Heroes: (Volume Three: Villains) The Second Coming--Season Premiere

Dire Bare

I wonder if Nathan's mind got "fractured" by the process of his emerging abilities, like Niki's did.
I'm pretty sure he is hallucinating. He did it last season after his first death, every once in a while seeing crispy Nathan in the mirror.
No Micah... blah.
Yet. He was very prominent in the premiere special before the two episodes started, so I'm sure he wasn't written out like Molly and Micah's cousin.
Second worst part, actually in the episodes? That bloody 10% of brain idea that in completely wrong and really needs to be shot dead.
I'm amazed at all the hubbub over this phrase. Yes, it is a scientific myth. One that is widely believed to be true and has been a staple in comics and scifi for a long time now. Why should Sylar be any different from anyone else on this matter, he's not a friggin' scientist! The writer's didn't include it because they think it's true, they included it because the character of Sylar thinks it may be true and it fits in with his motivations perfectly. Sheesh!

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Also, here's something I don't do much, a prediction. Claire wants someone to teach her how to fight. Elle is at loose ends. They're about the same age. And they hate each others guts. What could be more natural than to pair them up? (In fact, I'm surprised no one else has mentioned it. Or is it so obvious that no one considered it worth mentioning?)
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Relique du Madde

Yes, it is a scientific myth. One that is widely believed to be true and has been a staple in comics and scifi for a long time now. Why should Sylar be any different from anyone else on this matter, he's not a friggin' scientist! The writer's didn't include it because they think it's true, they included it because the character of Sylar thinks it may be true and it fits in with his motivations perfectly. Sheesh!

Let's see... what was Sylar's original power again? Wasn't it something like being able to understand how things work. So given that don't you think he's know that human being uses more then just 10% of their brains.

I'm surprised no one has floated this yet, but I'd bet even money that Mohinder is becoming a cockroach.

That was always my assumption based on what folks are saying here. Maybe Sylar can take his head off and we'll see if he still lives for a few days. :D

Dude... That would make alot of sense considering that at the start of Heroes Mohinder was lecturing about the evolutionary superiority of the cockroach.

...and the constant appearances of them within the show. Kring has a thing for the critters.

That really depends on your definition of "rape." If Rape is just a sexual violation then no. However, if Sylar receives sexual satisfaction from "brain munching" or scalping people then it might qualify as sexual assault.

which by definition is what motivates a serial killer. Satisfaction.
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Just saw it last night. I don't think I'll ever like the show as much as I did in the first season, but I liked it.

My predictions:
[sblock]Tracy is really Jessica, the twin sister that Nikki thought was dead and eventually developed into a multiple personality. She probably doesn't know the name Jessica or that she ever had a twin. I totally thought she was Nikki (I didn't remember how the last season ended) until she froze that guy.

Hiro has always been kinda naive and Ando seems to be his conscience or at least his common sense. Seems clear to me that in the short fight Hiro saw in the future between him and Ando that Ando was trying to save the world and Hiro was somehow in the wrong.[/sblock]

Oh, and about the 10% of the brain thing... I believe the original statistic was that we only use 10 % of our brain at a time. It has since been misinterpreted to mean that we only have the ability to use 10% of our brain, period. You can read more about it on Snopes. Regardless of where it came from, it's very obviously untrue to scientists who've studied the brain. It's a great tool for science fiction writers, though (what would happen if we used all of it?!?) so it'll take a long time to die.

What you were thinking of for the actress that played Nikki is what I was thinking but time will tell.

This is one thing I do like about Heroes. They present questions and eventually they answer them creating new questions. It keeps things moving.


IMHO, Heroes has a lot of folks complaining about it rather than tuning out completely because they like the premise, they see some seeds of coolness here and there, but on the whole the show lacks cohesiveness. King and his team seem to prefer throwing out lots of ominous foreshadowing through magic paintings, dream sequences, and disjointed trips to the future over actually telling the story they're foreshadowing.

we have a winner.

this is why I watch.
and this is the main reason I bash.

I've said all along that Heroes is everything I love about comic and everything I hate about comics compressed into 60 minutes.

This premiere episode crammed in so much more stuff, with zero buildup so none of it had any effect. To "apologize" for hero-in-the-past and the Slumber Twins... we got breakneck pacing and no drama.

Any project where the writer starts catering to the fans directly is doomed to fail.

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