha
“Alpha” is a template that can be added to any living creature with a generally humanoid form—namely, two arms, two legs, and a head or to any natural lycanthrope (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The alpha template can be inherited (for natural alpha) or acquired (for slayer alpha), see new blood for the pack.

An alpha uses either the original creature’s (referred to hereafter as the base creature) statistics and special abilities or those of some other kind of creature (referred to hereafter as the base monster) as described here. The alpha template work as the natural lycanthrope template with the following differences.

Challenge Rating: Same as base creature + 2 + 1/3 the CR of the base monster (minimum +3). Compare the CR of the alpha’s monster form to creatures of the same CR and adjust as necessary using the Monster Creation rules as a guide. If applied to a lycanthrope the CR increase by +2.

Size: When the alpha take hybrid or monster shape form, his final size increase by +1. This stack with other effects that increase size like enlarge person.

Aura: In hybrid and monstrous forms the alpha also gains the frightful presence ability (30 ft.).

AC: In hybrid or monster form the lycanthrope has the natural armor bonus of the base monster +6.

Defensive Abilities:

True Beast of Legends (Ex)

An alpha’s DR/silver cannot be overcome by weapons that are not silver or mithral, regardless of their enhancement bonus or abilities that normally bypass damage reduction, such as a paladin’s smite evil or a mythic champion’s fleet charge. An alpha in monster or hybrid form gains fortification (50%); this fortification does not apply against critical hits or precision damages with silver weapons. At 10 HD an alpha in monster or hybrid form gains immunity to critical hits or precision damages not dealts with silver weapons. This replace the beast of legends ability of the lycanthrope template.

Special Attacks:

Alpha’s Influence (Su)

The alpha exerts influence over allies in the area. Using the alpha’s influence is a swift action. The alpha influence can be used for a number of rounds each day equal to the lycanthrope HD, but they does not need to be consecutive. He can dismiss alpha’s influence with a free action. Alpha’s influence affects all allies within 60 feet (excluding himself) who can hear or see the pack alpha. An ally must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher and be able to understand the alpha’s language to gain the bonus. An alpha’s influence is dismissed if the lycanthrope is dazed, unconscious, staggered, paralyzed, or otherwise unable to be heard, see or understood by her allies. All bonuses granted by an alpha’s influence are moral bonuses. The alpha’s influence lets allies add +1 to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This bonus improves by +1 at 11 HD and every 6 HD thereafter.

Bloodthirsty (Ex)
One of the alpha’s natural attacks (usually bite) deals bleed damage equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1) on a hit. This bleed damage does not stacks. On a critical hit with this attack, the target also takes 1 point of Constitution damage as the alpha rips off the flesh of the victim. Also, the alpha gains the blood rage universal monster ability, though he may choose to suppress this rage for 1 round as a free action. This replace the bloodthirsty ability of the lycanthrope template.

Leader of the Pack (Ex)
The alpha can direct and motivate his allies to act immediately. Once per day, as a standard action, he may grant an extra move action to all of his allies within 30 feet (but not to himself or another alpha). Each of the affected allies takes this extra move action immediately, acting in their current initiative order. This extra action does not affect the allies’ initiative count; the round continues normally after the alpha’s turn is over. A character can benefit from this ability only once per round, even if multiple leader of the pack are used in the same round. If an ally chooses not to take the extra move action, it is lost. At 8 HD and every 8 HD thereafter, the alpha gains another daily use of this ability.

Pheromones (Ex)
As the base lycanthrope template but the DC gains a +4 racial bonus.

Powerful Rage (Ex)
At 2 HD, the alpha may select a barbarian rage power, which functions whenever his blood rage is active. He treats ½ his HD as his barbarian level for all purposes related to rage powers. He gains an additional rage power at 6 HD and every 6 HD thereafter. These rage powers cannot be changed once chosen. The alpha may select the Extra Rage Power feat.

Run with the Pack (Sp)
At 10 HD, the alpha can touch a willing creature and polymorph it into an animal or dire animal of his type, as beast shape III. This transformation last 24 hours but the creature can dismiss it as a standard action. The alpha can use this ability as a standard action a number of times per day equal to ½ his HD. If the alpha base monster is not an animal, select another spell appropriate for the form.

Wild Hunt (Su)
Once per day, the alpha can grant himself and a number of allies equal to his Hit Dice the ranger’s quarry class feature, longstrider, tireless pursuers, and air walk (caster level equal to the lycanthrope’s Hit Dice) for 24 hours, designating a single creature as the target of the hunt.

