Things from the Norse myth!


You know in Dieties and Demigods they have the Einherjar as a statted out creature.
Yes, i know. I found out when I was looking for the Jotun. But the base Jotun, Einherji and Valkyrie have all let me down. So I decided to make them myself. And from there was born the first creation that I put on the forum, the Jotun.

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Divine Einherjar (Soldier of God)

The Einherjar, or Soldiers of the Gods, are the champions of the Gods. Mortals who through legendary accomplishments or nepotism, are raised to the status of Immortal. These beings gain their power via a divine Wish of a God and a single point of Quintessence, they are not part of the divine hierarchy, and are not gods in and of themselves, they do not gain Quintessence nor levels of divine ascendency, needing to acquire that power separately from this.

Einherjar created due to nepotism or by being of the blood of the gods (Children, family the God wishes to raise to immortality, Friends, etc) are called Patricians.

Creating an Einherjar:

Einherjar is an acquired template that can be applied to any being with a mind and the favor of a being of at least Hero Deity and above who uses a Wish to transform them and expends a single Quintessence point.

CR: Same as the base creature +10.

Alignment: Any

Type: The creature’s type changes to Native Outsider, or at the Deity's behest native to their plane of existence and the Einherjar gains the Extraplanar Subtype

Size: Same as the base creature.

Senses: Low-light vision, Keen Senses

Keen Senses: The Einherjar senses are twice as acute as the base beings, this doubles the distance of any sense based perceptive ability (Darkvision, Scent, Tremorsense, Blindsight, Etc)

Speed: Einherjar increase all speeds they possess by 40 feet.

Hit Dice: Change the base creature's Hit Dice to a minimum of d10s unless the base creature has better Hit Dice already. Recalculate all Hp, Einherjar hit points are maximized.

Defensive Abilities: An Einherjar retains all of the base creature’s defensive abilities and special qualities. It also gains the following additional defensive abilities.

Damage Reduction: An Einherjar gains a damage reduction of 35/+4, this stacks with any other Damage Reduction the base creature may already possess.

Improved Will: Einherjar gain +2 to Will Saves

Spell Resistance of 35. This resistance Overlaps, does not stack with any other spell resistance the base creature may have.

Fast Healing 35

Sonic Resistance 20

Reattach Limbs: An Einherjar can reattach a limb lost in combat including their head by holding the severed limb to the stump for 1 round as a standard action. They are not killed by Vorpal Weapons unless the head is also entirely destroyed, however if beheaded they are effectively blind until their head is reattached.

Immortality: The Einherjar can no longer die of old age though still gains positive effects of aging (increase to Int, Wis and Cha) and when slain simply either returns to his native realm unable to leave for 1 full year, or will automatically respawn in 1 full year's time for Native Outsiders. If the EInherjar is either killed on their native plane for extraplanar outsiders, or wished dead with at least a Limited Wish spell during the time of them being dead for native outsiders, they die permanently. Unlike other outsiders, they can be revived via resurrection magic.

Immunities: Einherjar are Immune to Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind Influencing Affects, Death Effects, Compulsions, Charm Effects, and Fear. They are also immune to Electricity, Fire, Acid, Cold, non magical Disease and non magical Poison.

Special Attacks: An Einherjar retains all of the base creature’s special attacks. He also gains the following additional special attacks.

Divine Rage (Ex): An Einherjar gains the Rage ability of a 20th level Barbarian, however they gain a +10 to Str, a +10 to Constitution and +5 to Will Saves while Raging. They Gain 44+ their Con Modifier rounds of Rage usable per day. If the Einherjar already has the rage class feature, he uses his HD as his full level for the rage and gains 2 extra rounds of rage per HD. The Einherjar is never fatigued when ending a rage and is able to use all skills while raging without penalty, however they still suffer a -2 to AC while Raging.

Spells (Ex): An Einherjar can cast spells as a 20th level Paladin (Good), Antipaladin (Evil), or Ranger (Neutral) based on Alignment. These spells are always cast spontaneously and need no reagents or any kind of focus item to cast. They are effectively spell like abilities.

Special Qualities: An Einherjar retains all of the base creature’s special qualities. He also gains the following additional special qualities.

Divine Regalia (Ex): The Einherjar can summon a full set of +4 weapons, items, and armor to themselves as a swift action, they gain 4 items of their choice and these items are connected to their very being, being summoned by their very essence. These items must be chosen at the time of creation and cannot be changed for at least 1 full year. If given to another, the item can be replaced in 1 year's time.

Einherjar Specialization (Ex): An Einherjar gains 10 Additional Feats chosen by the Einherjar at the time of creation. These Feats can be Fighter only feats and the Einherjar is treated as a 20th level Fighter, 20th Level Paladin and 20th Level Barbarian for purposes of feat selection, however, these must be non epic feats and cannot be transferred into Divine Abilities if applicable. Any feats not chosen at the time of creation will be forever lost.

Zeal (Ex): Against enemies of their patron deity, the Einherjar gains a +2 Bonus on Attack, Damage and AC against those targets.

