Things from the Norse myth!


Today I bring you the Midgard Serpent. His current version is a little too strong because it can be dealt with by an intermediate deity like Thor but I hope you like it anyway. The base creature I use to built it is the Midgard Serpent from Legendary Games.
This titanic sea serpent is impossibly long, with endless coils covered in fins and spines. Its enormous head seems almost to blot out the sun as it rises above to strike.
The Midgard Serpent
CN Mega-Colossal dragon (entity, kaiju, water)
Init +153; Senses blindsight 5.000 ft., darkvision 10.000 ft., keen scent, low-light vision, mistsight, scent, true seeing; Perception +189
Aura frightful presence (5.200 ft., DC 158, 1 hour) [replace divine aura], twilight of doom (3 miles)
AC 417, touch 6, flat-footed 417 (+40 deflection, +24 divine, +24 insight, +411 natural, –92 size)
hp 75.840 (120d100+6.960)x4; fast healing 60; regeneration 60 (electricity and epic)
Fort +265, Ref +209, Will +235
Defensive Abilities bound by fate, eater of magic, ferocity, freedom of movement; DR 120/–; Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, aging, cold, death effects, disease, enchantment effect, energy drain, fear, illusion effect, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification, poison, polymorph, sleep, transmutation effect, natural and magic effects, kaiju traits; Resist electricity 100, fire 100, negative energy 100, sonic 100; SR 154, any spell which fails to penetrate Jörmungandr’s spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster.
Weakness limited manifestation, weak blood
Speed swim 6.000 ft.
Melee bite +319 (120d20+389/13–20x5 plus grab and poison), tail slap +319 (120d20+147/16–20x5 plus constricting coils)
Space 24.900 miles [or 60 ft.; see limited manifestation]; Reach 30 miles
Special Attacks breath weapon (1-mile cone, 40d20 divine acid damage and 40d20 divine cold damage plus poison, Reflex DC 176 for half, usable every 1d3 rounds), capsize, cleaving bite, constrict (tail, 120d20+181), constricting coils, crushing coils, death curse, fast swallow, feast of minnows, god-eater, hurl foe, lingering breath (10d20 divine acid and 10d20 divine cold plus poison, 10 minutes), Mythic Power (24/day, +8d6), shipwrecker, stormy seas, swallow whole (30d20+121 plus 20d20 divine acid damage, 20d20 divine cold damage, and poison, AC 215, 7.584 hp), tail sweep, trample (120d20+181, DC 239)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 144th; concentration +208)
Constant—freedom of movement, mindblank, true seeing;
At Will—control water, earthquake, solid fog, tsunami;
3/day—summon 1d8+4 heralds of the Sea (Thalassic Behemot with the Paragon Template, spell level 24th) 100%;
1/day—summon 1d4+1 champions of the Deep (Leviathan with double Paragon Template, spell level 34th) 100%;
Str 253, Dex 10, Con 126, Int 46, Wis 66, Cha 90
Base Atk +120; CMB +402 (+406 grapple and sunder); CMD 431 (435 vs. sunder, can’t be tripped)
Feats Alertness, Blinding Critical, Cornugon Smash, Critical Focus, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidate Prowess, Lightning Reflexes, Muscle Reaction, Power Attack, Run, Seize the Opportunity, Sickening Critical, Signature Skill (Intimidate), Swim-By Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Specialization (bite)
Epic Feats Cryptomnesia (Telluric Effect, during Ragnarök), Epic Potency x12, Epic Skill Focus (Intimidate, Perception, Stealth, Swim), Etheric Vision, Greater Critical (bite), Greater Sunder, Light Eradication, Haleness, Hibernate, Incorruptible Body, Inedia, Insomnia, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Power Attack Mastery, Shadow Strike, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative, Superior Sunder, Tensegrity, Uncanny Power Attack, Weapon Abatement, Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning)
Skills Appraise +165, Bluff +187, Diplomacy +187, Disable Device +144, Heal +175, Intimidate +318, Knowledge (all) +165, Perception +189, Sense Motive +179, Sleight of Hand +144, Stealth +61 (+161 when sleeping), Spellcraft +165, Survival +175, Swim +286, Use Magic Device +187; Racial Modifiers +100 Stealth when sleeping
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Celestial, Common, Giant, Infernal, Old Norse, Other 14; Telepathy 10.000 ft.
SQ cosmic mighty, jaw of the world snake, massive, mythic, noxious breath, poisonous blood, recovery
Divine Ability Anarchic Mastery, ApocryphaB, Eternal Freedom, Moderate Eradication, Perfect Sunder, Spell Immunity x5 (immune to all 0-9th level spell), Strong [Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit], Superior Critical (bite), Superior Critical Multiplier (bite)B, Superior Power Attack (-1;+4)B, True SeeingB, Uncanny Poisonous Mastery;
Cosmic Ability SlipstreamB;
Transcendental Ability Bound by FateB;

