Things from my setting

The funny thing? This sheet has been ready since the beginning of last August but it didn't satisfy me because I felt that something was missing, I felt that it was only 99%. It languished in my PC until last week when reading a story on Reddit's HFY I read about antimatter bombs. I thought to them "It would be cool if Man Of had antimatter bombs...... ANTIMATTER BOMBS!!!!!" I knew, I perceived that it was the piece that was missing and that I was looking for.
Nice! I like the Antimatter bomb ability too, pretty badass! Nice work bro!

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What does the man of orichalcum look like? I'm guessing like an orichalcum golem except more technological in appearance.
I imagined them something like this.


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Universal Hazard: Primordial Chaos
Primordial chaos is, by definition, the primordial chaos that existed at the dawn of a universe, even before the birth of the Sidereals. It still exists in the current universe in its more deep foundations. Not many entities can enter it without being annihilated and reabsorbed into the swirling primordial matter that composes it. Because the space and time inside the primordial chaos are fractured and ill-defined, teleports of any tipe are impossible and the time is distorced: one can spend a minute inside to find that a trillion years have passed outside or vice versa (Slipstream offer no protection against this and Time Dilation does not work inside the primordial chaos). Even to move one can only rely on his pure will: whenever a creature attempts to move (including a 5-foot step), it must make a DC 500 Will save or not move at all or move to a random spot in the primordial chaos (50% each of its chances; teleports effects are still impossible). In case a creature make an attack roll or target with an effect another creature that doesn't share the same space with him, he must must make a DC 500 Will save or the attack/effect automatically fail.

A creature with Double Space Portfolio ( as a First One can move/attack/target without the need to make the Will save and can teleport without penalty (Transversal allows only to attack/target without penalty, not also move/teleport) while a creature with the Transtemporal ability is immune to the temporal chaos of the place (they treat the flow of time as 1:1 with the Material Plane and can benefit from Time Dilation).

Any creature or object inside the primordial chaos must make a Fortitude save DC 500 or suffer 10d12 negative levels and 300d100 permanent damage and a Will save DC 500 or become insane (as for a combination of feeblemind and insanity), both this Fortitude and Will save must be reapeated every round. This overcome any immunity agaist negative levels and mind-affecting a creature possess (like construct or undead). A successfull save half the negative levels and the permanent damage and negate the insanity. A creature with mettle/stalward reduce the damage/negative levels to 1/4 instead of negate it. This negative levels, permanent damage, and insanity are impossible to cure unless the effect originated by a Demiurge or higher power. A creature with Double Chaos or Madness Portfolio as a First One is immune to the insanity effect of the primordial chaos. Any creature or object slayed/destroyed while inside the primordial chaos are annihilated in body, mind and soul and reabsorbed into the swirling primordial matter that composes the place and cannot rejuvenate (like with Cosmic String or the rejuvenation ability of deities when killed outside their native plane; Transmortality work as usual, protecting effectively from this annihilation). They cannot be resurrected in any way unless the effect originated by a Demiurge or by a First One with Double Life Portfolio (

If a creature is resistant to Universal Hazard (generally a Demiurge), he does not suffer the negative levels, permanent damage, or insanity of the place but suffer all other penalty unless he possess the abilities mentioned above for counter the place.


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Universal Hazard: Primordial Chaos
Primordial chaos is, by definition, the primordial chaos that existed at the dawn of a universe, even before the birth of the Sidereals. It still exists in the current universe in its more deep foundations. Not many entities can enter it without being annihilated and reabsorbed into the swirling primordial matter that composes it. Because the space and time inside the primordial chaos are fractured and ill-defined, teleports of any tipe are impossible and the time is distorced: one can spend a minute inside to find that a trillion years have passed outside or vice versa (Slipstream offer no protection against this and Time Dilation does not work inside the primordial chaos). Even to move one can only rely on his pure will: whenever a creature attempts to move (including a 5-foot step), it must make a DC 500 Will save or not move at all or move to a random spot in the primordial chaos (50% each of its chances; teleports effects are still impossible). In case a creature make an attack roll or target with an effect another creature that doesn't share the same space with him, he must must make a DC 500 Will save or the attack/effect automatically fail.

A creature with Double Space Portfolio ( as a First One can move/attack/target without the need to make the Will save and can teleport without penalty (Transversal allows only to attack/target without penalty, not also move/teleport) while a creature with the Transtemporal ability is immune to the temporal chaos of the place (they treat the flow of time as 1:1 with the Material Plane and can benefit from Time Dilation).

Any creature or object inside the primordial chaos must make a Fortitude save DC 500 or suffer 10d12 negative levels and 300d100 permanent damage and a Will save DC 500 or become insane (as for a combination of feeblemind and insanity), both this Fortitude and Will save must be reapeated every round. This overcome any immunity agaist negative levels and mind-affecting a creature possess (like construct or undead). A successfull save half the negative levels and the permanent damage and negate the insanity. A creature with mettle/stalward reduce the damage/negative levels to 1/4 instead of negate it. This negative levels, permanent damage, and insanity are impossible to cure unless the effect originated by a Demiurge or higher power. A creature with Double Chaos or Madness Portfolio as a First One is immune to the insanity effect of the primordial chaos. Any creature or object slayed/destroyed while inside the primordial chaos are annihilated in body, mind and soul and reabsorbed into the swirling primordial matter that composes the place and cannot rejuvenate (like with Cosmic String or the rejuvenation ability of deities when killed outside their native plane; Transmortality work as usual, protecting effectively from this annihilation). They cannot be resurrected in any way unless the effect originated by a Demiurge or by a First One with Double Life Portfolio (

If a creature is resistant to Universal Hazard (generally a Demiurge), he does not suffer the negative levels, permanent damage, or insanity of the place but suffer all other penalty unless he possess the abilities mentioned above for counter the place.
Oh cool, I like it. You know I don't really use universal hazards for gods but I think this is pretty cool.


Grim Reaper Template CR +6

Ally of the psychopomps, the grim reaper are divine agents of gods of death. They create grim reaper from their most faithful followers for protecting the balance between life and death.

Creating a Grim Reaper

“Grim Reaper” is an acquired template that can be added to any mortal living creature with 10 or more Hit Dice (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A grim reaper uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: As the base creature +6.

Alignment: As the deity that create it.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to outsider (augmented, extraplanar, psychopomp). Do not recalculate BAB, saves, or skill ranks.

Aura: A grim reaper gains the aura misfortune 20 ft. and unnatural aura with a range of 30 ft.

Misfortune Aura (Su)
When an enemy creature attempts an ability check, attack roll, caster level check, skill check, or saving throw within 20 feet of a grim reaper, it must roll two d20s and take the lowest roll before applying any modifiers.

Senses: A grim reaper gains darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spiritsense and status sight.

Spiritsense (Su)
A grim reaper notices, locates, and can distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the blindsight ability.

Status Sight (Su)
When a grim reaper gazes on a creature, it can see that creature’s emotion aura and that creature’s current health and overall well-being. This acts as the status spell, as well as the emotion aura aspect of the analyze aura spell.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +6.

Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d10s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected.

Defensive Abilities: A grim reaper gains DR 10/—, immunity to ability damage to its physical ability scores, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Not at risk of death from massive damage. It gains SR 11 + HD, and resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10. A grim reaper also gains fast healing 10. A grim reaper maintain the defensive abilities of the base creature and gains the following.

Death’s Grace (Su)
The power of countless souls protects a grim reaper, granting it an insight bonus on all saving throws and to AC equal to its Charisma modifier.

