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[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


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The sight of Kane's new beast friend made Noriaki wonder for a second how Imidoto was getting on, but he figured she was safer outside than she would have been in here, anyway.


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The party, followed by the strange fey beast, leaves the room by the finished passage. The stone here has been carefully worked, unlike the rest of the caves. It turns north and opens into a massive, cathedral-like hall. The walls are carved in vivid bas-relief: on the left, the carvings depict a furious battle taking place between serpents that walk upright and what are unmistakably Magari dwarves. On the right, the images show serpents coiling around and eating a variety of animals, people, and other less-identifiable creatures. The high ceiling is supported by pillars shaped like coiled snakes.

The group has barely had time to take in these lurid images when Castile and Hú Lí spot movement up on the pillars in the center of the hall.

GM: Initiative for Black Fox; Castile; Kane; Noriaki; Takahaan; baddies
17(1d20) +5 = 22; 18(1d20) +5 = 23; 4(1d20) +4 = 8; 20(1d20) +7 = 27; 18(1d20) +4 = 22; 6(1d20) +8 = 14

Hú Lí, Castile, Noriaki, and Takahaan all beat the baddies and get to act first.

stealth for baddies
9(1d20) +11 = 20

Castile and Hú Lí can see the ghouls on the pillars. They are hidden from everyone else (Castile and Hú Lí can tell the others where they are, of course, but you have to move to a place where they don’t have cover from you to actually see them).

The ghouls are both two squares up, clinging to the pillars just out of reach from the ground.

The alcoves have piles of bones and other detritus in them (represented by brownish crud). They are difficult terrain. The rest of the floor is normal terrain.

The pillars are blocking terrain but they are round and don’t make hard corners.

[sblock=PCs’ Off-Turn Actions]Interrupts, Reactions, and so forth are listed here to help me remember them. It would also help me if you specify triggers for these actions. If you don’t, I’ll try to use them in sensible places.

Black Fox
Virtue of Cunning (no action; ally is missed)

Combat Challenge (interrupt; adjacent marked target shifts or makes an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Shield Edge Block (interrupt; adjacent enemy hits or misses Castile with a close or melee attack): used if it will turn a hit into a miss.
Bold Victory Armor (free; Castile or an ally within 5 bloodies an enemy)

Aegis of Shielding (interrupt; marked enemy hits a target within 10 and the attack doesn’t include Kane)
Channeling Shield (interrupt; an attack hits Kane or an ally within 10): used to prevent a big or bloodying hit.
Dimensional Vortex (interrupt; an enemy within 10 hits an ally with a melee attack): used if Kane can thump a non-minion with it.
White Lotus Riposte (no action; when an enemy Kane hits with an arcane at-will attack him before EoNT, that enemy takes 4 damage of the same type as the at-will dealt)

Shrug it Off (reaction; Noriaki is subjected to a save ends effect)

Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Takahaan)
Vengeance is Mine (reaction; an enemy hits Takahaan)[/sblock]

Castile (S5) HP 52/52; surges 7/13; AP used
Hú Lí (T5) HP 37/39; surges 4/8; AP used
Kane (U6) HP 44/44; surges 8/10; AP used
Noriaki (S6) HP 42/45; surges 7/9; AP used
Takahaan (T6) HP 37/39; surges 6/8; AP used

Fey Beast HP (U5) 22/22
Imidoto (here? there? everywhere?) HP 1 (minion)

Bad Guys
Ghoul 1 (N6, 2 up) hidden (from everyone but Castile and Hú Lí)
Ghoul 2 (K6, 2 up) hidden (from everyone but Castile and Hú Lí)

[sblock=Enemy Stats]Please read the appropriate block(s) only when necessary to resolve attacks or OAs.

AC 21, Fort 17, Ref 19, Will 16; HP 63, bloodied 31
:bmelee: Claws +10 vs. AC, 2d6+6 damage and the target is immobilized (save ends).[/sblock]


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OOC: Since the ghouls are 2 squares up, if we use forced movement on them, would they get a save? If they succeed, what happens to them?


