Adventure: Poisoned to the Core DM: FourMonos Judge: KarinsDad

Voda Vosa

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"We want to knock doors, not knock the house down." Muzdum says, as the half orc gaze came and go to his guantlet and his own hands. "Don't stand there like an oaf and lead the way, hurry!" the dwarf says jovially.

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Fine we'll go to House Jorasco, but no one examines me this time...

Ah HA worry Pok...Rumbum not let anyone do that...Rumbum hit them with shape part of axe. The moves closer to the gnome gripping his axe, ready to attack any would be intruder.


First Post
"We want to knock doors, not knock the house down." Muzdum says, as the half orc gaze came and go to his guantlet and his own hands. "Don't stand there like an oaf and lead the way, hurry!" the dwarf says jovially.

"I will join you both, I think that you will need someone to keep you out of trouble dwarf and the half-orc doesn't seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer." Amarande states, "Besides, I have a way with people" he adds, flashing a smile, although as Amarande asks around he receives little but the cold shoulder from people, perhaps it's his companions, not too many people want to stop and talk with someone with a displacer beast pacing not far behind, but whatever the reason, Amarande struggles to find anything important out.


Voda Vosa

First Post
The dwarf simply stands behind the man asking the questions. He is not still though, shifting on his feet, the effects of the alcohol ever present. However, he kept a sharp eye for anyone who seems to be hiding something to the big mouthed companion.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tondrek sticks his remaining living finger and the holds is up to the air. It glows and sparkles a bright blue. He turns himself around a few times and then starts off in a direction.
OOC: Arcana to track: 24


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River head with Rumbum and Pok to Jorasco house headquater and he spots a skycab with his owner waiting there. "Sorry sir, I'm River of House Jorasco. I need to reach Jorasco house as quickly as possible, one loyal guard of the city is dying and his life is tied to the success and the quickness of our expedition."

[SBLOCK]Diplomacy (1d20+14=16) Wrong skycoach it seems.[/SBLOCK]


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The old, grey bearded skycoach driver gives the shifter a long look.

"I keep getting told not to hang out up here for all the weirdos. Money is money, son. Hop in."

The trip to the closest Jorasco House is not far at all, but the skycab does save the convenience of waiting for the lifts. It is a mere five minutes before the group of River, Pok and Rumbum find themselves deposited at their desired location.

"Five gold."


Tondrek waves back and forth, turns a few times, almost as if possessed by a strange dance to which no one else hears the music. He then sets off, eyes closed, following his blue finger, at an angle across the street.

Amarande and Muzdum follow the half orcs listing gait.

Three buildings down, the three new comrades come to a stop first at a small cafe. A waiter is clearing away the remains of someone's breakfast. A small cup of tea and the remains of a muffin [sblock=perception 12] Muffin type: bran [/sblock] are being lifted into his bin.

The waiter almost drops his bin of dirty dishes at the sight of the threesome.

"Um, er, wha... ahem... would y'all like a table?"


First Post
River gives ten gold pieces "Here your five, and another five so you wait here fifteen minutes. We will probably need a coach to ride back once we got what we need."

River leads Pok and Rumbum to House Jorasco.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Hm, Bran muffin." says the dwarf as he snatches the remains out of the waiter's bin and gulps it in fractions of a second. "Nay lad, we be lookin' fer the house of a little halfling, an old one, carries a stick all the time, grey hair. This tall"


First Post
"Hm, Bran muffin." says the dwarf as he snatches the remains out of the waiter's bin and gulps it in fractions of a second. "Nay lad, we be lookin' fer the house of a little halfling, an old one, carries a stick all the time, grey hair. This tall"

"Yes, what my friend mentioned, we are looking for the house of some famous halfling healer, Shageon was his name. I was wondering if you have heard of him?" Amarande says, trying to be polite and courteous to put the waiter at ease.


Voidrunner's Codex

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