Abilities: +10 Str, +10 Dex, +10 Con, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +4 Cha

Skills: An Einherjar gain a +4 bonus on all skill checks and can roll any skill even if untrained.
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This is my revision of the Midgard Dwarf (Realms Helps Creature: Dwarf, Midgard) doing them justice for being the smiths of the Norse gods.
Yggdrasil Dwarf CR 7

N Small outsider (dwarf, extraplanar)

Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., forge vision, see in darkness, tremorsense 30 ft.; Perception +13 (+15 to notice unusual stonework)

AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +1 deflection, +2 natural, +1 size)
hp 84 (8d10+40)
Fort +11, Ref +2, Will +8; +2 vs. poison
Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 AC dodge vs. giant), endure elements, hardy, powerful build, stability; DR 5/magic; Immune fire; Resist acid 10; SR 18
Weakness sunlight petrification

Speed 20 ft., burrow 5 ft.
Melee +2 battleaxe +14/+9 (1d8+6/x3)
Ranged +1 heavy crossbow +9 (1d10+1/19-29)
Special Attacks curse (DC 16)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +8)
Constant—endure elements (self only)
At will—crafter’s fortune, identify, fabricate (metal or stone only), ironwood
3/day—stone shape
1/day—major creation (not vegetable matter only), metal shape (as wood shape but effect metal instead of wood, 7th level spell)
1/year—polymorph any object (metal/stone object into another metal/stone object only), true creation (metal or stone only)

Str 16, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 21 (25 vs. bull rush or trip while standing on the ground)
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Signature Skill (craft)B, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (battleaxe)
Skills Appraise +13 (+15 for price of non-magical goods with precious metals or gemstones), Craft (forge master) +33, Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +13 (+15 to notice unusual stonework), Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +13, Stealth +16, Use Magic Device +15; Racial Modifiers +2 Appraise made to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones, +20 Craft (forge master), +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework, +4 Use Magic Device
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant
SQ change shape (Small or smaller animal, beast shape III), craft artifacts, dwarven blood, forge mastery, greed, slow and steady, stonecunning

Environment Niðavellir
Organization solitary, pair, or forge (6–12)
Treasure +2 chain shirt, medium +2 battleaxe, medium +1 light crossbow, +1 ring of protection

Craft Artifacts
If 3 Yggdrasil dwarf work together for 6 months and 1 day, consuming 500,000 gp, they can create a minor artifact. Instead, if 10 Yggdrasil dwarf work together for 1 year and 1 day, consuming 1,000,000 gp, they can create a major artifact.

Curse (Su)
Once per year as a standard action, a Yggdrasil dwarf can lay a powerful curse on someone who has wronged him (usually by stealing from him, injuring him, or killing a close relation). This functions like bestow curse (DC 16, CL 20th), except that the range is unlimited, and the spell is dismissible. The dwarf must be able to see or describe his target (for example, "he thief who took my gold, wherever he is" or "the one who killed Snorri") and the target must be guilty of the injury the dwarf specifies. Dwarves on the brink of falling in battle have been known to forego an attack in order to curse the enemy who is about to defeat them. A dwarf can sometimes be persuaded to lift his curse with an offer of weregild-money to compensate the dwarf for the injury or wrong he suffered. Generally, this requires at least 1,000 gold pieces. The save DC is Wisdom-based.

Dwarven Blood (Ex)
For all effects related to race, a Yggdrasil dwarf is considered a dwarf.

Forge Mastery (Ex)
A Yggdrasil dwarf can craft any mundane or magic item made of metal (like armor, weapons, rings, etc.) as if he had the necessary item creation feats (and its mythic version, if existent), using Craft (forge master) in place of the normal Craft for that specific item. A Yggdrasil dwarf is considered to possess the prerequisites necessary to craft any magic item of those types, even if he does not otherwise meet the requirements or does not have the ability to cast the necessary spells. Also, a Yggdrasil dwarf make twice as much progress on the item for any time spent. This ability does not reduce the item’s cost. Finally, a Yggdrasil dwarf can make a metal item masterwork simply by paying for the cost, and doesn’t need to increase the time to create the item or attempt additional checks.

Forge Vision (Ex)
A Yggdrasil dwarf can see perfectly in smoky conditions (such as those created by pyrotechnics) and through fire (even those generated by a wall of fire spell).

Sunlight Petrification (Ex)
A Yggdrasil dwarf that is exposed to natural sunlight is staggered and must make a DC 20 Fortitude save each round to resist permanently turning to stone. A stone to flesh spell (or similar effect) or submerge the dwarf in running water for 1 minute restores a petrified dwarf, but if he remains exposed to sunlight, it must immediately start making new Fortitude saves to avoid petrification. Spells like sunbeam or sunburst that create powerful natural sunlight cannot petrify a dwarf, but the creature is staggered for 1d4 rounds after being exposed to such an effect.


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The dragon/serpent that consumes the roots of the World tree in Norse myth. One of the few entities that survive Ragnarök. The perpetual renewal ability is ispirated by the Ouroboros (Ouroboros – d20PFSRD).

Níðhöggr, the Unending

Beyond Alignment (NE) Macro-Small dragon (extraplanar)

Init +62 (Always First); Senses blindsight 1,000 ft., darkvision 10 miles, low-light vision, keen senses (x40 shadowy/x20 normal light), scent 10 miles, spiritsense 10 miles, true seeing, x-ray; Perception +399

Aura divine (DC 97, 13,200 ft.), overwhelming presence (DC 257, 7,680 ft.)

