Too Young to Retire


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merindell: dazed, prone
Mind: 10 - 2 = 8
Surcoat: 74%
Tunic: 56%
Sheldon: dazed
Mind: 10 - 1 = 9
L-Tunic: 53%
A-tunic: 59%
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 2: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Feather Talismans: 2, ??
Lizard Claws: 3 sets, ??
Ram's Horn: 1, ??
Boar Tusk: 1, ??
Lizard Teeth: 1 pouch, ??
Bird Skull: 1, ??

Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Curious Stones: 7, ??

ingots: 5, ??

dried herbs: 10 measures, ??
concealment + various + d100
Merindell: 44 + 50(soullessness) + 67 = 161 - 64 = 97
Sheldon: 47 + 51(camouflage) + 67 = 165 - 64 = 101
perception + analysis
Shimadow: 40 + 24 = 64
Merin... draws some Ansylin letters...
Not realizing that the words were presented as questions, Sheldon nods twice and motions that he will go for the right. Neither having a projectile weapon, it is assumed that a mystical assault will be performed.
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin sighs, and then chuckles. as he springs into action. He will begin with an inferno attack, augmented by the phoenix feather.

Inferno: 99+100+34!!!! = 233


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 74%
Tunic: 56%
Sheldon: full wellness
L-Tunic: 53%
A-tunic: 59%
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 2: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Feather Talismans: 2, ??
Lizard Claws: 3 sets, ??
Ram's Horn: 1, ??
Boar Tusk: 1, ??
Lizard Teeth: 1 pouch, ??
Bird Skull: 1, ??

Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Curious Stones: 7, ??

ingots: 5, ??

dried herbs: 10 measures, ??
concealment + various + d100
Merindell: 44 + 50(soullessness) + 67 = 161 - 64 = 97
Sheldon: 47 + 51(camouflage) + 67 = 165 - 64 = 101
perception + analysis
Shimadow: 40 + 24 = 64
Merin... inferno... phoenix feather.
Merindell: 43(bending) + 52(heat) x 3(phoenix) + 233(d100) = 432
Sheldon: 81(bending) + 59(acid) + 75(d100) = 215

Shimadows: 24(conditioning) + 15(fury) + 88(d100) = 127
S1: 432 - 127 = 315% * 6 = 19, Body: 10 - 19 = -9, incapacitated
S2: 215 - 127 = 88% * 6 = 5, Body: 10 - 5 = 5, injured
Merindell watches his phoenix feather dissolve and reform, a wonderful relic. He sees the flesh on his target melt with a fervent heat, as the man collapses, albeit still barely conscious.

The second man doubles over as if he has eaten something incredibly horrible. He cries out in pain.

The Shimadows look around in confusion, anger, and panic. They know full well what power has causes this, but not how to face it, especially when it has no face. The two females begin to run. The injured man to hobble.
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin will target the hobbling man with a sonic blast; he is not using sound, he is using shock, akin to the wave of kinetic force released by an explosion, a blunt, physical attack that will hopefully break his legs, or at the very least, knock him down.

82, 73, 92+84 (176)


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 74%
Tunic: 56%
Sheldon: full wellness
L-Tunic: 53%
A-tunic: 59%
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 2: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Feather Talismans: 2, ??
Lizard Claws: 3 sets, ??
Ram's Horn: 1, ??
Boar Tusk: 1, ??
Lizard Teeth: 1 pouch, ??
Bird Skull: 1, ??

Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Curious Stones: 7, ??

ingots: 5, ??

dried herbs: 10 measures, ??
concealment + various + d100
Merindell: 44 + 50(soullessness) + 67 = 161 - 64 = 97
Sheldon: 47 + 51(camouflage) + 67 = 165 - 64 = 101
perception + analysis
Shimadow: 40 + 24 = 64
Merindell: 43(bending) + 52(repulsion) + 82(d100) = 177
Sheldon: 81(bending) + 59(acidity) + 73(d100) = 213

Shimadows: 24(aggression / conditioning) + 15(fury) + 78(d100) = 117
fall: 177 - 117 = 60% (6 strides) - 30(contortion) = 30% * 10 = 3
S1: 432 - 127 = 315% * 6 = 19, Body: 10 - 19 = -9, incapacitated
S2: 215 - 127 = 88% * 6 = 5, Body: 10 - 5 = 5, injured. Mind: 10 - 3 = 7, stunned
S3: 213 - 117 = 96% * 6 = 6, Body: 10 - 6 = 4, injured
Merin will target the hobbling man with a sonic blast; he is not using sound, he is (moving air),... hopefully... knock him down.
Unable to perform any such manipulation similar to the new tactic chosen by Merindell, Sheldon alters the body chemistry of one of the fleeing females.

