Warriors Of The Coast OOC


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drothgery said:
Unless DEFCON1 says otherwise, I'm just going to add up Khalia's gear, compare it to 5th level standard, and make up the difference if she's behind that (and I think she is), possibly replacing some consumables (scrolls, mostly).

I would rather have our possession being modified in play rather than out of game. It might be as simple as your organization supply you for what is coming, but I think we will continue from where we was.

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stonegod: Child of Khyber prestige class is a-okay with me. You've probably already thought of this already, but since I don't believe the Lesser and Greater Aberrant Dragonmarks are spelled out specifically which one follows which one in the line... I would prefer it if your choice of Lesser Dragonmark continued thematically with what you already have (Chill Touch as Least DM, and hexes/curses from your class). I dunno if there's a cold or curse/hex-based Lesser ability or not, but something along those lines I think would be a nice natural progression (like Jango's Produce Fire / Scorching Ray build).

drothgery: I actually don't know what financial level you all are at, but I know that at the very least Ari is probably way over standard 5th level finances (because of the additional cash he's earned through Tharashk and Deneith bounties/jobs). However, if by some chance Khalia and Jango are less than standard 5th level, then you guys absolutely will get more. In fact, I would say that you both should be at 1000gp OVER standard 5th level money... so add up what you got and if you are under that, give yourselves enough to get to 1000gp over 5th. You guys should start with more than the new players. Of course, if you are all over that mark already... then you're fine and you don't need to give any money back. :)

Velmont: I believe I mentioned it when I first let you know about the results of your little talk with the daelkyr... but if I didn't, let me mention it now. Your 5th level was the first level of Acolyte of the Skin, but you aren't forced to take nothing but AotS class levels from now on... you can still intersperse sorcerer levels in there if you want. Of course, since the 2nd level of AotS gives you another level of your spellcasting plus Fire Resistance 10 for free, you may want to stick with it at least for that one since you'll be playing with fire quite a bit. :) However, just so you know... the more levels of AotS you have, the more you and the fiend meld together and thus the more control you'll have over it. You'll be less often "influenced" into doing some thing you may not prefer.

Of course, the more you meld, the more obvious the skin becomes... so it's a double-edged sword. And if you ever wanted to try and get rid of the skin... the less you were melded together, the easier it would be. Of course, that would involve a long and probably painful roleplay quest for that to happen (at least as long as your quest to get back to the temple and getting the skin in the first place). But as is always the case... it's entirely up to you.
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First Post
Oh! I thought I had to stick with AotS... In that case, I'll go in case to case at each level. I'll probably take more level if I feel Jango doesn't resist much the Daelkyr. So, all will depend on how you will play the Daelkyr. If he is too oppose to Jango, Jango will not follow him and take level as Sorcerer. If he is more friendly, I'll take the level in AotS.

By the way, I don't have yet the Lesser Abberant Dragon Mark feat, that will be my 6th level feat. I'm not sure I'll take the Scorching Ray spell, as I already have it as a Sorcerer, but I was thinking to keep the Fire theme as much as possible.

Finally, what is the wealth of 5th level character? I have 6769 gp worth of equipement and gold, but mainly gathered into more than 4000gp and a wand of magic missile that worth 1800
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
DEFCON 1 said:
stonegod: Child of Khyber prestige class is a-okay with me. You've probably already thought of this already, but since I don't believe the Lesser and Greater Aberrant Dragonmarks are spelled out specifically which one follows which one in the line... I would prefer it if your choice of Lesser Dragonmark continued thematically with what you already have (Chill Touch as Least DM, and hexes/curses from your class). I dunno if there's a cold or curse/hex-based Lesser ability or not, but something along those lines I think would be a nice natural progression (like Jango's Produce Fire / Scorching Ray build).
I have been thinking about it, and focusing on touch-based necromantic effects seems to be the way to go. I'm currently thinking bestow curse as lesser and slay living as greater though I'm not 100% set on the latter.


