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D&D 5E (Recruiting) Greyhawk Old-School Sandbox-Style Campaign

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Hi all. I've read your campaign thread. Still haven't been able to get onto Invisible Castle though :( I know there's no rush at the moment as it's been about 5 days since your last post in the campaign, but just wanted to let you know I'm still interested if you like my character concept.


wondering if you are still recruiting (sign is still up :) ), I have read through all of this thread and I love the concept, I played in Greyhawk back in the 80s. The house rules look great, I've played many a 1e/2e campaign with a similar take on races and classes. I especially like the challenge of playing in the 'gritty realism' format. I currently DM 5E for 6 veteran players, so i am good on the rules. but I AM new to PbP,

so after all that, may I submit:

Horse Grendason, Half-orc Barbarian; Gladiator(Entertainer variant).
Short coarse brown hair. tall stocky build. Missing an earlobe, several scars upon his face, his yellow green eyes the only evidence of his orcish blood. Taciturn, but not unkind, fights because he is good at it, because it keeps him fed.

My mother, Grenda, was an adventurer, a barbarian of the Wild Coast whose clan originated in the Pomarj but were pushed out during the Hateful Wars. She was taken as a slave, while employed as a mercenary in a skirmish on the borders of the Ulek States, and kept as a concubine by an Orc chief. She was not held hostage long before being rescued by her companions, but long enough to be seeded with orc blood. Determining herself pregnant, my mother retired from her company of friends, and faded into obscurity, settling in Greyhawk, where she blended into the riff raff of the River Quarter, making a living as best she could while raising me. I, an ugly child, had a rough upbringing, bullied a lot until I grew into my own and fought back. My mother made sure to nurture the warrior in me as was her way, teaching me the ways of her clan. Upon coming of age she confided in me the truth of my birth , and of my father, and explained to me to keep this to myself. As I aged, my ugly replaced by scars, any evidence of my origin hidden by such disfigurement, the ridiculing stopped. I found work on the docks and soon made a name for myself in the many brawls that were commonplace, was approached by a promoter of the Pits and became a gladiator.
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UPDATE: Slight probs - I can get onto the Obsidian Portal site and have done some reading, but at the moment I can't get onto Invisible castle; "503 - Service Not Available". Just thought I'd let you know early.
As invisiblecastle is still down, you may feel free to use the embedded dice roller on EN World for your stats if you desire. I also took a look at your character concept, and I am not sold on the idea. If you are wanting to go the route of a paladin with the Oath of Devotion, that is a poor fit for a follower of Trithereon, especially one who engages in vigilantism. Trithereonites have little use for things like honor and honesty, two important tenets of the Oath of Devotion. A Trithereonite paladin would almost certainly swear an Oath of Vengeance, as retribution against evil is Trithereon's primary portfolio. If you merely alter the intended Sacred Oath to the Oath of Vengeance, then the background seems to fit the concept perfectly. Oath of the Ancients could also work as well. The Oath of Devotion simply does not fit the character as described.

[MENTION=6796086]Radaceus[/MENTION], the more the merrier for the moment. I have looked over the proposed character concept and have a few comments. You note the character's origins are in the Barrens. Did you intent this to be the area known as the Rovers of the Barrens which is far to the north? If so, the area has been in a rather constant state of war with the lands of Iuz and the Horned Society for the last 60 years or so. Both Iuz and the Horned Society employ humanoid mercenaries such as orcs which could fit into the narrative. However, if I might suggest a closer location to the Domain of Greyhawk, the Pomarj was occupied by non-humans following the Hateful Wars between the Ulek States and the humanoid tribes of the area which lasted for about 10 years starting about 85 years ago. Ever since then, the Ulek States, the Wild Coast, and the Domain of Greyhawk have clashed with the humanoid tribes who have now occupied the Pomarj. The humanoids of the Pomarj are mostly orcs and goblins, and they have attacked settlements bordering the Pomarj and nearby countless times since the Hateful Wars. It would make more practical sense for a mother with a young child to flee from this area to the nearby Free City of Greyhawk than to have trekked halfway across the Flanaess from the Rovers of the Barrens. I will leave this up to you, but it would be easier for me to potentially introduce character hooks relevant to your character's background if his origins are closer by.
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@Radaceus, the more the merrier for the moment. I have looked over the proposed character concept and have a few comments. You note the character's origins are in the Barrens. Did you intent this to be the area known as the Rovers of the Barrens which is far to the north? If so, the area has been in a rather constant state of war with the lands of Iuz and the Horned Society for the last 60 years or so. Both Iuz and the Horned Society employ humanoid mercenaries such as orcs which could fit into the narrative. However, if I might suggest a closer location to the Domain of Greyhawk, the Pomarj was occupied by non-humans following the Hateful Wars between the Ulek States and the humanoid tribes of the area which lasted for about 10 years starting about 85 years ago. Ever since then, the Ulek States, the Wild Coast, and the Domain of Greyhawk have clashed with the humanoid tribes who have now occupied the Pomarj. The humanoids of the Pomarj are mostly orcs and goblins, and they have attacked settlements bordering the Pomarj and nearby countless times since the Hateful Wars. It would make more practical sense for a mother with a young child to flee from this area to the nearby Free City of Greyhawk than to have trekked halfway across the Flanaess from the Rovers of the Barrens. I will leave this up to you, but it would be easier for me to potentially introduce character hooks relevant to your character's background if his origins are closer by.