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GM: They do get a save to avoid the 10 foot fall. If they succeed, they become "prone" while still clinging to the pillars (and have to "get up" in order to move normally again).


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"There are creatures there," says Hú Lí. She blows a sudden shrill blast on her flute. Perhaps as a warning, since there doesn't appear to be any other effect.[sblock=actions]Standard: Staggering Note (Will) vs. Ghoul 1: 2(1d20) +8 = 10
Forgot penalty for cover, but it makes no difference with a roll like this.[/sblock][sblock=Hú Lí]The Black Fox Fox Spirit (Changeling) Bard 4
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 20
AC:21, Fort:14, Reflex:18, Will:19
:bmelee: +4 vs. AC, 1d6-1 damage

HP:37/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:4/8
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: used
Powers: Fox Spirit Disguise, Wild Shape, Staggering Note, Vicious Mockery, Changeling's Armor
Blunder, Dissonant Strain, Fox Spirit Trick, Grasping Claws, Majestic Word x2, Words of Friendship, Noble Presence, Painted Drum
Stirring Shout, Canon of Avoidance, Amulet of Seduction

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy misses an ally within 9 squares of the Black Fox, the Fox may slide the ally 1 square as a free action.

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Castile walks up to get almost underneath one of the ghouls.

"Are you the captain? I'll make this quick if you are!" Castile hurls her axe up and scores a hit, though the ghoul remains latched onto its perch. Her axe flies back to her hands a few moments later.

[sblock=Castile actions / stats]Move: walk to N5.

Standard: RBA vs Ghoul 1 just barely hits AC 21 for 16 damage and it is marked TENT Castile. (1d20+9=21; 1d12+7=16)

PC:Castile (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Dwarf Fighter 4
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14
AC:21, Fort:20, Reflex:17, Will:16, +5 saves vs poison, Speed:5
HP:52/52, Bloodied:26, Surge Value:13, Surges left:7/13
Initiative +2
Action Points: 0 (encounter)


MBA: Waraxe, +9 vs AC, 1d12+9 damage and gain 4 THP (see Combat notes below)
RBA: Waraxe, +9 vs AC, 1d12+7 damage, 6/12
Combat Challenge, Pass Forward
Crushing Surge, Tide of Iron
Bold Victory, Dwarven Resilience, Guardian's Counter, Hack and Hew, Shield Edge Block
Comeback Strike, Dwarven Thrower Waraxe, Second Chance

Combat notes: +2 melee / close damage with THP, +2 to attack roll on OAs, OAs stop enemy movement; ignore 1 square forced movement
[/sblock][sblock=Immediate actions]1. Shield Edge Block when an adjacent enemy hits Castile with a close or melee attack and would have missed with a -4 penalty to the attack. Immediate Interrupt, +8 vs Fort, 2d6+6 damage and +4 THP. Effect: The target takes a -4 penalty to the triggering attack.

2. Combat Challenge when an adjacent enemy marked by Castile shifts or attacks an ally and doesn't include her in the attack. Immediate Interrupt, MBA vs AC. On a hit, the target is also pushed 1 if that would force it out of range for its triggering attack (no push otherwise).

3. Guardian's Counter when an ally within 2 squares of Castile is attacked and she isn't included. Immediate Interrupt, Castile and the ally switch places and she is the target instead. After the attack, she makes a basic attack vs the attacker.

4. Opportunity Attack as usual, 1/turn. MBA+2 vs AC. On a hit, the target stops moving (if a move provoked the OA).[/sblock]
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Noriaki and Takahaan move warily around the sides of the room, peering up at the columns.

The creature above Castile snarls viciously as it is struck by her axe. It climbs down around the pillar and lunges at her, but comes nowhere near hitting. Noriaki and Takahaan, finally spotting it, charge at it from opposite sides. Noriaki fails to connect, but Takahaan’s blow sends it sprawling.

Another creature climbs down from the second pillar. Its form is hideously distorted, but a belt with a distinctive buckle still hangs about its almost fleshless waist. The belt belonged to Captain Kovack.