First Post
DEFCON 1 said:
I don't believe the Lesser and Greater Aberrant Dragonmarks are spelled out specifically which one follows which one in the line... I would prefer it if your choice of Lesser Dragonmark continued thematically with what you already have (Chill Touch as Least DM, and hexes/curses from your class). I dunno if there's a cold or curse/hex-based Lesser ability or not, but something along those lines I think would be a nice natural progression (like Jango's Produce Fire / Scorching Ray build).

It is told somewhere in teh dragonmarked book that you don't need to follow a theme. But I must tell I find it interesting concept to have it with a theme.


Velmont said:
By the way, I don't have yet the Lesser Abberant Dragon Mark feat, that will be my 6th level feat.
Whoops! I was thinking for some reason that was the free Aberrant dragonmark feat I had given you when you fell unconscious above the tunnel to the temple. Now I remember it was the feat that allows you to make your mark disappear. So yeah... come time to choose Lesser Aberrant... Scorching Ray wouldn't make much sense. :) But since you might have fire resistance 10 at that point... more fire probably would suit you well. I always found there was nothing cooler than being a mage immune to fire and then dropping a fireball on myself when surrounded by enemies. LOL.

stonegod... any of those ideas would be cool. With your curse abilities already from the hexblade class, binding them all together thematically is really awesome. I love it! I almost see your hexer skills as an extension of Khyber's influence, so it works well. When Jango comes back with his new... things... I almost see the elf becoming more kin than probably Ari originally thought. He'll be growing up very quickly most likely.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
So, here's what Ari would look like at 5th level. He gains 7 hp, 5 skill points (1 in Intimidate, 2 in Gather Info and Survival both), his Lesser Aberrant dragonmark, and a +2 to all saves.

[sblock=Ari Osten, Monster Hunter]Ari Osten CR 5 (15000 xp)
Male human (Aundair) hexblade 4/child of Khyber 1; AP 7
LN Medium humanoid
Init -1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common

AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 16; +6 armor, +1 natural, +1 deflection, -1 Dex
hp 42 (5 HD)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +7; arcane resistance +3, mettle

Spd 30 ft.
Melee +1 longsword two-handed +8 (1d8+5/19-20) or
Melee cold-iron morningstar two-handed +7 (1d8+4) or
Melee mwk cold-iron spiked armor +8 (1d6+3) or
Melee +1 longsword two-handed +4 (1d8+5/19-20) and mwk cold-iron spiked armor +0 (1d6+3) or
Melee cold-iron morningstar two-handed +3 (1d8+4) and mwk cold-iron spiked armor +0 (1d6+3) or
Melee alchemical silver dagger +7 (1d4+2/19-20) or
Melee sap +7 (1d6+3 nonlethal) or
Ranged 2 javelins +3 (1d6+3)
Base Atk +4; Grp +7
Atk Options Hexblade's curse 1/day, Aberrant Vigor
Possessions 2 potions of cure light wounds (potion bracer), potion of expeditious retreat (potion bracer), 2 silversheens
Hexblade Spells Known (CL 2):
  • 1st (1/day): karmic aura (DC 14), phantom threat (DC 14)
Spell-like Abilities:
  • 1/day: bestow curse (CL 5, DC 17)
  • 4/day: chill touch (CL 5, DC 14)

Abilities Str 16, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
SQ aberrant affinity, arcane resistance +3, dark companion, mettle
Feats Aberrant Dragonmark (chill touch), Aberrant Dragonmark Gift, Aberrant Vigor, Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark (bestow curse), Skill Focus: Survival, Track
Skills Concentration +2, Gather Information +8.5, Intimidate +11, Survival +8.5
Possessions combat possessions plus +1 longsword, cold-iron morningstar, alchemical silver dagger, 2 +1 javelins, +2 chain shirt with mwk cold-iron armor spikes, ring of protection +1, amulet of natural armor +1, backpack with waterskin, one day's trail ration, bedroll, sack, flint and steel, manacles with good lock, potion bracers, silk rope (50'), 3 sunrods, 3 torches, vest of resistance +1; identification papers, traveling papers; 146.3 gp

