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CB's Shackled City: Zenith Trajectory


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I can takes us up down until the stairs are complete. Although I think doing so is unwise because of the spells I would have to use to do so. Plus Nyla will be down some spells as well. I think we need to completes the stairs and then decide when to go on our journey. To help the process along I can learn Stone Shape as well and do what I can.

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"Very well. I can get you the money needed, to purchase the spell and any others needed, from the Temple of Welafluer, and then we can get some of this done."


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I can't do it, I did some research and I am not yet powerful enough to cast that spell. It takes a more powerful wizard than it does cleric to cast.


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So what if I re-write the note to say

Wanted: 1 person who wants to spread Good and defeat evil
If you are interested please inquire at the House of Healing.

Only those serious about the spreading of Good need apply. We are not responsible for injury or death due to traps, monsters, thugs, big bad evil guys, spells, curses, or any reasonable facsimile there of. Many will enter few will win. Void where prohibited.

With input from Bollaron and Nyla, Aaron scribes a notice on a piece of vellum that reads,

"To Any Interested Party or Parties,

WANTED: Person or persons interested in adventure as well as promoting good and the preservation of life. One of our companions has decided to hang up his adventuring hat and start his own business. Although we wish him luck this new endeavor has left us but short handed. We are looking for a replacement.

Anyone interested must meet the following criteria:

1) While reward will not be turned down, we ask that greed not be the soul reason for participation.
2) Any who apply need to be honest and reliable.
3) We are not judges; mercy will be granted to all who ask it, and the innocent will not be tolerated to be punished. We will ensure that the guilty are brought to justice, but we do not intend to bring that justice to them if not necessary. We will kill those who refuse to surrender, but will when possible give that choice.

If this sounds appealing to you, bring a strong stomach and stout heart to the Halls of Healing where you may leave word of your interest with Sister Jalie Sweetvine. Only those individuals serious about doing good need apply. We look forward to your company."
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In response to the aforementioned billet posted at the Halls of Healing inside the Temple of Madriel in Cauldron, two candidates in three days step forward, a human woman who reeks of Limburger cheese and has no identifiable skills other than pouring ale and serving meat pies at one of the local taverns, and an ancient human man--a retired gardener--of perhaps 75 years of age who claims he'd like away from his "nag of a wife" for a few weeks.

A day later, a bulky half-orc with the Guard treats with Aaron, Nyla, and Bollaron, and states that he'd like away from the Guard. Something about the half-orc, perhaps the overly interested gleam in his eye or the meaty set of his shoulders, seems off-putting. Edgar growls at the guardsman and when the half-orc bends over to scratch at a pimple on his leg, Bollaron catches sight of 13 notches carved quite purposefully in the man's leather belt.

On the fifth day, Sister Jalie brings word of a fourth interested applicant, a young woman whom she describes as a girl not noticeably beautiful, but graceful in her movements, with curious eyes that light alive in conversation with others. "She seems frail at first glance, but when you speak with her, mayhap you'll take note of her quality. A well-mannered demeanor, that one. If you'll not be having her, then I'll be inquiring with her whether she's wanting a cassock and to join Madriel. Like her that much, I do. Anyway, meeting's set for today at 6pm at the Tipped Tankard." With a curt nod, the slender halfling priestess collects the skirts of her robes and quits the lockshop to return to the temple.

At 6pm, Bollaron, Nyla, and Aaron trek to the Tipped Tankard, where Jax the barkeep nods his head at a very young woman sitting alone at a table. "She won't last long in this joint. Coupla fellers looking her way already, though she only just got here and sat down." The young lady is precisely as Sister Sweetvine described her--plain of face but with slim fingers and graceful set to her torso.

For her part, Meenah recognizes the trio who enters. Formerly a quartet with a human man well versed at arms, these are the Heroes of the City, at least according to the junk billets posted down at the lake pavillion. To read the latest in those public rags, these folk are responsible for singlehandedly saving Maavu's Imports from complete destruction at the horns of some sort of magical beast on a rampage in the city. Meenah also recognizes the priestess among the three as being sketched in the billets, with a banner under her face that read, "Cleric of Errol Rescues Children in Off Hours."


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If we have 5 days, Nyla offered to buy me what ever scrolls I needed to get more spells.

"Hey Nyla I would like to take you up on your offer. I think a detect thoughts spell would help us to find a good companion. If we go to the Tower of Schilla(sp) I am sure we can get one easily."

My total Spellcraft to learn the spell is +16 the DC to learn the spell is 17 so even if I roll a 1 I still succeed. If I can get the scroll and learn it and scribe it take 24 hours to scribe it (which I would try to do in one shot) so I should have enough time I would like to have ready for the meeting.


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Upon entering the tavern and the barkeep pointing her out. I walk over to her and say:

"Good evening miss, I am Aaron Welling this is Nyla and he is Bollaron. We understand you would like spread Good through the city and maybe beyond.
I appreciate the sentiment but we need to know that you can be trusted. I am going to cast a spell to allow me to determine whether or not you are telling the truth. I would like you to submit to the spell and then answer our questions honestly. I do not mean to offend you but you must understand we have made many enemies and must make sure you are not in their employ. If you answer honestly I will never question your integrity again.”

Li Shenron

When I see the party coming into the tavern and recognize them, I don't immediately think that they are the ones responsible for the advertisement. But as the young man walk towards my table I understand that this meeting is the best chance I had since a long time to find a group with truly good motivations. I try to address them as politely as I can, since I recognize that they are quite famous and respected people.

"Good evening sir, my name is Meenah. I suppose that the kind Sister Jalie has already given you some information about me, but feel free to question anything you want to know. I understand well your concerns about trust and I do not oppose the idea of you casting a truth spell on me... I was myself hesitant before I've spoken with Sister Jalie."

[when Nyla casts the spell, I will voluntarily give up my saving throw]

With Meenah a willing supplicant to Nyla's zone of truth, the interview commences.

[sblock=Aaron]Meenah is seated with her back to a side wall of the tavern, so when Aaron casts his spell, his 60 foot cone-shaped emanation focuses on just her. Right away, Aaron detects thoughts coming from Meenah. After narrowing his focus for a few seconds, Aaron discovers that Meenah is highly intelligent and registers as a 16. Hang tight for more info beyond that, please.[/sblock]

Bollaron and Meenah, not being busy with spellcasting at the moment, both notice that several of the Tipped Tankard's patrons become confuddled while trying to speak to others. A fisherman, by the look of his wellington boots and gut hook hanging from his belt, opens his mouth to say something but instead says, "By the Gods! That stuffed bugger up there on the wall scares me. It's like the thing's eyes follow me wherever I--what the?!" The man shakes his head as if trying to ward off an army of gnats, then colors and clamps his mouth shut to the great guffawing of two of his companions at the bar. A merchant and a priest sequestered at a corner table are deep in quiet conversation about 15 feet away from Nyla when the merchant loudly protests, "But, Father, I always cheat on my wife!" Realizing his mistake, the merchant claps a hand to his mouth and pales just as the priest flushes in anger. Jax shoots at look at Nyla and Aaron and silently shakes his head.

[sblock=Meenah]In addition to Nyla's zone of truth spell, Aaron cast detect thoughts on Meenah. While Nyla seems to be in her mid-20's and mature, both the wizard and the brawny barbarian seem much younger than Meenah. In fact, both of them are more boys than men, or are very young men at the least. If Meenah also submits to Aaron's detect thoughts spell, please describe Meenah's surface thoughts for Aaron's benefit. If Meenah submits to the zone of truth but not the detect thoughts, then let me know and I'll roll her Will save.[/sblock]

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