AC 413, touch 93, flat-footed 385 (+32 cosmic, +55 deflection, +22 Dex, +6 dodge, +320 natural, -32 size)

hp 709,120 (320d100+56,640)x8; fast healing 10,000, regeneration 10,000 (cosmic damage)

Fort +506, Ref +372, Will +390

Defensive Abilities armor of scales, draconic fortitude, energy absorption (acid), perpetual renewal, reminder of the end, transmortality (1d10 rounds), uncanny dodge; DR 10,000/—; Immune ability damage and drain, cold, death effects, electricity, energy drain, fire, mind-affecting, negative energy, conjuration, enchantment, illusion, necromantic and transmutation magic, death from massive damage, Stellar and Terrestrial Hazards; Resistance all elements 10,000, Dimensional and Universal Hazards; PR/SR 362, any spell which fails to penetrate Níðhöggr spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Speed 2,400 ft., burrow 1,200 ft. (ground with maximum hardness of 41), climb 2,400 ft., fly 12,000 ft. (perfect), swim 2,400 ft.

Melee bite +525 (20d20+49 plus grab and poison), gore +525 (20d20+49 plus impaling horn), 2 claws +520 (8d20+24), 2 wings +520 (10d20+24), tail +520 (20d20+73 plus grab)

Space 4,000 ft.; Reach 2,665 ft. (4,000 ft. with tail slap)

Special Attacks breath weapon (640-ft. cone, DC 358, 320d100 half cosmic half acid plus poison, usable every 1d2 rounds), cleaving attacks, constrict (tail, 20d20+73), crush (Macro-Fine creatures, DC 358, 30d20+73), death curse, fast swallow, hurl foe, impaling horn, mythic surge 32/day (+20d6), poison, swallow whole (20d20+49 damage plus 10d20 half cosmic half acid plus poison, 170 AC, 6,553 hp), tail sweep (2,000-feet cone, Titanic creatures, DC 251, 30d20+73 plus push back 500 ft. and knocked prone), trample (30d20+73, DC 251)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 352th, concentration +439)

Constantmind blank

3/daysummon consumers (level 29, 3d6 consumers (see below) 100%)

Str 108, Dex 55, Con 323, Int 89, Wis 90, Cha 120

Base Atk +320; CMB +589; CMD 526 (can’t be tripped)

Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Seize the Opportunity, Spring Attack, Toughness, Vital Strike, Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats Cats Fall, Double Standards, Epic Toughness, Ether Goer, Etheric Double, Etheric Vision, Improved Combat Reflex, Improved Dodge, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Plastic Soul, Second Strike, Sixth Sense, Shadow Strike, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body, Timely Dodge

Metamagic Feat Automatic Metamagic Capacity x5, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Maximized Spell, Metamagic Freedom, Shadow Grasp, Tenebrous Spell, Thanatopic Spell, Widen Spell, Umbral Spell

Skills Omnicompetent - All skills 355 + ability modifier

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Old Norse, Old Tongue, other 352 (GM’s discretion); telepathy 10,000 ft.

SQ consume the roots, cosmic might, divine traits (adamic dragon), massive, maven, mythic, omnicompetent

Environment: Roots of Yggdrasil

Organization: Unique

Treasure: Triple Standard

Níðhöggr renounce 114 feats for 18 Divine Ability slots

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 640 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 192)

• Amaranthine Mind (Ex): Con as circumstance to attack rolls

• Amaranthine Soul (Ex): Con as circumstance to saving throw

• Celerity (Ex): x3 movement speed

• Eternal Freedom (Ex)B: You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• True Seeing (Su)B: You gain a constant true seeing

• X-Ray Vision (Ex): See through solid objects

Cosmic Abilities

• Abrogate (Su): You negate an enemies single greatest ability

• Apostasy (Su): You are beyond alignment

• Authority (Su): You possess the voice of all leaders (Int 42 or less)

• Evil Messiah (Su): Evil beings of a lower DR will not attack you

• Redivivus (Su): You can revive your opponents greatest enemy

• Shroud of Death (Su): Enemies within your divine aura must make a Fortitude save DC 257 or die

• Slipstream (Su): You are unaffected by temporal disturbances

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Níðhöggr can duplicate any spell of 14th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 414 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Armor of Scales (Ex)
Níðhöggr has an outer layer of scales to protect it from blows that is constantly renewed. This outer layer has 70,912 hp (10% its maximum hp) and regenerate 1,000 hp every round the regeneration of Níðhöggr is active. The damage reduction of Níðhöggr does not apply to this outer layer.

Breath Weapon (Su)
Níðhöggr breath weapon is a corrosive poisonous acid soaked with cosmic energy. Half the breath weapon damage is acid while the other half is cosmic damage. A creature that take at least 1 damage from this breath weapon is also exposed to the poison of Níðhöggr.

Cleaving Attacks (Ex)
A single attack from one of Níðhöggr’s natural weapons can target all creatures in a 60-foot square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the attack. Níðhöggr can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple all creatures hits with a bite or gore (see impaling horn) attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. If Níðhöggr grapples a creature of Macro-Diminutive size or smaller, it does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining its grapple. Níðhöggr can grapple with its bite any number of creatures of Macro-Diminutive size or smaller simultaneously and make a single combat maneuver as a free action at the start of its turn for maintain the grapple on them, applying its result against the CMD of those targets.

