Today I bring you Ymir, my latest creation for the Norse myth for a while. For the base creature I use the Xixecal conversion for PF1 (
https://thecreaturecodex. and for Bones of a New World the Great Old Ones versione of the Otherverse Games (
Ymir – d20PFSRD)
A titanic giant made of ice stands out in front of you. His malevolent gaze does not even seem to see you, as if lost in looking at the ages that have already passed. In his chest, under incalculable layers of ice, you see burning the mightiest flame you've ever seen.
Ymir’s Manifestation stands 8.000 feet tall and weighs 6.871.947.673.600 tons.
CE Macro-Medium outsider (cold, elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Init +142 (Always First);
Senses cosmic consciousness (layer), darkvision, snow sight, true seeing; Perception +197
Aura divine (6.000 ft., DC 68), fimbulwinter (6.000 ft., Fort DC 138)
AC 285, touch 94, flat-footed 247 (+34 deflection, +20 Dex, +24 divine, +18 dodge, +24 insight, +191 natural, -36 size)
hp 130.200 (140d100+7.770) x6;
Fort +233,
Ref +198,
Will +206; +12 against fear
Defensive Abilities cosmic firmament, cosmic string (1d10 minutes), fire messiah, improved uncanny dodge (rogue of 74th or higher), naked courage (+12, already calculated), natural toughness (+22, already calculated), sixth sense (cannot be caught flat-footed except by opponents who are four levels or more higher), uncanny dodge, winter messiah;
DR 60/—;
Immune An elder one is unaffected by any magical or natural effects such as: ability damage, disease, natural elements (cold, drowning, fire, lava, lightning etc.), poison and so forth. They can still be affected by artifacts (epic magic items) and epic spells; ability damage and drain, cold, death effects, elemental traits, fire, mind-affecting effects, poison;
SR 174, any spell which fails to penetrate Ymir spell resistance is reflected back upon the caster
Speed 900 ft., burrow 450 ft. (74 hardness maximum), fly 900 ft. (perfect), icewalking
Melee bite +296 (120d20+90/17-20x5), 2 slam +296 (80d20+90/17-20x5)
Space 5.335 ft.;
Reach 8.000 ft.
Special Attacks alter reality, freezing rend (2 slam, 80d20+123 plus freeze), hurl foe, mighty rage 197 round/day (+8 Str&Cos, +4 Will, -2 AC), mythic surge 24/day (+8d6), rage powers (beast totem [+18 natural armor], bleeding blow, boasting taunt, body bludgeon, brawler, come and get me, creepling blow [17 Str or Dex damage, Fort DC 155 half], elemental rage, flesh wound, fueled by vengeance, greater beast totem, greater brawler, greater elemental rage, greater ground breakerx3, ground breaker, guarded stance [+12 dodge against melee], lesser beast totem [2 claws +230 120d20+94/17-20x9], lesser elemental rage, fearless rage, mighty swing, powerful blow [+18], primal scent, raging grappler, raging leaper, raging swimmer, reckless abandon [-18, +18], rolling dodge [+12 dodge against ranged], savage intuition, scent, smasher, spell sunder, superstition [+19], witch hunter [+18]), trample (80d20+123, Ref DC 186), uncanny cold mastery (x2 HD)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 164th, concentration +222)
Constant—true seeing
At will—burning hands (DC 69), chill metal (DC 70), chill touch (DC 69), cone of cold (DC 73), control weather (cold or hot weather only), elemental swarm (fire or water elementals only), fire seeds (DC 74), fire shield, fire storm (DC 75), freezing sphere (DC 74), greater dispel magic, incendiary cloud (DC 76), polar midnight (DC 77), polar ray, produce flame (DC 70), resist energy, sleet storm, wall of fire, wall of ice (DC 72)
3/day—air walk, word of chaos (DC 75)
1/day—dominate monster (DC 77), mass hold monster (DC 77)
Str 174,
Dex 50,
Con 120,
Int 68,
Wis 62,
Cha 78
Base Atk +140;
CMB +364 (+366 bull rush or sunder);
CMD 364 (366 vs. bull rush or sunder)
Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dodge, Fatiguing Critical, Greater Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Specialization (slam), Greater Weapon Focus (slam), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Improved Sunder, Mobility, Muscle Reaction, Quick Draw, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Stand Still, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (slam), Weapon Specialization (slam), Whirlwind Attack;
Epic Feats Cats Fall, Epic Weapon Specialization (slam), Epic Weapon Focus (slam), Ether Goer, Etheric Double, Etheric Vision, Expert Strike, Fire Baptism, Good Will, Greater Critical (slam), Greater Critical Multiplier (slam), Greater Sunder, Improved Critical Multiplier (slam), Improved Dodge, Improved Power Attack, Malifiecus, Mathesis, Phrenology, Plastic Soul, Pre-Emptive Strike, Second Strike, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body, Timely Dodge, Underwalker, Weapon Mastery (bludgeoning, slashing);
Metamagic Feat Automatic Metamagic Capacity x6, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Greater Intensified Spell [E] (+4, removes the maximum cap), Heightened Spell, Intensified Spell, Maximized Spell, Metamagic Freedom, Widen Spell, Unbound Spell [E];
Skills All skills 167 + ability modifier.