Anarchic Mastery
Beam (Ray) 120d8; 5.200 ft.
Blast 60d8; 5.200 ft./325 ft. Standard action Ref 108/half
Blood 30d8; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 126/negate
Breath* 120d8; 325 ft. (cone) 1.300 ft. (line) Standard Ref 126/half
Hand 180d8; Melee Touch
Immolation 180d8; 5.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 126/half
Storm 30d8; 5.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 108/half
Strike 30d8; Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 60d8; all creature within 325 ft. Will 108/negate

Uncanny Poisonous Mastery
Frequency 1/round for 120 rounds; cure 24 consecutive saves. Jörmungandr can choose which ability scores the poison affects. Or even choose multiple ability scores by dividing the total effect between them. Unlike the normal [Effect], a creature that fail the listed saving throw, must make a Fortitude save with the same DC or be exposed to the above poison. A Fortitude save DC 20 + immortal’s Constitution modifier + immortal’s divine rank (DC 126) negate for the form without DC (like Hand or Strike).
Beam (Ray) 30; 5.200 ft.
Blast 15; 5.200 ft./325 ft. Standard action Ref 108
Blood 7; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 126
Breath* 30; 325 ft. (cone) 1.300 ft. (line) Standard Ref 126
Hand 45; Melee Touch
Immolation 45; 5.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 126
Storm 7; 5.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 108
Strike 7; Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 15; all creature within 325 ft. Will 108

Bound by Fate (Ex)
Jörmungandr is bound by a fate greater than himself. He merely reforms after 1d6 seconds imprisoned at the bottom of the sea, biting his tail, if he is killed in any way from creatures that do not have at least a divine rank of 49 (Demiurge Stage I) or at least a divine rank of 33 and double Death portfolio (First One). Bound by Fate give as well Jörmungandr the Slipstream Cosmic Ability as a bonus ability. Bound by fate disappears when facing Thor during the Ragnarök. This is a Transcendental Ability. This replace the alter reality and cosmic string of the entity subtype.

Cleaving Bite (Ex)
A single attack from Jörmungandr’s bite can target all creatures in a 100-foot square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the bite. Creatures struck by this area bite are exposed to the Midgard Serpent’s poison, and he can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple and immediately swallow all creatures he hits with this bite attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. Swallowed creatures are again exposed to his poison. If he grapples a creature of Macro-Tiny size or smaller, he does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining his grapple. The Midgard Serpent can grapple any number of creatures of Macro-Tiny size or smaller simultaneously.

Crushing Coils (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent can entwine and crush as many Titanic or smaller creatures as can fit within its space. Creatures can take attacks of opportunity against the Midgard Serpent as it moves into their area. Creatures in the affected area are pinned (DC 176 Reflex negates), taking 120d20+121 points of bludgeoning damage during the next round unless the Midgard Serpent moves off them. If the Midgard Serpent chooses to maintain the pin, it must succeed at a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes take damage from the crush each round if they don’t escape. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Constricting Coils (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent can duplicate the effects of the Snatch feat when attacking with its tail slap. If the Midgard Serpent makes a tail sweep attack, he can attempt a grapple combat maneuver as a free action against any one creature that failed its saving throw against the tail sweep. If the check succeeds, the target is grappled as above and takes automatic damage equal to the Midgard Serpent’s tail slap damage each round that it remains grappled.