Deathless (Su)
As a herald of a god of death, a grim reaper is not itself subject to permanent destruction. If slay, it vanishes, only to rejuvenate at full hit points in 1d4 days. Only by slaying the grim reaper and then casting wish prevents the grim reaper reappearance.

Truly One with Death (Ex)
A grim reaper is healed by both positive and negative energy.

Speed: A grim reaper gains a fly speed (perfect) as a supernatural ability equal to the base creature land speed or 30 ft., whichever is higher.

Special Attacks: A grim reaper maintain the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following.

Death Strike (Su)
A grim reaper automatically confirms any critical hit with a scythe. A creature damaged by a critical hit from a scythe wielded by a grim reaper must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw DC 10 + ½ grim reaper’s HD + grim reaper’s Charisma modifier or be instantly killed. If the target dies, the grim reaper can make another attack with its scythe as if it possessed the Cleaving Finish feat. If the creature succeed the save, he must make a second Fortitude saving throw with the same DC or gain 1d4 temporary negative levels. Assuming the subject survives, it regains lost levels after a number of hours equal to the grim reaper HD (maximum 15 hours). Usually, negative levels have a chance of becoming permanent, but the negative levels from death strike don’t last long enough to do so. A living or undead creature slain by a grim reaper’s death strike is consumed in holy fire and has its remains destroyed as the disintegrate spell. This is a death effect.

Destroy Soul (Su)
A grim reaper always possesses six gems in which it encapsulates souls with its soul bind spell-like ability. These gems are only useful to the grim reaper that owns them, and if the grim reaper dies, the gems are destroyed as well. As a standard action once per day, a grim reaper can hold up a gem that currently contains a soul and crush it, permanently destroying the soul within and releasing a 30-foot-radius burst of negative energy that inflicts 1d6 negative levels on all creatures in the area of effect. A successful Fortitude saving throw DC 10 + ½ grim reaper’s HD + grim reaper’s Charisma modifier reduces this to 1 negative level. The soul destroyed in the process of using this ability can only be brought back to life by means of a miracle or wish spells. Lost gems are replaced each day when it regains its daily spell-like abilities. This is a death effect.

Final Death (Su)
A creature killed by a grim reaper can’t be brought back to life by any means short of miracle, true resurrection, or wish spells. A grim reaper senses if a creature it has slain has been restored to life, and automatically know the name, aspect and location of the caster that resurrect the victim. Nothing short of a mind blank spell or the direct intervention of a deity can protect from this divination. If the grim reaper has at least 20 HD, the creature can’t be brought back to life by any means short of divine intervention.

Inevitability (Su)
A grim reaper that attacks a single living or undead target gains a cumulative +1 insight bonus at the beginning of its turn to its attack and damage rolls against that target. If the grim reaper attacks another creature, it loses this bonus.

Lurking Death (Su)
As an immediate action, when a creature within 100 feet makes a ranged attack, cast a spell, spell-like ability, manifest a psionic power or use any action that provoke attack of opportunity, the grim reaper can teleport to a square adjacent to the triggering creature and makes a free scythe attack against him. If the attack hits, the grim reaper disrupts the triggering action, negating it.

No Escape (Su)
A creature that leaves a grim reaper alive and manages to escape from it must succeed at a Will saving throw DC 10 + ½ grim reaper’s HD + grim reaper’s Charisma modifier or suffer from a curse where it incurs a cumulative –1 penalty per day on saves against spells and effects that deal damage. Additionally, all critical threats against the victim are automatically confirmed. The curse can only be lifted by means of a miracle or wish spells, by destroying the grim reaper or the grim reaper can lift it as a standard action.

Special Qualities: A grim reaper maintain the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following.

Bound Scythe (Ex)
A grim reaper binds a single scythe to its call when it gains this template. That scythe becomes tied to his very soul, becoming a conduit for its purpose and its weapon of destruction. The grim reaper scythe become almost an extension of its body: it is immune to disarm, steal, and sunder combat maneuvers made against its bound scythe when it holds it and its scythe cannot be broken with a strength check, a helpless grim reaper does not gain this benefit. A grim reaper can select feats that have a minimum number of fighter levels as a prerequisite, treating its HD as its fighter level, but if the feat specific to select a specific weapon (such as Weapon Specialization), the grim reaper can only select the scythe. The grim reaper bound scythe gains an enhancement bonus equal to ½ its HD; this enhancement bonus can be converted into equivalent magic properties. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added (eg. an 8 HD grim reaper can have a +4 scythe or a +1 disruption heartseeker scythe). These bonuses and properties are decided each day when it regains its daily spell-like abilities. Finally, as a supernatural action, the grim reaper may call the scythe to its hand with a move action as long as it and the scythe are on the same plane. By meditating for 8 hours and expending 100 gp per HD, the grim reaper may bind itself to a different scythe, breaking all ties with its former weapon.

Death Affinity (Ex)
By their very nature, a grim reaper stand betwixt the veil of life and death. Mindless undead do not willfully attack it unless ordered to, or until the grim reaper takes some offensive action against them. Furthermore, intelligent undead, spirit and psychopomp are more inclined to feel closer to the grim reaper than to other living creatures, granting the grim reaper a bonus equal to ½ his HD to Charisma-based skill checks and Sense Motive checks when interacting with these creature and their starting attitude towards it is one step better.

Soul Seeker (Su)
The grim reaper is fit to begin its duties and may release the soul of dead sentient creatures it finds. To reap a soul, the grim reaper must be adjacent to the corpse (or at least the site of death, if nothing remains) of a dead creature that hasn't been reaped before and then spend a standard action to release its soul, sending it to its judgment (some creatures dead from long time can already have their soul judged). The grim reaper may have up to two minute's worth of conversation with the soul of the fallen before sending it off. This conversation is done out of time and they understand each-other's language during the exchange (see Voice of the Dead). This ability does not work against incorporeal unded, but a destroyed undead with the rejuvenation ability (like a ghost) is vulnerable to this. The grim reaper must make a Diplomacy check DC 15 + HD of the undead + its Charisma modifier and, if successful, the undead must make a Will save DC 10 + ½ the grim reaper HD + its Charisma modifier. If this save fails, the undead is instantly destroyed and automatically sent to its proper afterlife. This ability does not work on creatures with the soul detached from the body (like a lich with a phylactery or a graveknight with its armor).

Whenever it sends souls to their judgment, it may instantly know the name of a creature whose CR is up to the grim reaper's HD that it has met or may meet that has defiled the balance of life and that must be sent to its judgment. It is under no obligation to do it. The target assigned remains the same until its soul is reaped or until the grim reaper gains a HD, in which case it gets a new assignment more in line with his aptitudes.

Additionally, whenever the grim reaper deals lethal damage with its bound scythe it may choose to leave no apparent wound or sign of damage from its attacks by directly attacking the life out of its targets (or severing the ties to the Negative Energy plane in the case of undead creatures and the animating force in the case of constructs). These attacks may also be painless but the target is very aware that its life is escaping it.

Spirit Touch (Ex)
A grim reaper’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, are treated as though they had the ghost touch weapon special ability.

Spell-like Abilities: A grim reaper may use the following spell-like ability with caster level equal to its HD.

At willcall spirit, speak with soul

3/dayfinger of death

1/dayplane shift, soul bind, wail of the banshee

Languages: A grim reaper gains Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, and Necril as bonus languages plus Voice of the Dead.

