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D&D 5E What rule(s) is 5e missing?

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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I was only trying to answer GM for Powergamers question about why "breaking Thieves' Tools" was fair and breaking a weapon wasn't, as Sabathius stated with regards to his "fail forward" system.

So I asked myself, well, why would someone be more annoyed about losing a weapon over tools?

Like I said, if I was playing at a table using that system, I'd just have spares for both. : )

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I'm having a variation of this discussion in another thread with regards to exploration. I'm one of those DM's who has problems making exploration fun for my players, so the idea of worrying about rations and sundries, tracking ammunition, and wringing my hands about all the various ways the game gives players to just use a spell slot to "skip" content has never bothered me.

For me and my table, the juice isn't worth the squeeze, and since the game has been loaded with "Easy Buttons" with regards to encumbrance and exploration for a very long time now, I have to assume I'm not the only one.

Now if you and your group do have fun, and you're one of the DM's who makes this really engaging, I can understand why you'd be irked when someone says "or....I could just cast Find the Path".

But OTOH, if your group is into the exploration, they wouldn't be preparing that spell in the first place, right?


What if we tried to have a discussion without starting with hyperbole?
What hyperbole?

The penalty for not managing your resources is exhaustion. Didn't count your food and water? Exhaustion. Didn't bring something for extreme weather? Exhaustion. Did try to manage resources? Mental exhaustion. And the resource management plus random encounters is all the game cares about.

How about some skill challenges to gamify things like fishing or camping? Nope.

How about some wondrous locations to visit? We barely get pure setting books anymore, much less something in depth enough for that.

How about wildlife that's cool and useful for things that aren't snatching souls of flora that has uses to give you a reason to care about being out in the world? Nah.

How about anything that incentivizes exploration rather than punishing not engaging resource management?

It's not hyperbole when it's the exact thing that's there. It's like saying calling Best Buy or Walmart 'big box stores' is hyperbole. They're big boxen.


Guest 7034872

How about some wondrous locations to visit? We barely get pure setting books anymore, much less something in depth enough for that.

How about wildlife that's cool and useful for things that aren't snatching souls of flora that has uses to give you a reason to care about being out in the world?

How about anything that incentivizes exploration rather than punishing not engaging resource management?
I guess I'm pretty inclined to agree with this: I quite like the pure exploration elements of D&D and rather miss them in today's environment. I especially miss the pure setting books--those things were wonderful IMO. Now it's all pre-fab adventures and all setting information exists to serve the specific adventure (with some side-adventures, sure). I miss the pure settings in which they give you a nicely detailed world but don't tell you what to do with it.

There's a lot to enjoy in simple exploration.

I guess I'm pretty inclined to agree with this: I quite like the pure exploration elements of D&D and rather miss them in today's environment. I especially miss the pure setting books--those things were wonderful IMO. Now it's all pre-fab adventures and all setting information exists to serve the specific adventure (with some side-adventures, sure). I miss the pure settings in which they give you a nicely detailed world but don't tell you what to do with it.

There's a lot to enjoy in simple exploration.

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96 pages of... fantastic locations to be explored


I should have said Dex based character with noodle arms, lol.
a dagger is still 1 pound, rapier is two pounds, whip is three pounds. 5e got rid of the lower power tiers of pointbuy & the -2 that were there in the past like on 3.5dmg169 so even with the strength8*5 variant the character has a 40 pound capacity. even after subtracting 13 pound studded leather+2 pound rapier the character has 25 pounds remaining to carry stuff & could certainly devote one of them to a spare dagger.

The system is so generous that it's not even a mild inconvenience to carry a couple extra tools/weapons/etc until you start getting into things like a 3 down to 1 strength pre-errata kobold. The goalpost seems to be on rollerskates here rather than simply moving.... Is there any level of unpreparedness that becomes a bridge too far?

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