Death Curse (Su)
When a creature slays the Midgard Serpent, all creatures that have harmed the Midgard Serpent within the previous minute are affected by the curse of doom. Curse of Doom: save Will DC 158; effect creature is affected as prediction of failure and can no longer be affected by healing spells nor heal damage naturally from rest. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Eater of Magic (Su)
When the Midgard Serpent fails a saving throw against a spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability, he can reroll the saving throw against the effect (this is not an action).
If he succeeds at the second saving throw, he is considered of having succeed the saving throw of the spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability and gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the effect’s caster level (in the case of spell or spell-like abilities) or the CR of the effect’s creator (in the case of supernatural abilities). These temporary hit points last for 1 hour and don’t stack with each other.

Feast of Minnows (Ex)
Unlike most kaiju, the Midgard Serpent can make attacks of opportunity against creatures of any size, and his natural weapons are considered area attacks for the purpose of attacking swarms.

God-Eater (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent despises all deities and their mortal and immortal servants. It can detect outsiders, extraplanar creatures, creatures with divine rank and divine spellcasters (as well as any creature called or summoned by outsiders, extraplanar creatures, creatures with divine rank or divine spell- casters) by scent at 1.000 times the normal range, and can always pinpoint their location when they are within 1.000 feet. His poison and Poison [effect] ignores the ability damage and ability drain immunity and poison immunity of creatures with divine rank 16 or lesser.

Hurl Foe (Ex)
As the Hurl Foe of the kaiju subtype, but with the difference that affect Colossal or smaller creatures instead of Huge or smaller.

Jaw of the World Snake (Ex)
Jörmungandr’s applies triple his Strength modifier to bite damage, and his bite attack has a critical threat range of 19-20. Jörmungandr’s bite attack automatically bypass any DR, that is not /–, and hardness the target might possess, gains +24 enhancement bonus and deal full damage to incorporeal creatures. Jörmungandr ignore freedom of movement or similar effect that prevent grab if generated by a creature with less divine rank of Jörmungandr. Jörmungandr gains the Superior Critical Multiplier (bite) and Superior Power Attack Divine Abilities as a bonus abilities.

Limited Manifestation (Ex)
Even if Jörmungandr is Macro-Colossal in length, he is only very long. To calculate his size bonus to the CMB, he considers himself Titanic. He considers himself Titanic to calculate his space on the game board if he is perpendicular to the ground (such as if it emerges from the water).

Lingering Breath (Su)
Jörmungandr’s can expend one use of mythic power as a free action when he uses his breath weapon (but not his [Effect] breath) to make the area radiate energy damage for 10 minutes. Any creature in, entering, or passing through the breath weapon’s area during this duration takes 10d20 divine acid and 10d20 divine cold and must save against the Midgard Serpent poison.

Massive (Ex)
Because Jörmungandr is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to his movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to Jörmungandr (GM’s discretion). A Titanic or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Jörmungandr, or vice-versa. Jörmungandr can be flanked only by Titanic or larger foes. Jörmungandr gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if his entire space is on higher ground than that of his target. It’s possible for a Titanic or smaller creature to climb Jörmungandr—this generally requires a successful climb check with DC 150, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on Jörmungandr body provokes an attack of opportunity from him, even if he has already used his attack of opportunity for this round. This replace the normal Massive ability of the kaiju subtype.

Mistsight (Ex)
Jörmungandr’s can see through fog, mist, and murky water as if they were perfectly clear, ignoring the miss chance for these obstructions, up to his normal range of vision.

Mythic (Ex)
Jörmungandr has Mythic Power (24/day, Surge +8d6) and counts as a 24th-rank Mythic creature. Jörmungandr can use any of his Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. Jörmungandr can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Noxious Breath (Su)
Creatures damaged by the Midgard Serpent’s breath weapon (including his lingering breath) are also exposed to his poison, though the diffusion of his poison in his breath reduces the save DC by 10 (or by 20 for creatures that do not need to breathe). Creatures swallowed by the Midgard Serpent are also exposed to his poison each round they remain within his gullet.

