Adventure: Poisoned to the Core DM: FourMonos Judge: KarinsDad


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The group looks uncomfortably around at each other, then down the busy Clifftop street. Time is, of course, important. Shageon lives somewhere close, but how to find out where...

GM: Sounds like everyone is ready. Go ahead and give me your ideas to find his home, supported by skill checks if you like. I would say that traveling to the Sivis Notary Guild may be useful, but also a bit of a time commitment.

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OOC: [MENTION=88601]FourMonos[/MENTION]: How far is House Jorasco? I think House Jorasco have his establishment not very far from the Tavern. They will probably know where one of there prestigious member live.


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OOC: [MENTION=13739]Velmont[/MENTION] It would take you no longer than 30 minutes to get to a House Jorasco establishment. Maybe shorter if you used a means of transportation.


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"I would have suggested House Jorasco. They know the place where Master Shageon live. We could go to the nearest one. We should find an air coach to get there faster I think." suggests River.

Voda Vosa

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"Why you lads go there, and some of us will knock some doors and ask people about this guy, he's kinda remarkable fellow, maybe someone knows where he lives; he's always at the tabern. suggests the dwarf.


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"I would have asked him, but he enter a trance too hastly... but splitting might be a good idea. If we go to House Jorasco, I need to go there, my status there will allow me to gain the information quickly." replies River.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tondrek, nursing the bruise on his head with his left hand, looks a bit confused at River's question, then brightens up. He magic! Finger glow magic leave crumbs like signamature! I can track it, maybe, prolly, sorta.
OOC: Tondrek did say he was studying the man's magic in the Tavern (its what he does). Use Arcana to help the trace (for the door knockers).

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Good, den ye're wit me pretty face." Muzdum says to Tondrek, patting him in the back animously. "I've got the biggest hardest hand fer knockin' doors" the dwarf chuckles to his own comment.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tondrek looks at his oversized metal-flesh gauntlet, looks to Muzdum's dwarven fist, looks to his gauntlet again, then frowns. But... The sentence sort of trails off as he lead away.


First Post
"I would have asked him, but he enter a trance too hastly... but splitting might be a good idea. If we go to House Jorasco, I need to go there, my status there will allow me to gain the information quickly." replies River.

But I want to stay with you! protests Pok, holding onto Rivers robes while hiding a nervous glance toward Muzdum and Tondrek, Fine we'll go to House Jorasco, but no one examines me this time... the gnome huffs then calms down, continuing sadly Roswyn would already have known the location of a high ranking retired Jorasco... We could have just gone to his house.

Voidrunner's Codex

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