Special Qualities:

New Blood for the Pack (Ex)

If a lycanthrope personally slay an alpha of the same type (werewolf-werewolf; werebear-werebear; he must have personally defeated the opponent [he must take the majority beneficiary of any EXP gained from the opponents defeat for this ability to take effect]), he become a natural lycanthope (if he was an infected lycanthrope) and gains the alpha template. Lycanthrope that gains the alpha template in this way are called slayer alpha.

True Child of The Moon (Su)
When the moon is at least half full, the alpha gains the benefit of heroism whenever he is outdoors at night. On nights of the full moon (the night that precedes it, the precise night, and the night after), the alpha gains the effect of greater heroism and haste rather than heroism, and retains the benefit indoors. This replace the child of the moon ability of the lycanthrope template.

Abilities: +2 Wis, +2 Cha in all forms (also lose the -2 Cha of the original lycanthrope template, if any); +8 Str, +4 Con in hybrid and monster forms.

Alphas have enhanced senses and are in full in control of their emotions and animalistic urges. In addition to these adjustments to the base creature’s stats, a lycanthrope’s physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity and Constitution) change when he assumes hybrid or monster form. In base form, the lycanthrope’s physical ability scores are unchanged from the base creature’s form. In monster and hybrid forms the lycanthrope’s physical ability scores are the same as the base creature’s or the base monster’s, whichever ability score is higher (plus the +8 to Str and +4 Con). If the base monster has no score in an ability, the lycanthrope uses the base creature’s score in all forms. If the base creature has no score in an ability, it gains the base monster’s score in hybrid and monster form.
Would a divine ability that gives you the alpha template be reasonable?

Oh oh oh, Merry Christmas.

Santa Claus

Male unique Jotnar Niflheim (Hrímþursar) Lesser Deity druid (artic druid) 20

NG Huge humanoid (cold, extraplanar, giant, good)

Init +16 (+26 while in cold or icy terrain); Senses darkvision 1800 ft., divine senses (x10), low-light vision, scent, snow vision, true seeing; Perception +74 (+84 while in cold or icy terrain)

Aura divine (DC 35, 540 ft.), holy aura (DC 43)

AC 69, touch 47, flat-footed 55 (+17 deflection, +8 Dex, +6 dodge, +8 divine, +22 natural, -2 size)

hp 1.980 (44d20+1.100) regeneration 20 (fire)

Fort +86, Ref +71, Will +76; +4 vs fear or pain; -8 against mind-affecting

Defensive Abilities arctic endurance, freedom of movement, rock catching, sixth sense; DR 20/epic and lawful; Immune cold, Terrestrial Hazards; Resistance fire 20, Stellar Hazards; PR/SR 62

Weakness vulnerability to fire;

Speed 60 ft., climb 30 ft., flurry form, icewalking

Melee candy can +78/+78/+73/+68/+63 (6d10+44 plus 3d6 cold and 3d6 against evil) or 2 slam +68 (4d10+23)

Ranged rock +53 (8d10+34)

Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.

Special Attacks breath weapon (60-ft. cone, DC 55, 20d12 cold damage, 1d4 rounds), mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), rock throwing (200 ft.), wild shape 8/day

Spell-like Abilities (CL 52th, concentration +77)

Constant—freedom of movement, holy aura, true seeing

At will—aid, blade barrier (DC 41), bliss bolt (DC 37), commune, dispel evil, displacement, dream, etherealness, euphoric tranquility (DC 43), fool’s teleport (DC 39), freedom, greater false vision (DC 42), geas/quest, good hope, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, greater illusion of treachery (DC 41), greater invisibility, greater shadow enchantment (DC 41), greater shadow evocation (DC 43), greater shadow trasmutation (DC 44), greater teleport, heroes feast, heroism, holy aura (DC 43), holy smite (DC 39), holy word (DC 42), impossible angles (DC 40), invisibility, invisibility sphere, irresistible dance (DC 42), magic circle against evil, magic jar (DC 40), major phantom object (DC 40), mirage arcane (DC 40), mirror image, mislead (DC 41), permanent image (DC 41), phantasmal web (DC 40), polypurpose panacea, programmed image (DC 41), project image (DC 42), protection from evil, scintillating patern (DC 43), sending, shades (DC 44), subjective reality, summon monster IX (good creatures only), tongues, veil (DC 41)