Poison (Ex)
Bite or breath weapon─injury; save Fort DC 176; frequency 1/round for 10 minutes; effect 30d20 divine acid damage and 30d20 divine cold damage and 2d12 Con drain; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Shipwrecker (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent deals double damage to inanimate objects with his attacks.

Stormy Seas (Su)
The Midgard Serpent is surrounded by foul weather at all times. Wind speeds within 10 mile are increased by three steps, and the DC of Profession (sailor) and Swim checks are increased by 100. Once every 1d2 rounds, a 5-foot-wide vertical bolt of lightning strikes a random creature within 10 mile of the Midgard Serpent, dealing 30d20 points of divine electricity damage (DC 176 Reflex half). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Tail Sweep (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent can sweep with his tail as a standard action, affecting 2-miles-radius half-circle extending from an intersection on the edge of his space. Macro-Tiny or smaller creatures and objects in the area take 120d20+181 points of damage (DC 176 Reflex half). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Twilight of Doom (Su)
Within 3 miles of the Midgard Serpent, lighting conditions are reduced by two steps and magic is suppressed. Spellcasters take a ─60 penalty on concentration checks and a ─24 penalty on caster level checks. A spellcaster failing either check is affected as crushing despair (DC 158) for 1 minute. A spellcaster already affected by crushing despair is instead affected as bestow curse (Will DC 158); determine the specific effect of this bestow curse randomly. A creature rolling a natural 1 on any d20 roll when attacking or attacked by the Midgard Serpent is also affected by this curse. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Weak Blood (Ex)
Although an Entity, Jörmungandr was born of two Immorates instead of Sidereals. Jörmungandr instead of having unique similar Cosmic Ability has 24 Divine Ability. While this is a disadvantage, for compensate this gives him a x4 hit point multiplier.

Dró djarfliga dáðrakkr Þórr
orm eitrfáan upp at borði;
hamri kníði háfjall skarar
ofljótt ofan ulfs hnitbróður.

Hraungalkn hlumðu, en hölkn þutu,
fór in forna fold öll saman;
sökkðisk síðan sá fiskr í mar.

Óteitr jötunn, er aftr reru,
svá at ár Hymir ekki mælti,
veifði hann ræði veðrs annars til.

The warder of men, the worm's destroyer,
Fixed on his hook, the head of the ox;
There gaped at the bait, the foe of the gods,
The girdler of all, the earth beneath.

The venomous serpent, swiftly up
To the boat did Thor, the bold one, pull;
With his hammer the loathly, hill of the hair
Of the brother of Fenrir | he smote from above.

The monsters roared, and the rocks resounded,
And all the earth, so old was shaken;
Then sank the fish, in the sea forthwith.


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Is his CMD really supposed to be over 8 million?
In Pathfinder the size bonus to CMB/CMD it's the same of the size penalty to the AC. The revisited size penalty of Beefermatic (Alternate Size Penalties to Attack and AC past Titanic) rework the scaling of the size penalty to AC, but I use the normal penalty to AC scaling of the Epic Bestiary for calculate the CMB/CMD size bonus. A Macro-Colossal have a size penalty of 8.388.608
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In Pathfinder the size bonus to CMB/CMD it's the same of the size penalty to the AC. The revisited size penalty of Beefermatic (Alternate Size Penalties to Attack and AC past Titanic) rework the scaling of the size penalty to AC, but I use the normal penalty to AC scaling of the Epic Bestiary for calculate the CMB/CMD size bonus. A Macro-Colossal have a size penalty of 8.388.608
I personally think the CMB/CMD of it should be reworked, at a certain point when you have a bazillion to your modifiers the wheels basically fall off.

