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[AU] Rumbling Mountains - OOC (Full)


First Post
I receive your stats. Distribution of points as you made it is fine.

stats came in fine, I also received your rolls for gold. Second set for stats comes to 25 if I counted correctly, so that's three more points to spend.

some basics about what I intend to do. The adventure will start in a small village named Eldeth. It is located somewhere just east of the Bitter Peaks, near the Ghostwash. It's a rather small village that's a bit out of the route. At first sight, nothing really spectacular is going on. It's at a bit of an altitude and would be quite cold, except that a nearby hot spring make it quite pleasant to be. There are some things that might make the village attractive for travellers to sek out, one of them being a retired Oathsworn of some fame. Due to the presence of the hot springs (said to have lesser healing powers), many older folks go there to retire and spend the rest of their lives peacefully. I hope that all of you can find a good reason to be going there. Just throw out some thoughts, and I could probably fix them for you. Alternatively, you could hail from a village nearby. In that case, I'll make provisions for you to end up in in the right spot.

I'll be using D&D 3.0 damage reduction. I don't think it'll come up all that often, but I intend to stick to 3.0 for cases when AU doesn't give rules.

Updated cast: (for now)
Mute - Sibeccai ?
GPEKO - Giant Bear Totem Warrior
Erekose - Verrik Greenbond
Dead_Radish - Sibeccai Mageblade
DrSpunj - Fean Akashic

That it for now. Keep those questions coming. :)

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definitely going with a verrik greenbond. i have his background forming nicely in my head and all his stats are down on paper. do you want characters posted here? how about background discussion?


First Post
Ok, I updated the cast list above. You can post the character in this thread. I'll make a Rogue's Gallery later, for the finished characters. You can go ahead and add the background to the post, unless there's something you want to keep private. In that case, send the background by email. I'm pretty open to what's going to be in each background. I'll read the first draft and might ask you to change some details to better fit in with the story.
Was that what you were asking, or did I misinterpret the question?

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Hmmm. If we've got another Sibeccai, I can easily move over to Litoran - I haven't played either of those races, and I'd be willing to try either one, especially if we're going for a diversity in the group. And if I do a Litoran, I can hassle the Verrik Greenbond for being a freak. ;)

Either way, I'd go with Mageblade - that class just seems cool, but looking it over seems just blah, so I wanna try it out. I'll stat him up tonight, likely as a Litoran, since they seem fairly cool, and I'm forming a nice personality in m'head.

And this is looking like it'll be fairly interesting so far. Hopefully we'll be starting up soon! ;)


Oh man. I just rolled up my stats.



Y'all can call me "Rocks." As in "Dumb as a box of." ;)

I need to sit down w/a dmg, and see if that's under 28 points or not - I suspect it isn't, though (If anyone knows before I do, feel free to let me know).

Now to get crackin'....


dead_radish said:

Now to get crackin'....

Okay, I'm bored and have a minute. ;)

Those convert to 13+8+8+3-4+5= 33 (assuming that 4 is -4 pts and not more, which I'm not sure of).

So I think you have to live with the 4, dead_radish.

I've been told it gives your character...character! :rolleyes::p:rolleyes:



Once we get a Rogue's Gallery, I'll move this there.

Kabashi aka "Rock"
Level 1 Litorian Mage Blade

Str: 17 (+3)
Dex: 17 (+3)
Con: 13 (+1)
Int: 4 (-3)
Wis: 9 (-1)
Cha: 15 (+2)

F/R/W: +1/+3/-1
AC: 16 (10+3 dex+3 AC) Touch: 13 Flatfooted: 13
HP: 9 Speed: 30 ft.
BAB: +0 Init: +3

Attacks: Litorian War Club +4 (1d8+5/x3) or Litorian War Club +0/-1 (1d8+4|1d8+1/x3) or Claw +3 (1d3+3) or Short Spear +3 (1d6+3)

Feats: Exotic Weapon (Heavy) and Ambidexterity.

Relevant skills (Ha!) with racial bonuses:
Intimidate: +8 Spot: +1 Listen: +1 Search: -1 Wilderness Survival: +1

Spell DC: 13/14
Spells per day: 3/1
Spells readied: (3/1): Hygiene, Bash, Scent Bane/Charm

Equipment: Litorian Warclub (Athame), Studded Leather Jack, bedroll, 10 days rations, tent, large clay mug.

