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(3.X D&D/d20) Recruiting: The First (Now OOC)


First Post
Metliz Reviewed Again

Well, here's Metliz again. Hope this time she's fine!
 Name: Metliz
Class: Shugenja
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic good
Spirits of nature: Air

Str: 14 +2     Level: 1      XP: 0
Dex: 18 +4     BAB: +0       HP: 10 (1d6+4)
Con: 18 +4     Grapple: +2  Dmg Red: 0
Int: 12 +1     Speed: 30'    Spell Res: 0
Wis: 14 +2     Init: +4      Spell Save: +4
Cha: 18 +4     ACP: 0        Spell Fail: 0%

              Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc 
Armor:          10    +0    +0    +4    +0    +0    +0    14
Touch: 14              Flatfooted: 10

                          Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      0     +4          +4
Ref:                       0     +4          +4
Will:                      2     +2          +4

Weapon                Attack   Damage     Critical
Quartefstaff           +2     1d6+3        20x2
Light crosbow(50f)     +4     1d8       19-20x2
Sling (50f)            +4     1d4          20x2

Languages: Comon, Elven

Sense Elements 3
Elemental Focus: Air 

Feats:  Point blank shot, Combat casting.
Only things that weren't fixed here were that one of her 14 scores should be a 15 (either Str or Wis), her crossbow range increment should be 80 feet, and she needs a specific Shugenja School chosen with her Elemental Focus. The choices for Air Shugenja are the Asahina School or the Soshi School. Your spell selection below looks like it uses the Soshi School, so note that next to your Element Focus.

Voda Vosa said:
Skill Points: 24      Max Ranks:
Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Concentration                4    +4          +8
Diplomacy                    4    +4          +8
Craft(alchemy)               4    +1          +5  
Heal                         4    +2          +6
Knowledge (Religion)         4    +1          +5
Spellcraft                   4    +1          +5

Equipment:               Cost  Weight
Sacred ofuda              15gp   3lb
Spell component pouch      5gp   2lb
Light Crosbow             35gp   3lb
Quarterstaff                     1lb
Sling                      -     -
Flint and steel           1gp    -
Backpack                  2gp   2lb         
Bedroll                   1sp   5lb 
Fishook                   1sp    -
Rope, Hemp                1gp  10lb  
Sling bullets (30)        3sp  15lb
Ration, Trail(3 day)     15sp    3lb               
Scroll case               1gp    -          
inkpen and a vial of ink  8gp
Scroll paper x10          2gp

                         Weight 44lb

light: 58, medium: 59-116, heavy: 117-175
An inkpen costs 1 silver piece (though ink is 8 gp as you listed). Paper costs 4 silver per page, so 10 pages is 4 gold pieces, not 2. After those changes are made, you still have 25 gold and 9 silver left to spend. You also need to add a set of clothes to the list of equipment.

You don't have any bolts listed for your crossbow. Some waterskins would be rather important to carry around. Another trail ration and some fishing hooks could be slightly helpful for spending the last of the silver.

Also, note that although you are not proficient in armor, you could still wear some if you wanted. There's no samurai culture in the new world to make it taboo for a shugenja to wear armor. Leather armor has no armor check penalty, is only 10 gold pieces, weighs 15 pounds, and wouldn't interfere with your divine spells. Although it would put you at medium weight carried, you could easily remove your backpack in combat to fix that and avoid being slowed down by it. Similarly, a tent might be handy for keeping you dry, but it's heavy so it would result in a medium load.

Your weights listed are off in a few places. A quarterstaff weighs 4 pounds. A light crossbow also weighs 4 pounds. A scroll case is one-half pound. So your current weight is 48-1/2 pounds.

Voda Vosa said:
Spell DC: 4 (Cha) + Spell Level +10 base +1(conditional; Air)

Shugenjas Spells:

Level 0: (5/day)
Cure Minor  Wounds
Detect magic
Ghostly sounds 

Level 1: (4/day)
Disguise self
Burning hands

Age: 19
Height: 1.8 meters
Weight: 60 kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blond
Skin: Tanned

Metliz is a cheerful person, she loves walking under the sunlight

and running in the forests, he uses her hair wild, no quite clean,

but any defect she have, vanish when her shiny smile apears in her

Only rules errors here are that the 0-level Soshi school spell is Daze, not Stun (in English anyway, dunno if there's any difference in Spanish), and that you cannot have the Resistance spell, due to that being an Earth spell and you being an Air Shugenja. So replace that spell.