3/day—polar ray, wish (replicate spell with cold descriptor only)

1/day—polar midnight (DC 44)

Druid Spells Prepared (CL 52th; concentration +75)

9th—clashing rocks (DC 42), elemental swarm, foresight, mass cure critical wounds (2), regenerate

8th—euphoric tranquility, mass cure serious wounds (2), wandering weather, word of recall (2)

7th—control weather, heal (2), mass cure moderate wounds (2), tectonic communion, wind walk

6th—find the path (2), mass cure light wounds (3), summon stampade (DC 39), unerring tracker

5th—atonement (2), awaken, comune with nature, death ward, companion transposition, hallow

4th—air walk, cure serious wounds (2), earth glide, greater aggresive thunderstorm (DC 37), ice storm, true form (DC 37)

3rd—cloak of wind, companion mind link, cure moderate wounds (2), daylight, remove disease, sleet storm, wind wall

2nd—animal messanger (2), barkskin (2), companion life link, frigid touch, frost fall (DC 35), unshakable cold (DC 35)

1st—cure light wounds (2), endothermic touch (DC 34), endure elements, faerie fire, pass without trace, obscuring mist, speak with animals

0th (at will)—detect magic, mending, purify food and drink, stabilize

Str 57, Dex 27, Con 61, Int 40, Wis 40, Cha 44

Base Atk +39; CMB +72 (+74 for bull rush and sunder); CMD 113 (115 vs. bull rush and sunder)

Feats Alertness, Awesome Blow, Catch Off-Guard, Dodge, Furious Focus, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Natural Spell, Power Attack, Skill Emphasis (craft [toymaker]), Summon Good Monster, Vital Strike

Epic Feats Epic Skill Emphasis (craft [toymaker]), Epic Skill Focus (craft [toymaker]), Good Reflexes, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Skill Mastery (craft [toymaker])

Skill All skills 55 + ability modifier; +10 Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival while in cold or icy terrain, +2 Knowledge (nature) and Survival; Craft (toymaker) +145 total

Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Druidic, Dwarf, Elf, Giant, Old Norse

SQ arctic native, change size, divine traits (lesser deity), jotun traits, maven, might, nature bond (animal companion: megaloceros [Rudolph]), nature sense, portfolio (good, happiness), snow caster, spontaneous castin (summon nature’s ally), timeless body, virtual size category +1, wild empathy +45

Gears candy cane, sack of gift, toy factory, travel sled

Divine Abilities

• Amaranthine Soul (Ex): Cos as circumstance to saving throw

• Divine Skill Focus (craft [toymaker]) (Ex): +60 to the chosen skill

• Legend Companion (Ex): Your animal companion gains the Monster of Legend template

• Legendary Companion (Ex): Your animal companion gains the Legendary Animal template

• Lurking (Ex): You are difficult to detect

• Omnicompetent (Ex): All skills are class skill

• Saviour (Su): Suffer damage instead of your allies

• Vanguard Will (Ex): Allies within your divine aura can use your Will saving throw instead of their own

Good Portfolio Traits (Lesser Deity)

Granted Power: You cast good spells at +1 caster level

Hostile Environment (Unholy) (Ex): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls while within an evil aligned environment

Unholy Vulnerability (Ex): Suffer 50% extra damage from evil aligned attacks and spells

• Disease Immunity (Su): You are immune to disease

• Holy Scion (Ex): Competence bonus (equal to your divine rank) on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class within a good aligned locale

• Improved Summoning (Good) (Ex): Good aligned creatures summoned have 50% more HD

• Taint of Good (Su): Healing against your damage 50% effective except in evil aligned locale

• Superior Holy [Effect] (Su): Assault your enemies with holy attacks

Happiness Portfolio Traits (Lesser Deity)

Granted Power: You get a +4 bonus on saves vs fear or pain effects

Rhino's Cunning (Ex): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) to Intelligence

Starry Eye (Ex): Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on saving throws versus mind-affecting effects and sense motive checks

• Pain Immunity (Su): You are immune to any effects with the pain descriptor

• Scion of Happiness (Ex): You increase all morale bonuses by your divine rank

• Happy Summoning (Ex): Summoned creatures gains morale bonus equal to your divine rank

• Instrument of Happiness (Su): Immunities against your enchantment effects are only 50% effective

