Things from the Norse myth!

Something I keep forgetting to ask: if the Midgard Serpent is 25000 miles long, shouldn't his reach be more than 30 miles? Even his target is right above him, I would think he could raise his head up to the edge of the atmosphere (about 62 miles), or even higher if he holds his breath?
It should, but I didn't want to give it such a reach. As strong it is, is only an entity destined to die against an Intermediate deity, I didn't want to make it TOO powerful. This is why I gave it Limited Manifestation. With the normal rules It has a reach of 16.600 miles.

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Today I bring you Ymir, my latest creation for the Norse myth for a while. For the base creature I use the Xixecal conversion for PF1 (https://thecreaturecodex. and for Bones of a New World the Great Old Ones versione of the Otherverse Games (Ymir – d20PFSRD)

A titanic giant made of ice stands out in front of you. His malevolent gaze does not even seem to see you, as if lost in looking at the ages that have already passed. In his chest, under incalculable layers of ice, you see burning the mightiest flame you've ever seen.
Ymir’s Manifestation stands 8.000 feet tall and weighs 6.871.947.673.600 tons.
CE Macro-Medium outsider (cold, elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Init +142 (Always First); Senses cosmic consciousness (layer), darkvision, snow sight, true seeing; Perception +197
Aura divine (6.000 ft., DC 68), fimbulwinter (6.000 ft., Fort DC 138)
AC 285, touch 94, flat-footed 247 (+34 deflection, +20 Dex, +24 divine, +18 dodge, +24 insight, +191 natural, -36 size)
hp 130.200 (140d100+7.770) x6;
Fort +233, Ref +198, Will +206; +12 against fear
Defensive Abilities cosmic firmament, cosmic string (1d10 minutes), fire messiah, improved uncanny dodge (rogue of 74th or higher), naked courage (+12, already calculated), natural toughness (+22, already calculated), sixth sense (cannot be caught flat-footed except by opponents who are four levels or more higher), uncanny dodge, winter messiah; DR 60/—; Immune An elder one is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells; ability damage and drain, cold, death effects, elemental traits, fire, mind-affecting effects, poison; SR 174, any spell which fails to penetrate Ymir spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster
Speed 900 ft., burrow 450 ft. (74 hardness maximum), fly 900 ft. (perfect), icewalking
Melee bite +296 (120d20+90/17-20x5), 2 slam +296 (80d20+90/17-20x5)
Space 5.335 ft.; Reach 8.000 ft.
Special Attacks alter reality, freezing rend (2 slam, 80d20+123 plus freeze), hurl foe, mighty rage 197 round/day (+8 Str&Cos, +4 Will, -2 AC), mythic surge 24/day (+8d6), rage powers (beast totem [+18 natural armor], bleeding blow, boasting taunt, body bludgeon, brawler, come and get me, creepling blow [17 Str or Dex damage, Fort DC 155 half], elemental rage, flesh wound, fueled by vengeance, greater beast totem, greater brawler, greater elemental rage, greater ground breakerx3, ground breaker, guarded stance [+12 dodge against melee], lesser beast totem [2 claws +230 120d20+94/17-20x9], lesser elemental rage, fearless rage, mighty swing, powerful blow [+18], primal scent, raging grappler, raging leaper, raging swimmer, reckless abandon [-18, +18], rolling dodge [+12 dodge against ranged], savage intuition, scent, smasher, spell sunder, superstition [+19], witch hunter [+18]), trample (80d20+123, Ref DC 186), uncanny cold mastery (x2 HD)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 164th, concentration +222)
Constant—true seeing
At will—burning hands (DC 69), chill metal (DC 70), chill touch (DC 69), cone of cold (DC 73), control weather (cold or hot weather only), elemental swarm (fire or water elementals only), fire seeds (DC 74), fire shield, fire storm (DC 75), freezing sphere (DC 74), greater dispel magic, incendiary cloud (DC 76), polar midnight (DC 77), polar ray, produce flame (DC 70), resist energy, sleet storm, wall of fire, wall of ice (DC 72)
3/day—air walk, word of chaos (DC 75)
1/day—dominate monster (DC 77), mass hold monster (DC 77)
Str 174, Dex 50, Con 120, Int 68, Wis 62, Cha 78
Base Atk +140; CMB +364 (+366 bull rush or sunder); CMD 364 (366 vs. bull rush or sunder)
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dodge, Fatiguing Critical, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Specialization (slam), Greater Weapon Focus (slam), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Improved Sunder, Mobility, Muscle Reaction, Quick Draw, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Stand Still, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (slam), Weapon Specialization (slam), Whirlwind Attack;
Epic Feats Cats Fall, Epic Weapon Specialization (slam), Epic Weapon Focus (slam), Ether Goer, Etheric Double, Etheric Vision, Expert Strike, Fire Baptism, Good Will, Greater Critical (slam), Greater Critical Multiplier (slam), Greater Sunder, Improved Critical Multiplier (slam), Improved Dodge, Improved Power Attack, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Plastic Soul, Pre-Emptive Strike, Second Strike, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body, Timely Dodge, Underwalker, Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning, slashing);
Metamagic Feat Automatic Metamagic Capacity x6, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Maximized Spell, Metamagic Freedom, Widen Spell, Unbound Spell [E];
Skills All skills 167 + ability modifier.
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Protean, Old Norse, Old Tongue, other 162.
SQ bones of a new world, child of two worlds, fast movement, integrate class feature (barbarian, savage barbarian), massive, maven, omnicompetent, tireless rage, virtual size category +4
Special Abilities

Divine Abilities
• Perfect Initiative (Su): Always first.
• Strong [Body] (Su): Divine rank as insight bonus to AC.
• Strong [Mind] (Su): Strength as insight bonus to attacks.
• Strong [Soul] (Su): Strength as insight bonus to saving throws.
• Superior Critical [Slam] (Ex): The critical threat is quadrupled.
• Superior Critical Multiplier (Slam) (Ex): The critical multiplier is increased.

