As an aside, can someone summarize for me what the bastions will have provided in the week leading up to the meeting?
Great posts so far, by the way.
Arcane Study: *Amulet of Intellect - 10 days of work - costs 200gp.
Armoury: Crafted 4 suits of armour and 1 set of barding (technically, 6 suits of armour, if you'll allow it) - cost 300gp
Barracks: 4 soldiers
Gaming Hall: Made money: 310gp
Greenhouse: Harvested Potion of Healing(Greater)
Greenhouse(graveyard): Poison Burned Othr fumes
Sanctuary: healing word charm
Smithy: *Saddle of the Cavalier magic item: 10 days of work, costs 200gp
Stables: I said nothing, but if we want horses, people can pay for them and we'll have them
three pieces of accurate knowledge about the attacks that were previously unknown to Doc and that serves the Sheriff's interests.
Pub: Gather info about anything regarding giant attacks
Trophy Room: Research Lore of the
Giants Alliance (3 accurate pieces of previously unknown information)
Teleportation Circle: we get a wizard who can cast any spell of 4th level or lower
Training Hall: We have a skill expert that can train people in athletics
@Tonguez can spend money (up to 2000gp) to stock the storehouse - fluffwise, he's hunting
Nothing Yet
Theatre: started prep for a festival. It takes 14 days though, so we're 7 days in.
*Possibly magic items : So,, the magic items are, technically, 10 days to make so not sure if they're ready before we leave. And, since it takes longer than a week, I imagine we have to use our second week's command to finish them?
Steve Gorak hasn't chosen any of his stuff yet but he asked me to do it:
Scriptorium: Can make a scroll
Workshop: can make a common(5 days and 100gp )or uncommon item 10 days, 200gp
Sacristy: Holy Water?
Garden: Herbs for 10 healer's kits and a potion of healing. This actually does EXACTLY what
@Tonguez wanted.
It makes us food for free: 100 days of rations which can be skinned as meat (and other things)brought in by hunters. Might be a better fit than storehouse.
Garden Types
Garden Type | Description | Harvest |
Decorative | Aesthetically pleasing garden full of flowers and topiaries. | Ten exquisite floral bouquets (worth 5 GP each), ten vials of Perfume, or ten Candles |
Food | Garden of delicious mushrooms or vegetables | 100 days worth of Rations |
Herb | Garden of rare herbs, some of which have medicinal uses | Herbs that are used to create either ten Healer’s Kits or one Potion of Healing |
Poison | Garden stocked with plants and fungi from which poisons and antitoxin can be extracted | Plants that are used to create either two vials of Antitoxin or one vial of Basic Poison |
The storehouse is mostly for trading goods. You pay money for stuff and then sell it at 10%higher. That might suit our Dwarf king better. I don't know. I don't know enough about Gimlak to pick something fitting.