Consume the Roots (Ex)
Millions of years of gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil, the First One of life, has infused Níðhöggr with a terrifying vitality. It gains a x8 multiplier to its maximum hit points.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
Níðhöggr deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Death Curse (Su)
When Níðhöggr is slay (even if not permanently, see Transmortality), it curse its killer with a corrupting influence. The creature must make a Will save DC 357 for resist it. If the creature fail, nothing happens, at least visually, and all effects that detect curses must make a caster level check against Níðhöggr's SR or reveal nothing. A creature is unaware of making this check. From now on, whenever the creature has an opportunity to perform an evil deed that would go unpunished (DM's discretion), he must repeat the saving throw or make the action. However, the creature would not perform evil deeds that would be harmful or counterproductive to his purposes. After performing enough evil deeds (DM's discretion), his alignment will likely shift to evil and possibly fall from his position if good was an intrinsic thing to his existence (eg: a falling LG angel becomes a LE devil). The only way to remove this curse is a wish made by an Old One or more powerful creature with Double Good Portfolio. The save DC is Charisma-based and include a +100 racial bonus.

Divine Traits (Adamic Dragon) (Ex)
While is not a “true” adamic dragon, Níðhöggr possess a lot of common traits with them. It gains a +32 cosmic bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Níðhöggr’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Níðhöggr does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Draconic Fortitude (Ex)
If damage reduces Níðhöggr to 0 hit points, it can make a Fortitude saving throw against a DC of 10 + ½ opponents HD + opponent Charisma modifier + opponent DR (or the CR of the hazard for damage not originated by creatures). On a success, Níðhöggr drops to 1 hit point instead.

Eater of Souls (Su)
Níðhöggr is blocked by Yggdrasil root of Niflheim, where it lives by feeding on evil souls. Its bite attack gains the ghost touch property. Incorporeal creatures can be grappled by Níðhöggr with its bite and swallowed. Also, the grab special attack of Níðhöggr ignore freedom of movement and similar abilities (like the Eternal Freedom Divine Ability) of incorporeal creatures. Finally, its bite attack gains the mighty disruption property with a Fortitude save DC of 257 instead of 21. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Grant Spells
Níðhöggr can grant spells of any level. It grant access to the domains of Air, Death, Destruction, Earth, Erosion, Evil, and Skalykind and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Caves, Corruption, Dragon, Venom, and Wind.

Hurl Foe (Ex)
When Níðhöggr damages a Macro-Diminutive or smaller foe with one of its natural attacks, it can try to hurl the foe as part of that attack by attempting a combat maneuver check. On a successful check, the foe is knocked back 300 feet in a direction of Níðhöggr choice and falls prone. The distance the foe is hurled increases by 5 feet for every 5 points by which Níðhöggr check exceeds the foe’s CMD. If an obstacle stops the hurled creature before it travels the whole distance, the hurled foe and the obstacle struck each take 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of distance remaining and the foe is knocked prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle.

Impaling Horn (Ex)
Níðhöggr’s immense horns can fully impale a creature that is two or more size categories smaller than itself (a Macro-Diminutive or smaller creature). This ability effectively adds the grab universal monster ability to Níðhöggr’s gore attack against such a creature, but if Níðhöggr successfully “grabs” a foe in this manner by impaling it on the horn, it does not gain the grappled condition. An impaled creature gains the grappled condition, takes 30d10 points of bleed damage, and automatically takes damage from Níðhöggr’s gore each round it remains pinned. Níðhöggr’s options while grappling a foe in this way are limited—it can either move while grappling the foe, or it can whip its head and attempt to fling at the same time all the foes as if using the Awesome Blow feat on all of them (the damage dealt by this is equal to its gore damage; roll one time and apply the result to all of them). Níðhöggr can impale at the same time 256 Medium or smaller creatures. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth.

Massive (Ex)
Because Níðhöggr is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to Níðhöggr (GM’s discretion). A Macro-Diminutive or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Níðhöggr, or vice-versa. Níðhöggr can be flanked only by Macro-Diminutive or larger foes. Níðhöggr gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if her entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Macro-Diminutive or smaller creature to climb Níðhöggr—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on Níðhöggr body provokes an attack of opportunity from it.

Mythic (Ex)
Níðhöggr has Mythic Power (32/day, Surge +20d6) and counts as a 32th-rank Mythic creature. Níðhöggr can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Overwhelming presence (Ex)
Níðhöggr frightful presence extends to 7,680 ft. All creatures failing their saves die of fright, those who successfully save are treated as shaken (but with a -4 morale penalty to rolls) for 8d6 rounds unless wholly immune to fear.

Perpetual Renewal (Ex)
Níðhöggr body continually regrows itself. The duration of any spell or effect that causes to be blinded, dazed, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, staggered, or stunned can never have a duration of longer than 1 round. Any ability damage or drain or negative level Níðhöggr receives is automatically healed at a rate of 10d6 levels and points per round per ability. While at full hit points, any effect that would instantly kill Níðhöggr outright or reduce it to 0 or less hit points from full, merely reduce Níðhöggr to half hit points.

Poison (Ex)
Bite, breath weapon, or swallow whole
—injury; save Fort DC 358; frequency 1/round for 32 days; effect 10d20 acid and 1d4 drain all ability scores, cure 32 consecutive saves. This poison overcome immunity to poison, fortitude save and ability drain of creatures with lesser power of a Demiurge. Magical means for remove the poison or cure the drain while the poison is still present require the user to succeed a caster level check against Níðhöggr' spell resistance or the effect (which can also be a supernatural, all effects must check) backfire and immediately activate the poison effect as if the creature had failed a Fortitude save.