SQ: Litorian Racial Traits (Low light vision, Racial bonuses), Athame (+1).
Kabashi was born to a tribe of Litorians who ran the Ghostwash. While his natural strength and speed were evident from a young age, his complete inability to understand things without at least a week's full concentration were obvious too. His young life was a struggle to understand what was going on around him. He took to the Litorian code easily enough, and he was well liked by all who met him - he always meant extremely well, and did his very best to assist whenever he could. Sadly, his most useful tools were his fists.

It was no real surprise that after his naming ceremony the tribesmaster encouraged Kabashi to set off on his own and find his fortune among the rest of the world, and away from the tribe. There was no ill-will in the decision - it was merely best for all involved if Kabashi were not quite so ... well, there.

His early travels lead him to a caravan under seige by raiders. Giving the matter intense thought, he arrived (eventually) at the conclusion that the ones trying to escape and shield themselves were probably the ones he should help. When Kabashi rose up behind one of the raiders and grasped him by the neck, flinging him aside, and off a cliff, the raiders resolve weakened. When Kabashi's menacing appearance distracted them long enough to allow the Giantess magister to recover her staff and begin the real defense of the group, they quickly fled. The giantess took pity on Kabashi, sensing the goodness in his heart, and the likelyhood of his short lifespan among civilized people, and took him in as a guard.

The giantess was of little influence or power, but was the daughter of an influential noble. After a few months of routine duties (basically playing escort for the giantess as she travelled from library to library), she began to notice that Kabashi was easily able to grasp even complex theories of magic when she would discuss them with her peers, even making occasional insights that she had not made. This was even more shocking when considered against his inability to grasp most ideas. After several more weeks of careful probing, she decided that the Litorian did in fact have a magical talent deep inside him. She did all she could to bring it out, but was unsuccessful. After several months of trying, she finally gave up, and turned Kabashi over to her father's house, who quickly recognized his abilities as being more suited to the pursuit of the arcane warrior. Kabashi quickly took to the study, as he could easily relate most activities to straightforward solutions, and was soon put to much better use than simple guard duty....

Currently Kabashi is travelling back to his home plains with the assignment of locating his previous tribe and attempting to open talks with them. However, the Giant noble would not be extremely disappointed if Kabashi were to spend several months (or even years) outside the household - he can't bring himself to throw the fellow out, but he's just awkward to have around....
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Khorat Jhadqi, male verrik Greenbond 1: medium humanoid (verrik); HD 1d6+1; hp 7 [disabled -1, dying -12]; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 [+4 armor, +2 shield, +1 dex]; Bab: +0; Atk +0 melee (halfspear 1d6, x3) or +1 ranged (halfspear 1d6, x3); SA spell-like abilities; SQ verrik qualities, nature sense, infuse with life; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 11.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +5 (4 ranks), Heal +5 (2 ranks), Knowledge (nature) +3 (2 ranks), Listen +5 (2 ranks), Speak Language (Common, Verrik, Litorian), Wilderness Survival +5 (2 ranks); Blessed Mage, Modify Spell

Spell-like abilities(Sp): 1/day - contact, sense thoughts, telekinesis (lesser)
Verrik qualities(Ex): sensory control.
Nature sense(Ex): can identify plants and animals.
Infuse with life(Sp): 3/day, he can heal by touch for 1d8+1hp.

Spells (Slots: 4/2) Currently readied: 0th - bash, canny effort, detect magic, glowglobe (lesser), hygiene, saving grace; 1st - distraction, mind stab, obscuring mist, transfer wounds (lesser).

Gear: Adventuring pack (bedroll, flint & steel, signal whisle, backpack, 2 belt pouches, waterskin, 2 days rations) (7gp, 9sp), Half-spear (1gp), long shield (20gp), chainshirt (100gp), 11 sp.

Khorat woke suddenly to a loud scream echoing from his brother's room. He ran quickly to the next room where his brother lay in bed.

"Whats wrong Xren?", he said as he entered.