It becomes unusable even a sufficiently sized being will be unable to effectively grapple, and vice versa which doesn't really make and sense and gets rid of the possibility of cool ultra giant sized space grappling matches.
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Today I bring you the Midgard Serpent. His current version is a little too strong because it can be dealt with by an intermediate deity like Thor but I hope you like it anyway. The base creature I use to built it is the Midgard Serpent from Legendary Games.
This titanic sea serpent is impossibly long, with endless coils covered in fins and spines. Its enormous head seems almost to blot out the sun as it rises above to strike.
The Midgard Serpent
CN Mega-Colossal dragon (entity, kaiju, water)
Init +153; Senses blindsight 5.000 ft., darkvision 10.000 ft., keen scent, low-light vision, mistsight, scent, true seeing; Perception +189
Aura frightful presence (5.200 ft., DC 158, 1 hour) [replace divine aura], twilight of doom (3 miles)
AC 417, touch 6, flat-footed 417 (+40 deflection, +24 divine, +24 insight, +411 natural, –92 size)
hp 75.840 (120d100+6.960)x4; fast healing 60; regeneration 60 (electricity and epic)
Fort +265, Ref +209, Will +235
Defensive Abilities bound by fate, eater of magic, ferocity, freedom of movement; DR 120/–; Immune ability damage, ability drain, acid, aging, cold, death effects, disease, enchantment effect, energy drain, fear, illusion effect, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification, poison, polymorph, sleep, transmutation effect, natural and magic effects, kaiju traits; Resist electricity 100, fire 100, negative energy 100, sonic 100; SR 154, any spell which fails to penetrate Jörmungandr’s spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster.
Weakness limited manifestation, weak blood
Speed swim 6.000 ft.
Melee bite +319 (120d20+389/13–20x5 plus grab and poison), tail slap +319 (120d20+147/16–20x5 plus constricting coils)
Space 24.900 miles [or 60 ft.; see limited manifestation]; Reach 30 miles
Special Attacks breath weapon (1-mile cone, 40d20 divine acid damage and 40d20 divine cold damage plus poison, Reflex DC 176 for half, usable every 1d3 rounds), capsize, cleaving bite, constrict (tail, 120d20+181), constricting coils, crushing coils, death curse, fast swallow, feast of minnows, god-eater, hurl foe, lingering breath (10d20 divine acid and 10d20 divine cold plus poison, 10 minutes), Mythic Power (24/day, +12d6), shipwrecker, stormy seas, swallow whole (30d20+121 plus 20d20 divine acid damage, 20d20 divine cold damage, and poison, AC 215, 7.584 hp), tail sweep, trample (120d20+181, DC 239)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 144th; concentration +208)
Constant—freedom of movement, mindblank, true seeing;
At Will—control water, earthquake, solid fog, tsunami;
3/day—summon 1d8+4 heralds of the Sea (Thalassic Behemot with the Paragon Template, spell level 24th) 100%;
1/day—summon 1d4+1 champions of the Deep (Leviathan with double Paragon Template, spell level 34th) 100%;
Str 253, Dex 10, Con 126, Int 46, Wis 66, Cha 90
Base Atk +120; CMB +402 (+406 grapple and sunder); CMD 8.388.947 (8.388.951 vs. sunder, can’t be tripped)
Feats Alertness, Blinding Critical, Cornugon Smash, Critical Focus, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Intimidate Prowess, Lightning Reflexes, Muscle Reaction, Power Attack, Run, Seize the Opportunity, Sickening Critical, Signature Skill (Intimidate), Swim-By Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Specialization (bite)
Epic Feats Cryptomnesia (Telluric Effect, during Ragnarök), Epic Potency x12, Epic Skill Focus (Intimidate, Perception, Stealth, Swim), Etheric Vision, Greater Critical (bite), Greater Sunder, Light Eradication, Haleness, Hibernate, Incorruptible Body, Inedia, Insomnia, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Power Attack Mastery, Shadow Strike, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative, Superior Sunder, Tensegrity, Uncanny Power Attack, Weapon Abatement, Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning)
Skills Appraise +165, Bluff +187, Diplomacy +187, Disable Device +144, Heal +175, Intimidate +318, Knowledge (all) +165, Perception +189, Sense Motive +179, Sleight of Hand +144, Stealth +61 (+161 when sleeping), Spellcraft +165, Survival +175, Swim +286, Use Magic Device +187; Racial Modifiers +100 Stealth when sleeping
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Celestial, Common, Giant, Infernal, Old Norse, Other 14; Telepathy 10.000 ft.
SQ cosmic mighty, jaw of the world snake, massive, mythic, noxious breath, poisonous blood, recovery
Divine Ability Anarchic Mastery, ApocryphaB, Eternal Freedom, Moderate Eradication, Perfect Sunder, Spell Immunity x5 (immune to all 0-9th level spell), Strong [Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit], Superior Critical (bite), Superior Critical Multiplier (bite)B, Superior Power Attack (-1;+4)B, True SeeingB, Uncanny Poisonous Mastery;
Cosmic Ability SlipstreamB;
Transcendental Ability Bound by FateB;

