Assault on Dragonspear (5e PBP) OOC (Full)

Yeah my thought as well. Farmer gets him carpenters tools proficiency which would work for fixing random things around the tavern. Chef feat which I'll take at 4 will give him the Cooks Utensils proficiency. Now to figure out how to finagle D&D Beyond to reflect the ASI modifications we decided on.

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Ok lets see if this works. This is what I have so far.
Looking good. I kind of like that he has a low charisma. It's not that Lionel isn't lovable - everybody loves him. It's that he's meek and unconfident. A bit of a wallflower, our Lionel.

Which reminds me - while I don't want to tell you how to play your character, I think that he should be utterly terrified of his new psychic powers. He'll use 'em, of course. He's way braver than he thinks he is. But he shouldn't be bold or confident when he does. You can change that over time, if you wish, but I think it sounds more like him if he starts out that way.

Also does the wolf skin cloak require attunment?
I would think so, yes.

Looking good. I kind of like that he has a low charisma. It's not that Lionel isn't lovable - everybody loves him. It's that he's meek and unconfident. A bit of a wallflower, our Lionel.

Which reminds me - while I don't want to tell you how to play your character, I think that he should be utterly terrified of his new psychic powers. He'll use 'em, of course. He's way braver than he thinks he is. But he shouldn't be bold or confident when he does. You can change that over time, if you wish, but I think it sounds more like him if he starts out that way.

I would think so, yes.
I can work with that. New strange powers scare the young halfling.

I've checked the rules, there is no wild magic barbarian.

So...I'm thinking doing The World Tree barbarian with some explanation of Floshin granting him an item that increases control of the wild magic within - the casters will not have any more bonus spells from Lunn, but control of the battlefield might be better. I didn't study all things in detail, but I will make the character tomorrow.

That will also free tommi to NOT take Leadership (or if he does, we will almost always have some, between Tree, Chef and Inspire...will have a good buffer for everyone)

that said, I don't see Tommi as a leader, inspiring or otherwise...but I think inspiring part might be his exuberance and optimism...even if he's at times frustrating to the grumpy soldier :D

@FitzTheRuke So I am almost done going over the old IC thread. I skimmed most of it but have gotten to the point that Lionel got possessed. You mentioned that this was what sparked the Soulknife abilities in game. I'm thinking of taking abyssal (assuming Baazka was a fiend) as a language. Pretty much he picked up the language as one of the side effects. Once I'm done reading the old thread I'll make a post in the new IC thread.

Edit: Read a little further and see Baazka was a devil. Taking Infernal instead of Abyssal.
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What's all this about changing around background stats?
I know you could do that with the 2014 rules, but it didn't look like you could with the 2024 rules.

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