Upward from Land's End

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Sprthnt decides to put another arrow in the Graggorid who Antapkos had injured. Cormorant shrugs at hearing the comment. He begins to remove any bodies from the road, killing any of the Talons who still breathe. Antapkos turns to face the guards, motioning for everyone to come back out. “The Burning Sun offers nothing but blight. The Maelstrom drowns fishermen. Cormorante and I decided to toss a coin for Fortune. She seems to have looked kindly upon it.”

Britta snorts. “I have never heard of the Burning Sun or the Maelstrom. They sound malevolent. It is the Earth who gave life to us Maldrogs, but I know of this Fortune from South Road Fair. She seems to smile upon those who would give homage, but be careful against her immortal enemy Misfortune. As I understand it, favor cannot be called to often or the enemy will answer, instead.”

Siofrita addresses the caravaners. “I think it will be best if we take you back to South Road Fair to recover. Asylim is too far, and the road can bode more danger.” All six begin clearing the road, looking for anything of interest or value.
OOC: 53

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sprthnt decides... Cormorant shrugs... Antapkos turns... Britta snorts... Siofrita addresses...
Antapkos: 24(observation) + 53(d100) = 79
Siofrita: 31 + 53 = 84
Cormorante: 23 + 53 = 76
Britta: 34(perception) + 53 = 87
Sprthnt: 34(observation) + 53 = 87
Kuwaia: 24 + 53 = 77
Since the man is trying to get away and not watching over his shoulder, Sprthnt has no difficulty putting him down with an arrow. The one, who could run, got away. Though the Graggorids are a most rudimentary of tribes, as the road is being cleared, it is noted that a few are adorned with trinkets or talismans that might be of interest, most of which are curious stones.

Cormorante finds a semi-translucent, dark, purple stone. Kuwaia finds a shiny, white, opaque stone that feels wet when rubbed, though no item is of any use to her. Siofrita finds a dark, red, opaque stone that contains streaks of purple and a talisman composed of five green feathers. Antapkos finds an opaque brown stone with flecks of semi-translucent blue running through it. Britta finds a bird skull fetish and a shiny, opaque orange stone with flecks of semi-translucent yellow running through it. Sprthnt finds a bird skull and a shiny, black, semi-translucent stone.

The four remaining and hurt caravaners are at a loss for making such a monumental decision. Eventually, with some discussion, they all decide to follow the wisdom of Siofrita and accompany the group back to South Road Fair.
Antapkos: full wellness
Sioftrita: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Britta: full wellness
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 48
Kuwaia: full wellness
nothing at this time
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
On the road back, five of the six youths will fondle the talismans or stones they discovered to determine their mystical usefulness. Kuwaia will, of course, give her's to Sprthnt. As it is still several days back, Siofrita and Sprthnt will flank the traveling group in order to acquire game.
OOC: 76


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
..., five... will... talismans... Kuwaia will... Siofrita and Sprthnt will...
Antapkos: 24(alchemy) + 76(d100) = 100, success
time: 20 days / 100 = 4 hours, 48 minutes, fail
Siofrita: 31 + 76 = 107
time: 20 / 107 = 4 hours, 30 minutes, success
Cormorante: 23 + 76 = 99, fail
Britta: 31 + 76 = 107, success
time: 4 hours, 48 minutes, success
Sprthnt: 34 + 76 = 110, success
time: 20 / 110 = 4 hours, 22 minutes
Siofrita: 31(observation) + 76 = 107
Sprthnt: 34 + 76 = 110
Though everyone but Cormorante could determine that their items were of mystical value, only Siofrita, Britta, and Sprthnt could identify that usefulness, conveying such information to Antapkos and Cormorante. Antapkos had earned an Azurestone, which when carried would augment his efficiency of movement (Motility +2). Siofrita had earned a Ruddystone, which when carried would augment her overall wellness, greater than the Bloodstone that she already carried (Health +2). She also discovered that the feather talisman was made from parrot feathers and would augment her dealings with others, better than the songbird feathers that she already possessed (Persona +2). Cormorante had earned a Grapestone, which when carried would augment his resilience of life better than the heartstone that he already possessed (Confluence +2). Britta had earned a Starstone, which when carried would augment her impetus for physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +2). She also discovered the skull from a Calling Jay, which would augment her dealings with other people greater than the sunstone that she already carried (Persona +2). Sprthnt had earned a Shadestone, which when carried would augment the inexplicable reason for life (Adhesion +2) and been given a slickstone, which when carried would augment his mental resilience (Will +2). He also discovered a skull from a Bandy Running Bird, which would augment his resilience of life better than the skull from a Thrush that he already carried (Confluence +2).

During the seven days required to walk back to South Road Fair, Siofrita and Sprthnt were able to efficiently keep the party supplied with fresh game, but nothing of significance was encountered. The injuries of the caravaners completely healed, leaving only scars of their previous existence. The residents, upon seeing the familiar faces, were surprised at the oddity of their return with some relative strangers in tow, several asking what event had befallen the group.
Antapkos: full wellness
Sioftrita: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Britta: full wellness
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 48
Kuwaia: full wellness
nothing at this time
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Cormorant gave his Heartsone to Antapkos, after he replaced it with the Grapestone. The Bloodstone, Sunstone, and Songbird Feathers were discarded or given to the accompanying caravan members, if they desired them. Antapkos, with Siofrita by his side, told the story of the attack on the caravan, explaining the reasoning for bringing the previously injured members back to South Road Fair, instead of continuing on toward Asylim, after the departing caravan. Figuring other, more important, members of the community could make any necessary decisions concerning the new arrivals, the six took some leisure time, until they got bored or something garnered their attention.
OOC: 66


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cormorant gave... Antapkos... told...
The four new arrivals quickly forgotten, the Sojourn Six became bored, or rather restless, by the very next morning. Intimate occupation was far too limited for the male gender, and other pursuits must be entertained for a necessary period of physical recovery. Fortunately, the female psyche, unless damaged, was such that a singular occupation was far too focusing, and other activities were greatly appreciated. It had, far too quickly, become imperative that the six found something to do or some direction to explore for no assistance was so soon to be of the offering.