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First Post
Kaznak's Review

Okay, I think I've got my character done. I put all the effects of the Dragontouched feat in the "Special Abilities: Other" section. So here's Kaznak Valignat Garkuun

Name: Kaznak Valignat Garkuun
Player: Dragonwriter

Race: Dwarf (dragonblood subtype)
Class: Dragonfire Adept
Level: 1
ECL: +0 mod/total 1
XPs: 0 current/1000 next level

Patron God: Bahamut
Alignment: Lawful Good
Str: 14 (12 +2 points)
Dex: 16 (15 +1 point)
Con: 20 (18 +2 race)
Int: 18 (18)
Wis: 14 (12 +2 points)
Cha: 14 (15 +1 point -2 race)
HP: 14 (d8+5+1)
AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +0 Size, +3 Armor, +0 Shield)
Init: +7
Speed: 20 feet
BAB: +0
Mel: +2
Rng: +3
Fort: +7
Refl: +3
Will: +4
Minor error: spent 1 point too many on ability scores; either Str, Dex, Wis, or Cha needs to drop 1 point, which will subsequently reduce the relevant ability modifier by 1. Make sure to adjust the other stuff modified by whichever score you lower.

Also, you wear armor but aren't proficient in it, so apply the -1 ACP to your attack roll modifiers.

Dragonwriter said:
Special Abilities
Race: Medium size, Speed 20 ft. unaffected by armor or weight, Darkvision 60 ft, Stonecunning, Weapon Familiarity: Dwarven Urgosh and Waraxe, Stability, +2 racial bonus on saves against poison, +2 racial bonus on saves against spells and spell-like effects, +1 bonus on attacks against orcs and goblinoids, +4 dodge bonus against Giants, +2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks related to stone or metal items.

Class: Dragontouched bonus feat, least invocations, breath weapon (1d6, 15-foot cone or 30-foot line at-will, Reflex DC 15 half)

Other: +1 bonus on Listen, Search and Spot, +1 HP, +1 bonus on saves against paralysis and sleep effects, dragonblood subtype (Dragontouched feat)

Feats: Dragontouched (bonus), Improved Initiative

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Orc, Undercommon, Draconic

Skills (4 + Int bonus per level, x4 at 1st level)
Trained or Untrained: +X (=Rank + Stat Mod + Other)
Appraise +6 (=2+4+0) (+2 for stone or metal)
Diplomacy +6 (=4+2+0)
Listen +7 (=4+2+1)
Search +7 (=2+4+1)
Sense Motive +6 (=4+2+0)
Spot +7 (=4+2+1)

Trained Only: +X (=Rank + Stat Mod + Other)
Craft (weaponsmithing) +6 (=2+4+0) (+2 for stone or metal)
Craft (brewing) +5 (=1+4+0)
Knowledge (arcana) +6 (=2+4+0)
Knowledge (religion) +6 (=2+4+0)
Knowledge (nature) +6 (=2+4+0)
Speak Language (list languages, 1 per rank): Draconic
Use Magic Device +4 (=2+2+0)
Weapons: 5 Shortspears +2 melee (1d6+2, x2, piercing, 20 ft. range, 3 lbs, 1 GP ea),
2 daggers +2 melee (1d4+2, 19-20/x2, slashing or piercing, 10 ft. range, 1 lb, 2 GP ea)

Armor, Clothes: Studded Leather Armor (+3 AC, Max DEX +5, -1 ACP, 20 lbs, 10 GP), Explorer’s Outfit, signal whistle around neck

Container: Backpack
Contents: Bedroll, 50 feet of silk rope, artisan’s tools, 14 days of trail rations, 3 waterskins,

Container: Belt Pouch
Contents: 1 waterskin, 1 flask of acid

Container: Sack
Contents: coinage

PP: 0
GP: 11
SP: 1
CP: 0
Gems/Other: 0
Studded Leather is 25 GP, not 10 (plain leather is 10). It should also have its ASF chance marked, since it affects your Invocations (not that it matters much with Endure Exposure, since that one's got a long duration and isn't likely to be activated in combat). Factor the -1 ACP into your attack modifiers, since you're nonproficient in the armor. Also, your attack lines should probably include the option for "or +3 ranged" and the shortspear entry should probably have a "or 1d6+3 two-handed" damage option listed.

