Master of the Blade (New Feat)
You are schooled in multiple combat techniques best used with bladed weapons; daggers, rapiers, short swords, scimitars, long swords and greatswords.
- When you roll weapon damage with a blade you may add both strength and dexterity to the damage roll instead of only one of them.
- When you are missed by an attack, you may expend a reaction to make an attack with a one handed weapon or a blade you are wielding. After or before your reaction attack, you may also move up to ½ of your speed; this movement does not provoke an opportunity attack from the triggering attacker.
- When you take the attack action, you may draw a weapon as part of an attack with it.
- If you roll a natural 1 on an attack on a creature with a blade, you can reroll it.
The Spinning Edge (New Feat)
You know a spinning combat style that leverages the deadly leverage of Axes; the hand axe, battleaxe and greataxe.
- If a weapon attack roll using an axe is even, you deal an extra weapon damage die if the attack hits.
- Your attacks with axes deal double damage to objects.
- If you roll a natural 1 or natural 20 on a weapon attack, you may take a risky gamble and expend a reaction to repeat the attack on the same target with advantage. If this repeat attack misses, you deal your attack damage to yourself.
Hammer Rhythm (New Feat)
You have mastered a Rhythmic form of combat that is best used with hammers; the warhammer, maul and throwing hammer.
- When you hit with a weapon attack using a hammer, you deal additional damage equal to your constitution modifier.
- When you make a weapon attack on a creature and have advantage or disadvantage, if your two d20s land on the same value, your attack becomes a critical hit if it hits the target's AC.
- If you have missed a creature with a hammer weapon attack since the start of your last turn or you last used this feature, you can expend a bonus action to attack that creature with a hammer with disadvantage a number of times equal to the number of times you missed them since the start of your last turn or you last used this feature.
Archer (new feat)
To train an Archer, you start with their grandparents.
- You can add both your strength and dexterity attribute bonus (instead of one of them) to damage with a longbow or shortbow.
- If a creature moves closer to you while within the first range increment of your weapon, you can expend a reaction to make a ranged weapon attack with disadvantage on it. If you hit, they cannot take a reaction until the end of your next turn.
- If a creature within the first range increment of your loaded long or short bow hits an ally of yours, you can expend a reaction to make a ranged weapon attack with disadvantage. If you hit, they have to reroll their attack roll with disadvantage.
- You can expend a bonus action to gain overwatch until the end of your next turn. While in overwatch, you do not have disadvantage on either of the above attacks.
Dual Wielder (Enhancement, Adjustment)
You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following benefits:
- You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand.
- If you are hit with a melee attack and have a one handed melee weapon in your hands, you can expend your reaction to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your proficiency bonus against the attack. If the attack hits, and you are holding two one handed melee weapons in your hands, reduce the damage you take by your proficiency bonus.
- As part of the attack action, if you make an attack with advantage with a weapon held in one hand, you may use one lower attack roll to attack with a weapon held in the other hand.
Crossbow Expert (Adjustment)
Thanks to extensive practice with the crossbow, you gain the following benefits:
- You ignore the loading quality of crossbows with which you are proficient, and can load a hand crossbow even if you are holding a weapon in your other hand.
- Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls with a one handed weapon.
- When you use the Attack action and attack with a one handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a hand crossbow you are holding.
- If you (including your mount and vehicle) haven’t moved since the end of your last turn, you can use a bonus action to make an attack with a crossbow. If you do so, this attack does not add your attribute (dexterity) to damage, and you and your mount’s speed is reduced to 0’.
Polearm Master (Patch for other rules)
You gain the following benefits:
- If the only weapon you are wielding is a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the blunt end of the weapon.. The weapon's damage die for this attack is a d4 (or d6 if you are using the weapon two-handed), and it deals bludgeoning damage.
- While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter the reach you have with that weapon. If the weapon is a pike, you have advantage on this opportunity attack.
Spell Sniper (Enhancement)
You have learned techniques to enhance your attacks with certain kinds of spells, gaining the following benefits:
- When you cast a spell that requires you to make an attack roll, the spell's range is doubled.
- Your ranged spell attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
- Your spell attacks score a critical hit on a 19 or 20; if you have advantage, they also score a critical hit if both d20s land on the same value.
- You learn one cantrip that requires an attack roll. Choose the cantrip from the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is your choice of Charisma, Wisdom or Intelligence.
Stonekeeper (New Feat)
Prerequisite: Ability to use a Spellcasting Focus
During a long rest you can imprint a Crystal Spellcasting Focus with a spell of each level from 1 to 5 inclusive that you can cast. When you cast any of those spell using your Crystal Spellcasting Focus as a focus:
- It is treated as 1 slot level higher for the purpose of “at higher level” clauses in the spell.
- Roll 1d4 when you cast the spell; if the roll exceeds the level of the slot used, the spell slot is not expended. For each previous spell saved this way since your last long rest, add 1 to the slot level of the spell for this check. Increase the 1d4 to 1d6, 1d8 or 1d10 when the character reaches level 5, 11 and 17 respectively.
In addition, you can use your Crystal Spellcasting Focus on jewelry without holding them in your hands. If you use it to substitute for Somatic components while not holding it, the Arcane Focus must not be covered while casting, and it glows with a dim 5’ radius light until the end of your next turn.