Cosmic Abilities
• Abrogate (Su): Any single opponent within your divine aura has its greatest ability negated. This can be an ability score or one of its other abilities (divine, cosmic etc.).
• Divine Inspiration (Ex): You gain a single divine ability, however, once per round as a free action you can change this divine ability to any other. You must still meet the feat prerequisites of any divine ability you chose to benefit from it.
• Inner Eye (Ex): You always gain the best dice rolls in any given situation. However, a natural 20 is not an automatic success when using this ability.
• Slipstream (Su)B: You are unaffected by temporal effects (such as slow or temporal stasis), cannot be undermined by time travel (someone cannot go back to your past and simply kill you as an infant for instance). If you are within the area of a time stop spell then you gain access to the additional rounds.

Double Fire Portfolio Traits (Elder One)
Domain Power: You can turn water creatures as a good cleric turn undead. Command fire creatures as an evil cleric command undead.
Cosmic Imperfection (Water): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
• Fire Immunity (Ex): You are immune to fire.
• Fire Reflection (Ex): Reflect any fire based attack used within your divine aura.
• Greater Scion of Fire (Ex): +48 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while in fiery environment.
• Perfect Summoning (Fire): Fire based creatures summoned have 200% more HD.
• Perfect Divine Fire (Su): Your fire damage is treated as 100% divine damage.
• Uncanny Fire Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with fire based attacks.
• Improved Fire Absorption (Su): Fire damage heals you (if overcome maximum hit points, give temporary hit points, up to your maximum hit points).
• Fire Messiah (Su): Fire creatures of a lower divine rank cannot harm you (no save).
• Lord of Fire (Su): Automatically dominate (no save) fire creatures of a lower divine rank in your aura.

Double Winter Portfolio Traits (Elder One)
Domain Power: You can turn fire creatures as a good cleric turn undead. Command cold creatures as an evil cleric command undead.
Cosmic Imperfection (Thunder): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
• Cold Immunity (Ex): You are immune to cold.
• Cold Reflection (Ex): Reflect any cold based attack used within your divine aura.
• Greater Scion of the Cold (Ex): +48 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while in sub-zero environment.
• Perfect Summoning (Cold): Cold based creatures summoned have 200% more HD.
• Perfect Divine Cold (Su): Your cold damage is treated as 100% divine damage.
• Uncanny Cold Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with cold based attacks.
• Improved Sub-zero Regeneration (Su): Regeneration equal to your HD while in sub-zero environment.
• Winter Messiah (Su): Cold creatures of a lower divine rank cannot harm you (no save).
• Lord of Winter (Su): Automatically dominate (no save) cold creatures of a lower divine rank in your aura.

Uncanny Cold Mastery (with Inner Eye already calculated)
Beam (Ray) 280d6 (1.680); 11.600 ft.
Blast 140d6 (840); 11.600./725 ft. Standard action Ref 78/half
Blood 70d6 (420); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 99/negate
Breath* 280d6 (1.680); 725 ft. (cone) 2.900 (line) Standard Ref 99/half
Hand 720d6 (4.320); Melee Touch
Immolation 720d6 (4.320); 6.000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 99/half
Storm 70d6 (420); 6.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 78/half
Strike 70d6 (420); Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 140d6 (840); all creature in 725 ft. Will 78/negate

Uncanny Fire Mastery (with Inner Eye already calculated)
Beam (Ray) 280d6 (1.680); 11.600 ft.
Blast 140d6 (840); 11.600./725 ft. Standard action Ref 78/half
Blood 70d6 (420); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 99/negate
Breath* 280d6 (1.680); 725 ft. (cone) 2.900 (line) Standard Ref 99/half
Hand 720d6 (4.320); Melee Touch
Immolation 720d6 (4.320); 6.000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 99/half
Storm 70d6 (420); 6.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 78/half
Strike 70d6 (420); Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 140d6 (840); all creature in 725 ft. Will 78/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Ymir can duplicate any spell of 15th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 216 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Bones of a New World (Su)
If Ymir is ever slain, its cosmic string apply, but the massive elemental creature’s corpse falls to the ground as the seed for new layers, perhaps even a world.
The Ymir-corpse left behind acts as the seed of 7 planar layers. If allowed to grow for a year or more, each of these seeds expand to form a new layer.
If Ymir is slain on the Material Plane, or one of the seed is moved into deep space somehow, that seed instead produces an Earth-like world with 1d4-1 moons and rich natural resources. The world establishes a stable orbit around a nearby star, or becomes a rogue exo-planet with Earth-like conditions, including a short day and long, chill night sustained by ambient magic.