All six, without question or even hesitation, would have been accepted as their own band of roving scouts, but this was far too mundane for ones who had seen even as little more of the world as these six had. Sitting around a table at the Boar’s Head, until Giodavi finally ran them out, the six stood outside, staring into nothingness, for what seemed an hour, until it was finally, and with exasperation, decided to follow the river upstream to the known Spiofthest community called Plum Orchard. The plum trees would be going dormant during the current season, but something had to be done to stave off insanity, thus earning them their moniker of the Sojourn Six.
Antapkos: full wellness
Sioftrita: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Britta: full wellness
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 48
Kuwaia: full wellness
nothing at this time
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Having made steps, literally, to rid themselves of their adolescently undisciplined dolor, the six split into their amorous pairs as they travel. Antapkos and Siofrita will take the lead, since Siofrita has a bow, following as reasonably close to the river as possible looking for game or anything else of interest. Cormorant and Britta will trail, since neither is well suited to the use of a projectile weapon. Sprthnt and Kuwaia will pace along between, more inland, also keeping an eye out, since Sprthnt has a bow. If enough game is not acquired during travel, specific forays will be conducted each evening and morning, to acquire meat and check snares, while Cormorant and Britta tend camp.
OOC: 66


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... the six split...
Antapkos: 24(observe) + 66(d100) = 90 + 34(smell) = 124
Siofrita: 31 + 66 = 97 + 26 = 123
Cormorante: 23 + 66 = 89
Britta: 34(perception) + 66 = 100
Sprthnt: 34(observe) + 66 = 100 + 26(hearing) = 126
Kuwaia: 24 + 66 = 90 + 26(hearing) = 116
Eight days were required to follow the river from South Road Fair to Plum Orchard. Observant travel only offered the bare minimum of game, with the specific forays provided little more. The trip was pleasant enough and the sights, sounds, and smells provided new insight to the unfamiliar surroundings. One particular morning, Kuwaia calls Sprthnt to a snare that has had the misfortune of capturing a fowler. Knowing the small nuisances to be rather aggressive if cornered or snared, Sprthnt shoots it before getting close.

At the current time, Sprthnt happened to be slightly better at hunting than the others, but game was not what acquired his particular attention one evening. He spotted an estimated group of 6 to 10 adolescent males. It was difficult to determine the exact number with them moving through the forest toward the river. Their light brown skin was dyed with dark patterns making them appear fearsome and somewhat feline. Their attire was composed of rudimentary garments made from animal hides, which offered little coverage area. Their chosen weapon was a crude spear tipped with a sharp bone head. Sprthnt showed them to Kuwaia, but the two were not going to be able to return to camp without being noticed, and the group was headed directly there.
Antapkos: full wellness
Sioftrita: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Britta: full wellness
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 48
Kuwaia: full wellness
nothing at this time
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Knowing it would be foolish to engage such numbers without the benefit of the other, Sprthnt and Kuwaia run back to the camp. Sprthnt yells as he runs, “Coming in!”

Kuwaia draws her ularin sword and enhances her strength, as she runs. When she reaches camp, she turns back to face the incoming group. Antapkos blends into the forest as best he can and take a position on the upstream flank, readying his javelin to throw. Siofrita moves back into cover, blending into the foliage and drawing an arrow to fire. Cormorant stands in the open. A ripple courses over his skin, as he readies a javelin, to fight, in each hand. Britta stands near him with her hammer and defender. She does not hide but alters her presence to make her more difficult on which to focus. Sprthnt runs through the middle of the camp, veering to the downstream flank to turn and fire an arrow, altering his presence like Britta.
OOC: 71


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
... Sprthnt yells...
Antapkos: 28(readiness) + 25(speed) + 34(clarity) + 71(d100) = 158
Siofrita: 23 + 34 + 26 + 71 = 154
Cormorante: 24 + 24 + 28 + 71 = 147
Britta: 25 + 31 + 27 + 71 = 154
Sprthnt: 26 + 31 + 22 + 71 = 150
Kuwaia: 31 + 25 + 24 + 71 = 151
Katalians: 40 + 81 = 121
The strangely painted youths fan out as they run after the retreating Sprthnt and Kuwaia, making crying sounds like wildcats. They likely suspect that the two are running toward friends, for they fan out, parallel to the river as they go. Each holds his spear as if intending it for melee. Two are closing in on the positions of Antapkos and Siofrita. Two are closing in on the position of Sprthnt. And six are running directly toward the waiting other three. Antapkos and Siofrita are about 5 strides, upstream, from the main three. Sprthnt is only about three strides, downstream, from the three. The enemy groups are about five strides from their prospective targets. Songbirds, that had grown accustomed to the presence of the Sojourn Six, cry in panic and fly away from the calls of the charging Katalians.
Antapkos: full wellness
Sioftrita: full wellness
Cormorant: full wellness
Britta: full wellness
Sprthnt: full wellness
Tunic: 48
Kuwaia: full wellness
nothing at this time
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide 2 random rolls.

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