Showing no signs of recognition, the second ghoul charges Noriaki and rakes him cruelly with its claws, numbing his flesh.

At the back of the temple, the door opens and another emaciated figure steps in. This one is female, or was once. She carries a twisted staff, and much of her skin is tattooed with symbols of witchcraft. Her gaze comes to rest on Castile, Takahaan, and Hú Lí. The latter senses the pull on her mind early enough to turn away, but Castile and Takahaan suddenly find their minds torn apart by hideous visions that conquer their senses utterly. It seems to last only for a moment, but when they come to again, they are facing off axe to sword, wide-eyed and tense, and it appears that Castile has had the better of the exchange.

[sblock=actions and rolls]Noriaki moves to Q8 and readies to use howling strike on the first enemy to be adjacent or chargeable.

Takahaan moves to Q4 and readies to use flattening charge on the first enemy to come within charging distance.

Ghoul 1 moves down the pillar through O7, ending in N6, and attacks Castile. Ghoul 1 claws vs AC, Castile; damage
1(1d20) +10 = 11; 4(2d6) +6 = 10
misses hopelessly.

Noriaki and Takahaan both charge ghoul 1 once it reaches the ground.

Noriaki howling strike (+1 charge) vs AC, ghoul 1; damage
3(1d20) +10 +1 = 14; 4(1d12) +8 +11(2d6) = 23

Takahaan flattening charge vs fort (+1 charge), ghoul 1; damage
11(1d20) +10 +1 = 22; 3(1d10) +7 = 10
hits for 10 and ghoul 1 is knocked prone.

Ghoul 2 claws vs AC (+1 charge), Noriaki; damage
17(1d20) +10 +1 = 28; 4(2d6) +6 = 10
hits for 10 and Noriaki is immobilized (save ends).

Nylithati opens the door and moves to E5. Standard: Nylithati unhinging gaze vs Ref, Castile; Takahaan (-2 cover); Hú Lí (-2 cover)
11(1d20) +7 = 18; 18(1d20) +7 -2 = 23; 9(1d20) +7 -2 = 14
hits Castile and Takahaan, misses Hú Lí.

Unhinging gaze damage on Castile
2(1d6) +5 = 7
Castile takes 7 psychic, slides 2 squares (modified to 1 for dwarfiness) and makes a basic attack against Takahaan. Castile melee basic vs AC, Takahaan; damage
13(1d20) +9 = 22; 3(1d12) +9 = 12
hits for 12 and Castile gains 4 temps.

Unhinging gaze damage on Taka
6(1d6) +5 = 11
Taka takes 11 psychic and makes a basic attack against Castile. Takahaan melee basic vs AC, Castile; damage
5(1d20) +10 = 15; 9(1d10) +7 = 16

[MENTION=57009]Dekana[/MENTION] [MENTION=6676736]Pentius[/MENTION] you both need to update the numbers on your sheets for iron armbands of power.

Off-turn stuff
Virtue of cunning: Castile was missed by Takahaan. (And by the ghoul, but she wouldn't have wanted to slide away from it.)


The alcoves have piles of bones and other detritus in them (represented by brownish crud). They are difficult terrain. The rest of the floor is normal terrain.

The pillars are blocking terrain but they are round and don’t make hard corners.

[sblock=PCs’ Off-Turn Actions]Interrupts, Reactions, and so forth are listed here to help me remember them. It would also help me if you specify triggers for these actions. If you don’t, I’ll try to use them in sensible places.

Black Fox
Virtue of Cunning (no action; ally is missed)

Combat Challenge (interrupt; adjacent marked target shifts or makes an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Castile)
Shield Edge Block (interrupt; adjacent enemy hits or misses Castile with a close or melee attack): used if it will turn a hit into a miss.
Bold Victory Armor (free; Castile or an ally within 5 bloodies an enemy)

