Unchained Rogue (
Charlatan) 30/Bard (
Demagogue) 20/Legendary Assassin 10/Mesmerist 20 (
Master Spy 10
CN Medium outsider (extraplanar, shapechanger)
Init +51 (always first);
Senses darkvision 600 ft., divine senses (x10), true seeing; Perception +130
Aura divine (DC 53, 1,000 ft.)
AC 134, touch 107, flat-footed 80 (+29 deflection, +44 Dex, +14 divine, +10 dodge, +27 natural)
hp 5,580 (90d20+3,780)
Fort +129,
Ref +130,
Will +127; +13 against mind-affecting, +4 against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects
Defensive Abilities elude detection, evasion, fool casting, glib lie (DC 59), hidden mind, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge (level 44), saving throw bonus +5 (mind-affecting), sixth sense, uncanny dodge, well versed;
DR 40/epic;
Immune Terrestrial Hazards;
Resistance Stellar Hazards;
PR/SR 114
Speed 270 ft., fly 270 ft. (perfect)
Melee Betray +174/+174/+169/+164/+159 (4d10+95/15-20),
Snake +174/+169/+164/+159 (4d10+95/15-20)
Ranged Betray +174 (4d10+95/15-20),
Snake +174 (4d10+95/15-20)
Special Attacks angel of death, assassin talents (another face in the crowd, explosive action, lethal range, lost in the crowd, stranglehold), assumption, bardic performance 71 rounds/day (DC 63, swift action; countersong, deadly performance, dire of doom, distraction, fascinate, frightened tune, gather crowd, incite violence, inspire competence +4, inspire courage +3, inspire greatness, inspire heroics, righteous cause, soothing performance), bold stare (allure, disorientation, lethality, psychic inception, sluggishness), compelling voice (–19, 1,000 ft.), death attack (standard action, DC 89), debilitating injury (–2 AC, –12 against Loki; –2 attack rolls, –12 against Loki; or speed ½ and no 5-ft. step), master strike (DC 75), mythic power (14/day, surge +3d6), natural born liar, quiet death, painful stare (+10/+6d6), piercing gaze, poison use, rogue talents (against the wall, bleeding attack*, black market connection, coax information, crippling strike*, defensive roll, distracting strike*, expert leaper, fast stealth, hard minded, improved evasion, obfuscate story, offensive defense, redirect attack, rumormongerB, unwilling ally), sneak attack +348 (29d12), swift death, subsonic strike (29 creatures), true death (DC 39), wounding words 32/day (DC 63, 1d6+20 sonic)
Bard Spells Known (CL 104th; concentration +147; DC (if any) 53 + spell level)
of any level from 0 to 6th of spells—any spell from any spell list;
Mesmerist Spells Known (CL 104th; concentration +147; DC (if any) 53 + spell level)
of any level from 0 to 6th of spells—any spell from any spell list;
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 104th; concentration +147)
mind blank
At will—
baleful polymorph (DC 58),
bear’s endurance,
beast shape I,
disguise self (DC 54),
enchantment foil,
enlarge person,
false vision,
form of the dragon I (DC 59),
greater animal aspect,
greater dispel magic,
greater teleport,
impenetrable veil,
legendary proportion,
magic jar (DC 58),
mind blank,
mislead (DC 60),
polymorph any object (DC 61),
magic aura (DC 54, only for making an object appear nonmagical)
Str 42,
Dex 54,
Con 52,
Int 100,
Wis 48,
Cha 69
Base Atk +67;
CMB +142;
CMD 168
Feats Accomplished Sneak Attacker x5, Additional Traits, Alertness, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, Dodge, Double Slice, Double Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Feint, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmored Specialist, Greater Fortitude, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Critical (dagger), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Two-Weapon Feint, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon FinesseB, Unarmored Specialist
Epic Feats Epic Skill Focus (Perform [Oratory]), Epic Toughness, Ether Goer, Etheric Double, Etheric Vision, Good Fortitude, Good Reflexes, Good Will, Greater Critical (dagger), Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Dodge, Killer Instinct, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Spell Stowaway (time stop), Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body
Skills All skills 107 + ability modifier; Perform (Oratory) +252 (Bluff +281, Disguise +256, Intimidate +257)
Languages Abyssal, Aboleth, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Necril, Old Nordic, Sylvan, Terran, other 124;
SQ art of deception, bardic knowledge +10, concealed thoughts, consummate liar, famous (+5 Bluff and Intimidate), finesse training (dagger, kunai, rapier, sickle), grand transformation, hidden weapons, hide in plain sight, jack of all trades, manifold tricks (5 tricks), mask alignment, master of disguise, maven, mental potency (+4 HD), mesmerist trick 39/day (astounding avoidance, faked death, gift of will, greater mask misery, mask misery, meek facade, mental fallback, misdirection, telepathic link, unwitting messenger, voice of reason), might, nonmagical aura, quick change, portfolio (transformation, trickery), rogue’s edge (Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Intimidate, Stealth), shift alignment, superficial knowledge +5, versatile performance (Perform [Oratory] [Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device]), virtual size category +2
