Rob Wieland

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Rob Wieland

Rob Wieland

When most gamers think of the 1920s they think of Call of Cthulhu. While that iconic game has explored plenty of dark corners of the decade, the time was more known for good feelings and little restraint. The Roaring 20’s roared because the world was looking to forget the muddy meatgrinder of the Great War and much of the world was going through an economic upswing. The times wouldn’t last...
Monster manuals are one of the evergreen books in tabletop RPGs. Monsters can help define the world not just as things for the players to battle but also through their art and the bits of lore connected to each creature. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition has kept monsters to a minimum so far, focusing on human antagonists with the occasionally fell Chaos beast at the end of an adventure...
Powered By The Apocalypse has come on strong as an influential rule set over the last decade plus. It frames every game as a conversation with certain things happening based on the fiction. The discussion of moves, agendas and the like can throw some people off even though much of the game is putting new terminology on old techniques. What really helps people get these games is playing them in...
There is likely a tiny human in your life that you want to introduce to gaming. Even if it’s not your own child, there’s a niece, nephew, friend's kid or someone else that might be showing an interest in games. For many people, the traditional choice it to drop off D&D Starter Set or Player’s Handbook and teach kids the way most of us learned back in the day. If you have a younger kid in mind...
My first steps into tabletop gaming came when I bought the Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator at Waldenbooks. My friends and I loved punching out the chits and figuring out the rules, but I found that I cared more about tossing myself over the couch whenever my ship got hit rather than concentrate on the strategy or the deeper mechanics. Ship books are often my favorite books of any...
Although I’ve been writing games (and about them) for over 20 years, I haven’t done much for the Big One. I’ve done a few OGL bits here and there, a Dungeon article for 4e, and a run on the dual statted line for 7th Sea. I talk a lot about the other games that are out there on the panels and podcasts I get to be on and there’s always one inevitable question: "I love this new game that I...
When Star Trek: Discovery came out in 2017 it became one of the most polarizing shows in all of Star Trek. Some fans enjoyed the modern take on the story with season-long arcs and big bad villains. Others were upset that it strayed too far away from what had already been established by previous media for a prequel series. I feel that shows like Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks have done a...
Props are one of the things that set apart tabletop role-playing games apart from other entertainments. I truly enjoy seeing a players face light up when I hand them a prop to study rather than describe an item they’ve found. Call of Cthulhu is the master in this area thanks to all the newspaper clippings and mad diary rambling that lead investigators from the real world into the supernatural...
Blade Runner looms large over the RPG landscape. Two of the hobby’s biggest games, Cyberpunk and Shadowrun were inspired by Ridley Scott’s science fiction neo-noir full of high tech devices and low life characters. When Free League Publishing announced a Kickstarter for Blade Runner Role Playing Game it was met with excitement but also a little bit of trepidation. Could the game do anything...
Magic is everywhere in the world of Soulbound: Age of Sigmar. The characters are traveling through the Mortal Realms, each one suffused by one of the Winds of Magic. Many of these characters have been created by magic, such as the Fyreslayers or the Stormcast Eternals. The title of the newest Soulbound book, Artefacts of Power, implies the book is going to be chock full of magic items for the...
What do Dungeon Masters and Real Estate Agents have in common? They know the importance of location, location, location. The first book of Free League Publishing’s One Ring line, Ruins of the Lost Realm offers a mix of famous locations as well as new ones that are drawn from writings as well as ones made up for the book. The book also includes a few threats and really seems Loremaster focused...
Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition loomed large in the gaming landscape twenty years ago. Wizards attempted to spin off a few products from its monolith. One of the most fondly remembered is D20 Modern which tore apart the chassis to Third Edition and rebuilt it with even more modularity in mind. Earlier this year, Evil Genius Games launched a Kickstarer for Everyday Heroes, a game which...
One of the hardest parts of getting people into role playing games is the paperwork. Pitching friends on a game of Let’s Pretend is easy compared to then sitting down and filling out character sheets for an hour or two. For years, designers have tried a lot of different ways to speed up this process from introductory boxed sets to instructional videos. This is one of the breakthroughs of...
Most of the cyberpunk games on the market have the cyber part of the game well covered. There are books chock full of cool gadgets and futuristic weapons to equip characters. The punk side, on the other hand, can be a bit lacking. The central conceit of these games is usually players getting hired for black bag jobs by corporate interests with the occasional nod to the inequities of the system...
Despite their reputations as unprofitable, I think that adventure books are vital to game lines. The best ones show how the designers expect their game to be played while also offering tools for the Game Master that can be used when they are up against the clock. Even if the GM isn’t interested in running the full campaign, they can use bits and pieces for their own stories, whether it's a...
Heists are at the heart of many of our most popular stories and games. Bilbo is tapped by Gandalf for his skills as a burglar. What is a dungeon crawl if not a fantasy version of a bank vault heist? Shadowrun endures because of its powerful central conceit: what if we could use magic and machine guns to steal things? Monte Cook Games recently put an advanced copy of its heist game, Stealing...

This Week in TTRPG


A great gateway for fans of the video game or the anime to see what all the tabletop fuss is about.
Create the best toy cartoon series that never existed.
This adventure takes characters through level 4 and takes place on Absalom Station where strange things are happening.
Survive during an alien invasion--and yes, you can also play the Good Boi.

Dungeons & Dragons

Not the Northern Lights and certainly more dangerous.
DMG contains an alphabetical miscellany of varied things to help you prep or run a game.
Travel to Waterdeep via Universal Studios Hollywood.
WotC's Chris Perkins and James Wyatt delve into the new rules.
10 new pieces of gear to pick up before heading out on your next quest.
Book tabs, pocket lore books, and new dice coming in 2024/2025

Industry News

Tentative deal struck after three days, suspending strike
Games join Traveller as Mongoose-owned products.
Many European and UK publishers ship to the US across the Atlantic.
The animation studio is jumping into the tabletop RPG business.

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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