You should have 6 gp remaining, which needs to be spent, since you won't actually enter play with any money. Remove the money section.

Possible ways to spend the 6 GP might be another set of artisan's tools (can't brew beer with a portable forge and anvil! Or forge anything with a portable distillery...), a pick, a shovel, a grappling hook or two, more waterskins, or whatever. As a dwarf, you might very well want to start with at least one gallon of ale/beer, which is 2 silver and 8 pounds (plus 3 cp and 1 pound for the clay jug it comes in). :D Maybe just add a second set of artisan's tools, 3 jugs of ale, 3 hunks of cheese (1 silver and 1/2 pound, each), and 1 piece of chalk to your gear?

In any case, if Kaznak himself doesn't start with any beer, the female dwarf of the First Generation certainly will. :p

Dragonwriter said:
Light: 0-58 lbs.
Medium: 59-116 lbs.
Heavy: 117-175 lbs.
Current: ~85 lbs.
Caster Level: 1
Least Invocations: Endure Exposure
Lesser Invocations:
Greater Invocations:
Dark Invocations:
Description (include Age, gender, height, weight, physical description):
Kaznak was created with straight, close-cropped and coarse fiery red hair to go with his unusually pale skin. Despite only having existed for a period of a few days, he looks to be a fully-formed adult hill dwarf of age 40. He stands at about 4’4” and looks to weigh about 150 pounds, underneath his gear. His beard juts straight down from his chin to the middle of his chest, and he’s learned to tie and braid it to keep it down and under control, which was very helpful when he learned just what his god-granted talent was…

Kaznak’s god created him without a way to make himself warm or comfortable when the cold of night came about, which greatly annoyed the displaced new dwarf. So, when trying to light a small fire from wood he had collected and piled together, his frustrations reached their boiling point until he began shouting angrily at the wood. Much to his surprise, a gout of flames burst from his mouth during his rant, igniting the small pile (and nearly setting his beard on fire)! It was then that his god spoke to him, saying, “Kaznak, this is my gift to you, my creation. Use it well, use it as my other children will, to defend the weak and helpless and burn evil to a cinder. As another gift, you will be able to shield yourself and any you meet from your cleansing breath and also from the cold. Be warm, my child, and be safe,” and with that, the voice was gone. But in the message was a slight amount of buried knowledge… The name of the speaking god, the name of Bahamut. And with that knowledge came some understanding, and so Kaznak set out from the small glade he had called home for a day or two to find others.

In the few days since then, Kaznak’s clothes have gotten a little torn, but they show no real sign of weather-wear. His face is cheerful and his dark brown eyes are usually wandering, picking out little details in his surroundings. However, the dwarf does have 5 small spears strapped to his back, over his right shoulder, and he wears a suit of studded leather armor that looks rather sturdy.

I'll PM you the Dragontouched feat and Endure Exposure invocation.
Got the PM.

Your current load is 86 pounds, plus whatever is added from spending the coins as noted above.
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First Post
Forge's Review

Name: Forge
Class: Paladin
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: My Crafter
Str: 18 +4      Level: 1        XP: 0
Dex: 13 +1      BAB: +1         HP: 15 (1d10+2+3)
Con: 14 +2      Grapple: +5     Dmg Red: none
Int: 16 +3      Speed: 20'      Spell Res: 0%
Wis: 16 +3      Init: +1        Spell Save: 13+ spell lvl
Cha: 18 +4      ACP: -5         Spell Fail: 0%
                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +5          +1                      16
Touch: 11              Flatfooted: 15
You'll have to choose a lawful good patron deity when you work out your background, since I'm requiring it of non-animist divine casters and certain others in the First Generation. Given that your chosen main weapon is a greatsword, I'd say Heironeous is out as an option (he'd leave you a longsword or battleaxe if it were hiim), so maybe Ilmater, Nobanian, Torm, or Heimdall, depending on his background/personality? Heimdall is a norse god of vigilance and such in Deities & Demigods; the other three are Faerunian gods in the FRCS.