Child of Two Worlds (Ex)
Ymir was generated when the flames of Múspellsheimr melted the ice of Niflheim and from their combination. It obtains both the Double Fire Portfolio and the Double Winter Portfolio at the same time without any of their weaknesses. Ymir is a truly ancient, primordial being and that give him a x6 hit points multiplier instead of x4 like standard Elder One. Ymir gains the Slipstream Cosmic Ability as a bonus ability.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
Ymir deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than Ymir HD.

Fimbulwinter Aura (Su)
Ymir is surrounded with a blizzard in a 6.000 foot radius. Within this area, the snowfall and wind gusts cause a –24 penalty on Perception checks and ranged attacks and reduce range of vision to no more than 20 feet. The wind itself blows in a clockwise rotation around Ymir, and functions as blizzard (Core Rulebook 439). Ymir is unaffected by snowstorms or blizzards of any kind. All creatures in the area take 24d10 points of cold damage each round (Fort DC 138 half). A creature that dies in this aura is transformed into ice, and can only be restored to life with true resurrection or wish used by a greater deity that has 136 or higher caster level. Any effect that causes these winds to drop below severe (such as control weather or control winds) cancels the snowstorm effect entirely but require a caster level check against Ymir spell resistance. If Ymir lose its fimbulwinter aura can restart it by concentrating for 3 rounds. The save DC is Charisma based.

Freezing Rend (Su)
A creature that takes damage from Ymir’s rend must succeed a DC 138 Reflex save or become encased in ice. This ice functions as an icy prison spell with a caster level equal to 164th. The save DC is Charisma based.

Hurl Foe (Ex)
When Ymir damages a Titanic or smaller foe with one of its natural attacks, it can try to hurl the foe as part of that attack by attempting a combat maneuver check. On a successful check, the foe is knocked back 10 feet in a direction of Ymir’s choice and falls prone. The distance the foe is hurled increases by 10 feet for every 5 points by which Ymir’s check exceeds the foe’s CMD. If an obstacle stops the hurled creature before it travels the whole distance, the hurled foe and the obstacle struck each take 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of distance remaining and the foe is knocked prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle.

Icewalking (Ex)
Ymir can move on icy or snow covered surfaces without penalty, and can climb icy surfaces as if affected by a spider climb spell.

Divine Traits (Elder One) (Ex)
As an elder one, Ymir gains a +24 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Ymir’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An elder one does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Massive (Ex)
Because Ymir is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to Ymir (GM’s discretion). A Titanic or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Ymir, or vice-versa. Ymir can be flanked only by Titanic or larger foes. Ymir gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Titanic or smaller creature to climb Ymir—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on Ymir body provokes an attack of opportunity from him.

Mythic (Ex)
Ymir has Mythic Power (24/day, Surge +8d6) and counts as a 24th-rank Mythic creature. Ymir can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. Ymir can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Snow Sight (Ex)
Ymir’s vision is not impeded by inclement weather, either magical or mundane.

Ár var alda þar er Ýmir bygði

Ór Ymis holdi var jörð of sköpuð

Ór Ymis holdi var jörð of sköpuð

Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.

Ild, is, dråber falder.

Ymir, Jotun, skaber aser.

Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.

Ild, is, dråber falder.

Ymir, Jotun, skaber aser.

Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.

Ild, is, dråber falder.

Ymir, Jotun, skaber aser.

A year was spent there when Ýmir lived

From Ymis flesh, the earth was too created

From Ymis flesh, the earth was too created

Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.

Fire, ice, drops fall.

Ymir, Jotun, creates the Aesir.

Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.

Fire, ice, drops fall.

Ymir, Jotun, creates the Aesir.

Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.

Fire, ice, drops fall.

Ymir, Jotun, creates the Aesir


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I was acutally going to ask what Ymir would be a while back. I thought a demiurge, since the universe in Norse Mythology is made from his body.

I was acutally going to ask what Ymir would be a while back. I thought a demiurge, since the universe in Norse Mythology is made from his body.
Surtur in Gods and Monsters unfinished has some info on Ymir:

Nemesis: Ymir (Surtur), Frey (Surtur’s Avatar)


Angels: Surtur has not forgotten the treachery of these feathered interlopers and dreams of their destruction.

Norse Pantheon: Surtur is the being fated to bring about the oblivion of the Norse Pantheon. As such they are not eager to have him released. In fact perhaps only the goddess Hel would welcome Surtur’s freedom. The rest, including even Loki, would most certainly conspire against him.

Ymir: Surtur’s frozen counterpart, is also perhaps his greatest foe. These two prometheans exist to plague the norse gods, each vying for the right to be the one to ultimately destroy it.

Aside from the purely physical ramifications of the death of Surtur (a massive fireball engulfing all those within a mile radius of his sundered manifestation), his demise would have notable planar consequences. Firstly, Muspelheim (the para elemental plane of lava) may start to burn and crumble away, in effect destroying itself within about 120 days. This will almost certainly see an exodus of its fleeing residents into not only nearby planes, but also into prime material worlds as they try to escape by any means necessary. Those immortals who rule from the elemental planes of earth and fire may see a waxing of their power as these fiery immigrants flock to their banner. Alternatively, if Surtur’s avatar has survived he may lead his forces against these neighbours in an attempt to carve out a new realm. Secondly, the norse pantheon will have seemingly escaped its demise. However, fate has a way of balancing itself, and before long a new destroyer (such as Ymir) may appear. If Surtur’s avatar survived his destruction, then it is likely the death of Surtur’s manifestation would not have that great an effect upon fire giant religion since his avatar already fulfils that role while Surtur remains imprisoned. Although this depends upon how long the manifestation is free to roam before it is laid low.