Anarchic Mastery
Beam (Ray) 120d8; 5.200 ft.
Blast 60d8; 5.200 ft./325 ft. Standard action Ref 108/half
Blood 30d8; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 126/negate
Breath* 120d8; 325 ft. (cone) 1.300 ft. (line) Standard Ref 126/half
Hand 180d8; Melee Touch
Immolation 180d8; 5.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 126/half
Storm 30d8; 5.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 108/half
Strike 30d8; Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 60d8; all creature within 325 ft. Will 108/negate

Uncanny Poisonous Mastery
Frequency 1/round for 120 rounds; cure 24 consecutive saves. Jörmungandr can choose which ability scores the poison affects. Or even choose multiple ability scores by dividing the total effect between them. Unlike the normal [Effect], a creature that fail the listed saving throw, must make a Fortitude save with the same DC or be esposed to the above poison.
Beam (Ray) 30; 5.200 ft.
Blast 15; 5.200 ft./325 ft. Standard action Ref 108
Blood 7; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 126
Breath* 30; 325 ft. (cone) 1.300 ft. (line) Standard Ref 126
Hand 45; Melee Touch
Immolation 45; 5.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 126
Storm 7; 5.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 108
Strike 7; Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 15; all creature within 325 ft. Will 108

Bound by Fate (Ex)
Jörmungandr is bound by a fate greater than himself. He merely reforms after 1d6 seconds imprisoned at the bottom of the sea, biting his tail, if he is killed in any way from creatures that do not have at least a divine rank of 49 (Demiurge Stage I) or at least a divine rank of 33 and double Death portfolio (First One). Bound by Fate give as well Jörmungandr the Slipstream Cosmic Ability as a bonus ability. Bound by fate disappears when facing Thor during the Ragnarök. This is a Transcendental Ability. This replace the alter reality and cosmic string of the entity subtype.

Cleaving Bite (Ex)
A single attack from Jörmungandr’s bite can target all creatures in a 100-foot square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the bite. Creatures struck by this area bite are exposed to the Midgard Serpent’s poison, and he can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple and immediately swallow all creatures he hits with this bite attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. Swallowed creatures are again exposed to his poison. If he grapples a creature of Macro-Tiny size or smaller, he does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining his grapple. The Midgard Serpent can grapple any number of creatures of Macro-Tiny size or smaller simultaneously.

Crushing Coils (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent can entwine and crush as many Titanic or smaller creatures as can fit within its space. Creatures can take attacks of opportunity against the Midgard Serpent as it moves into their in the affected area are pinned (DC 176 Reflex negates), taking 120d20+121 points of bludgeoning damage during the next round unless the Midgard Serpent moves off them. If the Midgard Serpent chooses to maintain the pin, it must succeed at a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes take damage from the crush each round if they don’t escape. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Constricting Coils (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent can duplicate the effects of the Snatch feat when attacking with its tail slap. If the Midgard Serpent makes a tail sweep attack, he can attempt a grapple combat maneuver as a free action against any one creature that failed its saving throw against the tail sweep. If the check succeeds, the target is grappled as above and takes automatic damage equal to the Midgard Serpent’s tail slap damage each round that it remains grappled.