HolyMan said:
                          Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      2    +2          +4
Ref:                       0    +1          +1
Will:                      0    +3          +3
Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical   Range
Greatsword                +5     2d6+6      19-20x2     ---
Dagger,mw(melee)          +5     1d4+4      19-20x2     ---
Dagger,mw(thrown)         +2     1d4+4      19-20x2     10' 
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Goblinoid
Abilities: Human traits (phb pg13), Aura of good, detect evil,smite evil1/day 
Feats:  Prof. with all simple and martial weapons, proficient with all types
 of armor (heavy, medium, and light) and with all shields (except tower  
shields),  Toughness(lvl1), Skill Focus- Craft(Blacksmithing)(human bonus) 
Skill Points/lvl: 6/lvl   Max Ranks: 4/2
Skill points: 24       
Skills                      Ranks  Mod   Misc   Total
Concentration                4     +2            +6
Craft(blacksmithing)         4     +3     +3    +10
Craft(armorsmithing)         1     +3            +4
Craft(weaponsmithing)        1     +3            +4
Knowledge(religion)          2     +3            +5
Sense Motive                 4     +3            +7
Appraise(cc)                 1     +3            +4
Spot                         2     +3            +5
Kowledge(architecture&       1     +3            +4
Spot is cross-class, though at least you accounted for it in the cost. Anyway, nothing wrong with this section, just ought to put (cc) next to Spot.

HolyMan said:
[/Code]Equipment: Cost Weight
Artisan's Outfit free ---
Chainmail 150gp 40lb
Greatsword 50gp 8lb
Dagger 2gp 1lb
Holy Symbol,silver 25gp 1lb
Backpack 2gp 2lb
-artisan's tools 5gp 5lb
-trail rations(4days) 2gp 4lb
-waterskin 1gp 4lb
-torches(4) 4cp 4lb
-flint&steel 1gp ---
-whetstone 2cp 1lb
-mirror,small steel 10gp .5lb
-fishhook 1sp ---
-piton(2) 2sp 1lb
-candles 4cp ---
Bedroll 1sp 5lb
-blanket,winter 5sp 3lb
Rope(hempen,50') 1gp 10lb

Total Weight:85.5lb Money: starting= 240gp spent= 240gp leftover = 0gp

Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 100 200 300 600 1,500

Age: 16
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165lb
Eyes: light brown
Hair: brown
Skin: light[/code]
You spent 250 gold instead of the 240 alloted. Ditch the mirror to fix that. Also, you might want to consider replacing 2 trail rations or the rope for a second waterskin (maybe ditch both for a third waterskin?), since each waterskin only holds half a day's worth of water.

Also, you're carrying 89-1/2 pounds, or just 89 with the mirror removed.

Starting age should be 15, the minimum for a young adult human.

That's all. Very little to fix, and just very minor things. Don't rush to finish the bit of background, since you'll have until sometime next week (probably Monday, maybe later depending on circumstances) before we actually start play.

Sidenote: We have a lotta smiths in the group....black, weapon, armor, etc....mostly weaponsmiths. At least there'll be no shortage of weaponry available; all you'll need is some metal and such to craft more armaments, and could even Aid Another for each other to speed up the process for a single weapon, or each craft a separate weapon. However, there's a distinct lack of Craft (bowmaking) skills around.....I'll probably have the female elven NPC be a bowyer/fletcher, so the group can go to her to barter for bows and arrows later.


First Post
Flamekin and Brightsouls

So, to clarify for myself: You approve of anything garnered from the Wizards website, as well as anything you can access?

If this is correct, I've an idea I'd like to try, if your game has room. Most of it comes from the SRD or wizards 3.5 material, but the race and class comes from Enworld's download section.