• Superior Iatric [Effect] (Su): Bless your allies with healing energy

Superior Holy Beam
Blast 22d8; 2.160 ft./185 ft. Standard action Ref 45/half

Superior Iatric Hand
Hand 440; Melee Touch

Change Size (Ex)
A jotun can alter its size between Small and Colossal as a standard action, this is a polymorph effect.
  • Small: -6 Str, +8 Dex, breath weapon (20-ft. Cone), rock throwing (50 ft.)​
  • Medium: -4 Str, +6 Dex, breath weapon (30-ft. Cone), rock throwing (100 ft.)​
  • Large: -2 Str, +4 Dex, breath weapon (40-ft. Cone), rock throwing (150 ft.)​
  • Gargantuan: +2 Str, -2 Dex, breath weapon (80-ft. Cone), rock throwing (300 ft.)​
  • Colossal: +4 Str, -4 Dex, breath weapon (100-ft. Cone), rock throwing (350 ft.)​

Grant Spells
Santa Claus can grant spells of any level. He grant access to the domains of Artifice, Creation, Darkness, Good and Travel and to the subdomains of Agathion, Familiy°°, Friendship, Home°°, Industry°, Night, Toil and Yule.
°Require urban acolyte trait.
°°Clerics of Santa Claus can use the Family and Home subdomain to modify the Good domain.

Icewalking (Ex)
Santa Claus ignores all difficult terrain and movement penalties from snow and ice. Santa Claus can move across icy surfaces without penalty and does not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice.

Might (Ex)
Santa Claus deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than Santa Claus HD.

Divine Traits (Lesser Deity) (Ex)
As a lesser deity, Santa Claus gains a +8 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Santa Claus’s natural attacks or any weapons he wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A lesser deity does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Mythic (Ex)
Santa Claus has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. Santa Claus use any of his spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Snow Vision (Ex)
Santa Claus see perfectly well in snowy conditions, and does not take penalties on Perception checks when in snowy or blizzard conditions.


Candy Cane

This candy cane work as a Huge +10 dread evil outsider, dread undead, everdancing, icy blast, ghost touch, holy power, merciful great club of speed. Evil creature hit by the candy cane must make a Will save DC 46 or become stunned for 1 round. Creature without Divine Rank immune to stun gains a +4 to this save instead of applying their immunity.

Sack of Gifts

This seemingly mundane sack in reality work as a bag of holding of type IV without content limits on volume or weight but can only contain mundane non-magical items. Santa Claus can retrieve a specific item always as a swift action.

Toy Factory

This factory placed at the North Pole speeds up all types of construction. When crafting inside the factory a creature can craft any magic item as if he had the necessary item creation feats. When a creature use the Craft skill to create an item, he double the progress each check provides. This ability does not reduce the item’s cost or any other requirements. In addition, a creature can make an item masterwork simply by paying for the cost, and doesn’t need to increase the time to create the item or attempt additional checks. When a creature use the Craft skill inside the factory, he gains the benefit of the Cosmic Architect Cosmic Ability but only for create mundane, non-magical, non-technological toys.

Travel Sled

This sled gives the benefit of the Supersonic Cosmic Ability, the feat Run and immunity to exhaustion and fatigue to the creatures that pull it. From among them select the sleigh leader. All other creatures increase all their speed to match the sleigh leader's, and if they lack one or more types of movement relative to the sleigh leader, they gain it.


Legendary Animal Monster of Legend

Male megaloceros animal companion

NG Large outsider (cold, extraplanar)

Init +17; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, snow vision; Perception +84


AC 109, touch 29, flat-footed 89 (+13 Dex, +7 dodge, +80 natural, –1 size)

hp 1.824 (64d10+1.472)

Fort +79, Ref +74, Will +75; +4 vs. enchantments and poison

Defensive Abilities devotion, improved evasion, sixth sense; DR 32/epic; Immune acid, cold, petrification; Resistance cold 10, sonic 10; SR 74

Weakness vulnerability to fire


Speed 130 ft., fly 130 ft. (perfect)

Melee gore +91 (6d6+26), 2 hooves +89 (1d8+13)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Special Attacks breath weapon (15-ft. cone, DC 65, 3d6 cold, 1d4 rounds), powerful charge (6d6)


Str 62, Dex 36, Con 57, Int 16, Wis 36, Cha 22

Base Atk +64; CMB +91; CMD 120 (124 vs. trip)

Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Dodge, Greater Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Improved InitiativeB, Improved Iron Will, Improved Natural Attack (gore), Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, MultiattackB, Power Attack, Run, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (gore)

Epic Feats Good Will, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Subtle Body, Tenacious Body