Death Curse (Su)
When a creature slays the Midgard Serpent, all creatures that have harmed the Midgard Serpent within the previous minute are affected by the curse of doom. Curse of Doom: save Will DC 158; effect creature is affected as prediction of failure and can no longer be affected by healing spells nor heal damage naturally from rest. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Eater of Magic (Su)
When the Midgard Serpent fails a saving throw against a spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability, he can reroll the saving throw against the effect (this is not an action).
If he succeeds at the second saving throw, he is considered of having succeed the saving throw of the spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability and gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the effect’s caster level (in the case of spell or spell-like abilities) or the CR of the effect’s creator (in the case of supernatural abilities). These temporary hit points last for 1 hour and don’t stack with each other.

Feast of Minnows (Ex)
Unlike most kaiju, the Midgard Serpent can make attacks of opportunity against creatures of any size, and his natural weapons are considered area attacks for the purpose of attacking swarms.

God-Eater (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent despises all deities and their mortal and immortal servants. It can detect outsiders, extraplanar creatures, creatures with divine rank and divine spellcasters (as well as any creature called or summoned by outsiders, extraplanar creatures, creatures with divine rank or divine spell- casters) by scent at 1.000 times the normal range, and can always pinpoint their location when they are within 1.000 feet. His poison and Poison [effect] ignores the ability damage and ability drain immunity and poison immunity of creatures with divine rank 16 or lesser.

Hurl Foe (Ex)
As the Hurl Foe of the kaiju subtype, but with the difference that affect Colossal or smaller creatures instead of Huge or smaller.

Jaw of the World Snake (Ex)
Jörmungandr’s applies triple his Strength modifier to bite damage, and his bite attack has a critical threat range of 19-20. Jörmungandr’s bite attack automatically bypass any DR, that is not /–, and hardness the target might possess, gains +24 enhancement bonus and deal full damage to incorporeal creatures. Jörmungandr ignore freedom of movement or similar effect that prevent grab if generated by a creature with less divine rank of Jörmungandr. Jörmungandr gains the Superior Critical Multiplier (bite) and Superior Power Attack Divine Abilities as a bonus abilities.

Limited Manifestation (Ex)
Even if Jörmungandr is Macro-Colossal in length, he is only very long. To calculate his size bonus to the CMB, he considers himself Titanic. He considers himself Titanic to calculate his space on the game board if he is perpendicular to the ground (such as if it emerges from the water).

Lingering Breath (Su)
Jörmungandr’s can expend one use of mythic power as a free action when he uses his breath weapon (but not his [Effect] breath) to make the area radiate energy damage for 10 minutes. Any creature in, entering, or passing through the breath weapon’s area during this duration takes 10d20 divine acid and 10d20 divine cold and must save against the Midgard Serpent poison.

Massive (Ex)
Because Jörmungandr is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to his movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to Jörmungandr (GM’s discretion). A Titanic or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Jörmungandr, or vice-versa. Jörmungandr can be flanked only by Titanic or larger foes. Jörmungandr gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if his entire space is on higher ground than that of his target. It’s possible for a Titanic or smaller creature to climb Jörmungandr—this generally requires a successful climb check with DC 150, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on Jörmungandr body provokes an attack of opportunity from him, even if he has already used his attack of opportunity for this round. This replace the normal Massive ability of the kaiju subtype.

Mistsight (Ex)
Jörmungandr’s can see through fog, mist, and murky water as if they were perfectly clear, ignoring the miss chance for these obstructions, up to his normal range of vision.

Noxious Breath (Su)
Creatures damaged by the Midgard Serpent’s breath weapon (including his lingering breath) are also exposed to his poison, though the diffusion of his poison in his breath reduces the save DC by 10 (or by 20 for creatures that do not need to breathe). Creatures swallowed by the Midgard Serpent are also exposed to his poison each round they remain within his gullet.

Poison (Ex)
Bite─injury; save Fort DC 176; frequency 1/round for 10 minutes; effect 30d20 divine acid damage and 30d20 divine cold damage and 2d12 Con drain; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Shipwrecker (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent deals double damage to inanimate objects with his attacks.