His brother struggled to sit up, the heavy covers tangling his frail deformed body. Khorat's dreams had always taunted him but to his brother the dreams spoke. His brother was always able to see the truth in his dreams, though he had paid a terrible price for it. Xren turned to look in his direction and Khorat gasped, there in the middle of his brother's forehead was a large unblinking eye gazing straight through him.

"I have seen it, in my dreams, Teq... I have seen the answer. The curse, I know the key, I know how to cure our curse." stammered Xren.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about Xren? What has happened to you?" Khorat said as he sat down next to his brother, helping him to sit despite his broken and wracked frame.

"Teq, the curse, the curse of Zyphon, I have seen the key to our cure. All of the akashics who dive into our history searching for information from the Vnaxians, they are all wrong. So are the ones who try to coax magic from bones, dusts and bat droppings. The key is in the Green. The Green that the humans always go on about, that is the key. Everything and everyone are all connected, dont you see, we are all apart of one great whole. The world, the trees, you, me, we are all one and it is in that acceptance of the one that we will find the answer. The Green will lead us to it! It will help us to realise that we have always known the answer."

Khorat struggled with what his brother was trying to explain. Sure he had heard of the humans and the spirits, the need to protect the life of nature and all that, but Verrik did not put much stock into those claims. Over the next five years, Khorat sat with his brother and they spoke about what he had seen that day in his dreams, what had awoken in him - in that eye. Over time his brother was able to coax the spirits out of the ground right there in his room. Together they experimented and theorised.

One day a few years ago Khorat felt a pull from the Green. He had grown to understand some of the powers the Green held and he tried to meditate upon the enlightenment that his brother had spoken of all those years before. But that day was different, he went to his brother to explain that he needed to go and travel the world. He would follow the call in his efforts to find the key to ending the curse which afflicted his people.

His brother was already sitting up in bed a single tear rolled down from his unblinking eye, past his left eyes and down his cheek. "I am so proud brother, that you have been chosen by the Way to search out the answers. I will treasure you always and I know that we shall see each other again for I have seen it in my dreams."

Khorat left that day, pulled by the spirits, by the Green, hoping that where ever they took him they would show him the key to healing the curse of his people, the curse his brother suffered so heavily from.

Personality: Khorat is a little different than most Verrik, while many choose to encourage the feelings of strangeness other races feel, he tries to be more friendly and engaging. His connection to the Green has brought him to realize that everyone and everything is one and that it is useless to struggle against that bond. However, he still labours under the curse, others still find it difficult to relate to him finding him a little strange and enigmatic. He is content to know that someday he will be lead to the answer he seeks and then he will be free of the prejudice others have against him and his race.

Description: Standing at only 4'6" and weighing 90lbs he is very slight for a Verrik. He shows minor signs of the physical deformities that his brother is afflicted with, mostly in his stature. He is 28 years old though his face looks older as he has lived outdoors in the Central Plains and the Bitter Peaks for the past three years. He wears his long, thin silvery hair down past his shoulders and his skin is a slightly lighter shade of red than most Verrik. His clothing and pack show signs of rough use, having travelled with them for hundreds of miles. He wears his chainshirt and shield, a gift from mercenaries that he helped once. His halfspear is often used as a walking stick rather than a weapon.
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Kabashi's Description

Can't get the desc. on the same post with my work browser. Odd.

Kabashi is an imposing figure - he stands taller than most Litorians, at nearly 6'9". At that height, he rivals many giants as well. His frame is well-muscled, though more lithe than anything else. He weighs perhaps 190 or 200 pounds, which combines well with his well-groomed claws to create an imposing figure. Those unfamiliar with Litorians may well mistake his near constant smile for a threatening gesture as well - there are a _lot_ of teeth that show when he smiles.

Kabashi typically dresses as one might expect a tribal Litorian - a hide cloak, rudimentary leather boots and gloves. They are decorated with basic patterns - typically painted paw prints of Kabashi's friends and relatives in the tribe. His only real wealth is in the form of his armor, which is well-crafted, if lacking in any real style, and his War-club, which is lovingly polished every morning, noon and night, decorated with hanging feathers, beads and claws. Kabashi clearly values his warclub above all other of his meager possessions, and has been known to sleep with one hand wrapped around it.