Voice of the Dead (Ex)
A grim reaper ’s ability to hear and understand spirits of the dead is developed enough to allow it to speak in this tongue as well. A grim reaper may use the language to understand and be understood by petitioner, psychopomps, souls, and undead creatures (all of which know the voice of the dead as a language, even if it is not listed) and to communicate with each other. Additionally, language is no longer a barrier when the grim reaper uses a call spirit, speak with dead, speak with soul spells or similar effects.

Ability Scores: Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +6.

Skills: Grim reapers gain a +8 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. Those skills are always class skills for grim reapers.

Feats: Grim reapers gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical (scythe), Improved Initiative, and Toughness as bonus feats without the need to meet their prerequisites.


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Grim Reaper Template CR +6

Ally of the psychopomps, the grim reaper are divine agents of gods of death. They create grim reaper from their most faithful followers for protecting the balance between life and death.

Creating a Grim Reaper

“Grim Reaper” is an acquired template that can be added to any mortal living creature with 10 or more Hit Dice (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A grim reaper uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: As the base creature +6.

Alignment: As the deity that create it.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to outsider (augmented, extraplanar, psychopomp). Do not recalculate BAB, saves, or skill ranks.

Aura: A grim reaper gains the aura misfortune 20 ft. and unnatural aura with a range of 30 ft.

Misfortune Aura (Su)
When an enemy creature attempts an ability check, attack roll, caster level check, skill check, or saving throw within 20 feet of a grim reaper, it must roll two d20s and take the lowest roll before applying any modifiers.

Senses: A grim reaper gains darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spiritsense and status sight.

Spiritsense (Su)
A grim reaper notices, locates, and can distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the blindsight ability.

Status Sight (Su)
When a grim reaper gazes on a creature, it can see that creature’s emotion aura and that creature’s current health and overall well-being. This acts as the status spell, as well as the emotion aura aspect of the analyze aura spell.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +6.

Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d10s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected.

Defensive Abilities: A grim reaper gains DR 10/—, immunity to ability damage to its physical ability scores, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Not at risk of death from massive damage. It gains SR 11 + HD, and resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10. A grim reaper also gains fast healing 10. A grim reaper maintain the defensive abilities of the base creature and gains the following.

Death’s Grace (Su)
The power of countless souls protects a grim reaper, granting it an insight bonus on all saving throws and to AC equal to its Charisma modifier.

Deathless (Su)
As a herald of a god of death, a grim reaper is not itself subject to permanent destruction. If slay, it vanishes, only to rejuvenate at full hit points in 1d4 days. Only by slaying the grim reaper and then casting wish prevents the grim reaper reappearance.

Truly One with Death (Ex)
A grim reaper is healed by both positive and negative energy.

Speed: A grim reaper gains a fly speed (perfect) as a supernatural ability equal to the base creature land speed or 30 ft., whichever is higher.

Special Attacks: A grim reaper maintain the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following.

Death Strike (Su)
A grim reaper automatically confirms any critical hit with a scythe. A creature damaged by a critical hit from a scythe wielded by a grim reaper must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw DC 10 + ½ grim reaper’s HD + grim reaper’s Charisma modifier or be instantly killed. If the target dies, the grim reaper can make another attack with its scythe as if it possessed the Cleaving Finish feat. If the creature succeed the save, he must make a second Fortitude saving throw with the same DC or gain 1d4 temporary negative levels. Assuming the subject survives, it regains lost levels after a number of hours equal to the grim reaper HD (maximum 15 hours). Usually, negative levels have a chance of becoming permanent, but the negative levels from death strike don’t last long enough to do so. A living or undead creature slain by a grim reaper’s death strike is consumed in holy fire and has its remains destroyed as the disintegrate spell. This is a death effect.

Destroy Soul (Su)
A grim reaper always possesses six gems in which it encapsulates souls with its soul bind spell-like ability. These gems are only useful to the grim reaper that owns them, and if the grim reaper dies, the gems are destroyed as well. As a standard action once per day, a grim reaper can hold up a gem that currently contains a soul and crush it, permanently destroying the soul within and releasing a 30-foot-radius burst of negative energy that inflicts 1d6 negative levels on all creatures in the area of effect. A successful Fortitude saving throw DC 10 + ½ grim reaper’s HD + grim reaper’s Charisma modifier reduces this to 1 negative level. The soul destroyed in the process of using this ability can only be brought back to life by means of a miracle or wish spells. Lost gems are replaced each day when it regains its daily spell-like abilities. This is a death effect.

Final Death (Su)
A creature killed by a grim reaper can’t be brought back to life by any means short of miracle, true resurrection, or wish spells. A grim reaper senses if a creature it has slain has been restored to life, and automatically know the name, aspect and location of the caster that resurrect the victim. Nothing short of a mind blank spell or the direct intervention of a deity can protect from this divination. If the grim reaper has at least 20 HD, the creature can’t be brought back to life by any means short of divine intervention.

Inevitability (Su)
A grim reaper that attacks a single living or undead target gains a cumulative +1 insight bonus at the beginning of its turn to its attack and damage rolls against that target. If the grim reaper attacks another creature, it loses this bonus.

Lurking Death (Su)
As an immediate action, when a creature within 100 feet makes a ranged attack, cast a spell, spell-like ability, manifest a psionic power or use any action that provoke attack of opportunity, the grim reaper can teleport to a square adjacent to the triggering creature and makes a free scythe attack against him. If the attack hits, the grim reaper disrupts the triggering action, negating it.

No Escape (Su)
A creature that leaves a grim reaper alive and manages to escape from it must succeed at a Will saving throw DC 10 + ½ grim reaper’s HD + grim reaper’s Charisma modifier or suffer from a curse where it incurs a cumulative –1 penalty per day on saves against spells and effects that deal damage. Additionally, all critical threats against the victim are automatically confirmed. The curse can only be lifted by means of a miracle or wish spells, by destroying the grim reaper or the grim reaper can lift it as a standard action.

Special Qualities: A grim reaper maintain the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following.

Bound Scythe (Ex)
A grim reaper binds a single scythe to its call when it gains this template. That scythe becomes tied to his very soul, becoming a conduit for its purpose and its weapon of destruction. The grim reaper scythe become almost an extension of its body: it is immune to disarm, steal, and sunder combat maneuvers made against its bound scythe when it holds it and its scythe cannot be broken with a strength check, a helpless grim reaper does not gain this benefit. A grim reaper can select feats that have a minimum number of fighter levels as a prerequisite, treating its HD as its fighter level, but if the feat specific to select a specific weapon (such as Weapon Specialization), the grim reaper can only select the scythe. The grim reaper bound scythe gains an enhancement bonus equal to ½ its HD; this enhancement bonus can be converted into equivalent magic properties. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added (eg. an 8 HD grim reaper can have a +4 scythe or a +1 disruption heartseeker scythe). These bonuses and properties are decided each day when it regains its daily spell-like abilities. Finally, as a supernatural action, the grim reaper may call the scythe to its hand with a move action as long as it and the scythe are on the same plane. By meditating for 8 hours and expending 100 gp per HD, the grim reaper may bind itself to a different scythe, breaking all ties with its former weapon.

Death Affinity (Ex)
By their very nature, a grim reaper stand betwixt the veil of life and death. Mindless undead do not willfully attack it unless ordered to, or until the grim reaper takes some offensive action against them. Furthermore, intelligent undead, spirit and psychopomp are more inclined to feel closer to the grim reaper than to other living creatures, granting the grim reaper a bonus equal to ½ his HD to Charisma-based skill checks and Sense Motive checks when interacting with these creature and their starting attitude towards it is one step better.