Stormy Seas (Su)
The Midgard Serpent is surrounded by foul weather at all times. Wind speeds within 10 mile are increased by three steps, and the DC of Profession (sailor) and Swim checks are increased by 100. Once every 1d2 rounds, a 5-foot-wide vertical bolt of lightning strikes a random creature within 10 mile of the Midgard Serpent, dealing 30d20 points of divine electricity damage (DC 176 Reflex half). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Tail Sweep (Ex)
The Midgard Serpent can sweep with his tail as a standard action, affecting 2-miles-radius half-circle extending from an intersection on the edge of his space. Macro-Tiny or smaller creatures and objects in the area take 120d20+181 points of damage (DC 176 Reflex half). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Twilight of Doom (Su)
Within 3 miles of the Midgard Serpent, lighting conditions are reduced by two steps and magic is suppressed. Spellcasters take a ─60 penalty on concentration checks and a ─24 penalty on caster level checks. A spellcaster failing either check is affected as crushing despair (DC 158) for 1 minute. A spellcaster already affected by crushing despair is instead affected as bestow curse (Will DC 158); determine the specific effect of this bestow curse randomly. A creature rolling a natural 1 on any d20 roll when attacking or attacked by the Midgard Serpent is also affected by this curse. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Weak Blood (Ex)
Although an Entity, Jörmungandr was born of two Immorates instead of Sidereals. Jörmungandr instead of having unique similar Cosmic Ability has 24 Divine Ability. While this is a disadvantage, for compensate this gives him a x4 hit point multiplier.

[YouTube VLsSJyrA1WE]
Dró djarfliga dáðrakkr Þórr
orm eitrfáan upp at borði;
hamri kníði háfjall skarar
ofljótt ofan ulfs hnitbróður.

Hraungalkn hlumðu, en hölkn þutu,
fór in forna fold öll saman;
sökkðisk síðan sá fiskr í mar.

Óteitr jötunn, er aftr reru,
svá at ár Hymir ekki mælti,
veifði hann ræði veðrs annars til.

The warder of men, the worm's destroyer,
Fixed on his hook, the head of the ox;
There gaped at the bait, the foe of the gods,
The girdler of all, the earth beneath.

The venomous serpent, swiftly up
To the boat did Thor, the bold one, pull;
With his hammer the loathly, hill of the hair
Of the brother of Fenrir | he smote from above.

The monsters roared, and the rocks resounded,
And all the earth, so old was shaken;
Then sank the fish, in the sea forthwith.
Great stuff btw, will be using this for an upcoming encounter in my current campaign. 😁


I personally think the CMB/CMD of it should be reworked, at a certain point when you have a bazillion to your modifiers the wheels basically fall off.
I know it desperately need a rework, but I can't decide how. Simply put your reworked size penalty on the CMB/CMD instead of using the standard progression?

I know it desperately need a rework, but I can't decide how. Simply put your reworked size penalty on the CMB/CMD instead of using the standard progression?
Honestly I'm not entirely sure either. I personally think it would make more sense or at the very least it would be usable mechanically for in game purposes but I utterly agree that the whole mechanic needs a desperate rework.

If we break down the divine bonuses of extremely large beings, and the Strength bonuses of extremely strong beings, I think the +4 per size category to cmb and cmd instead of a mechanic going up at a J-curve, would end up being a lot more in line.


If we break down the divine bonuses of extremely large beings, and the Strength bonuses of extremely strong beings, I think the +4 per size category to cmb and cmd instead of a mechanic going up at a J-curve, would end up being a lot more in line.
I never perceived the strength or divine bonus as a problem until you have four hundred [X] Body abilities to re-add the divine rank in fourteen different sauces to the AC.

I never perceived the strength or divine bonus as a problem until you have four hundred [X] Body abilities to re-add the divine rank in fourteen different sauces to the AC.
Ironically if you add sidereals and other higher end beings to an IH campaign, you ultimately need those abilities to survive the onslaught of abilities they can throw at you.


Something I keep forgetting to ask: if the Midgard Serpent is 25000 miles long, shouldn't his reach be more than 30 miles? Even his target is right above him, I would think he could raise his head up to the edge of the atmosphere (about 62 miles), or even higher if he holds his breath?

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