Traits clever wordplay (Perform [Oratory]), trap finder
Betray is a +28
anarchic power,
ghost touch,
triple-throw adamantine dagger of
wounding composed by a 1/32,768th of orichalcum (x2 damage) (+55 total bonus)
Snake is a +28
anarchic power,
ghost touch,
wounding adamantine dagger of
unerring accuracy composed by a 1/32,768th of orichalcum (x2 damage) (+55 total bonus)
Loki renounce 2 artifacts for triple his Divine Slots
Divine Abilities
• Adjuration (Su): Summon up to 180 hit die of creatures per day (no single creature can have CR higher than 59)
• Celerity (Ex): All movements speed tripled
• Cursing Gaze (Su): Hypnotic stare curse every round the opponent
• Cozen (Su): You can steal the abilities of other beings (DC 63)
• Divine Mesmerist (Su): Your divine power increase the power of your stare
• Divine Skill Focus (Perform [Oratory]) (Ex): +60 to the chosen skill
• Divine Skill Ephasis (Perform [Oratory]) (Ex): +30 to the chosen skill
• Divine Sneak Attack (Ex): Half the damage of sneak attack is divine
• Divine Sorcery (Su): Double the spells know
• Divine Wizardry (Su): Double the spell slots
• Dream Stealer (Ex): You can steal the thoughts and dreams of others (DC 63)
• Enlightened (Su): You know all spells
• Ensorcelled (Su): You can cast any number of spells per day
• Eternal Freedom (Ex): You are immune to spells and effects which impede movement
• Extra Mythic Ability (Var.) x4: You gain a mythic ability (mythic finesse training, mythic debilitating injury, mythic rogue’s edge [change], mythic master strike)
• Intellectual Mind (Ex): Int as competence to attack rolls
• Intellectual Soul (Ex): Int as competence to saving throw
• Long Gaze (Su): Hypnotic stare range increase to Divine Aura
• Lurking (Ex): You are difficult to detect
• Omnicompetent (Ex): All skills are class skills
• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always First
• Perfect Sneak Attack (Ex): Sneak attack damage is maximized
• Polymorph (Su): You can polymorph at will
• Seventh Sense (Ex): Reply a round
• Shadow Self (Su): Gain a permanent shadow duplicate
• Shapechange (Su): You can shapechange at will
• Soul Stealer (Su): Take possession of a victim’s soul with a sneak attack (DC 63)
• Superior Sneak Attack x3 (Ex): Use d12 for sneak attack
• Time Stealer (Su): You can steal another’s actions with a sneak attack (DC 63)
• True Seeing (Ex): You have True Seeing
• Vicissitude (Ex): You can foster a second, separate existence (female Jotnar Jötunheimr named Thökk)
Cosmic Abilities (esoteric)
• Legendary Intelligence (Ex): Your Intelligence is doubled
Transformation Portfolio Traits (Greater Deity)[Transformation Portfolio]
Granted Power: You cast transmutation spell at +1 caster level.
Hostile Environment (Stasis) (Ex): Competence penalty to all rolls equal to your divine rank when in an area with the Static or Timeless trait.
Silver Vulnerability (Ex): You take 50% extra damage from silver (or mithral) weapons.
Mutability (Ex): You gain the shapechanger subtype.
• Transmutation Immunity (Su): You are immune to hostile transmutation effects.
• Lord of Mutation (Ex): Competence bonus (equal to divine rank) on attack rolls, saves, and armor class while under a polymorph effect.
• Improved Summoning (shapechanger) (Ex): Summoned creatures with the shapechanger subtype or with the natural ability to change form have 50% more HD.
• Instrument of Alteration (Su): Immunities against your transmutation effects are only 50% effective.
• Uncanny Withering (Cha.) Mastery (Su): Assault your enemies with charisma draining attacks.
• Heart of Transfromation (Ex): You gain regeneration equal to ½ your HD while under a polymorph effect.
Trickery Portfolio Traits (Greater Deity)[Trickery Portfolio]
Domain Power: You can deceive truth-detecting magic. A creature using this sort of magic against you must succeed on a caster level check against a DC of 119 (15 + your’s HD + your Divine Rank) to succeed (as if you are under the effect of a
glibness spell); failure means the magic doesn’t detect your’s lies or force you to speak only the truth. This ability does not give you the
glibness spell’s bonus on Bluff checks. When a creature is using
detect thoughts or similar magic to read your mind, you decides what surface thoughts your opponent detects, and your true surface thoughts remain private. This ability does not protect against mental attacks or mind-reading that delves deeper than surface thoughts.
Mirror Game (Ex): Competence penalty to on all rolls equal to your divine rank for 1 day when one discovers your deception before it’s completed.
Sheep’s Strength (Ex): Competence penalty to strength equal to your divine rank.