Soul Seeker (Su)
The grim reaper is fit to begin its duties and may release the soul of dead sentient creatures it finds. To reap a soul, the grim reaper must be adjacent to the corpse (or at least the site of death, if nothing remains) of a dead creature that hasn't been reaped before and then spend a standard action to release its soul, sending it to its judgment (some creatures dead from long time can already have their soul judged). The grim reaper may have up to two minute's worth of conversation with the soul of the fallen before sending it off. This conversation is done out of time and they understand each-other's language during the exchange (see Voice of the Dead). This ability does not work against incorporeal unded, but a destroyed undead with the rejuvenation ability (like a ghost) is vulnerable to this. The grim reaper must make a Diplomacy check DC 15 + HD of the undead + its Charisma modifier and, if successful, the undead must make a Will save DC 10 + ½ the grim reaper HD + its Charisma modifier. If this save fails, the undead is instantly destroyed and automatically sent to its proper afterlife. This ability does not work on creatures with the soul detached from the body (like a lich with a phylactery or a graveknight with its armor).

Whenever it sends souls to their judgment, it may instantly know the name of a creature whose CR is up to the grim reaper's HD that it has met or may meet that has defiled the balance of life and that must be sent to its judgment. It is under no obligation to do it. The target assigned remains the same until its soul is reaped or until the grim reaper gains a HD, in which case it gets a new assignment more in line with his aptitudes.

Additionally, whenever the grim reaper deals lethal damage with its bound scythe it may choose to leave no apparent wound or sign of damage from its attacks by directly attacking the life out of its targets (or severing the ties to the Negative Energy plane in the case of undead creatures and the animating force in the case of constructs). These attacks may also be painless but the target is very aware that its life is escaping it.

Spirit Touch (Ex)
A grim reaper’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, are treated as though they had the ghost touch weapon special ability.

Spell-like Abilities: A grim reaper may use the following spell-like ability with caster level equal to its HD.

At willcall spirit, speak with soul

3/dayfinger of death

1/dayplane shift, soul bind, wail of the banshee

Languages: A grim reaper gains Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, and Necril as bonus languages plus Voice of the Dead.

Voice of the Dead (Ex)
A grim reaper ’s ability to hear and understand spirits of the dead is developed enough to allow it to speak in this tongue as well. A grim reaper may use the language to understand and be understood by petitioner, psychopomps, souls, and undead creatures (all of which know the voice of the dead as a language, even if it is not listed) and to communicate with each other. Additionally, language is no longer a barrier when the grim reaper uses a call spirit, speak with dead, speak with soul spells or similar effects.

Ability Scores: Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +6.

Skills: Grim reapers gain a +8 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. Those skills are always class skills for grim reapers.

Feats: Grim reapers gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical (scythe), Improved Initiative, and Toughness as bonus feats without the need to meet their prerequisites.
Awesome creature. This is actually perfect for one of my homebrew universes. ^.^


Today I bring a villain inspired by a cartoon from my childhood: Farhat (Egokhan). In my setting Egokhan is the abomination child between a desert deity and a powerful genie of the Plane of Earth. It tried to seize power by force from one of the elemental lords of the Plane of Earth but was defeated and forced to flee to the Material Plane where it was once again defeated by heroes in the now distant past and sealed away in its palace which also became its prison and tomb.

NE Huge outsider (abomination, earth, evil, native)

Init +14; Senses blindsight 500 ft., darkvision 180 ft., sandstorm vision, true seeing; Perception +45

Aura divine (DC 27, 85 ft.)


AC 46, touch 35, flat-footed 36 (+13 deflection, +5 Dex, +4 divine, +6 dodge, +10 natural, -2 size)

hp 600 (24d10+360) fast healing 10, regeneration 10 (epic and good)

Fort +45, Ref +33, Will +38

Defensive Abilities amorphous, immortality, nondetection, sixth sense; DR 10/epic and good; Immune ability damage and drain, energy drain, fire, dehydration, mind-affecting effects, polymorphing, petrification, or any form-altering attack, enchantment, illusionist and transmutation magic, death from massive damage; Resist acid 20, cold 20, Terrestrial Hazards; PR/SR 38

Weakness desert bound


Speed fly 80 ft. (perfect), burrow 30 ft.

Melee 2 claws +46 (3d10+20 plus grab) or perfect flaywind hand +46 touch (36d6 plus dehydrating touch)

Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.

Special Attacks beast of a thousand legs, corrupter of genies, dehydration pulse (DC 41), dehydrating touch, fire drought, global warning, mythic power (4/day, surge +1d8), sand prison, uncanny flaywind mastery

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 28th; concentration +45)

Constantnondetection, true seeing

At-willchoking sand* (DC 32), control sand* (DC 30), control weather (as a druid, see special), dust form, invisibility, soften earth and stone, shifting sand (DC 30), sirocco (DC 33), telekinesis, tormenting thirst* (DC 30), transmute stone to sand* (DC 32), wall of sand* (DC 31), whispering sand, unearthly head (DC 32)

3/dayfinger of death (DC 34), greater invisibility, greater teleport (special), horrid wilting (DC 35), sandstorm* (DC 33), scouring winds (DC 34), wish (granted to a mortal only)

1/daysea of dust (see special), symbol of thirst* (DC 33), wind walk

*spells from Sandstorm


Str 50, Dex 21, Con 41, Int 23, Wis 30, Cha 36

Base Atk +24; CMB +50; CMD 84 (cannot be tripped)

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Greater Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess, PersuasiveB, Power Attack, Signature Skill (intimidate)

Epic Feats Good Fortitude, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense

Skills Bluff +44, Diplomacy +48, Fly +37, Intimidate +68, Knowledge (arcane) +34, Knowledge (planes, religion) +37, Perception +45, Sense Motive +45, Spellcraft +37, Stealth +29 (+53 using dunemeld), Survival +38

Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Ignan, Infernal, Necril, Terran; telepathy 1,000 ft.

SQ at home in the desert, dunemeld, might, mythic, native evil, temperature extremes, virtual size category +1

Divine Abilities

• Eternal Freedom (Su): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Profane Soul (Ex)B: Wis as profane to saving throw

Uncanny Flaywind Mastery (half fire/half slashing)
  • Beam (Ray) 24d6; 1.360 ft.
    Wind: 120 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object)​
  • Blast 12d6; 1.360 ft./85 ft. Standard action Ref 37/half
    Wind: 60 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object), a successful Reflex save half the knocks back​
  • Blood 6d6; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 39/negate
    Wind: 30 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object), a successful Reflex save negate the knocks back​
  • Breath* 24d6; 85 ft. (cone) 340 ft. (line) Standard Ref 39/half
    Wind: 120 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object), a successful Reflex save half the knocks back​
  • Hand 36d6; Melee Touch
    Wind: 180 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object)​
  • Immolation 36d6; 85 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 39/half
    Wind: 180 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object), a successful Reflex save half the knocks back​
  • Storm 6d6; 85 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 37/half
    Wind: 30 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object), a successful Reflex save negate the knocks back​
  • Strike 6d6; Melee (bonus) Free -
    Wind: 30 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object)​
  • Wrath (Gaze) 12d6; all creature in 85 ft. Will 37/negate
    Wind: 60 ft. knocks back, 1d6 damage x 10 ft. knocks back (x2 if hit an object), a successful Will save negate the knocks back​

At Home in the Desert (Ex)
Egokhan cannot be tracked in desert, suffer no penalty to speed or on Acrobatics or Stealth checks when moving through sandy or desert terrain, is immune to the blinding and dazzling effect of the desert and ignore the effects of a hot climate (and cold climate, but only the night of the desert). Egokhan is also immune to magical or natural sandstorm and all their variants (like flaywind or the scourging winds or sirocco spells).

