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Industrygothica's "Those Left Behind" [IC]


Rokelsh Circles too, getting the bars right behind him and grinning at the Dwarf "Well come at me then, you stupid beardless midget!" He shouts, Laughing. When the dwarf charges, he steps quickly and nimbly aside and lets the dwarf slam into the cage, then shoves him to the ground, hoping not too hurt him TOO much.

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Rogash grits his teeth and charges the big man, and readies himself as he crashes into the cage face first. With a great oomph, he staggers backward and Rokelsh helps him to the ground with a handful of his braided hair.


If Friadoc can work up an idea of who is going to be the winner and there are good odds in betting on it, he'll find a taker. Normally that'd be a dishonest thing to do, but this place and it's patrons look like they could use the punishment of losing some money.

"Hey, Vardi, where should I drop of the empty," says Friadoc as he holds up his tankard. If she tries to take it, he'll let her take it, but slip her a silver for a tip.


Rogash staggers to his feet and strains to shake the cobwebs from his head as he looks to the crowd, curious to see if they are buying it.


Rokelsh and Rogash continue their charade inside the cage. As Rogash looks out into the crowd, he notices a halfling studying them, and he can see the light come on inside. Thankfully, he doesn't appear to say anything, but instead chases down the barmaid for another tankard of ale.

For the looks of it, Friadoc thinks it'll be the dwarf the one taking the fall, but these things can never be certain. Vardi swings by and takes the empty from him, and his silver. "Havin' a good talk with Grunk, are ye?"


industrygothica said:
For the looks of it, Friadoc thinks it'll be the dwarf the one taking the fall, but these things can never be certain. Vardi swings by and takes the empty from him, and his silver. "Havin' a good talk with Grunk, are ye?"

"A bastion of verbosity," jokes Friadoc with a smile at Vardi. "His wit is as sharp and quick as a glacier."

While talking with Vardi, Friadoc will place a small wager of three silver pieces on the dwarf's foe, if there are any takers.



The dwarf gets his balance and with a quick fient right lowers his head, roars in rage and goes left head butting his much taller foe just a whisker to the left of his groin. He staggers back as if stunned by the force of his own blow. "I think most of them are buying it, how do we finish it?" Then raising his voice to a shout he adds, "I just hammered the only beardless midget in this cage human!"


Rokelsh drops to his knees from the blow, his head coming level with the Dwarf's as he whispers through teeth clenched in pain "Like this." he says simple, dropping to one hand and looking for all the world like he won't get up. When the dwarf looks away at the halfling, he turns and DECKS the dwarf with all his strength, then jumps on the dwarf and starts punching him until the dwarf feigns unconsciousness, before staggering to his feet. "NEVER Hit me there!" He shouts, before looking around to the crowd and the guards at the gate.

Voidrunner's Codex

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