Reminder of the End (Ex)
Níðhöggr represents the evil of the Norse pantheon eroding the World Tree. It constant chewing on the Tree roots is a constant reminder of the inherent evil eroding the world. Níðhöggr convert any vile damage and permanent damage it suffer in normal damage.

Spiritsense (Su)
Níðhöggr notices and locates creatures with a soul within 10 miles, just as if it had the blindsight ability. It can also distinguish between construct, living, or undead creatures with a soul in this area.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
Níðhöggr can only use the swallow whole ability on creature grappled with its bite. Swallowed creatures are exposed to the poison of Níðhöggr every round they remain inside its belly. Swallowed incorporeal creatures must escape like corporeal creatures, they cannot pass through the corpse of Níðhöggr and suffer the damage of the stomach and the poison despite being normally immune. Níðhöggr can have swallowed at the same time any number of creatures as long their total space is equal or lesser than its space. Also, if a creature that is swallowed whole by Níðhöggr manages to escape by cutting itself free, Níðhöggr’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.

Tail Sweep (Ex)
Níðhöggr can sweep with its tail as a standard action, affecting 2,000 feet-radius half-circle extending from an intersection on the edge of its space. Titanic or smaller creatures and objects in the area take 30d20+73 points of damage (DC 251 Reflex half). Creatures that fail the save are also pushed back 500 ft. and knocked prone. A successful save half the damage and negate both the push back and prone. The save DC is Strength-based.

Transmortality (Ex)
Níðhöggr is destined to survive the Ragnarök and to fly once it has concluded above the devastated battlefield. It cannot be permanently destroyed, even by those of higher divine rank: if slay, it simply reform over 1d10 rounds. This version of Transmortality, unlike the normal Transcendental version, do not require quintessence/Constitution, thus cannot be negate with Siphoning or Withering and can only be abrogated by a creature with at least the equivalent power of a Demiurge.


Entropic Creature Legendary Animal Cairn Linnorm

Beyond Alignment (NE) Gargantuan outsider (elemental, entropy, evil, extraplanar)

Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness, true seeing; Perception +105


AC 128, touch 29, flat-footed 117 (+12 deflection, +5 Dex, +6 dodge, +99 natural, -4 size)

hp 1,720 (80d10+1,280); dark regeneration 80, regeneration 10 (cold iron)

Fort +58, Ref +49, Will +50

Defensive Abilities anathema to reality, entropic master, freedom of movement, negate aroma, negative energy affinity, sixth sense; DR 40/cold iron and epic; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, blindness, charm, compulsion, curse effects, death effects, energy drain, fear, mind-affecting, nausea, negative energy, paralysis, permanent damage, petrification, poison, sleep, and unwilling polymorph effects, elemental traits; SR 90


Speed flight 200 ft. (perfect)

Melee bite +106 touch (8d8+30/18-20 permanent damage plus poison), 2 claws +106 touch (6d6+30/18-20 permanent damage), tail +104 touch (8d6+15/18-20 permanent damage plus grab)

Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.

Special Attacks breath weapon (60-ft. cone, DC 66, 72d8 permanent damage and 1d4 negative levels, usable every 1d4 rounds), constrict (tail, 6d6+45 permanent damage), death curse, death gaze (400 ft., DC 62, 400 permanent damage), entropic touch (DC 66, 160d6), third death (20 ft., DC 50), void gaze (200 ft., DC 62, fascinate 2d6 rounds)


Str 70, Dex 21, Con 42, Int 12, Wis 26, Cha 34

Base Atk +80; CMB +114; CMD 147 (can’t be tripped)

Feats Aerial Roll, Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (bite, claws, tail), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (bite, claws, tail), Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Signature Skill (intimidate), Stand Still, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite, claws, tail)

Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (Fly, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth), Good Reflex, Greater Critical (bite, claws, tail), Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills Fly +100, Intimidate +125, Knowledge (arcane) +84, Perception +105, Sense Motive +105, Spellcraft +84, Stealth +94; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth

Languages Aklo, Draconic, Sylvan

SQ beyond mortal care, entropic mastery, lasting death, undead nature, virtual size category +2


Breath Weapon (Su)
Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, a consumer can expel a 60-foot cone of black bile, dealing 72d8 points of permanent damage to all creatures struck. In addition, this bile is infused with negative energy, and inflicts 1d4 negative levels on all creatures struck by it. A successful DC 66 Reflex save halves the damage and completely negates the negative levels. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Death Curse (Su)
Curse of Decay: save Will DC 62; effect the creature takes 1 point of Constitution damage per day, and ages at an accelerated rate of 1 year per day, eventually incurring all of the penalties of old age but none of the benefits.

Poison (Ex)
—injury; save Fort DC 66; frequency 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 4d6 permanent damage and 1d6 Con drain; cure 2 consecutive saves.


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The dragon/serpent that consumes the roots of the World tree in Norse myth. One of the few entities that survive Ragnarök. The perpetual renewal ability is ispirated by the Ouroboros (Ouroboros – d20PFSRD).

Níðhöggr, the Unending

Beyond Alignment (NE) Macro-Small dragon (extraplanar)

Init +62 (Always First); Senses blindsight 1,000 ft., darkvision 10 miles, low-light vision, keen senses (x40 shadowy/x20 normal light), scent 10 miles, spiritsense 10 miles, true seeing, x-ray; Perception +399

Aura divine (DC 97, 13,200 ft.), overwhelming presence (DC 257, 7,680 ft.)