Beast Of a Thousand Legs (Su)
Once per day, while in a desert terrain, Egokhan can manipulate the atmosphere with one minute of concentration to create a terrible, roiling storm with a radius of 10 miles from which tornados sprout randomly and writhe across the land. The storm forms over the course of 10 minutes after this ability is used. At any time, ten tornados are active in the storm, and each tornado is 150 feet across. A particular tornado touches the ground for 1d6×10 minutes; when this duration expires, another tornado appears at a random location elsewhere within the storm. The storm last for 24 hours. Egokhan is immune to this storm and tornados and its sandstorm vision apply to it.

Burrow (Ex)
Egokhan can only use its burrow speed in sand.

Control Weather (Sp)
When Egokhan use its control weather spell-like ability, it can only generate sandstorm or desert hazards (like flaywinds), regardless of the climate or season of the area in which it is used.

Corrupter of Genies (Su)
When Egokhan slay a genie using its natural weapon, spell-like abilities, or special attacks or a genie die inside a sandstorm or desert terrain created by Egokhan (like with dire drought or global warning or with the sandstorm and sea of dust spell-like abilities), or inside a desert under the temperature extremes ability, that unfortunate genie becomes at the midnight of the next day a ghul (if janni) or a greater ghul (if a djinn, efreet, marids, or shaitains). The new undead is not under the control of Egokhan but has a starting attitude of friendly toward him. If the corpse is totally destroyed or immersed in holy water before the transformation, it does not become an undead.

Dehydration Pulse (Su)
As a standard action (but no more often than once every 1d4 rounds), Egokhan can draw in the moisture from an area in a 1 – mile radius surrounding itself. Creatures within range take 24d6 points of damage (1d6/HD) and are staggered for 1d4 rounds (a successful DC 41 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the staggered effect). Against plants, and creatures with the aquatic or water subtypes this damage is doubled. This attack ignore the racial immunity of Fortitude save of construct and undead creatures. Creatures without water inside, with the earth or fire subtype, or without the need to drink for survive are immune to this effect. All nonsentient plant life is automatically reduced to ash from this effect. If a potentially affected plant is under the control of another (such as a druid’s liveoak or a dryad’s home tree), the controller can make a Will save DC 41 to keep it alive. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Dehydrating Touch (Su)
When Egokhan damage a creature with its perfect flaywind hand, it extracts water and moisture from the creature. The creature suffer 12d6 (1d6/2 HD) additional nonlethal damage and become fatigued. This nonlethal damage cannot be healed until the character drink a gallon of water. If the creature is already fatigued, it become exhausted instead. Against plants, and creatures with the aquatic or water subtypes this damage use d8 instead of d6 and is lethal, but can be healed as usual without the need to drink. Creatures without water inside, with the earth or fire subtype, or without the need to drink for survive are immune to this effect.

Desert Bound (Ex)
When Egokhan is outside of a desert (temperate or warm) or sandy terrain, it is staggered.

Dire Drought (Su)
Once per day, Egokhan can call forth the heat and drought of the deep desert with one minute of concentration. For the next 24 hours, in a 1-mile radius creatures take 2d6 nonlethal damage from the heat and become fatigued. This nonlethal damage cannot be healed until the character drink a gallon of water. If the creature is already fatigued, it become exhausted instead. Against plants, and creatures with the aquatic or water subtypes this inflict 2d8 and is lethal, but can be healed as usual without the need to drink. The intense heat evaporates water from the soil, killing ordinary plant life. The difference in temperature from the surrounding area causes a strong wind, which blows the soil away and produces a sandstorm within the area. Creatures damaged by this ability are dehydrated. Creatures without water inside, with the earth or fire subtype, or without the need to drink for survive are immune to dire drought. Dire drought counters and dispels the epic dire winter spell (dire drought is also countered and dispelled by dire winter).

Divine Traits (Abomination) (Ex)
As an abomination, Egokhan gains a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Egokhan’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Egokhan does not age and requires no food or drink to sustain itself but it must eat petrolium or suffer for starvation.

Dunemeld (Ex)
Egokhan can assume the form of a swirling mass of sand at will. This is equivalent to gaseous form, but it maintain its fly speed and can run. While in this form, Egokhan gains a circumstance bonus on Stealth checks made in desert terrain equal to its HD.

Global Warning (Su)
Once per year, Egokhan can increase the temperature of the region with one day on concentration, drying up water and baking the soil within a 100-mile-radius area. 10 minutes after the ability is activated, the climate band increases to by one step (arctic→ temperate → subtropical → tropical). If the region was ice-covered, the snow and ice melt rapidly, which might result in flooding. If the result if subtropical or higher, open water and moisture in soil and plants evaporates, creating desert conditions that last until global warming is removed. Multiple use of global warning stack for increase multiple times the climate band. Global warming counters and dispels the epic spell ice age. A caster of wish or miracle that make with success a DC 39 caster level check also remove global warning.

Grant Spells
Egokhan can grant spells of 7th level or less. It grant access to the domains of Erosion, Evil, and Sun and to the subdomains of Storms° and Thirst.
°Clerics of Egokhan can use the Storms subdomain to modify the Erosion domain.

Greater Teleport (Sp)
When Egokhan use its greater teleport spell-like ability, it can only start its teleport from a desert (temperate or warm), sandy terrain, or puddle of petrolium big enough to hold it for ending in another one of this list.

Immortality (Ex)
If Egokhan is killed, its body immediately fades away into a sandstorm that fills an area out to its reach. This activate the perfect flaywind immolation as usual. This cloud blocks vision as obscuring mist, but can’t be dispersed by any amount of wind. Any creature in this area must succeed at a DC 41 Reflex save or be blinded for as long as it remains in the cloud and for an additional 1d10 rounds after it leaves the area. Egokhan returns to life after 2d6 rounds, manifesting from the cloud and restored to life via true resurrection, but is staggered for 2d6 rounds (nothing can remove this staggered effect). If slain again while it is staggered from this effect, Egokhan reverts to sandstorm form, trigger its perfect flaywind immolation, and its again restored to life via true resurrection after 2d6 rounds, but this time its essence fades away, returning to its tomb in the Labyrinth of the Black Sands, sealed and sleeping (as binding [bound slumber] DC 41) until it is released again or until 7,000 years have passed. Only if slain outside a desert (see desert bound) by an Intermediate Deity or higher power this immortality is ignored and Egokhan is truly slain. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Might (Ex)
Egokhan deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Mythic (Ex)
Egokhan has Mythic Power (4/day, Surge +1d8) and counts as a 4th-rank Mythic creature. Egokhan can use any of its spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Native Evil (Ex)
Egokhan has lived long enough on the Material Plane to lose the extraplanar subtype and become native of it.

Sand Prison (Su)
As a melee touch attack, Egokhan can try to eternity trap a creature in sands. If the attack hit, the creature must make a Will save DC 39 or be trapped in swirling sands. The unfortunate victim remain conscious the entire time and can speak and interact with other creatures present but like a temporal stasis effect its condition becomes fixed. The creature does not grow older. Its body functions virtually cease, and no force or effect can harm it. The creature cannot make any action, use or activate any ability, even if only require to speak or do not require actions (like the evangelization ability of a Deimavigga, psychic spellcasting or a silent still spell). Egokhan can free a creature from a sand prison as a move action. Freedom, wish, or miracle can free a creature, while slaying Egokhan (sealing back Egokhan in its Labyrinth, see immortality, count as slaying) automatically free all creatures under sand prison. Once a creature succeed a save against sand prison, it become immune to it for 24 hours. Egokhan can freely move a creature trapped in sand prison using its telekinesis spell-like ability (sustained force version). The save DC is Charisma-based.

