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[3.5e D&D Greyhawk] The Sunless Citadel [OOC]


Not sure if it is stalled or people are just busy researching and thinking. I don't think anyone is thinking you (gruffle) are the stumbling block. So far this is how I see it.

WarShrike will be the healer with Favored Soul.
Gandalf was toying with Ranger/Rogue or maybe Scout?
Errandir is still thinking something arcane but waiting to see if he needs to cover trapfinding to finalize.

So that leaves tanking for you, Gruffle. Why don't you start working on something for that and don't worry about the rogue levels? The group needs a pure tank if Gandalf goes archer type and Errandir is an arcane Spell caster.

The issue the group has is that no one has really stepped forward to start making decisions and calling for a vote. It's kind of like your jury needs a foreman. Based on my impressions, I nominate WarShrike since he took the first step and put forward a class concept and role after the group started talking about it. Of course I have been busy only having 1-2 hours at night these past to nights and I was AFK today.

So go ahead and put forward your roles and classes (maybe 1st and 2nd choice) for everyone to see and then see where you are all at. I think everyone is trying to be good team players, perhaps a little too much.

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Elf Bow Ranger, I can take trapfinding/removing abilities instead of track, second choice is possible two weapon fighter or something else is if the party needs a role.

Also grufflehead, I agree with perrinmiller and we need to become more organsed, no one person is a stumbling block here.


First Post
Alright, i`ll take the healing role. I will make a Favored Soul, race as yet unknown, am currently sifting through all my choices, but Human looks most likely so far.

Trap finding seems more important to me than actual trap disarming. I wouldnt want to step in one, but if we can avoid them, i`m happy. So if no one wants to take a rogue level, its fine by me as long as we have someone with a decent search skill.

Oh yeah, and since Favored Soul uses Charisma as it`s main stat AND has Diplomacy as a skill, i will take the diplomat role.


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Okay, then - if we've got everything else covered, it looks like I'm going for a straight caster. I think I'll make a gnome illusionist character. I was considering the Shadow Shaper variant in the SRD, mostly because I liked the flavor of it, but I'm not sure if it's practically useful at all.

Hmm... what schools should I ban? Necromancy and abjuration, maybe?


Elf Bow Ranger, I can take trapfinding/removing abilities instead of track.
Sorry I finally looked at Unearthed Arcana and there is no defined trapfinding ranger. The defined variants of Rangers (Urban and Planar do some skill swapping but mainly for flavor of knowledge type skills).

PG 58 talks about making a Ranger more like a Druid, mentions nothing about making a trapfinding Ranger. I don't think I am going to allow customizing classes outside of what was defined.

If you want the Trapfinding (a Rogue Feat) I would take Scout. To detect traps with DC21 and above you need this feat no matter what your Search Skill is. Investing in Disable Device a little as a cross-class skill is viable for easy traps, and the Trapfinding feat allows for disarming magical traps.

Also there is a sidebar on pg73 of the PHB regarding ways of beating traps without rolling the Disable Check.


First Post
If Trapfinding was a feat we wouldn't be in this position ;)

OK, Errandir goes wizard, GandalfM goes Ranger, WarShrike goes Favoured Soul and I've decided I'm going to try something I kicked about ages ago but never did anything with: Halfling Barbarian.

Just so I can start thinking about numbers, is it roll stats or point buy?

Now, how are we 4 going to know each other?


First Post
Spot obviously not on my class list...

EDIT: OK, got the basics down. I'd like to use the 'Whirling Frenzy' rage variant from UA page 66 please, otherwise as per core Barbarian. I did look at some of the Totem barbarians in UA but almost all of them rely on swapping fast movement for something else, and as a halfling I'm not prepared to do that and be the slowest member of the party. I think we have our 4 bases covered - how we're going to weave this into a party is another matter...;)

GM happy we've covered roles now? Want us to start putting some numbers down in the RG or wait til we've sorted a back story?
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@Gruffle: I will check the UA ref tonight, but if it is defined in the book it should be okay.

I think the roles are covered, but you guys can make changes if something comes up later in the creation process.

Earlier I asked how you guys wanted to character sheets, but it is buried on page 2 so I copied it here.

I have a suggestion on this. I have an Excel Spreadsheet that I like (with colors and automatic calculations). I attached it to the opening post of the Character Sheet thread. Here is what I did for DeuceTraveler's Canterbury Tales (Borric Hawkins). I basically copied the cells into MS Picture Manager (made them a bitmap) and then posted the images on Photobucket and linked them into the post for display. I personally like having a paper copy of my character sheet anyway for easy reference. As DM I have no problem keeping the master Excel files for every character and then uploading the latest version as an attachment when significant changes have been made.

There is nothing wrong with just posting the text based version as a single post either if everyone wants. Or we could do a combination, master sheet as Excel and only highlights and commonly used information as text in a post on the thread. I would like to be consistent for everyone though.

So everyone needs to give me an opinion on this before anyone starts posting on the RG thread.

Links for RG thread and IC Thread are in the first post of this thread. But please DO NOT post on IC yet.

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