AC 413, touch 93, flat-footed 385 (+32 cosmic, +55 deflection, +22 Dex, +6 dodge, +320 natural, -32 size)

hp 709,120 (320d100+56,640)x8; fast healing 10,000, regeneration 10,000 (cosmic damage)

Fort +506, Ref +372, Will +390

Defensive Abilities armor of scales, draconic fortitude, energy absorption (acid), perpetual renewal, reminder of the end, transmortality (1d10 rounds), uncanny dodge; DR 10,000/—; Immune ability damage and drain, cold, death effects, electricity, energy drain, fire, mind-affecting, negative energy, conjuration, enchantment, illusion, necromantic and transmutation magic, death from massive damage, Stellar and Terrestrial Hazards; Resistance all elements 10,000, Dimensional and Universal Hazards; PR/SR 362, any spell which fails to penetrate Níðhöggr spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Speed 2,400 ft., burrow 1,200 ft. (ground with maximum hardness of 41), climb 2,400 ft., fly 12,000 ft. (perfect), swim 2,400 ft.

Melee bite +525 (20d20+49 plus grab and poison), gore +525 (20d20+49 plus impaling horn), 2 claws +520 (8d20+24), 2 wings +520 (10d20+24), tail +520 (20d20+73 plus grab)

Space 4,000 ft.; Reach 2,665 ft. (4,000 ft. with tail slap)

Special Attacks breath weapon (640-ft. cone, DC 358, 320d100 half cosmic half acid plus poison, usable every 1d2 rounds), cleaving attacks, constrict (tail, 20d20+73), crush (Macro-Fine creatures, DC 358, 30d20+73), death curse, fast swallow, hurl foe, impaling horn, mythic surge 32/day (+20d6), poison, swallow whole (20d20+49 damage plus 10d20 half cosmic half acid plus poison, 170 AC, 6,553 hp), tail sweep (2,000-feet cone, Titanic creatures, DC 251, 30d20+73 plus push back 500 ft. and knocked prone), trample (30d20+73, DC 251)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 352th, concentration +439)

Constantmind blank

3/daysummon consumers (level 29, 3d6 consumers (see below) 100%)

Str 108, Dex 55, Con 323, Int 89, Wis 90, Cha 120

Base Atk +320; CMB +589; CMD 526 (can’t be tripped)

Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Seize the Opportunity, Spring Attack, Toughness, Vital Strike, Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats Cats Fall, Double Standards, Epic Toughness, Ether Goer, Etheric Double, Etheric Vision, Improved Combat Reflex, Improved Dodge, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Plastic Soul, Second Strike, Sixth Sense, Shadow Strike, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body, Timely Dodge

Metamagic Feat Automatic Metamagic Capacity x5, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Maximized Spell, Metamagic Freedom, Shadow Grasp, Tenebrous Spell, Thanatopic Spell, Widen Spell, Umbral Spell

Skills Omnicompetent - All skills 355 + ability modifier

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Old Norse, Old Tongue, other 352 (GM’s discretion); telepathy 10,000 ft.

SQ consume the roots, cosmic might, divine traits (adamic dragon), massive, maven, mythic, omnicompetent

Environment: Roots of Yggdrasil

Organization: Unique

Treasure: Triple Standard

Níðhöggr renounce 114 feats for 18 Divine Ability slots

Divine Abilities

• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 640 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 192)

• Amaranthine Mind (Ex): Con as circumstance to attack rolls

• Amaranthine Soul (Ex): Con as circumstance to saving throw

• Celerity (Ex): x3 movement speed

• Eternal Freedom (Ex)B: You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

• True Seeing (Su)B: You gain a constant true seeing

• X-Ray Vision (Ex): See through solid objects

Cosmic Abilities

• Abrogate (Su): You negate an enemies single greatest ability

• Apostasy (Su): You are beyond alignment

• Authority (Su): You possess the voice of all leaders (Int 42 or less)

• Evil Messiah (Su): Evil beings of a lower DR will not attack you

• Redivivus (Su): You can revive your opponents greatest enemy

• Shroud of Death (Su): Enemies within your divine aura must make a Fortitude save DC 257 or die

• Slipstream (Su): You are unaffected by temporal disturbances

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Níðhöggr can duplicate any spell of 14th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 414 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Armor of Scales (Ex)
Níðhöggr has an outer layer of scales to protect it from blows that is constantly renewed. This outer layer has 70,912 hp (10% its maximum hp) and regenerate 1,000 hp every round the regeneration of Níðhöggr is active. The damage reduction of Níðhöggr does not apply to this outer layer.

Breath Weapon (Su)
Níðhöggr breath weapon is a corrosive poisonous acid soaked with cosmic energy. Half the breath weapon damage is acid while the other half is cosmic damage. A creature that take at least 1 damage from this breath weapon is also exposed to the poison of Níðhöggr.

Cleaving Attacks (Ex)
A single attack from one of Níðhöggr’s natural weapons can target all creatures in a 60-foot square. Make one attack roll; any creature in the area whose AC is equal to or lower than the result takes damage from the attack. Níðhöggr can attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple all creatures hits with a bite or gore (see impaling horn) attack, making a single check and applying it against the CMD of all targets. If Níðhöggr grapples a creature of Macro-Diminutive size or smaller, it does not gain the grappled condition and does not need to succeed at a grapple combat maneuver check to move while maintaining its grapple. Níðhöggr can grapple with its bite any number of creatures of Macro-Diminutive size or smaller simultaneously and make a single combat maneuver as a free action at the start of its turn for maintain the grapple on them, applying its result against the CMD of those targets.