Ah yes that works, I was thinking of the Rovers when trying to think of a barabric tribe or clan and had forgot about the Pomarj and of course the Wild Coast, so that works perfectly fine thanks

edit: [MENTION=12460]airwalkrr[/MENTION] I have edited the background accordingly
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updated stats from the second , individually generated, rolls without the buggy command: 14,13,15,9,12,9
arranged= Str 15 +1 racial=16, dex 13, Con 14 +2 racial= 16, Int 9, wis 9, cha 12

[B]Name:[/B] Horse Grendason
[B]Class:[/B] Barbarian 1
[B]Race:[/B] Half-orc
[B]Background:[/B] Gladiator ( entertainer variant)
[B]Size:[/B] Medium (6'2", 228lbs)
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Neutral Good    

[B]*Str:[/B] 16 (+3)  save: +5    [B]HP:[/B] 15 (1d12+3)
[B]Dex:[/B] 13 (+1)  save: +1    [B]AC:[/B] 16 (unarmored Defense 10+dex+con)+2 from shield
[B]*Con:[/B] 16 (+3) save: +5
[B]Int:[/B] 9 (-1)       save: -1      [B]Speed:[/B]   30
[B]Wis:[/B] 9(-1)       save: -1      [B]Init:[/B]    +1
[B]Cha:[/B] 12 (+1)  save: +1     [B]Passive Perception:[/B]    9

[TABLE="width: 500"][TR][TD][B]Skills:[/B][/TD][TD]
[/TD][TD] [B]Abilities:[/B][/TD][/TR][TR][TD]*Acrobatics 
Animal Handling  
Slight of Hand
*Survival[/TD][TD="align: center"]+3
+1[/TD][TD="align: center"]Rage 
Unarmored Defense
Relentless endurance
Savage Attacks[/TD][/TR][/TABLE][B]
Armor: Light, Medium, Shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: Disguise kit, Viol
Languages: Common, (not taking orc due to background)

                       [TABLE="width: 500"][TR][TD][B]Weapon [/B][/TD][TD][B]Attack  Damage[/B][/TD][TD][B]  Type[/B][/TD][TD]
Battleaxe (2hd) 
Hand Axe 
Net[/TD][TD]+5    1d8+3
+5    1d10+3
+5    1d6+3
+5    1d6+3
+5      *[/TD][TD="align: center"]S
*[/TD][TD="align: center"]Versatile
(Thrown, range: 20/60)
(Thrown, range 30/120)
(special, Thrown, range 5/15)[/TD][/TR][/TABLE][CENTER]

Explorers Pack
Winter cloak
Costume ( gladiator)
Belt pouch containing 33 gp
fishing tackle(purchased)

[B]Money:[/B] 33 gp
(sell greatsword for 25 gp,  sell viol for 15 gp (50% cost), 15 from background=55gp)
10gp spent on Battleaxe, 10gp spent on shield, 1 gp on net, 1gp on fishing tackle)

[B]Gladiatar:[/B] Feature: by Popular Demand
[B]Personality Trait:[/B] I love a good insult, even one directed at me.
[B]Ideal:[/B] I like seeing the smiles on people’s faces when I perform. That’s all that matters.
[B]Bond:[/B] I want to be famous, whatever it takes.
[B]Flaw:[/B] I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.

[COLOR=#000000]Short coarse brown hair. tall stocky build. Missing an earlobe, several scars upon his face. Taciturn, but not unkind, fights because he is good at it, because it keeps him fed.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#000000]My mother, Grenda, was an adventurer, a barbarian of the Wild Coast whose clan originated in the Pomarj but were pushed out during the Hateful Wars. She was taken as a slave, while employed as a mercenary in a skirmish on the borders of the Ulek States, and kept as a concubine by an Orc chief. She was not held hostage long before being rescued by her companions, but long enough to be seeded with orc blood. Determining herself pregnant, my mother retired from her company of friends, and faded into obscurity, settling in Greyhawk, where she blended into the riff raff of the River Quarter, making a living as best she could while raising me. I, an ugly child, had a rough upbringing, bullied a lot until I grew into my own and fought back. My mother made sure to nurture the warrior in me as was her way, teaching me the ways of her clan. Upon coming of age she confided in me the truth of my birth , and of my father, and explained to me to keep this to myself. As I aged, my ugly replaced by scars, my patience tempered by quiet determination, eventually the ridiculing stopped...for the most part. I found work on the docks and soon made a name for myself in the many brawls that were commonplace, was approached by a promoter of the Pits and became a gladiator.

Grayish skin, overly long incisors, and yellow green eyes betraying his orcish ancestry, Horse is a [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] big lunk, by no means dull, yet not the sharpest tool in the shed; granted, sharp is not necessarily always the tool needed. Horses hands and weapons often do the thinking for him, and he figures out what the question was once he has answered. 
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