Skills Acrobatics +80 (+120 jump), Fly +86, Knowledge (geography) +72, Perception +84, Sense Motive +80, Spellcraft +72, Stealth +80, Survival +80, Swim +90

Languages Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Old Norse; speak with animals, true speech

SQ glowing nose, lay on hands 38/day (32d6), link, monster of legend (breath weapon, haste, cold subtype), share spells, virtual size category +2

Rudolph renounce 12 feats for 2 divine ability slot

Divine Abilities

• Dimensional Ancestry (agathion) (Ex): You gain agathion traits

• Strong Soul (Ex): Str as insight to saving throw

Glowing Nose (Ex)
Rudolph’s nose glows with bright light out to 100 feet. This light removes all fog, rain, smoke, snow, or obscuring effects in its area. He can suppress or resume this light as a free action.

Snow Vision (Ex)
Rudolph see perfectly well in snowy conditions, and does not take penalties on Perception checks when in snowy or blizzard conditions.
How did I miss this? Amazing stuff. :)


@Beefermatic @Upper_Krust question on divine/cosmic/etc. damage.
That type of damage is not physical and ignore Damage Reduction but for objects?
  • Ignore hardness?​
  • Deal full damage to objects?​
"Energy Attacks
Energy attacks deal half damage to most objects. Divide the damage by 2 before applying the object’s hardness. Some energy types might be particularly effective against certain objects, subject to GM discretion. For example, fire might do full damage against parchment, cloth, and other objects that burn easily. Sonic might do full damage against glass and crystal objects."
Each object has hardness—a number that represents how well it resists damage. When an object is damaged, subtract its hardness from the damage. Only damage in excess of its hardness is deducted from the object’s hit points."

Hey Obly99 buddy! :)

For me I say those damage types should not ignore hardness.

However, you have to suspect maybe Disintegration would ignore hardness since it unbinds molecules.

@Beefermatic @Upper_Krust question on divine/cosmic/etc. damage.
That type of damage is not physical and ignore Damage Reduction but for objects?
  • Ignore hardness?​
  • Deal full damage to objects?​
"Energy Attacks
Energy attacks deal half damage to most objects. Divide the damage by 2 before applying the object’s hardness. Some energy types might be particularly effective against certain objects, subject to GM discretion. For example, fire might do full damage against parchment, cloth, and other objects that burn easily. Sonic might do full damage against glass and crystal objects."
Each object has hardness—a number that represents how well it resists damage. When an object is damaged, subtract its hardness from the damage. Only damage in excess of its hardness is deducted from the object’s hit points."
Divine Damage and its higher orders is direct damage from a Godly source, it might be "energy" in the most basic sense but it's pure divine will, destructive impulse, it definitely deals full damage. Energy Damage is usually defined as the 5 energy types in DnD at least in 3.5, Fire, Sonic, Cold, Electricity, and Acid, not untyped Damage or Divine damage which is sort of not fully defined by RaW.

Hey Obly99 buddy! :)

For me I say those damage types should not ignore hardness.
Oh I totally disagree, divine damage is already dealing a miniscule amount of damage and its main thing is it destroys magical barriers. You're talking 1/2 of d3s of damage? So, what, 1 damage per hd? A Greater Deity can control the powers of winter itself with his will but just, -can't- handle a locked door or the wall of a wooden house? That doesn't make sense. It should deal at least the same amount of damage per hd as a fire based attack which is what you'd get for dealing a d3. 1/2 of a d6 is effectively a d3 which is what Divine Damage, at least from effect abilities, would deal.
However, you have to suspect maybe Disintegration would ignore hardness since it unbinds molecules.
See I think Disintegration should be more the benchmark we're using for this as Disintegration damage also destroys magical barriers, at least force based magical barriers, so they're at least tangentially similar in scope of how they function within the dnd world.


Oh I totally disagree, divine damage is already dealing a miniscule amount of damage and its main thing is it destroys magical barriers. You're talking 1/2 of d3s of damage? So, what, 1 damage per hd? A Greater Deity can control the powers of winter itself with his will but just, -can't- handle a locked door or the wall of a wooden house? That doesn't make sense. It should deal at least the same amount of damage per hd as a fire based attack which is what you'd get for dealing a d3. 1/2 of a d6 is effectively a d3 which is what Divine Damage, at least from effect abilities, would deal.
So, full damage to objects and ignore hardness, let's say, less than 100 (orichalcum)?

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