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[D&D 3.5] War of the Burning Sky [OOC] [Closed]


The 8th Evil Sage
Recently I think I read a comment somewhere on ENworld about how WotBS had no presence on either the storyhour or PbP boards here. I was looking to get some 3.5ed PbP going, so I thought, “Why not?”

I'm going to run WotBS, from start to finish, or fail gloriously while trying (hey, it's a lot of material to cover). I'm looking for at four players, maybe five. I'd like to have multiple Knights of the Aquiline Cross (KotAC), but that doesn't mean every PC needs to be one. I'm expanding on the KotAC material based on some material from the Living Greyhawk campaign. More details are in the next post.

Given the amount of material in the campaign, please app only if you can post 1/day mon-fri.

See the third post for details on the deities in the setting (WotBS-land?).

Character Building
PCs start at 2nd level. 28 point buy for stats. 3.5 material only – nothing from 3.0. Wealth by level. You can spend your money on anything the PHB, DMG, or the WotBS Player's Guide (WotBSPG).

What's In?

  • No homebrewed anything from the players. I'm sure there's plenty of non-broken homebrewed stuff out there, but I want PCs to have stuff I'm already at least somewhat familiar with.
  • Anything from the WotBSPG is in. If you're affiliated with one of the organizations in Gate Pass, you can get their feat for free.
  • Psionics exist in the world, though they're uncommon. Classes from XPH, CPsi, etc. are in.
  • Otherwise, pretty much anything from any non-setting-specific WotC book is okay. I have some guidance below, but there's so much 3.5 stuff out there ultimately I can't put together a concise list of what I don't like.

Almost any feat from a WotC book is okay. Feats that aren't okay include Leap Attack and Divine Spell Power.

Any PC race should be okay. By PC race, I mean something that was written with the intention that PCs play it. If you want to play something out of setting with the WotBS, you need an explanation in your backstory.

Almost any Classes and PClasses from any WotC setting-independent book (Completes and Races of, plus one-offs like Draconomicon and the books about different types of monsters). Base classes that are right out include Spirit Shaman, Shugenja, and Wu-Jen. Let me know your tentative build and I'll tell you if I have any problems. PClasses I know I have problems with include Dervish, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil, and Radiant Servant of Pelor. They're not banned, but if you want to take them we'll have to depower them.

Spells and Powers
Spells are WotBSPG and PHB only. The only exception is if you play a PClass with a non-PHB spell in your spell list, in which case you get it. Psionic powers from XPH, CPsi, and other WotC books are okay, but make sure you use the most recent version. CPsi versions supersede the XPH, and there are some time-travel-y ones in RDestiny (I think) that have been errataed to be more reasonable.

Attacker rolls all the dice
The heading pretty much explains it. When it's your turn, you roll all the dice necessary to resolve your actions. The only real change is in saving throws. If you do something that makes your target make a saving throw, instead you make an “attack throw”. As per Players Roll All The Dice :: d20srd.org, an “attack throw” is 1d20+all the modifiers that would normally apply to the save DC (caster level, relevant stat modifier, etc.) against 11 + the target's normal save modifier. This way we can resolve what happens on one player's turn faster. I figure we'll use InvisibleCastle, but I'm open to suggestions. I don't care what character sheet you use, but you need to use something that I either have access to or a copy of.

Backstory should be at least a couple of paragraphs and explain what you're doing in Gate Pass. Seriously, read the WotBSPG – it's free, so you have no excuse. The setting's only partly defined, so feel free to make up stuff for your backstory.
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The 8th Evil Sage
Knights of the Aquiline Cross

Knights of the Aquiline Cross

The KotAC actually emerged out of Sindaire over twenty years ago. They have a small chapel in every city in the known world, and a larger chapterhouse in most countries. They are generally well received by the populace, who know they can count of the KotAC to heal them when they're hurt or sick. More significantly, people who know the knights know that they risk their lives to protect innocents. This activity can get them in a little bit of trouble when it comes to governments, because they can be more proactive at protecting innocents than local rulers who don't like being shown up.

Their membership is open to anyone with an alignment of LG, NG, CG, or LN. The organization, while not exactly militant, does have a hierarchy at is at least clear to its members. This structure allows the KotAC to easily direct resources to where they can do the most good – healers aid the injured while warriors dispatch foes.

Knights often speak of following a higher cause, or being driven by a greater purpose, though they never divulge details. Knights sometimes even claim that they were only able to accomplish some task because of some sort of power they were given by whatever teachings they follow. Game-mechanically, if these powers exist they'll be handled via feats open to knights with the appropriate knowledge.

Despite calling themselves a knighthood, their members are not actually ennobled, so they're careful to not assign any true titles of nobility – their knights are not sirs and dames. Junior members are titled squire. Full knights are titled staret, and have a post nominal title of adjective Vigil. As knights become more senior, they add adjectives and adverbs to their post nominal, and replace Vigil with the names of various monsters. Generally speaking, the longer and more fanciful the title the more senior the Knight.

