d8 | Region |
1 | The Coast |
2 | The East Reaches |
3 | The Hermit’s Woods |
4 | The King’s Forest |
5 | The North Reaches |
6 | The Three Cities |
7 | The West Reaches |
8 | The Wyvernwater |
d100 | Region | Type |
1-9 | Azoun’s Hold | Castle |
10-18 | Battlerise | Village |
19-27 | Dawngleam | Town |
28-36 | Dreamer’s Rock | Village |
37-45 | Gorthin | Village |
46-54 | Jester’s Green | Village |
55-63 | Kirinwood | Town |
64-72 | Monksblade | Town |
73-81 | Smuggler’s Stone | Village |
82-90 | Valkur’s Roar | Village |
91-100 | Wormtower | Village |
d4 | Region | Type |
1 | Besert | Village |
2 | Gars | Town |
3 | Immerford | Village |
4 | Thunderstone | Town |
d6 | Region | Type |
1 | Blustich | Village |
2 | Bogbrook | Town |
3 | Moonever | Town |
4 | Nesmyth | Village |
5 | Ongul’s Water | Town |
6 | Wheloon | Town |
d3 | Region | Type |
1 | Arabel | City |
2 | Marsember | City |
3 | Suzail | City |
d8 | Region | Type |
1 | Collinwood | Village |
2 | Dhedluk | Village |
3 | Espar | Village |
4 | Gray Oaks | Village |
5 | Knightswood | Village |
6 | Minroe | VIllage |
7 | Mouth O’ Gargoyles | Village |
8 | Waymoot | Town |
d100 | Region | Type |
1-11 | Castle Nacacia | Castle |
12-22 | Castle Crag | Castle |
23-33 | Eveningstar | Village |
34-44 | Gryphon Hill | Village |
45-55 | Halfhap | Town |
56-66 | Hillmarch | VIllage |
67-77 | Redspring | Village |
78-88 | Slingdyke | Village |
89-100 | Tyrluk | Village |
d8 | Region | Type |
1 | Eagle Peak | Town |
2 | Greatgaunt | Town |
3 | High Horn | Castle |
4 | Hornshield | Castle |
5 | Huthduth | Village |
6 | Old Axe | VIllage |
7 | Skull Crag | Town |
8 | Wyvernhunt | Village |
d10 | Region | Type |
1 | Aunkspear | Village |
2 | Bospir | Village |
3 | Gladehap | Town |
4 | Hilp | Village |
5 | Hultail | Village |
6 | Immersea | VIllage |
7 | Juniril | Village |
8 | Kallamarn | Village |
9 | Sunset Hill | Town |
10 | Yeoman Bridge | Village |