I have decided to consider Ymir as a counterpart but much more powerful than Surtur as the progenitor of the Nine Worlds in Norse mythology. Yggdrasil in my setting is the First One "life" (double Life Portfolio, present in Tiamat's profile on this forum). In my setting the demiurge is Groetus (Groetus - PathfinderWiki), the sundered mind of the Time Lord Azathoth (Azathoth - PathfinderWiki).

I will post now Surtur the Fire Giant Lord. Unlike the others this is not my creation: it was created by Upper_Krust and the original version can be found in his incomplete Gods and Monsters manual. I have only converted from 3.5 to PF1 and by putting the revisited system of this forum as the Might system.


The titanic ebon-giant before you seems to tower into the clouds. Its body, black as soot, belches fire and smoke as if some living volcano just about to erupt. Its features are unmistakably demonic, curved horns, fanged visage and writhing tail, as if this was the primordial template for all other demons that would follow. In its mighty hands it grasps an immense fiery runesword that shines with the light of a thousand suns promising destruction and doom for all. Even from a mile away the heat is palpable, worse yet is its gaze which seems to burn into your very soul. As it approaches every instinct tells you to flee...

Surtur’s Manifestation stands 240 feet tall and weighs 65.536 tons.

Manifestation of Surtur (CR 160)

Elder One of fire and destruction (Divine Rank 24)

LE Titanic Outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar, fire, giant)

Init +119; Senses cosmic consciousness (layer), darkvision; Perception +173; Aura evil, cowardice (10 ft.), depravity (10 ft.), despair (10 ft.), divine aura (DC 59, 5.200 ft. radius), sin (10 ft.), vengeance (10 ft.)

AC 217, touch 63, flat-footed 197 (+25 deflection, +20 Dex, +24 divine, +154 natural, -16 size)

hp 67.200 (120d100+4800) x4 regeneration 60 (fire, acid)

Fort +152, Ref +131, Will +137

Defensive Abilities cosmic firmament, cosmic string (elder one), earth messiah, fiery messiah, fire absorption, rock catching, plague bringer; DR 90/-; Immune An elder one is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells; acid, elemental trait, fire; SR 154, any spell which fails to penetrate Surtur spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster

Weakness cold, electricity

Speed 1600 ft.

Melee Sword of Revenge +238/+238/+238/+238 melee (1.440d20+421 plus strike [fire or gravity]/15-20; x4) or 2 slam +195 (15d20+67 plus strike [fire or gravity] and grab)

Ranged rock +149 (30d20+100 plus strike [fire or gravity])

Space 160 ft.; Reach 240 ft.

Special Attacks Alter reality, channel negative energy 28/day (DC 89, 30d6), cruelty (DC 89; blinded [60 rounds], cursed, dazed [1 round], deafened [60 rounds], diseased, exhausted, fatigued, frightened [30 rounds], nauseated [20 rounds], paralyzed [1 round], poisoned, shaken [60 rounds], sickened [60 rounds], staggered [30 rounds], stunned [15 rounds]), greater gift of gravity, mythic surge 24/day (+8d6), rock throwing (6.000 ft.), smite good 19/day (+25 to hit, +60 damage), touch of corruption 55/day (30d6), uncanny fire mastery

Antipaladin Spell Prepared (CL 144th, concentration +169)
4th—decollate x3, dimensional blade x5, invoke deity x3, slay living (DC 63) x7

3rd—bestow curse (DC 62) x4, burst of speed x4, sadomasochism (DC 62) x4, screaming flames (DC 62) x6

2nd—hold person (DC 61) x4, invisibility x3, ironskin x6, mindshock x3, touch of bloodletting (DC 61) x3

1st—ironbeard x4, linebreaker x5, murderous command (DC 60) x7, protection from good x5

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 144th, concentration +169)

At will—burning hands (DC 60), contagion, detect good, disintegrate (DC 65), earthquake, elemental swarm (cast as fire spell), fire seeds, fire shield, fire storm (DC 66), greater teleport, harm, implosion (DC 67), incendiary cloud (DC 67), inflict critical wounds, inflict light wounds, produce flame, resist energy, shatter, wall of fire

Str 144, Dex 50, Con 90, Int 60, Wis 62, Cha 60

Base Atk +120; CMB 203 (+205 overrun or sunder); CMD 282 (284 vs. overrun or sunder)

Skills Omnicompetent - All skills 147 + ability modifier

Feats Combat Reflexes, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Furious Focus, Great Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (greatsword), Improved Critical (greatsword), Improved Critical Multiplier* (greatsword), Improved Furious Focus, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Leadership, Mobility, Muscle Reaction, Power Attack, Seize the Opportunity, Spring Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Whirlwind Attack