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Protean, Old Norse, Old Tongue, other 162.
SQ bones of a new world, child of two worlds, fast movement, integrate class feature (barbarian, savage barbarian), massive, maven, omnicompetent, tireless rage, virtual size category +4
Special Abilities
Divine Abilities
• Perfect Initiative (Su): Always first.
• Strong [Body] (Su): Divine rank as insight bonus to AC.
• Strong [Mind] (Su): Strength as insight bonus to attacks.
• Strong [Soul] (Su): Strength as insight bonus to saving throws.
• Superior Critical [Slam] (Ex): The critical threat is quadrupled.
• Superior Critical Multiplier (Slam) (Ex): The critical multiplier is increased.
Cosmic Abilities
• Abrogate (Su): Any single opponent within your divine aura has its greatest ability negated. This can be an ability score or one of its other abilities (divine, cosmic etc.).
• Divine Inspiration (Ex): You gain a single divine ability, however, once per round as a free action you can change this divine ability to any other. You must still meet the feat prerequisites of any divine ability you chose to benefit from it.
• Inner Eye (Ex): You always gain the best dice rolls in any given situation. However, a natural 20 is not an automatic success when using this ability.
• Slipstream (Su)B: You are unaffected by temporal effects (such as slow or temporal stasis), cannot be undermined by time travel (someone cannot go back to your past and simply kill you as an infant for instance). If you are within the area of a time stop spell then you gain access to the additional rounds.
Double Fire Portfolio Traits (Elder One)
Domain Power: You can turn water creatures as a good cleric turn undead. Command fire creatures as an evil cleric command undead.
Cosmic Imperfection (Water): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
• Fire Immunity (Ex): You are immune to fire.
• Fire Reflection (Ex): Reflect any fire based attack used within your divine aura.
• Greater Scion of Fire (Ex): +48 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while in fiery environment.
• Perfect Summoning (Fire): Fire based creatures summoned have 200% more HD.
• Perfect Divine Fire (Su): Your fire damage is treated as 100% divine damage.
• Uncanny Fire Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with fire based attacks.
• Improved Fire Absorption (Su): Fire damage heals you (if overcome maximum hit points, give temporary hit points, up to your maximum hit points).
• Fire Messiah (Su): Fire creatures of a lower divine rank cannot harm you (no save).
• Lord of Fire (Su): Automatically dominate (no save) fire creatures of a lower divine rank in your aura.
Double Winter Portfolio Traits (Elder One)
Domain Power: You can turn fire creatures as a good cleric turn undead. Command cold creatures as an evil cleric command undead.
Cosmic Imperfection (Thunder): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability
• Cold Immunity (Ex): You are immune to cold.
• Cold Reflection (Ex): Reflect any cold based attack used within your divine aura.
• Greater Scion of the Cold (Ex): +48 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while in sub-zero environment.
• Perfect Summoning (Cold): Cold based creatures summoned have 200% more HD.
• Perfect Divine Cold (Su): Your cold damage is treated as 100% divine damage.
• Uncanny Cold Mastery (x2 HD) (Su): Assault your enemies with cold based attacks.
• Improved Sub-zero Regeneration (Su): Regeneration equal to your HD while in sub-zero environment.
• Winter Messiah (Su): Cold creatures of a lower divine rank cannot harm you (no save).
• Lord of Winter (Su): Automatically dominate (no save) cold creatures of a lower divine rank in your aura.
Uncanny Cold Mastery (with Inner Eye already calculated)
Beam (Ray) 280d6 (1.680); 11.600 ft.
Blast 140d6 (840); 11.600./725 ft. Standard action Ref 78/half
Blood 70d6 (420); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 99/negate
Breath* 280d6 (1.680); 725 ft. (cone) 2.900 (line) Standard Ref 99/half
Hand 720d6 (4.320); Melee Touch
Immolation 720d6 (4.320); 6.000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 99/half
Storm 70d6 (420); 6.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 78/half
Strike 70d6 (420); Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 140d6 (840); all creature in 725 ft. Will 78/negate
Uncanny Fire Mastery (with Inner Eye already calculated)
Beam (Ray) 280d6 (1.680); 11.600 ft.
Blast 140d6 (840); 11.600./725 ft. Standard action Ref 78/half
Blood 70d6 (420); Melee automatic ability Ref DC 99/negate
Breath* 280d6 (1.680); 725 ft. (cone) 2.900 (line) Standard Ref 99/half
Hand 720d6 (4.320); Melee Touch
Immolation 720d6 (4.320); 6.000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 99/half
Storm 70d6 (420); 6.000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 78/half
Strike 70d6 (420); Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 140d6 (840); all creature in 725 ft. Will 78/negate
Alter Reality (Su)
Once per round as a free action Ymir can duplicate any spell of 15th-level or less. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of DC 216 or less. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.