Credit where credit's due: The material I'm adding to the KotAC is based on the Knights of the Watch from the Living Greyhawk campaign. That material was developed for the Living Greyhawk Campaign by Jeff Kahrs, Nick Perch, and Pete Winz, and is based on material published by Wizards of the Coast. Just so no one thinks I came up with it.
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The 8th Evil Sage
Deities of the Burning Sky

The WotBS player's guide and DM's guide don't really talk about deities much, if at all. Since I'm most familiar with deities from Greyhawk (detecting a theme in my inspirational sources?), PCs can worship any deities in the Living Greyhawk Deities document. The document's at http://www.wizards.com/rpga/downloads/LG_Deities.zip. Note that as per the document, deities that don't list humans or a human ethnicity (Suel, Oeridian, Touv, Flan) in the “Origin of Worship” or “Core Worshipers” fields can only be worshiped by the races that are listed. Deities that do list humans or a human ethnicity can be worshiped by anyone. For example, anyone can worship Allitur, because his entry for both fields is “Flan”. Only dwarves can worship Abbathor, because his entry only lists dwarves.

The eight main temples in Gate Pass are to:
  • Pelor
  • Beory
  • Istus
  • Heironious
  • Boccob
  • Farlangan
  • Daern
  • St. Cuthbert
The other minor temples cover most of the appropriate deities (non-evil, worshippable by a PC race).
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First Post
I'm interested!

Would an elven Crusader heading for Eternal Blade be acceptable? He would fill the frontline fighter position.

Both classes are from Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords; Crusaders are essentially paladins for any alignment but neutral, receiving martial maneuvers from divine insight instead of spells, mounts, and such; Eternal Blade is an elf-only prestige class from that book, only available after 10th-level (BAB +10 as a requirement).

The only complication I can see with it from a roleplay standpoint is that as an Eternal Blade, he'd be expected to serve the defense of elvenkind, but I figure that War of the Burning Sky probably gets some elven nation or community involved, or at least puts them in potential danger, warranting an Eternal Blade's proactive defense of their kin? I need to read the player's guide, but I do have it on my computer at least.

I assume an elven Knight of the Aquilline Cross would be fine, and that devotion to Corellon Larethian wouldn't interfere? Eternal Blades aren't required to have that patron god, but he is the one their order originally served until its decline.

Hm... I'm thinking a Commander, Knights of the Aquiline Cross maybe, with the resistance region.

If you could PM me more about the knights, that would help, especially because I'm not really familiar with the setting (yet) or Greyhawk.


First Post
i'm very interested in this game. i would play (if possible) a CN air goblin warlock1/binder1 eventually going into hellfire warlock and maybe enlightened soul. i don't think i would be in the Knights, but could easily be someone who is willing to assist in missions (for a cut of the loot). i'm not sure how goblin's would fit with the knights, if necessary there are a few other races i'm interested in.


First Post
I'd be interested in perhaps jumping in this, especially as I'd love to run this for my PC's. I'd like to try a rogue/swordsage, an infiltrator of the Knights tasked with hunting down those who either can't be caught by traditional means or live beneath 'the radar' and require some specialization to bring in.


The 8th Evil Sage
More Knights of the Aquiline Cross of the Burning Sky

I should probably add a little more about the KotAC, so:

The KotAC teach their beliefs at small chapels scattered around the known world (the map in the Player's Guide). They teach the value of sentient and good life. Its defense and protection is the greatest thing a person can do. Not everyone has the same abilities, so while some heal directly, others attack threads before they can do any damage.

The Knights invite anyone who is especially receptive to their message to Squire. Squiring requires an oath to always heal those in need, to dispatch threats to people, to obey their superiors in the knighthood, and to keep the trust of the knighthood.

Those who talk to Knights find that knighthood is the same on the inside as what it looks like from the outside. While there is a certain amount of military regimen, the knighthood's rapid growth requires serious organization. Knights also sometimes talk about preparing to undertake a quest for the Aquiline Heart. The Heart is a healing relic said to have been removed from a mighty eagle from a fierce dragon.


The 8th Evil Sage
Character Feedback

Any PCs who play KotAC will start as Squires.

Arkhandus: I looked up Eternal Blade. The flavortext for them is that they used to be dedicated protectors of elvenkind. Now their abilities are taught by all sorts of elves to all sorts of elves. In this game, Eternal Blade's used to protect the Shining Land of Shahalesti. Otherwise, keep the flavortext.

magic_: I'll PM you a little more info. Your idea sounds good, though.

Lucien505: Your build is okay. My only concern is that air goblins might be too powerful for +0 ECL. They're too weak for a +1 ECL, though, so I'll let them in. The only thing you might want to be concerned about is multi-class penalties. If you're just taking one level of binder to get Naberius so that you can use hellfire blast freely, you'll start taking xp penalties once you're Warlock3/Binder1.

As far as the personality, just make sure you have a reason to care about the same things a KotAC would care about. I'll do what I can to tempt you with loot, but I don't know the details of how the campaign plays out.

renau1g: Your idea sounds great. I'm assuming you mean your PC will be a member of the Knights who then goes an infiltrates other organizations, not someone who infiltrated the Knights. Which would be cool, too, just not what I'm expecting.

It looks like we've got a pretty good party shaping up. No traditional magic, but that should actually make things more interesting at higher levels. The onyl thing we really seem to need is a cleric.

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