Epic Feats Blinding Speed, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Dire Charge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Leadership, Epic Weapon Focus (greatsword), Epic Will, Greater Critical (greatsword), Greater Critical Multiplier (greatsword), Great Strength (x7), Greater Sunder, Heavy Fortification, Improved Combat Reflex, Improved Power Attack, Legendary Commander, Light Eradication, Light Fortification, Moderate Fortification, Superior Sunder

Metamagic Feat Automatic Metamagic Capacity x6, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell

Languages Abyssal, Ancient Nordic, Aklo, Celestial, Giant, Infernal, Old Tongue, other 139 (GM’s discrection);

SQ cosmic mighty, diabolic boon (summon monster 30th, any creature with lawful and evil subtypes with CR 56 or lower), divine traits (Elder One), earth portfolio traits (Elder One), fire portfolio traits (Elder One), integrated class feature (antipaladin[tyrant]), mythic, tip of the spear, virtual size category +5, unholy resilience;

Environment: Muspelheim (Para-Elemental Plane of Lava)

Organization: Unique

Treasure: The Sword of Revenge

Divine Abilities
• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 240 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have more than 80 hit die)

• Carapace (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to your hit die

• Elemental Ancestry (Ex): Surtur has the elemental traits

• Greater Aura: Can use sleep, pain or greater heroism effects with its aura

• Moderate Eradication (Ex): 50% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

• Perfect Sunder (Ex): Successful attacks also count as sunder attempts

• Perfect Weapon Focus (Greatsword) (Ex): Always uses the highest attack bonus for iterative attacks

• Regeneration (Su): Gain regeneration equal to ½ your hit die (acid or fire)

• Squamous (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to ¾ your hit die

• Superior Aura: Can use stunning, weakness or superior heroism effects with its aura.

• Superior Power Attack (Ex): For every -1, add 4 points of damage

• Weaponbreaking (Su): Weapons that don’t penetrate your damage reduction take sunder damage equal to the difference

Cosmic Abilities
• Unearthly Power Attack (Ex): For every -1, add 6 points of damage (already calculated in the sword of revenge)

• Heavy Eradication (Ex): 100% chance of dealing a critical hit to an opponent immune to critical hits

Earth Portfolio Traits (Elder One)
• Earth Born: Surtur gains a +24 competence bonus on once dice roll each round (of his choice) provided he is touching the ground.

• Stone Shell (Ex): Natural Armor bonus equal to ½ your hit die.

• Heart of Stone: Surtur’s damage reduction increases 50%.

• Earthen Conjuration: Any earth-based creatures summoned by Surtur have 50% more Hit Dice than usual.

• Earthen Messiah (Su): Surtur cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly by creatures with the earth subtype.

• Heart of Stone (Su): Surtur gains regeneration 60 while standing on a solid body of earth.

• Greater Gift of Gravity (Su): As uncanny cosmic mastery but d4 divine force instead of d20 divine damage.

Fire Portfolio Traits (Elder One)
• Divine Fire (Su): Any fire-based effects, spells or spell-like abilities are half divine in origin.

• Fiery Conjuration (Su): Any fire creatures summoned by Surtur have 50% more Hit Dice than usual.

• Fiery Messiah (Su): Surtur cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly by creatures with the fire subtype.

• Fire Absorption (Su): Surtur is healed by fire/heat damage.

• Firestarter (Ex): Surtur casts all fire spells as if he were 24 levels higher.

• Uncanny Fire Mastery (Su): As uncanny cosmic mastery but d6 divine fire instead of d20 divine damage

Uncanny Fire Mastery
Beam (Ray) 120d6; 5.200 ft.

Blast 60d6; 5.200 ft./325 ft. Standard action Ref 69/half

Blood 30d6; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 84/negate

Breath* 120d6; 325 ft. (cone) 1.300 ft. (line) Standard Ref 84/half

Hand 180d6; Melee Touch

Immolation 180d6; 5.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 84/half

Storm 30d6; 5.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 69/half

Strike 30d6; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 60d6; all creature within 325 ft. Will 69/negate

Greater Gift of Gravity
Beam (Ray) 120d4; 5.200 ft.

Blast 60d4; 5.200 ft./325 ft. Standard action Ref 69/half

Blood 30d4; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 84/negate

Breath* 120d4; 325 ft. (cone) 1.300 ft. (line) Standard Ref 84/half

Hand 180d4; Melee Touch

Immolation 180d4; 5.200 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 84/half

Storm 30d4; 5.200 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 69/half

Strike 30d4; Melee (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 60d4; all creature within 325 ft. Will 69/negate

Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Surtur can duplicate any spell of 15th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 192 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Cosmic Might (Ex)
Surtur deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Divine Traits (Elder One) (Ex)
As an elder one, Surtur gains a +24 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Surtur’s natural attacks or any weapons he wields, are treated as epic, evil-aligned and lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An elder one does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.

Mythic (Ex)
Surtur has Mythic Power (24/day, Surge +8d6) and counts as a 24th-rank Mythic creature. Surtur can use any of his Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. It can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.

Surtur’s mighty blade, is forged from orichalcum gathered from a thousand dying stars. The sword is a +43 flashing, lawful power, unholy power greatsword which deals a base 40d10 damage. The weapon itself is over 200 feet long and weighs 3,834,792 tons.


