So I am working on Lionel. I am trying to work out a background. I know originally he was a folk hero. No such background in 2024. From what I have read so far in the old thread I am thinking Artisan. It fits with the Chef idea of the initial character. What does everyone think.
I like the idea of Artisan. Instead of the feat, Crafter, see if you can replace that feat with Chef:
You gain the following benefits.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Cook’s Utensils. You gain proficiency with Cook’s Utensils if you don’t already have it.
Replenishing Meal. As part of a Short Rest, you can cook special food if you have ingredients and Cook’s Utensils on hand. You can prepare enough of this food for a number of creatures equal to 4 plus your Proficiency Bonus. At the end of the Short Rest, any creature who eats the food and spends one or more Hit Dice to regain Hit Points regains an extra 1d8 Hit Points.
Bolstering Treats. With 1 hour of work or when you finish a Long Rest, you can cook a number of treats equal to your Proficiency Bonus if you have ingredients and Cook’s Utensils on hand. These special treats last 8 hours after being made. A creature can use a Bonus Action to eat one of those treats to gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
I think it fits the character but, It may overlap with several things:
1.) If
@Kobold Stew takes
Inspiring Leader, we'll all be getting around 10 temporary HP after a short rest. (I think it's only once per day??). But if we use up those points, we can just eat a piece of cheese to get 3 more.
2) If I give Morgan
Healer, we'll be using HD before short rests. That said, it's more efficient to wait for the short rest - or reserve at least one HD to gain the extra 1d8HP.
Also, chef is an ability you can use every short rest while Crafter is 1) only useable on during a long rest and; 2) pretty circumstantial. I mean, when will we need a ladder or a bucket???
- As an aside: That crafter feat would have been way better if, 1/day you can "Declare" you had an item item related to your craft. At least that way, it'd be more useful in the moment. If we really need a bucket in the moment, chances are, we'll find another solution before we take a long rest and wait for you to craft one.
But I digress.
The advantage of us all having these abilities is we don't have to lean as hard on the cleric( which I think is
@MetaVoid's character) to use spells to heal us between fights. They can reserve spells to pop us up if we drop - but even then, Morgan can use a healer's kit to do that.
Anyways, that's my 2 cents
@FitzTheRuke regarding taking Healer. I have to drop sage to take Hermit (ironically, because Morgan is pretty social and has "good bedside manner"), I drop my INT to 18 (which is fine, because when I remade him for 2024, I got a little min/maxy), and I pick up Knowl. Nature, which makes sense given his mom was a herbalist, his father was a farmer and he's a worshiper of Chantea. (sp?).
I'm just wondering about how it will work in PbP. I use up a healer's kit and then the other person has to remember to spend a HD and roll it and add +3 to it. I guess it's not much worse than using regular healing. I've got the same feat in another pbp, so we'll find out how it works no matter what!