Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne OOC


Thy wounds are healed!
for the record there have been plenty of post this month

but i have not been able to read them so please let me know when you will fit me in I don't want to ruin the sblock series i think u may just get a whole page lol

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Dr Simon

Holyman - you won't miss much if you don't read through them, except for a game of cat and mouse. Djahn is dominating things a bit at the moment, so I'm going to try to wrap it up and move on. You're up soon, I promise!


Thy wounds are healed!
No poblem really just didn't know what was going on so I could post and subscribe.

Djahn is the mouse I take it :lol: he seems mousy to me. ;)


It wasn't my intention to dominate the thread; though without any other Players on the board I suppose it'd seem that way. I was trying to be as quick and succinct as possible in my posts, but obstacles and complications kept cropping up unexpectedly. It seems to me though that introducing Holyman & Mowgli's characters earlier would have been a relatively simple matter though; Lynn and Edmond could have met up with them while Dj'hân was otherwise occupied with his mission of mercy. As is the unexpected brief wrap up post to what was otherwise a fun side quest seems rather rushed and a little disappointing to me. :erm:


Since our characters have some free time we should probably take care of splitting up the loot we've accumulated lately. Dj'hân found a hidden treasure stash while searching All the World's Meats totaling 450 gp, 740 sp and another 800 gp worth of assorted jewelry and gemstones.

There's also the magical treasure we collected from Verrik before turning him in for desertion. With the help of Zalara's Harrow deck Dj'hân eventually reveals that there's a potion of cure moderate wounds and 18 +1 arrows and a magical dagger.

Dr Simon, might Dj'hân have a chance to try again to identify the silver dagger during the following few days? Also, can we determine the monetary value of the magical items for the purposes of splitting the loot?

Add to that our recent reward of 500 gp for the retrieval of the illicit letters and I believe that's all of it. :)

So, by my count, that's the equivalent of 1,824 gp to be split three ways between Edmond, Lynn and Dj'hân; so a total 608 gp each. Neurotic, do you have any preferences amongst the magic items?

Dr Simon

As is the unexpected brief wrap up post to what was otherwise a fun side quest seems rather rushed and a little disappointing to me. :erm:

Yeah, I kind of agree with you there. I was enjoying it, but I want to move things along. Always on the move...

I will look up the magic item values, they might be different under PF, but ... Pathfinder SRD is up, whee!

As for the silver dagger, Dj'hân is unable to determine any properties. As far as he can tell, its magical property seems to be to radiate magic and nothing else. Yet the Harrow says to him that the thing is important. It tends to throw up cards from the darker side of the pact - the Mute Hag and the Snakebite, but these can also be reversed for a positive outcome. Betrayal or loyalty? Dangerous ideas or great insight? Difficult to tell.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
No preferences. He can use arrows and dagger, but neither is his favorite tactics. Potion is always useful for fighter types :)

Do you have/remember how much we got from Lamm? I was swamped at the time and didn't record it on my character sheet...I'll add this new treasure later today...

Oh, and we can always pay for dagger identification

DrSimon, how much should I set aside for urchin feeding, clotching, teaching, house renovation etc...if only so I know how much I need to ask from other players as rent for living in my home :p


No preferences. He can use arrows and dagger, but neither is his favorite tactics. Potion is always useful for fighter types. Oh, and we can always pay for dagger identification.
Seeing as how the dagger is unidentifiable by Zalara, I suspect that paying someone else to try identifying it wouldn't reveal anything more. My guess is that it's a quest item of some sort seeing as how it seems important. If Edmond is interested in it then I'd suggest that he keep it on the party's behalf at no charge, just as Dj'hân does with Zalara's Harrow deck.

The remaining magic items, the 18 arrows and the potion, can be divided and sold. The 18 +1 arrows' resale value is 414.45 gp while the potion of cure moderate wounds' resale value is 150 gp. So, split three ways, each share of the magical loot is equivalent to 188.15 gp. So Edmond can keep the potion if he so desires (a good deal) and sell his remaining share of the arrows for 38.15 gp.

Do you have/remember how much we got from Lamm? I was swamped at the time and didn't record it on my character sheet...I'll add this new treasure later today...
Remember? No. But it's all in the threads if you backtrack far enough... Found it in post #358.

Edmond's Share
  • Ivory scrimshaw kraken – 200 gp
  • Vial of Silversheen – 125 gp (sale price)
  • Garnet necklace – 100 gp
  • Edmond's signet ring – 2.5 gp (sale price)
  • 3 flasks of acid – 15 gp (sale price)
  • 25 gold sails
  • 31 silver shields
  • 52 copper pinch

Add to that the 333.33 gp reward for bringing Verrik and his men back to the Citadel. I've no idea how much of that Edmond sold or spent since then however.

Dr Simon

DrSimon, how much should I set aside for urchin feeding, clotching, teaching, house renovation etc...if only so I know how much I need to ask from other players as rent for living in my home :p

We decided that it would cost 1600 gp to get the house back to working levels, payable in installments. I reckon you're looking at minimum 1 gp per day to feed the orphans (based on 1sp for a poor meal) which we can probably handwave away as coming from other income (maybe the urchins shine shoes or something), but if you want to invest more from your treasure fund that's up to you. The better the conditions are, the better retention you'll have.

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