Bones of a New World (Su)
If Ymir is ever slain, its cosmic string apply, but the massive elemental creature’s corpse falls to the ground as the seed for new layers, perhaps even a world.
The Ymir-corpse left behind acts as the seed of 7 planar layers. If allowed to grow for a year or more, each of these seeds expand to form a new layer.
If Ymir is slain on the Material Plane, or one of the seed is moved into deep space somehow, that seed instead produces an Earth-like world with 1d4-1 moons and rich natural resources. The world establishes a stable orbit around a nearby star, or becomes a rogue exo-planet with Earth-like conditions, including a short day and long, chill night sustained by ambient magic.
Child of Two Worlds (Ex)
Ymir was generated when the flames of Múspellsheimr melted the ice of Niflheim and from their combination. It obtains both the Double Fire Portfolio and the Double Winter Portfolio at the same time without any of their weaknesses. Ymir is a truly ancient, primordial being and that give him a x6 hit points multiplier instead of x4 like standard Elder One. Ymir gains the Slipstream Cosmic Ability as a bonus ability.
Cosmic Might (Ex)
Ymir deals d20's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and its damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than Ymir HD.
Fimbulwinter Aura (Su)
Ymir is surrounded with a blizzard in a 6.000 foot radius. Within this area, the snowfall and wind gusts cause a –24 penalty on Perception checks and ranged attacks and reduce range of vision to no more than 20 feet. The wind itself blows in a clockwise rotation around Ymir, and functions as blizzard (Core Rulebook 439). Ymir is unaffected by snowstorms or blizzards of any kind. All creatures in the area take 24d10 points of cold damage each round (Fort DC 138 half). A creature that dies in this aura is transformed into ice, and can only be restored to life with true resurrection or wish used by a greater deity that has 136 or higher caster level. Any effect that causes these winds to drop below severe (such as control weather or control winds) cancels the snowstorm effect entirely but require a caster level check against Ymir spell resistance. If Ymir lose its fimbulwinter aura can restart it by concentrating for 3 rounds. The save DC is Charisma based.
Freezing Rend (Su)
A creature that takes damage from Ymir’s rend must succeed a DC 138 Reflex save or become encased in ice. This ice functions as an icy prison spell with a caster level equal to 164th. The save DC is Charisma based.
Hurl Foe (Ex)
When Ymir damages a Titanic or smaller foe with one of its natural attacks, it can try to hurl the foe as part of that attack by attempting a combat maneuver check. On a successful check, the foe is knocked back 10 feet in a direction of Ymir’s choice and falls prone. The distance the foe is hurled increases by 10 feet for every 5 points by which Ymir’s check exceeds the foe’s CMD. If an obstacle stops the hurled creature before it travels the whole distance, the hurled foe and the obstacle struck each take 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet of distance remaining and the foe is knocked prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle.
Icewalking (Ex)
Ymir can move on icy or snow covered surfaces without penalty, and can climb icy surfaces as if affected by a spider climb spell.
Divine Traits (Elder One) (Ex)
As an elder one, Ymir gains a +24 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Ymir’s natural attacks or any weapons it wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. An elder one does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.
Massive (Ex)
Because Ymir is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of dense forest or massive settlements are considered difficult terrain to Ymir (GM’s discretion). A Titanic or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Ymir, or vice-versa. Ymir can be flanked only by Titanic or larger foes. Ymir gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It’s possible for a Titanic or smaller creature to climb Ymir—this generally requires a successful DC equal to its CMD, and a Small or larger creature that climbs on Ymir body provokes an attack of opportunity from him.
Mythic (Ex)
Ymir has Mythic Power (24/day, Surge +8d6) and counts as a 24th-rank Mythic creature. Ymir can use any of its Alter Reality and spell-like abilities effect as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. Ymir can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spells.
Snow Sight (Ex)
Ymir’s vision is not impeded by inclement weather, either magical or mundane.
Ár var alda þar er Ýmir bygði
Ór Ymis holdi var jörð of sköpuð
Ór Ymis holdi var jörð of sköpuð
Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.
Ild, is, dråber falder.
Ymir, Jotun, skaber aser.
Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.
Ild, is, dråber falder.
Ymir, Jotun, skaber aser.
Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.
Ild, is, dråber falder.
Ymir, Jotun, skaber aser.
A year was spent there when Ýmir lived
From Ymis flesh, the earth was too created
From Ymis flesh, the earth was too created
Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.
Fire, ice, drops fall.
Ymir, Jotun, creates the Aesir.
Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.
Fire, ice, drops fall.
Ymir, Jotun, creates the Aesir.
Ginnungagap, Niflheim, Muspelheim.
Fire, ice, drops fall.
Ymir, Jotun, creates the Aesir