Wandcraft (New Feat)
Prerequisite: Ability to use an Arcane Focus
The wand is an elegant spellcasting focus from a more civilized age.
- As a bonus action you may roll 1d20. You may use this roll before the start of your next turn to replace one ranged spell attack roll made using a Wand as an Arcane Focus or using charges from a Wand.
- When using charges from a wand, roll 1d20 plus your proficiency modifier. On a 10 or higher, the charges are not expended.
- When you roll a natural 20 with a spell attack roll using a wand as a focus or expending charges from a wand, you can expend a reaction to repeat the attack. This repeat of the attack does not require additional spell slots or charges, and can be on the same or different target.
Orbweaver (New Feat)
Prerequisite: Ability to use an Arcane Focus
When using an Orb as an Arcane focus:
- If you cast an illusion spell using a spell slot that targets at least 1 creature (including yourself), you can target one additional creature within 10’ of another creature targeted by the spell, even if that creature would not normally be a permitted target.
- Creatures have disadvantage on investigation checks on illusion spells you cast using an Orb.
Rod Wielder (New Feat)
Prerequisite: Ability to use an Arcane Focus
Spare the rod, spoil the summoned.
- Any creature summoned from a spell that uses a Rod arcane focus has a bonus to their attack damage equal to your Constitution modifier (min 1), and gains temporary HP equal to your proficiency bonus plus your spellcasting attribute at the start of each of its turns.
- While holding a Rod Arcane Focus, you have advantage on Charisma checks on and saving throws caused by any summoned creature.
Staffshielding (New Feat)
Prerequisite: Ability to use Arcane Focuses
After you cast a spell using a staff as an Arcane Focus:
- If the spell uses a spell slot, if you are hit or fail a saving throw before the start of your next turn you can expend a reaction and protect yourself with the staff. This gives you a bonus to your AC or the saving throw equal to the sloe level of the spell you cast.
- As a bonus action, you can strike a surface and create a 10’ radius ward that remains until you leave the area or are no longer wielding the staff. Ranged attacks on creatures within the ward are at disadvantage, and as a reaction you can grant advantage on a saving throw done by a creature within the ward you can see. You cannot do this again until you complete a short or long rest.
Idolatry (New Feat)
Prerequisite: Ability to use Holy Symbols.
You gain faith from your Idols.
- Creatures targeted by a spell that uses your Holy Symbol as a Focus cannot gain advantage on attacks against you until the end of your next turn.
- When you score a critical hit on an attack that deals radiant or necrotic damage, you gain temporary HP equal to the radiant or necrotic damage done.
- When using a Holy Symbol as a Focus, your spells ignore resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, and treat immunity to radiant or necrotic damage as resistance.
Hellfire Blood (New Feat)
Fiendish blood, born or grafted, powers your
Fire magic.
- Spells you cast ignore resistance to Fire. In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals Fire damage, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as the maximum value on the die
- You can choose to make your Fire damage spells deal ½ of its damage as necrotic. If you do so, you gain temporary HP equal to the necrotic damage done. This temporary HP is gained at the end of the turn.
- If you deal Fire damage with a spell and have temporary HP, you can sacrifice the temporary HP to deal ½ of the sacrificed HP as additional fire damage to one target of the spell.
Storm’s Calling (New Feat)
You are one with the storm.
- Spells you cast ignore resistance to lightning and thunder. In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals lightning or thunder damage, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as the maximum value on the die
- You can choose to make your Lighting damage spells deal ½ of its damage as Thunder, or your Thunder damage spells deal ½ of their damage as Lightning.
- When you deal Thunder damage, you can push an enemy 1 foot for every point of damage you do (Half this for Large and Huge creatures, divide by 5 for for Gargantuan)
- Creatures who fail saves against spells that deal Lighting damage cannot perform reactions and have disadvantage on attacks against you until the end of your next turn.
Frozen Heart (New Feat)
Your heart is pierced by a shard of primal ice.
- Spells you cast ignore resistance to cold. In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals cold damage, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as the maximum value on the die.
- You have immunity to cold and resistance to fire damage.
- If a creature you can see takes cold or fire damage, as a reaction you can prevent the damage. You gain temporary HP equal to ½ the damage prevented. This reduction applies before resistance or immunity.
- When you deal cold damage, you can choose to sacrifice ½ of the damage and reduce the creature’s movement speed 1 foot for every point of damage you sacrifice by imprisoning them in ice until the end of your next turn. This speed reduction applies before any resistance or immunity. A creature can sacrifice an attack to make a strength saving throw against your spellcasting DC to break the encasing ice.
Etched Soul (New Feat)
You have engraved your soul with powerful sigils using alchemy.
- Spells you cast ignore resistance to poison and acid, and when you roll damage for a spell that deals poison or acid damage, you can treat a 1 on a damage die as the maximum value on that die.
- You can choose to make your Acid damage spells deal ½ of their damage as Poison, or your Poison damage spells deal ½ of their damage as Acid.
- You gain proficiency in the alchemist tool kit, and if when you add your proficiency bonus with the alchemist’s kit you instead add twice your proficiency bonus.
- You have advantage on attack rolls on creatures you have dealt poison or acid damage to since the start of your last turn, and they have disadvantage on saves against taking acid or poison damage from your spells.