[Aligned] Power

This weapon is [alignment]-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. When a weapon of [Aligned] power strikes a target of opposite alignment, this power erupts forth and deals +3d6 points of bonus [Aligned] damage to the target, and the target gains one negative level (Fortitude DC 23 negate). On a successful critical hit it instead deals +6d6 points of [Aligned] damage and bestows two negative levels (or +9d6 and three negative levels if the critical multiplier is x3, or +12d6 and four negative levels if the critical multiplier is x4). The weapon bestows three negative levels on any opposite [Aligned] creature attempting to wield it. These negative levels remain as long as the weapon is in hand and disappear when the weapon is no longer wielded. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded. Bows, crossbows, and slings with this special ability bestow the [Aligned] power upon their ammunition. This special ability does not stack with the nonepic [Aligned] special ability.

Caster Level: 23rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, blasphemy/dictum/holy word/word of chaos; Market Price: +8 bonus.

Flashing: Weapons with this property allow the wielder to make an additional attack (at their highest base attack bonus) at the end of the round for every damaging melee blow landed against them during the round. Any attacks against them must deal at least 1 hit point of actual damage to grant an additional attack. Also the attacks must be melee attacks, not missile attacks.

Caster Level: 75th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, haste, wish; Market Price: +25 bonus


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The Valkyrie (CR +4)

The Valkyrie are the Norse Choosers of the Slain from the frozen north. They are frosty warrior women who claim the fallen, giving them passage to Valhalla, Hel, or other Norse afterlives.

Creating a Valkyrie:
Valkyrie is an acquired template that can be fulfilled by any female living creature that meets requirements the DM sets, usually a quest for Asgard or its equivalent in your setting to win favor and be issued into the ranks of the Valkyrie.

Alternatively, you may be allowed to be one from the start of play.

CR: Same as the base creature +4.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Type: The creature’s gains the extaplanar subtype. Valkyrie count Asgard (or its equivalent in your setting) as her native plane.

Size: Same as the base creature.

Senses: As the base creature, plus darkvision 60 feet.

AC: The Valkyrie gains her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class (see holy zeal).

Speed: Valkyrie increase all speeds they possess by 20 ft. and gain at 150 ft. fly speed with average maneuverability due to developing large white wings.

Hit Dice: Change the base creature’s racial Hit Dice to d10s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged. Valkyrie hit point are maximized.

Defensive Abilities: A Valkyrie retains all of the base creature’s defensive abilities and special qualities. It also gains the following additional defensive abilities.

Damage Reduction: A Valkyrie gains damage reduction /— equal to her character level.

Death Resistence (Ex): Valkyrie are immune to any effect that would kill them instantly from full HP to 0 in one blow, or that outright kills them such as Vorpal does. Valkyrie do not age any further and age backwards until they look to be 20 years of age by human terms. A Valkyrie is never considered dying and remains conscious and unhindered until they are slain at -Constitution modifier.

Enduring Stamina (Ex): Valkyrie take four times as long to suffer from suffocation, dehydration, starvation, and can run indefinitely with no ill effects.

Fast Healing: A Valkyrie gains fast healing equal to her HD.

Holy Zeal (Su): A Valkyrie adds her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class and as a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all Saving Throws. This does not stack with similar ability that add Charisma as an untyped bonus to saving throws like the Unholy Resilience of the antipaladin or the Towering Ego of the mesmerist.

Immunities: A Valkyrie is immune to death effects, disease, poison, and sleep effects.

Resistance: A Valkyrie has resistance 10 to all elements.

Special Attacks: A Valkyrie retains all of the base creature’s special attacks. She also gains the following additional special attacks.

Slay (Su): Once per day, the Valkyrie can mark a living creature within 30 ft. to die as a standard action. If the creature fail a Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ Valkyrie HD + Valkyrie Charisma modifier, it take 10 damage per HD of the Valkyrie. If the creature succeed its save, it take instead 3d6 + Valkyrie HD as damage. If the damage (even if the creature succeed the save) slay the creature, it suffer the effect of Choosen of the Slain even if it is unwilling. This is a death effect.

Smite Enemy (Su): Once per day, a Valkyrie can call out to the powers of Odin to aid her in her struggle in the battlefield. As a swift action, the Valkyrie chooses one target within sight to smite. The Valkyrie adds her Cha bonus (if any) to her attack rolls and adds her HD to all damage rolls made against the target of her smite. If the target of smite enemy is an outsider with the extraplanar subtype, a dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per HD the Valkyrie. Regardless of the target, smite enemy attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. The smite enemy effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the Valkyrie rests and regains her uses of this ability. At 4 HD, and at every three HD thereafter, the Valkyrie may smite enemy one additional time per day.

Special Qualities: A Valkyrie retains all of the base creature’s special qualities. She also gains the following additional special qualities.

Battle Trained (Ex)
A Valkyrie is proficient with all armor. Armor never impacts a valkyrie’s speed, nor does a Valkyrie take armor check penalties on checks.