A pulse of air like some localized thunder clap erupts at the foot of the hobbling man. Debris flies in all direction from the origin, including the man, who flies forward 6 strides, taking some stunning damage in addition to his already received physical harm. One of the fleeing females stumbles in her stride, having suffered some unseen internal pain.

Though two are hurt, all Shimadow continue to flee as they still have no idea of the location of their enemy. The uninjured female is now beyond the effective range for a mystical assault.
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 74%
Tunic: 56%
Sheldon: full wellness
L-Tunic: 53%
A-tunic: 59%
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 2: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Feather Talismans: 2, ??
Lizard Claws: 3 sets, ??
Ram's Horn: 1, ??
Boar Tusk: 1, ??
Lizard Teeth: 1 pouch, ??
Bird Skull: 1, ??

Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Curious Stones: 7, ??

ingots: 5, ??

dried herbs: 10 measures, ??
concealment + various + d100
Merindell: 44 + 50(soullessness) + 67 = 161 - 64 = 97
Sheldon: 47 + 51(camouflage) + 67 = 165 - 64 = 101
Merindell: 43(bending) + 52(repulsion) +
Sheldon: 81(bending) + 59(acidity) + 75(d100) = 215

Shimadows: 24(aggression / conditioning) + 15(fury) + 65(d100) = 104
fall: 177 - 117 = 60% (6 strides) - 30(contortion) = 30% * 10 = 3
S1: 432 - 127 = 315% * 6 = 19, Body: 10 - 19 = -9, incapacitated
S3: 215 - 104 = 111% * 6 = 7, Body: 10 - 6 = 4 - 7 = -3, incapacitated
Merin will stand, and shoot the nearest fleeing enemy with his bow.
Being okay with allowing the one to escape, Sheldon closes to melee with the female he had previously injured, again bending chemical waylines as he closes.
Merindell: 33(launch) + 41(accuracy) + 32(clarity) + 75(d100) = 181

S2: 181 - 129 = 52% * 10 = 5 - 4(tunic) = 1, Body: 10 - 5 = 5 - 1 = 4, injured. Mind: 10 - 3 = 7 + 1 = 8, dazed
The final mystical assault of Sheldon is enough to incapacitate his foe, forgoing any need for a physical one. Though the arrow does not end the remaining Shimadow, injured and outnumbered by a superior adversary yields a quick resolution. Sheldon uses his carving knife to free the life force from the other two.
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Merindell shrugs, "... How long.. And how much further..."

GM: The arrow is locating the previous encounter with the iguanids. The party is halfway between there and Bridgetown.

Sheldon runs his left hand through his hair, pulling it back from his face. "Hmm... I have not really been keeping good track of the days, but we have been gone more than a season. Obviously we keep getting sidetracked. I have no idea how to even go about reaching the the Dragon's Claw Forest. I only know it from this map we have. Do you want to stop for a night back in Bridgetown or do you want to press on?"
Merindell: full wellness
Surcoat: 74%
Tunic: 56%
Sheldon: full wellness
L-Tunic: 53%
A-tunic: 59%
Jackal Canines: 8 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Dew Claws: 7 pair: (Strength +3)
Jackal Hearts: 8: {+strength x 3, +athleticism x 3}
Quillion Quills: 2: (Health +3), {toxicity x4}
Feather Talismans: 2, ??
Lizard Claws: 3 sets, ??
Ram's Horn: 1, ??
Boar Tusk: 1, ??
Lizard Teeth: 1 pouch, ??
Bird Skull: 1, ??

Slickstone: 1: {- heat x2}
Curious Stones: 7, ??

ingots: 5, ??

dried herbs: 10 measures, ??
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin says, "Ah, this map is helpful. I say we skip Bridgetown; he can stop for a night or two in Boga City if you'd like to rest. I would like a chance to speak with Zaelostrymiran again. I think he'd find our little run-in with the Asylim Magisters interesting, to say the least. Besides, although he doesn't look it, I get the feeling that he's quite old, and may know much that could help us. Who knows? Maybe he's been to the Dragon Claw before? He might even have a better map, and know of an efficient trail route to follow. What say you, my friend?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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