Fissionessence (I believe that's how it's spelled) created a Flamekin race and an associated racial class I'd like to try. They are the second page of enworld's download section, I believe for free.
Well, frankly, they look broken.

However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and allow you to try it. But, who knows, maybe in play it won't turn out to be as broken as I think. At least you're not proposing a Flamekin Monk.

Flamekin will need a +1 Level Adjustment, however. Their Heat of the Flame ability and their Elemental type (as they cannot possibly have any other type, though the PDF author seems to try dodging that inevitability by never specifying their creature type), are too much for an LA+0 race, considering their other racial traits (and maybe even without those). So they get the standard benefits of the Elemental type (as listed in the SRD) and will be LA+1 in this game. You'll start with the same 1st-level GP and 0 XP as everyone else, but the Level Adjustment will delay your further advancement slightly.

Also, no Fortitude save DC is listed for their maintaining consciousness when submerged in water; I'm setting the DC at 15, +1 per previous round spent submerged, with 1 minute outside of water resetting the DC. I've read the Lorwyn novel; they ought to need a Will save just to cross water and to avoid panicking if submerged, but I'll ignore that issue.


First Post
Minor error: spent 1 point too many on ability scores; either Str, Dex, Wis, or Cha needs to drop 1 point, which will subsequently reduce the relevant ability modifier by 1. Make sure to adjust the other stuff modified by whichever score you lower.

Also, you wear armor but aren't proficient in it, so apply the -1 ACP to your attack roll modifiers.

Oops. Okay, dropped WIS by 1, fixed the skills. And applied the -1 penalty. I just forgot to do that, since my breath weapon is my main attack. Attacking with a weapon is my absolute last resort (that, or running away as fast as my dwarven legs will carry me :)).

Studded Leather is 25 GP, not 10 (plain leather is 10). It should also have its ASF chance marked, since it affects your Invocations (not that it matters much with Endure Exposure, since that one's got a long duration and isn't likely to be activated in combat). Factor the -1 ACP into your attack modifiers, since you're nonproficient in the armor. Also, your attack lines should probably include the option for "or +3 ranged" and the shortspear entry should probably have a "or 1d6+3 two-handed" damage option listed.

You should have 6 gp remaining, which needs to be spent, since you won't actually enter play with any money. Remove the money section.

Possible ways to spend the 6 GP might be another set of artisan's tools (can't brew beer with a portable forge and anvil! Or forge anything with a portable distillery...), a pick, a shovel, a grappling hook or two, more waterskins, or whatever. As a dwarf, you might very well want to start with at least one gallon of ale/beer, which is 2 silver and 8 pounds (plus 3 cp and 1 pound for the clay jug it comes in). :D Maybe just add a second set of artisan's tools, 3 jugs of ale, 3 hunks of cheese (1 silver and 1/2 pound, each), and 1 piece of chalk to your gear?

In any case, if Kaznak himself doesn't start with any beer, the female dwarf of the First Generation certainly will. :p

Originally, I was planning on Leather Armor and forgot to change the price line... Fixed. And I spent the remaining 6 GP on another set of tools, some booze and more food. It also brought his current load up to 109 lbs. (If there's any remainder, I think there was 1 CP or something, I'm not going to worry about it.)

So everything's fixed up, I think.