• Surprise (Ex): You count your HD as rogue level for the purpose of overcome the uncanny dodge ability.
• Joker (Ex): +14 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class after successfully feint a creature with at least ½ your HD for 24 hours.
• Trickery Summon (Su): Those summoned gain Cha. bonus equal to your divine rank.
• A Great Joke (Su): You can feint non-humanoid or creatures of animal Intelligence without penalty.
• Uncanny Divine Mastery (Su): Punish enemies with divine energy.
• Laughing (Ex): You gain regeneration equal to half your HD for a number of minutes equal to your divine rank after successfully feint a creature with at least ½ your HD.
Uncanny Divine Mastery
Beam (Ray) 90d3; 4,000 ft.
Blast 45d3; 4,000 ft./250 ft. Standard action Ref 63/half
Blood 22d3; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 55/negate
Breath* 90d3; 250 ft. (cone) 1,000 ft. (line) Standard Ref 55/half
Hand 135d3; Melee Touch
Immolation 135d3; 1,000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 55/half
Storm 22d3; 1,000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 63/half
Strike 22d3; Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 45d3; all creature in 250 ft. Will 63/negate
Uncanny Withering (Cha.) Mastery
Beam (Ray) 9; 4,000 ft.
Blast 4; 4,000 ft./250 ft. Standard action Ref 63/half
Blood 2; Melee automatic ability Ref DC 55/negate
Breath* 9; 250 ft. (cone) 1,000 ft. (line) Standard Ref 55/half
Hand 13; Melee Touch
Immolation 13; 1,000 ft. radius Free/Standard Ref 55/half
Storm 2; 1,000 ft. radius Standard/Free – Special Ref 63/half
Strike 2; Melee (bonus) Free -
Wrath (Gaze) 4; all creature in 250 ft. Will 63/negate
Divine Traits (Greater Deity) (Ex)
As a greater deity, Loki gains a +14 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Loki’s natural attacks or any weapons he wields, are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A greater deity does not age, requires no air to breathe, no food or drink to sustain itself, nor sleep.
Grand Transformation (Ex)
Once per year Loki can change the identity of his Vicissitude Divine Ability with an occult ritual that require 24 consecutive hours. If he generate a new persona, he start again from the minimum (14 HD). If he select a previous identity, he resume from how he left it (eg. if he leave his identity of Thökk [female Jotnar Jötunheimr witch 20] for Jorguwulf [Fighter 14], when he select again Thökk after 1 year, he return to having 24 racial HD + 20 witch levels).
Might (Ex)
Loki deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.
Mythic (Ex)
Loki has Mythic Power (14/day, surge +3d6) and counts as a 14th-rank Mythic creature. Loki can use any of his spell and spell-like abilities as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell and spell-like abilities.
As a Deity
The Trickster
Alignment CN (evil tendency)
Areas of Concern Cheating, Deception, Subterfuge, Plans, Wit
Domains Chaos, Destruction, Madness, Magic, Trickery
Subdomains Arcane, Captivation*, Deception, Entropy, Espionage, Hatred, Innuendo, Insanity, Murder*, Revelry, Riot, Thievery, Torture, Truth, Whimsy
*Clerics of Loki can use the Captivation and Murder subdomains to modify the Trickery or Destruction domains, respectively
Favored Weapon Dagger
Symbol Two snakes circling each other forming an S symbol, biting the tail of the other
Sacred Animal(s) Any animal capable of mimicry
Sacred Color(s) Blue and Red
Unique Summon Rules
- Summon Monster I: Viper
- Summon Monster II: Venomous Snake
- Summon Monster III: Constrictor Snake, Snake Swarm
- Summon Monster IV: Faceless Stalker, Venomous Snake Swarm
- Summon Monster VI: Lamia Matriarch, Palagast Protean
Unique Spell Rules
Disguise Self can be prepared as a 1st-level spell
Alter Self can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell
Polymorph can be prepared as a 5th-level spell
Disguise Self can be prepared as a 1st-level spell
Alter Self can be prepared as a 1st-level spell
Glibness can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell
Polymorph can be prepared as a 3rd-level spell
Polymorph can be prepared as a 4th-level spell
Greater Polymorph can be prepared as a 5th-level spell
Polymorph Any Object can be prepared as a 6th-level spell
Disguise Self can be prepared as a 1st-level spell
Alter Self can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell
Polymorph can be prepared as a 5th-level spell
Glibness can be prepared as a 6th-level spell
Greater Polymorph can be prepared as a 7th-level spell
Polymorph Any Object can be prepared as an 8th-level spell
Shapechange can be prepared as a 9th-level spell
Disguise Self can be prepared as a 1st-level spell
Alter Self can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell
Glibness can be prepared as a 4th-level spell
Polymorph can be prepared as a 5th-level spell
Polymorph Any Object can be prepared as a 6th-level spell
Glibness can be prepared as a 6th-level spell
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