Aegis of Shielding (interrupt; marked enemy hits a target within 10 and the attack doesn’t include Kane)
Channeling Shield (interrupt; an attack hits Kane or an ally within 10): used to prevent a big or bloodying hit.
Dimensional Vortex (interrupt; an enemy within 10 hits an ally with a melee attack): used if Kane can thump a non-minion with it.
White Lotus Riposte (no action; when an enemy Kane hits with an arcane at-will attack him before EoNT, that enemy takes 4 damage of the same type as the at-will dealt)

Shrug it Off (reaction; Noriaki is subjected to a save ends effect)

Guardian’s Counter (interrupt; ally within 2 is hit by an attack that doesn’t include Takahaan)
Vengeance is Mine (reaction; an enemy hits Takahaan)[/sblock]

Castile (N5) HP 45+4/52; surges 7/13; AP used
Hú Lí (T5) HP 37/39; surges 4/8; AP used
Kane (U6) HP 44/44; surges 8/10; AP used
Noriaki (O7) HP 32/45; surges 7/9; AP used, immobilized (save ends)
Takahaan (O5) HP 14/39; surges 6/8; AP used, bloodied

Fey Beast HP (U5) 22/22
Imidoto (here? there? somewhere else?) HP 1 (minion)

Bad Guys
Ghoul 1 (N6) 26 damage taken; marked by Castile, prone
Ghoul 2 (N8)
Nylithati (E5)

[sblock=Enemy Stats]Please read the appropriate block(s) only when necessary to resolve attacks or OAs.

AC 21, Fort 17, Ref 19, Will 16; HP 63, bloodied 31
:bmelee: Claws +10 vs. AC, 2d6+6 and the target is immobilized (save ends).[/sblock]
AC 19, Fort 15, Ref 17, Will 16; HP 220, bloodied 110
:bmelee: Staff of Corruption +9 vs. AC, 1d8+5 necrotic damage plus 1d8 poison damage and the target is pushed 2.
[sblock=Immediate Interrupt (when Nylithati is hit by a creature adjacent to her)]Poison Spray: +7 vs Fortitude; if hit, the target is pushed 3 squares, slowed, and takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends both).[/sblock][/sblock]


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Kane rushes up behind Noriaki as the ghoulish captain immobilises him with its foul claws. With a wave of his empty hand he draws its attention upon himself. The fey beast bounds along beside Kane and darts in front of him baring its teeth at the ghoul.

"No" growls Kane but the fierce creature pays no heed.

Kane calls forth an explosion of freezing cold amongst the ghouls.

[sblock=Actions] Kane moves to P7, Fey Beast moves to O8: Fey Beast Aura affects Ghoul 2 (+2 dmg for all allies vs Ghoul 2)
Minor: Aegis of Shielding on Ghoul 2
Standard: Freezing Burst centred at M7 catching both Ghouls
Hit Ghoul 1; No slide
Kane gains 2 THP

[sblock=Kane Arcane]
PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki
Human Hybrid Swordmage | Wizard 4
Passive Perception/Insight 14
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:18, Will:18, Speed:6
HP:(+2 THP] 44/44, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:8/10
Initiative +2
Action Points: 0 (encounter):


MBA: Dislocation Longsword +1, +7 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage
Freezing Burst, Phantasmal Assault, Sword Burst

Grasping Shadows:
Aegis of Shielding: USED on Ghoul 2
Channelling Shield:
Dimensional Vortex:
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere: USED
Dislocation Longsword: USED
Amulet of Psychic Interference:

Combat notes:
Kane makes a SThrow vs Charm, Fear and Psychic effects at the start of his turn; if he fails he does not get another SThrow to end them at the end of his turn

Feybeast HP 22/22; AC 17 F/R/W 19/15/19
Perception +6
MBA: Claw: +9 vs AC; 1d12+2 dmg
Aura +2 dmg to all allies vs enemies in Fey Beast Aura
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[sblock=Neutralising us smacking ourselves] If the creature that is having us attack ourselves can do that at will, can Kane use his Dimensional Vortex to prevent it? When we attack each other we kind of temporarily become enemies. So say Castile and Takahaan were made to smash each other again and Castile went first, I could interrupt if she hit Takahaan, teleport her next to a Ghoul and have her smash the ghoul instead? [/sblock]

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