Sandstorm Vision (Ex)
Egokhan can see clearly in a magical or naturally occurring sandstorm and all their variants (like flaywind).

Sea of Dust (Sp)
When Egokhan use its sea of dust spell-like ability, it can spend 2 mythic powers for empower it:
  • The range increase to 1-mile radius/caster level.​
  • Exposed water that enters the area ebbs away, evaporating or leaching into the ground at a rate of 1 foot of depth per minute instead of 1 foot of depth per hour.​
  • Living creatures in the area when the spell is cast are parched with thirst and take a –8 penalty on Constitution checks to resist the effects of a hot climate, and their daily water requirement to avoid thirst triples. Plant creatures and inanimate plants take 1d12 points of nonlethal damage per 10 minutes after the first hour, which bypasses hardness and damage reduction. Living creatures with the aquatic or water subtype, unless completely immersed in water, must attempt a DC 30 Constitution check every 10 minutes no matter how much water they drink. A creature that fails takes 1d12 points of nonlethal damage and becomes fatigued until it recovers from the nonlethal damage.​
  • The soil in the area of sea of dust begins to break down and blow away after only 1 day instead of 1 week.​
  • The soil in an area affected by sea of dust has virtually disintegrated after only 1 week instead of 1 month.​

Temperature Extremes (Su)
Creatures in a desert in which it is present Egokhan endure extreme temperatures. In daylight hours, the temperature in the desert functions as if it were one category higher than it is (so if the desert’s temperature is normally severe heat, the temperature rises to extreme heat conditions). If this puts the temperature conditions beyond extreme heat, the conditions function the same as for normal extreme heat, but all Fortitude saving throws against these temperature effects are attempted with a –5 penalty. This ability is not active while Egokhan is sealed and asleep in its Labyrinth (see immortality).


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Grim Reaper Template CR +6

Ally of the psychopomps, the grim reaper are divine agents of gods of death. They create grim reaper from their most faithful followers for protecting the balance between life and death.

Creating a Grim Reaper

“Grim Reaper” is an acquired template that can be added to any mortal living creature with 10 or more Hit Dice (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A grim reaper uses the base creature’s stats and abilities except as noted here.

CR: As the base creature +6.

Alignment: As the deity that create it.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to outsider (augmented, extraplanar, psychopomp). Do not recalculate BAB, saves, or skill ranks.

Aura: A grim reaper gains the aura misfortune 20 ft. and unnatural aura with a range of 30 ft.

Misfortune Aura (Su)
When an enemy creature attempts an ability check, attack roll, caster level check, skill check, or saving throw within 20 feet of a grim reaper, it must roll two d20s and take the lowest roll before applying any modifiers.

Senses: A grim reaper gains darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, spiritsense and status sight.

Spiritsense (Su)
A grim reaper notices, locates, and can distinguish between living and undead creatures within 60 feet, just as if it had the blindsight ability.

Status Sight (Su)
When a grim reaper gazes on a creature, it can see that creature’s emotion aura and that creature’s current health and overall well-being. This acts as the status spell, as well as the emotion aura aspect of the analyze aura spell.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +6.

Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d10s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected.

Defensive Abilities: A grim reaper gains DR 10/—, immunity to ability damage to its physical ability scores, ability drain, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Not at risk of death from massive damage. It gains SR 11 + HD, and resistance to cold 10 and electricity 10. A grim reaper also gains fast healing 10. A grim reaper maintain the defensive abilities of the base creature and gains the following.

Death’s Grace (Su)
The power of countless souls protects a grim reaper, granting it an insight bonus on all saving throws and to AC equal to its Charisma modifier.

Deathless (Su)
As a herald of a god of death, a grim reaper is not itself subject to permanent destruction. If slay, it vanishes, only to rejuvenate at full hit points in 1d4 days. Only by slaying the grim reaper and then casting wish prevents the grim reaper reappearance.

Truly One with Death (Ex)
A grim reaper is healed by both positive and negative energy.

Speed: A grim reaper gains a fly speed (perfect) as a supernatural ability equal to the base creature land speed or 30 ft., whichever is higher.

Special Attacks: A grim reaper maintain the special attacks of the base creature and gains the following.

Death Strike (Su)
A grim reaper automatically confirms any critical hit with a scythe. A creature damaged by a critical hit from a scythe wielded by a grim reaper must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw DC 10 + ½ grim reaper’s HD + grim reaper’s Charisma modifier or be instantly killed. If the target dies, the grim reaper can make another attack with its scythe as if it possessed the Cleaving Finish feat. If the creature succeed the save, he must make a second Fortitude saving throw with the same DC or gain 1d4 temporary negative levels. Assuming the subject survives, it regains lost levels after a number of hours equal to the grim reaper HD (maximum 15 hours). Usually, negative levels have a chance of becoming permanent, but the negative levels from death strike don’t last long enough to do so. A living or undead creature slain by a grim reaper’s death strike is consumed in holy fire and has its remains destroyed as the disintegrate spell. This is a death effect.

Destroy Soul (Su)
A grim reaper always possesses six gems in which it encapsulates souls with its soul bind spell-like ability. These gems are only useful to the grim reaper that owns them, and if the grim reaper dies, the gems are destroyed as well. As a standard action once per day, a grim reaper can hold up a gem that currently contains a soul and crush it, permanently destroying the soul within and releasing a 30-foot-radius burst of negative energy that inflicts 1d6 negative levels on all creatures in the area of effect. A successful Fortitude saving throw DC 10 + ½ grim reaper’s HD + grim reaper’s Charisma modifier reduces this to 1 negative level. The soul destroyed in the process of using this ability can only be brought back to life by means of a miracle or wish spells. Lost gems are replaced each day when it regains its daily spell-like abilities. This is a death effect.

Final Death (Su)
A creature killed by a grim reaper can’t be brought back to life by any means short of miracle, true resurrection, or wish spells. A grim reaper senses if a creature it has slain has been restored to life, and automatically know the name, aspect and location of the caster that resurrect the victim. Nothing short of a mind blank spell or the direct intervention of a deity can protect from this divination. If the grim reaper has at least 20 HD, the creature can’t be brought back to life by any means short of divine intervention.

Inevitability (Su)
A grim reaper that attacks a single living or undead target gains a cumulative +1 insight bonus at the beginning of its turn to its attack and damage rolls against that target. If the grim reaper attacks another creature, it loses this bonus.

Lurking Death (Su)
As an immediate action, when a creature within 100 feet makes a ranged attack, cast a spell, spell-like ability, manifest a psionic power or use any action that provoke attack of opportunity, the grim reaper can teleport to a square adjacent to the triggering creature and makes a free scythe attack against him. If the attack hits, the grim reaper disrupts the triggering action, negating it.

No Escape (Su)
A creature that leaves a grim reaper alive and manages to escape from it must succeed at a Will saving throw DC 10 + ½ grim reaper’s HD + grim reaper’s Charisma modifier or suffer from a curse where it incurs a cumulative –1 penalty per day on saves against spells and effects that deal damage. Additionally, all critical threats against the victim are automatically confirmed. The curse can only be lifted by means of a miracle or wish spells, by destroying the grim reaper or the grim reaper can lift it as a standard action.

Special Qualities: A grim reaper maintain the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following.