Consume the Roots (Ex)
Millions of years of gnawing at the roots of Yggdrasil, the First One of life, has infused Níðhöggr with a terrifying vitality. It gains a x8 multiplier to its maximum hit points.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
Níðhöggr deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than its HD.

Death Curse (Su)
When Níðhöggr is slay (even if not permanently, see Transmortality), it curse its killer with a corrupting influence. The creature must make a Will save DC 357 for resist it. If the creature fail, nothing happens, at least visually, and all effects that detect curses must make a caster level check against Níðhöggr's SR or reveal nothing. A creature is unaware of making this check. From now on, whenever the creature has an opportunity to perform an evil deed that would go unpunished (DM's discretion), he must repeat the saving throw or make the action. However, the creature would not perform evil deeds that would be harmful or counterproductive to his purposes. After performing enough evil deeds (DM's discretion), his alignment will likely shift to evil and possibly fall from his position if good was an intrinsic thing to his existence (eg: a falling LG angel becomes a LE devil). The only way to remove this curse is a wish made by an Old One or more powerful creature with Double Good Portfolio. The save DC is Charisma-based and include a +100 racial bonus.

Divine Traits (Adamic Dragon) (Ex)
While is not a “true” adamic dragon, Níðhöggr possess a lot of common traits with them. It gains a +32 cosmic bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Níðhöggr’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Níðhöggr does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Draconic Fortitude (Ex)
If damage reduces Níðhöggr to 0 hit points, it can make a Fortitude saving throw against a DC of 10 + ½ opponents HD + opponent Charisma modifier + opponent DR (or the CR of the hazard for damage not originated by creatures). On a success, Níðhöggr drops to 1 hit point instead.

Eater of Souls (Su)
Níðhöggr is blocked by Yggdrasil root of Niflheim, where it lives by feeding on evil souls. Its bite attack gains the ghost touch property. Incorporeal creatures can be grappled by Níðhöggr with its bite and swallowed. Also, the grab special attack of Níðhöggr ignore freedom of movement and similar abilities (like the Eternal Freedom Divine Ability) of incorporeal creatures. Finally, its bite attack gains the mighty disruption property with a Fortitude save DC of 257 instead of 21. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Grant Spells
Níðhöggr can grant spells of any level. It grant access to the domains of Air, Death, Destruction, Earth, Erosion, Evil, and Skalykind and to the subdomains of Catastrophe, Caves, Corruption, Dragon, Venom, and Wind.

Hurl Foe (Ex)
When Níðhöggr damages a Macro-Diminutive or smaller foe with one of its natural attacks, it can try to hurl the foe as part of that attack by attempting a combat maneuver check. On a successful check, the foe is knocked back 300 feet in a direction of Níðhöggr choice and falls prone. The distance the foe is hurled increases by 5 feet for every 5 points by which Níðhöggr check exceeds the foe’s CMD. If an obstacle stops the hurled creature before it travels the whole distance, the hurled foe and the obstacle struck each take 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of distance remaining and the foe is knocked prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle.

Impaling Horn (Ex)
Níðhöggr’s immense horns can fully impale a creature that is two or more size categories smaller than itself (a Macro-Diminutive or smaller creature). This ability effectively adds the grab universal monster ability to Níðhöggr’s gore attack against such a creature, but if Níðhöggr successfully “grabs” a foe in this manner by impaling it on the horn, it does not gain the grappled condition. An impaled creature gains the grappled condition, takes 30d10 points of bleed damage, and automatically takes damage from Níðhöggr’s gore each round it remains pinned. Níðhöggr’s options while grappling a foe in this way are limited—it can either move while grappling the foe, or it can whip its head and attempt to fling at the same time all the foes as if using the Awesome Blow feat on all of them (the damage dealt by this is equal to its gore damage; roll one time and apply the result to all of them). Níðhöggr can impale at the same time 256 Medium or smaller creatures. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth.

Massive (Ex)
Because Níðhöggr is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to Níðhöggr (GM’s discretion). A Macro-Diminutive or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Níðhöggr, or vice-versa. Níðhöggr can be flanked only by Macro-Diminutive or larger foes. Níðhöggr gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if her entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Macro-Diminutive or smaller creature to climb Níðhöggr—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on Níðhöggr body provokes an attack of opportunity from it.

Mythic (Ex)
Níðhöggr has Mythic Power (32/day, Surge +20d6) and counts as a 32th-rank Mythic creature. Níðhöggr can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Overwhelming presence (Ex)
Níðhöggr frightful presence extends to 7,680 ft. All creatures failing their saves die of fright, those who successfully save are treated as shaken (but with a -4 morale penalty to rolls) for 8d6 rounds unless wholly immune to fear.

Perpetual Renewal (Ex)
Níðhöggr body continually regrows itself. The duration of any spell or effect that causes to be blinded, dazed, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, staggered, or stunned can never have a duration of longer than 1 round. Any ability damage or drain or negative level Níðhöggr receives is automatically healed at a rate of 10d6 levels and points per round per ability. While at full hit points, any effect that would instantly kill Níðhöggr outright or reduce it to 0 or less hit points from full, merely reduce Níðhöggr to half hit points.