First Post
Name: Elldar
Class: Artificer
Race: Forest Gnome
Size: Small
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Str: 14 (15-2 racial+1)   +2  Level: 1                 XP: 0
Dex: 18 (18)                +4  BAB: +0                  HP: 9 (1d6+3)
Con: 16 (12+2 racial+2) +3  Grapple: -2 (0+2-4)  Dmg Red: -
Int: 18 (18)                 +4  Speed: 20 ft            Spell Res: -
Wis: 16 (15+1)             +3  Init: +4                  Spell Save: +4
Cha: 13 (12+1)             +1  ACP: 0                   Spell Fail: -
                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10     +3   +1    +4    +1                 19
Touch: 15             Flatfooted: 15
                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                       0    +3    +0     +3
Ref:                        2    +4    +0     +6
Will:                       0    +3    +0     +3
Weapons:                Attack      Damage Critical
Morningstar             +3 (0+2+1)  1d6      20/x2
Dagger                   +3 (0+2+1)  1d3    19-20/x2    
Light Crossbow         +5 (0+4+1)  1d6   19-20/x2
Device powers: 0th 4+1, 1st 2+1 
Acid Splash
Detect Poison
Mage Hand
Shocking Grasp
Expeditious Retreat
Languages: Gnome, Common, Forest Animals, Dwarven (Int), Orc (Int), Elven (Int), Giant (Int)
Pass without Trace (Su): A forest gnome has the innate ability to use pass without trace (self only, as a free action) as the spell cast by a druid of the forest gnome’s class levels. 
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds, goblinoids, orcs, and reptilian humanoids. 
+4 racial bonus on Hide checks, which improves to +8 in a wooded area. 
+2 Constitution, -2 Strength. 
Small size. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, -4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits ¾ those of Medium characters. 
A gnome’s base land speed is 20 feet. 
Low-light vision. 
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions. 
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against creatures of the giant type (such as ogres, trolls, and hill giants). 
+2 racial bonus on Listen and Craft (alchemy) checks. 
Favored Class: Bard. 
Feats: Artificer Item
Skill Points: 32       Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills:                        Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Appraise                       2      3               5 
Alchemy                       2      4       2       8
Craft (weaponsmithing)   4      4               8
Craft (armorsmithing)      4      4               8
Disable Device               2      4                6
Knowledge (engr&arch)   4      4                8
Profession                    4      3                7
Listen                          2      3        2      7
Search                        4      4                8
Use Magic Device          4      4                8
Equipment:                        Cost  Weight  Charges
Artisan's Tools                   5 gp   5    lb  
Explorer's Outfit                 0 gp   2    lb
Rations (4 days)                20 sp  1    lb
Bedroll                              1 sp   1.25 lb
Fishhook                            1 sp
Scroll Case                         1 gp   0.5  lb
Flint and Steel                    1 gp
Waterskin (2)                      2 gp   1    lb
Belt Pouch                          1 gp   0.125lb
Ink                                    8 gp
Inkpen                               1 sp
Parchment (8)                    1.6gp
Sack                                  1 sp   0.125lb
Morningstar                         8 gp   3    lb
Light Crossbow                   35 gp  2    lb
Dagger                               2 gp   0.5  lb
Bolts (30)                           3 gp   1.5  lb
Studded Leather Armor        25 gp  7.5  lb
Buckler                             15 gp  2.5  lb
Artificer Item: Flare Goggles  90 gp  2.5  lb     9
                                    200 gp  30.5 lb
                          Lgt  Med    Hvy      Lift    Push
Max Weight:         44  44-87 88-131 131/263 656
Age: 76 
Height: 3'00"
Weight: 40lb
Eyes: Large Black
Hair: Shaggy brown
Skin: Mottled Green Brown

So heres my first draft buildwise. Hope the formatting is right as its my first time trying to use the enclosed boxes :p haha

A few issues:
1. I was thinkin the same on the UMD skill and it seems as since i have no pre-req concentration is a little unnecessary as i'll never use spells or would using a device (i.e. pressing a button or whatnot) count for attack of oppurtunity/interruption? Also open lock might be a decent skill to tack on as this guy is essentially a tinkerer so lock mechanisms seem up his alley.

2a. With using devices what action would switching from device to device or device to weapon use as if i can't take feats like quick draw maybe this would result in me being very slowed down due to all the switching.

2b.Also in the device thread would my starting item be ok? goggles that cast flare take up slot for eyes and maybe cloak or hat slot for fuel. I also considered a shocking grasp gauntlet which could be used in combat as i have buckler leaving my hand free. Having a hard time finding players who've used this class and hence sample items.

2c. Could i utilize devices in conjunction with weapons or armor like a flare mace or something as the picture from MoF has the guy holding what looks to be an augmented x-bow. For example electric jolt on armor set off when i'm hit or acid splash on crossbow optional in place of a bolt.
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