Bound Scythe (Ex)
A grim reaper binds a single scythe to its call when it gains this template. That scythe becomes tied to his very soul, becoming a conduit for its purpose and its weapon of destruction. The grim reaper scythe become almost an extension of its body: it is immune to disarm, steal, and sunder combat maneuvers made against its bound scythe when it holds it and its scythe cannot be broken with a strength check, a helpless grim reaper does not gain this benefit. A grim reaper can select feats that have a minimum number of fighter levels as a prerequisite, treating its HD as its fighter level, but if the feat specific to select a specific weapon (such as Weapon Specialization), the grim reaper can only select the scythe. The grim reaper bound scythe gains an enhancement bonus equal to ½ its HD; this enhancement bonus can be converted into equivalent magic properties. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added (eg. an 8 HD grim reaper can have a +4 scythe or a +1 disruption heartseeker scythe). These bonuses and properties are decided each day when it regains its daily spell-like abilities. Finally, as a supernatural action, the grim reaper may call the scythe to its hand with a move action as long as it and the scythe are on the same plane. By meditating for 8 hours and expending 100 gp per HD, the grim reaper may bind itself to a different scythe, breaking all ties with its former weapon.

Death Affinity (Ex)
By their very nature, a grim reaper stand betwixt the veil of life and death. Mindless undead do not willfully attack it unless ordered to, or until the grim reaper takes some offensive action against them. Furthermore, intelligent undead, spirit and psychopomp are more inclined to feel closer to the grim reaper than to other living creatures, granting the grim reaper a bonus equal to ½ his HD to Charisma-based skill checks and Sense Motive checks when interacting with these creature and their starting attitude towards it is one step better.

Soul Seeker (Su)
The grim reaper is fit to begin its duties and may release the soul of dead sentient creatures it finds. To reap a soul, the grim reaper must be adjacent to the corpse (or at least the site of death, if nothing remains) of a dead creature that hasn't been reaped before and then spend a standard action to release its soul, sending it to its judgment (some creatures dead from long time can already have their soul judged). The grim reaper may have up to two minute's worth of conversation with the soul of the fallen before sending it off. This conversation is done out of time and they understand each-other's language during the exchange (see Voice of the Dead). This ability does not work against incorporeal unded, but a destroyed undead with the rejuvenation ability (like a ghost) is vulnerable to this. The grim reaper must make a Diplomacy check DC 15 + HD of the undead + its Charisma modifier and, if successful, the undead must make a Will save DC 10 + ½ the grim reaper HD + its Charisma modifier. If this save fails, the undead is instantly destroyed and automatically sent to its proper afterlife. This ability does not work on creatures with the soul detached from the body (like a lich with a phylactery or a graveknight with its armor).

Whenever it sends souls to their judgment, it may instantly know the name of a creature whose CR is up to the grim reaper's HD that it has met or may meet that has defiled the balance of life and that must be sent to its judgment. It is under no obligation to do it. The target assigned remains the same until its soul is reaped or until the grim reaper gains a HD, in which case it gets a new assignment more in line with his aptitudes.

Additionally, whenever the grim reaper deals lethal damage with its bound scythe it may choose to leave no apparent wound or sign of damage from its attacks by directly attacking the life out of its targets (or severing the ties to the Negative Energy plane in the case of undead creatures and the animating force in the case of constructs). These attacks may also be painless but the target is very aware that its life is escaping it.

Spirit Touch (Ex)
A grim reaper’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, are treated as though they had the ghost touch weapon special ability.

Spell-like Abilities: A grim reaper may use the following spell-like ability with caster level equal to its HD.

At willcall spirit, speak with soul

3/dayfinger of death

1/dayplane shift, soul bind, wail of the banshee

Languages: A grim reaper gains Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, and Necril as bonus languages plus Voice of the Dead.

Voice of the Dead (Ex)
A grim reaper ’s ability to hear and understand spirits of the dead is developed enough to allow it to speak in this tongue as well. A grim reaper may use the language to understand and be understood by petitioner, psychopomps, souls, and undead creatures (all of which know the voice of the dead as a language, even if it is not listed) and to communicate with each other. Additionally, language is no longer a barrier when the grim reaper uses a call spirit, speak with dead, speak with soul spells or similar effects.

Ability Scores: Str +6, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +6.

Skills: Grim reapers gain a +8 racial bonus on Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. Those skills are always class skills for grim reapers.

Feats: Grim reapers gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical (scythe), Improved Initiative, and Toughness as bonus feats without the need to meet their prerequisites.
How did I miss this?
It's awesome!!!


A neutronium golem is a CR 350-400 that can take on First Ones and poorly optimized Demiurges but has a HUGE weakness. It's stupid like a stone. Theoretically, even an Elder One or a Greater Deity can be able to defeat or imprison him by exploiting the fact that, having no mind and no one to command him on the spot, he acts according to predictable pre-set patterns that can lead him into a trap.
This advanced version of the Neutronium Golem in my setting is usually used by Time Lords as field commanders to manage their lesser version and avoid the above mentioned scenario.

Advanced Neutronium Golem

Beyond Alignment (N) Large construct (extrauniversal)

Init +334 (always first); Senses cosmic consciousness (universe), see in darkness, true seeing, x-ray vision; Perception +388

Aura gravitic (DC 461, special), heat (DC 461, special)


AC cannot be hit 1,240, touch 396, flat-footed 988 (+55 deflection, +6 dodge, +80 gravitic, +844 natural, -1 size, +246 Str)

hp 2,110,000 (250d1,000+13,750)x8 fast healing 10,000

Fort +508, Ref +699, Will +508

Defensive Abilities accretion, eternal freedom, hardness 1,500, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, incredible reflexes, indestructible, mettle, perfect defence, slipstream, uncanny dodge; Immune construct traits, magic, Dimensional, Stellar, Terrestrial Hazards; Resist Universal Hazards


Speed Fly Superluminal (perfect), starflight

Melee 2 slam always hit +821 touch (48,000d100+246/16-20 x6 x6 plus accretion) or devasting strike slam always hit +821 touch (48,000d100+246/16-20 x4 x6 x6 plus accretion), or with inner eye 2 slam always hit +841 touch (28,801,476 plus accretion without critical, or 172,808,856 plus accretion with critical) or devasting strike slam always hit +841 touch (115,205,904 plus accretion without critical, or 691,235,424 plus accretion with critical)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (100 miles with slam)

Special Attacks abrogate, alter reality, mythic power (80/day, surge +80d6), pulsed x-ray, starquake


Str 502, Dex 60, Con –, Int 120, Wis 120, Cha 120

Base Atk +250; CMB +823; CMD 673

Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative

Metamagic Feats Eclipsed Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Empower Spell, Energy Admixture (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire), Energy Substitution (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire), Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Reach Spell, Shadow Grasp, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Tenebrous Spell, Thanatopic Spell, Threnodic Spell, Widen Spell, Umbral Spell

Epic Metamagic Feats Automatic Metamagic Capacity x92, Cataclysmic Spell, Greater Intensified Spell (+4, removes the maximum cap), Metamagic Freedom, Unbound Spell

Epic Feats Ether Goer, Etheric Double, Etheric Vision, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Dodge, Good Fortitude, Polyglot, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body

Skills Omnicompetent - All skills 333 + ability modifier

Languages Pleromian, other 305; Polyglot, telepathy 100 miles

SQ apostasy, inner eye, magnetar, maven, mythic, muscle memory, omnicompetent, perfect critical, perfect critical multiplier, perfect initiative, spirit within, strong mind, strong soul, transcendetal might, virtual size category +32, ultimate weapon focus, unearthly construction, unearthly reach, unearthly weapon focus, unearthly weapon specialization

Abrogate (Su)
Any single opponent within the golem gravitic aura has its greatest ability negated. This can be an ability score or one of its other abilities (divine, cosmic etc.).

