Assault on Dragonspear (5e PBP) OOC (Full)

What's all this about changing around background stats?
I know you could do that with the 2014 rules, but it didn't look like you could with the 2024 rules.
"Officially" you can't, but your DM can entirely make up a custom background for you, which amounts to (nearly) the same thing, as long as your DM is sufficiently "generous".

I personally prefer, as I think I describe somewhere above, to let people swap out any one thing for any other of the same sort. And if something gives you a redundant proficiency, you can just take another of the same type (tool or skill). I also allow "liberal reskinning". Call things whatever you want to call them.

I'm open to allowing more customization when needed, but start there.

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I've checked the rules, there is no wild magic barbarian.

The Wild Magic Barb in Tasha's should work seamlessly with the 2024 base class (as Fitz has said).

So...I'm thinking doing The World Tree barbarian with some explanation of Floshin granting him an item that increases control of the wild magic within - the casters will not have any more bonus spells from Lunn, but control of the battlefield might be better. I didn't study all things in detail, but I will make the character tomorrow.

Also cool.
That will also free tommi to NOT take Leadership (or if he does, we will almost always have some, between Tree, Chef and Inspire...will have a good buffer for everyone)
that said, I don't see Tommi as a leader, inspiring or otherwise...but I think inspiring part might be his exuberance and optimism...even if he's at times frustrating to the grumpy soldier :D

Ha ha ha. I could also take Inspiring Leader, and leave it up to you as to whether Lunn feels inspired by Tommi (and takes the THP) or simply annoyed....

Man, I'm doing that thing I do where I sit down with all intention to write for a PBP game, and then futz about reading opinion threads until I run out of time.

I don't know if anyone noticed, but I put up posts for Dandin and Lionel in the IC on Monday (links in Post#1) and I have (in my head) started on everyone else - meaning I have ideas for each of you that I just have to take the time to type out. I will do it soon, promise.

Man, I'm doing that thing I do where I sit down with all intention to write for a PBP game, and then futz about reading opinion threads until I run out of time.

I don't know if anyone noticed, but I put up posts for Dandin and Lionel in the IC on Monday (links in Post#1) and I have (in my head) started on everyone else - meaning I have ideas for each of you that I just have to take the time to type out. I will do it soon, promise.
I didn’t realize you’d already posted in the IC thread

I will let the hook percolate in my head for a day or two....
We don't need to play-out you and Kelson doing some "hunting". I meant it more as an opportunity for her to bond a lttle with an NPC and work out some frustrations than a side-adventure. Just something for you to consider before you add whatever you want to her reintroduction.

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