Poison (Ex)
Bite, breath weapon, or swallow whole
—injury; save Fort DC 358; frequency 1/round for 32 days; effect 10d20 acid and 1d4 drain all ability scores, cure 32 consecutive saves. This poison overcome immunity to poison, fortitude save and ability drain of creatures with lesser power of a Demiurge. Magical means for remove the poison or cure the drain while the poison is still present require the user to succeed a caster level check against Níðhöggr' spell resistance or the effect (which can also be a supernatural, all effects must check) backfire and immediately activate the poison effect as if the creature had failed a Fortitude save.

Reminder of the End (Ex)
Níðhöggr represents the evil of the Norse pantheon eroding the World Tree. It constant chewing on the Tree roots is a constant reminder of the inherent evil eroding the world. Níðhöggr convert any vile damage and permanent damage it suffer in normal damage.

Spiritsense (Su)
Níðhöggr notices and locates creatures with a soul within 10 miles, just as if it had the blindsight ability. It can also distinguish between construct, living, or undead creatures with a soul in this area.

Swallow Whole (Ex)
Níðhöggr can only use the swallow whole ability on creature grappled with its bite. Swallowed creatures are exposed to the poison of Níðhöggr every round they remain inside its belly. Swallowed incorporeal creatures must escape like corporeal creatures, they cannot pass through the corpse of Níðhöggr and suffer the damage of the stomach and the poison despite being normally immune. Níðhöggr can have swallowed at the same time any number of creatures as long their total space is equal or lesser than its space. Also, if a creature that is swallowed whole by Níðhöggr manages to escape by cutting itself free, Níðhöggr’s muscles simply seals over the hole created so that other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out.

Tail Sweep (Ex)
Níðhöggr can sweep with its tail as a standard action, affecting 2,000 feet-radius half-circle extending from an intersection on the edge of its space. Titanic or smaller creatures and objects in the area take 30d20+73 points of damage (DC 251 Reflex half). Creatures that fail the save are also pushed back 500 ft. and knocked prone. A successful save half the damage and negate both the push back and prone. The save DC is Strength-based.

Transmortality (Ex)
Níðhöggr is destined to survive the Ragnarök and to fly once it has concluded above the devastated battlefield. It cannot be permanently destroyed, even by those of higher divine rank: if slay, it simply reform over 1d10 rounds. This version of Transmortality, unlike the normal Transcendental version, do not require quintessence/Constitution, thus cannot be negate with Siphoning or Withering and can only be abrogated by a creature with at least the equivalent power of a Demiurge.


Entropic Creature Legendary Animal Cairn Linnorm

Beyond Alignment (NE) Gargantuan outsider (elemental, entropy, evil, extraplanar)

Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness, true seeing; Perception +105


AC 128, touch 29, flat-footed 117 (+12 deflection, +5 Dex, +6 dodge, +99 natural, -4 size)

hp 1,720 (80d10+1,280); dark regeneration 80, regeneration 10 (cold iron)

Fort +58, Ref +49, Will +50

Defensive Abilities anathema to reality, entropic master, freedom of movement, negate aroma, negative energy affinity, sixth sense; DR 40/cold iron and epic; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, blindness, charm, compulsion, curse effects, death effects, energy drain, fear, mind-affecting, nausea, negative energy, paralysis, permanent damage, petrification, poison, sleep, and unwilling polymorph effects, elemental traits; SR 90


Speed flight 200 ft. (perfect)

Melee bite +106 touch (8d8+30/18-20 permanent damage plus poison), 2 claws +106 touch (6d6+30/18-20 permanent damage), tail +104 touch (8d6+15/18-20 permanent damage plus grab)

Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.

Special Attacks breath weapon (60-ft. cone, DC 66, 72d8 permanent damage and 1d4 negative levels, usable every 1d4 rounds), constrict (tail, 6d6+45 permanent damage), death curse, death gaze (400 ft., DC 62, 400 permanent damage), entropic touch (DC 66, 160d6), third death (20 ft., DC 50), void gaze (200 ft., DC 62, fascinate 2d6 rounds)


Str 70, Dex 21, Con 42, Int 12, Wis 26, Cha 34

Base Atk +80; CMB +114; CMD 147 (can’t be tripped)

Feats Aerial Roll, Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Cornugon Smash, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical (bite, claws, tail), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (bite, claws, tail), Improved Vital Strike, Intimidating Prowess, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Signature Skill (intimidate), Stand Still, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite, claws, tail)

Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (Fly, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth), Good Reflex, Greater Critical (bite, claws, tail), Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills Fly +100, Intimidate +125, Knowledge (arcane) +84, Perception +105, Sense Motive +105, Spellcraft +84, Stealth +94; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth

Languages Aklo, Draconic, Sylvan

SQ beyond mortal care, entropic mastery, lasting death, undead nature, virtual size category +2


Breath Weapon (Su)
Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, a consumer can expel a 60-foot cone of black bile, dealing 72d8 points of permanent damage to all creatures struck. In addition, this bile is infused with negative energy, and inflicts 1d4 negative levels on all creatures struck by it. A successful DC 66 Reflex save halves the damage and completely negates the negative levels. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Death Curse (Su)
Curse of Decay: save Will DC 62; effect the creature takes 1 point of Constitution damage per day, and ages at an accelerated rate of 1 year per day, eventually incurring all of the penalties of old age but none of the benefits.

Poison (Ex)
—injury; save Fort DC 66; frequency 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 4d6 permanent damage and 1d6 Con drain; cure 2 consecutive saves.
This is very well done. Terrifying.
Do you make yugoloths or Undead templates?

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