Accretion (Ex)
Anyone striking a neutronium golem or hit by it with an unarmed strike or natural weapn must make a DC 461 Strength check as an immediate action to be able to retrieve their weapon (or appendage) from the automaton’s surface following each and every attack. A creature gains the grappled condition as long he’s bond to the construct, but the golem does not. The golem can release an object or creature as a free action. The save DC is Strength-based.

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action the golem can duplicate any spell of 100th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 408 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Apostasy (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem has transcended alignment. It cannot be affected by any alignment based attacks or effects. For all intents and purposes it is beyond alignment. This applies even if the alignment based attack comes from an immortal of higher divine status.

Devasting Strike (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem can make a single attack with its slam as a standard action. In this case the damage is multiplied x4.

Ego (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem has good all saves, and add its Charisma modifier to hit point and Fortitude save in place of Constitution but does not gains bonus hit points based on size.

Eternal Freedom (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem is immune to the following effects, spells and spell-like abilities: entangle, hold, imprisonment, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis and web. It is also treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell.

Gravitic Aura (Ex)
The great mass of an advanced neutronium causes gravitic disturbances within the localized area. The Table: Gravitic Aura details the myriad effects of this ability. An advanced neutronium golem can exclude any number of objects or creatures from the effects of its aura. The save DC is Strength-based.

Table: Gravitic Aura
Hp Damage*
100 ft.​
DC 461​
600 ft.​
DC 461​
10 miles​
DC 461​
100 miles​
DC 461​
*The target’s maximum hp is reduced by this amount each round.

Gravitic Mastery (Ex)

An advacned neutronium golem is not subject to gravity, including its own. It can control the ebb and flow of its own gravity, giving it a +80 elemental mastery bonus to its: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities); initiative; and saving throws. This count as Divine Rank for interactions with effects (like overcome cosmic string or suffer antidivine damage).

Heat Aura (Ex)
The local area surrounding a neutronium golem burns with the fury of a thousand suns. The Table: Heat Aura details the transcendental fire damage experienced at different ranges. An advanced neutronium golem can exclude any number of objects or creatures from the effects of its aura.

Table: Heat Aura
Transcendental Fire damage
50 miles​
100 miles​
1,000 miles​
2,000 miles​

Immunity to Magic (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem is immune to any psionic ability, psi-like ability, spell or spell-like ability that allows power or spell resistance unless the golem chose to suffer its effect.

Incredible Reflexes (Su)
An advanced neutronium golem can make a Reflex saving throw against a DC of 10 + ½ opponents HD + opponent Charisma modifier + opponent DR to avoid any type of assault (whether magical or physical), as for the Sophism transcendental ability.

Indestructible (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem is nearly impossible to destroy. Even if reduced below 0 hit points, its fast healing continues to restore hit points, though the golem is helpless unless above 0 hit points. It can only be permanently destroyed if reduced to negative hit points by omnific damage or by suffering omnific damage while below 0 hit points.

Inner Eye (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem always gain the best dice rolls in any given situation. However, a natural 20 is not an automatic success when using this ability.

Magnetar (Ex)
Once an advanced neutronium golem has identified a target for termination, the two beings are inextricably linked, and the golem can follow the target anywhere. Treat this as an infinite-range Spell Stowaway attuned to any magical methods of movement.

Mythic (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem has Mythic Power (80/day, Surge +80d6) and counts as an 80th-rank Mythic creature. An advanced neutronium golem can use any of its Alter Reality effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these effects.

Muscle Memory (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem add its Strength modifier to his AC, Initiative, and to Reflex saves instead of his Dexterity modifier. An advanced neutronium golem’s Strength bonus to his AC is still limited by his armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus.

Perfect Critical (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem critical threat range of its slam is quintipled. This supersedes and does not stack with the Improved Critical feat or similar effects.

Perfect Critical Multiplier (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem critical multiplier of its slam is increased to x6.

Perfect Defence (Ex)
Attack rolls against an advanced neutronium golem always fail. This ability is canceled out by the Ultimate Weapon Focus transcendental ability. The Oblique Strike cosmic ability would also bypass this defence.

Perfect Initiative (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem always act first. Two beings with this ability would roll for initiative normally against each other.

Pulsed X-Ray (Su)
An advanced neutronium golem can emit a pulsed x-ray once per round as a free action. This wave targets everything within a 1,000-mile spread centered on the golem. Those within the area of effect immediately suffer 300d1,000 transcendental fire damage with no save. An advanced neutronium golem can exclude any number of objects or creatures from the effects of its pulse.

Slipstream (Su)
An advanced neutronium golem is unaffected by temporal effects (such as slow or temporal stasis), cannot be undermined by time travel (someone cannot go back to your past and simply kill you as an infant for instance). If it is within the area of a time stop spell then it gains access to the additional rounds.

Spirit Within (Ex)
Though and advanced neutronium golem is not a living creature, a “spirit” still resides within it. Unlike most constructs, the advanced neutronium golem is not immune to all necromantic effects. Certain spells that rely on the existence of a creature’s soul (not “life force”)—namely astral projection, clone, magic jar, and soul bind—can affect the advanced neutronium golem. No other necromantic effects affect it, and it is still immune to death effects. Though it cannot be raised or resurrected, an advanced neutronium golem can be reincarnated as described by the reincarnate spell (only in a new advanced neutronium golem). An advanced neutronium golem is still immune to magic as described in its entry.

Starflight (Su)
An advanced neutronium golem flies through outer space at incredible speeds. Although the exact travel time will vary from one trip to the next, a trip within a solar system normally takes the golem 2d6 hours, and a trip beyond normally takes 2d6 days (or more, at the GM’s discretion, usually 2 hours or 2 days with inner eye).

Starquake (Ex)
When an advanced neutronium golem is definitely slay (see indestructible), it detonate in a cosmic conflagration, much akin to a supernova. Table: Death Throes details the amount of damage. Blast damage should be treated as bludgeoning damage. An advanced neutronium golem can exclude any number of objects or creatures from the effects of its explosion. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Table: Death Throes
Fireball (Transcendental fire)**
500 miles​
DC 215​
800 miles​
1,500 miles​
3,000 miles​
6,000 miles​
10,000 miles​
*A Fortitude save negate the instantly disintegration.

**A Reflex save half the damage of both fireball and blast.

***Ability damage to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.

Strong Mind (Ex)

An advanced neutronium golem add its Strength modifier as an insight bonus to its attack rolls.

Strong Soul (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem add its Strength modifier as an insight bonus to its saving throws.

Superluminal (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem travels at the speed of light. This gives it a movement speed of 5,621,108,587 feet, the equivalent of 1,117,694 miles per round or 186,282 miles per second.

Transcendental Might (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem deals d100's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Ultimate Weapon Focus (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem never miss with its slam attack. It still roll dice to determine whether or not it has scored a critical hit or not, but inner eye usually makes that futile.

Unearthly Construction (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem is fashioned by lords and other similarly powerful beings. These cosmic automatons use d1,000’s for Hit Dice, have maximum hit points per Hit Die and a x8 hp multiplier. The golem multiplied x192 the damage of its slam because its made of neutronium.

Unearthly Reach (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem slam attacks range is equal to its gravitic aura.

Unearthly Weapon Focus (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem slam attacks resolve against the touch AC instead of the normal AC.

Unearthly Weapon Specialization (Ex)
An advanced neutronium golem slam damage is multiplied by its critical damage multiplier. If the construct subsequently score a critical hit it further multiply the damage.


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