Choose the Slain (Su)
As a standard action, a Valkyrie can draw the soul from a recently deceased body within 100 ft. and safeguard it indefinitely. This functions as the soul bind spell, but can only be used on one deceased creature willing to have its soul carried by the valkyrie, and can only be used within a number of rounds after the creature is slain equal to the Valkyrie’s HD. If the soul is reluctant to trust the Valkyrie, she can attempt to convince it to trust her with a Diplomacy check equivalent to increasing its starting attitude (per the Diplomacy skill) as part of the standard action used to bind the soul. If the creature is unwilling, the ability has no effect. No gem is necessary for storage of the soul. She can release a soul she carries as a full-round action.

Valiant Steed (Ex)
A Valkyrie gains the services of a loyal mount. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion with Druid level equal to the Valkyrie HD. She must select a horse as her mount with this ability. Her mount is always considered combat trained, has a fly speed of 60 ft. (poor) and begins play with Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat.

Should a Valkyrie’s mount die, she may find another mount to serve her after 1 week of mourning. Until she is able to obtain a new mount, the Valkyrie is considered to be shaken.

A Valkyrie cannot ever have more than one mount or animal companion, if she has already one, her mount or animal companion gains combat trained as a bonus trick, a fly speed of 60 ft. (poor) and Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat (can be any creature, not only a horse).

Abilities: +2 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con, +4 Cha

Skills: A Valkyrie gain a +4 to Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion), Perception, and Ride checks. A Valkyrie always count Fly and Ride as class skills.

Organization: Solitary or Troop (12 Valkyrie) unless you barge in where they call home where there could be many more.
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The Einherjar (CR +4)

The Einherjar is the champions from the death of Odin who will fight in the Ragnarok.

Creating an Einherjar:

Einherjar is an acquired template that can be fulfilled by any living creature who is led to Asgard by a Valkyrie after his death.

CR: Same as the base creature +4.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Type: The creature’s gains the extaplanar subtype. Einherjar count Asgard (or its equivalent in your setting) as his native plane.

Size: Same as the base creature.

Senses: As the base creature, plus darkvision 60 feet and snow vison.

Snow Vision: An Einherjar see perfectly well in snowy conditions, and does not take penalties on Perception checks when in snowy or blizzard conditions

Speed: Einherjar increase all speeds they possess by 20 ft. An Einherjar may move through any sort of snowy and icy terrain at his normal speed and without taking any damage or suffering any other impairment. However, enchanted or magically manipulated frost, ice, and snow restricting movement affect him normally. Also, Einherjar ignore the effects of natural wind on movement while in icy regions, and is immune to the natural weather of the icy regions, regardless any force (even blizzard or tornado), unless he choose to be affected by them.

Hit Dice: Change the base creature’s racial Hit Dice to d10s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged. Einherjar hit point are maximized.

Defensive Abilities: An Einherjar retains all of the base creature’s defensive abilities and special qualities. It also gains the following additional defensive abilities.

Damage Reduction: An Einherjar gains damage reduction /cold iron and lawful equal to his character level.

Death Resistence (Ex): An Einherjar is already dead one time and has resistance to the grasp of the death. Einherjar is immune to any effect that would kill him instantly from full HP to 0 in one blow, or that outright kill him such as Vorpal does. Einherjar does not age any further and all the penalty from advanced age is removed. Einherjar, barred death from vioence, can live forever. An Einherjar is never considered dying and remains conscious and unhindered until he is slain at -Constitution modifier.

Enduring Stamina (Ex): Einherjar take four times as long to suffer from suffocation, dehydration, starvation, and can run indefinitely with no ill effects.

Golden Aura (Su): As long as an Einherji is in raga and in battle, it gains a 10-ft. radius glowing golden aura that inspires courage in his allies, improving their combat abilities. Allies within an Einherji’s golden aura, including the Einherji itself, gain a +2 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. Additionally, the allies of the Einherji in the aura gains fast healing 5 + 1 per ally that is also in battle within his aura. This fast healing does not stack with the fast healing of thirst of battle, only the higher apply. An Einherji loses his golden aura outside of combat or if knocked unconscious.

Immunities: An Einherjar is immune to cold, disease, fear, and poison. He gains immunity to charm and death effects while in rage (see below).

Resistance: An Einherjar has resistance to all elements while in rage equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1).

Special Attacks: An Einherjar retains all of the base creature’s special attacks. He also gains the following additional special attacks.

Challenge of Single Combat (Ex): As a standard action, an Einherjar can choose a single target within sight to challenge by attempting an Intimidate check to demoralize that creature. If the check succeeds, the target is shaken and the Einherjar gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against that target. For the duration of the challenge, the Einherjar must attack that target, and takes a –2 penalty to its AC, except against attacks made by the target. The challenge (and the shaken condition) remains in effect until the target successfully attacks the Einherjar in melee combat, the target is dead or unconscious, or the combat ends.

Rage (Ex): An Einherjar gains the rage ability as a barbarian of his HD. The Einherjar does not gains other abilities a barbarian gain like fast movement, uncanny dodge, greater rage, etc. If the Einherjar has the rage class feature, he use his HD as his full level for the rage (if the Einherjar is a skald 4/fighter 13, he use the rage as a skald of 17th level) and gains 2 extra rounds of rage per HD.

Rage Power (Var.): An Einherjar gains one rage power for every 4 HD he has (minimum 1), using his HD as his barbarian level. If he has rage power from a class feature, this rage powers are extra.