Aberrant Affinity (Ex): Ari adds +1 to all Charisma-related checks dealing with aberrations or people who possess aberrant dragonmarks.
Aberrant Vigor (Su): As an immediate action, Ari can sacrifice one of his uses of his chill-touch spell-like ability to gain 4 temporary hit points that last and hour.
Arcane Resistance (Ex): Ari adds +3 to any save vs. spells or spell-like abilities.
Dark Companion (Su): Ari can create an illusionary companion resembling a panther spun from darkness. The panther acts on Ari's initiative as an extension of Ari's will and has a speed equal to Ari's (including all movement modes). If the dark companion is adjacent to a creature (and no other creature occupies the companion's square), the target creature takes a -2 penalty to AC and saves. As the dark companion has no substance, it cannot attack, flank a creature, or block movement through its square. The dark companion is immune to any damage, though it can be dispelled; if dispelled, it returns in 24 hours. It is treated as 1st level spell for dispelling purposes. If the dark companion moves more than 120 ft. from Ari, it reappears next to Ari.
Hexblade's curse (Su): Once per day, as a free action, Ari can unleash a curse upon a visible foe within 60'. The target takes a -2 penalty on attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage for 1 hour thereafter if they fail a DC 15 Will save.
Lesser Aberrant Dragonmark (Sp) When using his lesser aberrant dragonmark, Ari must make a DC 10 Fortitude save or be dazed one round.
Mettle (Ex): If Ari makes a successful Fortitude or Will save vs. an attack that would have reduced effect on a successful save, he instead completely negates the effect.

Non-SRD Spells

Karmic Aura (Complete Mage) hexblade 1; Casting: 1 swift; Materials: V; Duration: 1 round/level; Range: 20' emanation; Save: Will save negates; SR: Yes. Targets that damage Ari within the range must make a save or be fatigued for 3 rounds. Multiple failed saves do not stack, but a successful save does not prevent the spell working on subsequent rounds.
Phantom Threat (Complete Warrior) hexblade 1; Casting: 1 standard; Materials: V, S; Duration: 1 round/level; Target: 1 creature; Range: Close; Save: Will negates; SR: Yes. Target is considered flanked.[/sblock]


First Post
Jango have a wealth of 6769 gp. The starting wealth of a 5th level is 9000 gp. That is a 2231 gp less than teh starting wealth. You want us to be at least 1000 over the starting wealth, that makes 3231 gp.

I do I proceed with that. Do I simply add teh gold? Add items? Or all will be done IC.

I had told earlier in this thread a wish list:

Empowered Spellshard [Scroching Ray] (3000 gp; Magic of Eberron)
Vest of Resistance +1 (1000 gp; Complete Arcane)

I would add:

Cloak of Charisma +2 (4000 gp; SRD)

Also, on a purely roleplay side and might be more inteerested by the Daelkyr than by Jango itself...

Any item that prevent alignement or thought detection
Any item that increase bluff

So, if you want to give me those 3231 gp in game by wathever mean you like and I use my 4000 gp I have to buys things in the next city I go, it could be fine.


stonegod, Ari looks good!

Velmont... I'm not going to bother roleplaying out the purchasing of equipment at this point, because we did a lot of that previously. We'll just assume that you had the cash available (3300gp rounded off) and will buy a couple extra things before you hire the boat to take you north. Just let me know what the items are you are picking up. Thanx!

drothgery, same thing. Whatever cash you need to reach 10,000gp total worth we'll just assume has always been in your pocket. And as we already rp'd your purchasing bits, we'll assume you bought the rest of whatever was left that you wanted.


First Post
DEFCON 1 said:
drothgery, same thing. Whatever cash you need to reach 10,000gp total worth we'll just assume has always been in your pocket. And as we already rp'd your purchasing bits, we'll assume you bought the rest of whatever was left that you wanted.

I'll look at this tonight; odds are I'll be reshufling things to get a headband of intellect +2 if I can manage it (though, being Khalia, it'll be personalized a bit, probably looking more like a circlet or a diadem -- i.e. same slot, functionally identical to a headband, just a bit more elegant).

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