Special Qualities: An Einherjar retains all of the base creature’s special qualities. He also gains the following additional special qualities.

Battle Trained (Ex)
An Einherjar is proficient with all armor. Armor never impacts an Einherjar’s speed, nor does a Einherjar take armor check penalties on checks. An Einherjar count his HD as fighter level for meet the prerequisites for feats.

Titan’s Bane (Ex)
An Einherjar can move through the space of any creature two or more size categories larger than him without provoking attacks of opportunity, and he can share such a creature’s space. When sharing a larger opponent’s space, the Einherjar gain cover against all melee and ranged attacks it makes, and the opponent is considered flat-footed for the purposes of any melee or ranged attacks the Einherjar make against it.

Thirst for Battle (Su)
As long as an Einherjar is in battle, he gains fast healing equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1). An Einherjar loses this ability outside of combat or if knocked unconscious.

Abilities: +8 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con.

Skills: An Einherjar gain a +8 to Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival checks.

Organization: Solitary or Troop (14 Einherjar) unless you barge in where they call home where there could be many more.


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The Einherjar (CR +4)

The Einherjar is the champions from the death of Odin who will fight in the Ragnarok.

Creating an Einherjar:

Einherjar is an acquired template that can be fulfilled by any living creature who is led to Asgard by a Valkyrie after his death.

CR: Same as the base creature +4.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Type: The creature’s gains the extaplanar subtype. Einherjar count Asgard (or its equivalent in your setting) as his native plane.

Size: Same as the base creature.

Senses: As the base creature, plus darkvision 60 feet and snow vison.

Snow Vision: An Einherjar see perfectly well in snowy conditions, and does not take penalties on Perception checks when in snowy or blizzard conditions

Speed: Einherjar increase all speeds they possess by 20 ft. An Einherjar may move through any sort of snowy and icy terrain at his normal speed and without taking any damage or suffering any other impairment. However, enchanted or magically manipulated frost, ice, and snow restricting movement affect him normally. Also, Einherjar ignore the effects of natural wind on movement while in icy regions, and is immune to the natural weather of the icy regions, regardless any force (even blizzard or tornado), unless he choose to be affected by them.

Hit Dice: Change the base creature’s racial Hit Dice to d10s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged. Einherjar hit point are maximized.

Defensive Abilities: An Einherjar retains all of the base creature’s defensive abilities and special qualities. It also gains the following additional defensive abilities.

Damage Reduction: An Einherjar gains damage reduction /cold iron and lawful equal to his character level.

Death Resistence (Ex): An Einherjar is already dead one time and has resistance to the grasp of the death. Einherjar is immune to any effect that would kill him instantly from full HP to 0 in one blow, or that outright kill him such as Vorpal does. Einherjar does not age any further and all the penalty from advanced age is removed. Einherjar, barred death from vioence, can live forever. An Einherjar is never considered dying and remains conscious and unhindered until he is slain at -Constitution modifier.

Enduring Stamina (Ex): Einherjar take four times as long to suffer from suffocation, dehydration, starvation, and can run indefinitely with no ill effects.

Immunities: An Einherjar is immune to cold, disease, fear, and poison. He gains immunity to charm and death effects while in rage (see below).

Resistance: An Einherjar has resistance to all elements while in rage equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1).

Special Attacks: An Einherjar retains all of the base creature’s special attacks. He also gains the following additional special attacks.

Challenge of Single Combat (Ex): As a standard action, an Einherjar can choose a single target within sight to challenge by attempting an Intimidate check to demoralize that creature. If the check succeeds, the target is shaken and the Einherjar gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against that target. For the duration of the challenge, the Einherjar must attack that target, and takes a –2 penalty to its AC, except against attacks made by the target. The challenge (and the shaken condition) remains in effect until the target successfully attacks the Einherjar in melee combat, the target is dead or unconscious, or the combat ends.

Rage (Ex): An Einherjar gains the rage ability as a barbarian of his HD. The Einherjar does not gains other abilities a barbarian gain like fast movement, uncanny dodge, greater rage, etc. If the Einherjar has the rage class feature, he use his HD as his full level for the rage (if the Einherjar is a skald 4/fighter 13, he use the rage as a skald of 17th level) and gains 2 extra rounds of rage per HD.

Rage Power (Var.): An Einherjar gains one rage power for every 4 HD he has (minimum 1), using his HD as his barbarian level. If he has rage power from a class feature, this rage powers are extra.

Special Qualities: An Einherjar retains all of the base creature’s special qualities. He also gains the following additional special qualities.

Battle Trained (Ex)
An Einherjar is proficient with all armor. Armor never impacts an Einherjar’s speed, nor does a Einherjar take armor check penalties on checks. An Einherjar count his HD as fighter level for meet the prerequisites for feats.

Thirst for Battle (Su)
As long as an Einherjar is in battle, he gains fast healing equal to ½ his HD (minimum 1). An Einherjar loses this ability outside of combat or if knocked unconscious.

Abilities: +8 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con.

Skills: An Einherjar gain a +8 to Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival checks.

Organization: Solitary or Troop (14 Einherjar) unless you barge in where they call home where there could be many more.
You know in Dieties and Demigods they have the Einherjar as a statted out creature. I have my own template based on that, if you want I can post it.

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