Tanuar Grayweb

Tanuar Grayweb, male quickling faen Akashic 1: small humanoid (faen); HD 1d6+1; hp 7 [disabled -1, dying -12]; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 18 [+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 armor, +2 shield]; BAB: +0; Atk +2 melee (short sword 1d6+1, 19-20/x2) or +4 ranged (shortbow 1d6, x3); Grapple -3; SQ Quickling Faen qualities, Skill Memory +2; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 9.

Skills & Feats:
  • Appraise +5 (2 ranks)
  • Disable Device +7 (4 ranks)
  • Escape Artist* +5 (2 ranks)
  • Gather Info +1 (2 ranks)
  • Knowledge[Architecture] +5 (1 rank)
  • Knowledge[Engineering] +5 (1 rank)
  • Knowledge[Geography] +5 (1 rank)
  • Knowledge[History] +5 (1 rank)
  • Knowledge[Magic] +5 (1 rank)
  • Knowledge[Nature] +5 (1 rank)
  • Knowledge[Religion] +5 (1 rank)
  • Knowledge[Runes] +5 (1 rank)
  • Knowledge[Sailing & Navigation] +5 (1 rank)
  • Knowledge[Science] +5 (1 rank)
  • Listen +4 (4 ranks)
  • Open Lock +7 (4 ranks)
  • Search +7 (4 ranks)
  • Sneak* +13 (4 ranks)
  • Spot +4 (4 ranks)
  • Tumble* +7 (4 ranks)
  • Eidetic Memory
  • Intuitive Sense
  • *Armor Check penalty of -2 may apply.

Truename]: Malinthid; Known only to his Akashic tutor in Navael (who helped perform the ceremony).

Special Qualities
  • Quickling Faen (Ex): Low-Light Vision, Run x5.
  • Skill Memory +2 (Su): Once per day can concentrate for a full round & gain +2 on any single skill check in the next round.

Languages: Common, Draconic, Faen, Giant, Sylvan.

  • Adventurer's outfit [flask, chalk, 4 tindertwigs] (9gp, 4cp)
  • Belt pouch [Thieves' Tools, Flint & Steel] (32gp)
  • Backpack [bedroll, 5 candles, 2 days trail rations, sack (empty), small steel mirror, sunrod, waterskin] (16gp, 2sp, 5cp)
  • Short Sword (10gp)
  • Small Round Shield (9gp)
  • Shortbow (30gp)
  • Quiver of 20 Arrows (1gp)
  • Small LeatherJack (10gp)
  • 25gp, 7sp.

History: Tanuar grew up in Navael as an only, and lonely, child. His parents were usually very busy with the family business, Grayweb's Supply, catering to groups of crystal cutters. At a very young age they discovered Tanuar had an excellent head for numbers and his only chore growing up was doing the family's inventory & bookkeeping. While this usually took him quite awhile each day it was always easy for him, sometimes trivially so, allowing other parts of his mind to wander and wonder about other things. He often found himself exploring different thoughts, feelings and experiences that would come whenever he searched for him. Originally his parents and few friends just thought he had an avid imagination, as most children do. Soon, however, everyone realized he had real knowledge of things no young faen should.

When his parents took him to one of the local Akashic guilds, he was tested and found to have access to the akashic memory. From that point on he was always treated differently--his parents, family and friends were too awed with his abilities to see him as they used to. He wasn't overly hurt as he found a new family within the guild; others who shared the same gift. While the training he underwent was intense, it was exactly what he was looking for. His "daydreaming" at the shop was very close to the exercises they helped him master, and he finished his training quicker than many others.

During his training he was allowed to access many of the Memory Stones the guild had acquired. There was one that held a vast number of memories, but the stone had been damaged and accessing them was usually very difficult. Tanuar often spent long hours attempting to ferret out new secrets from the stone; to him it was a large puzzle, and he was driven to learn what it held. On one such mental foray he stumbled across a few jumbled memories about a locale...or was it an item...of power...or potential...something...it's just not clear. Try as he might he couldn't bring those memories from the stone again, and he knows there is something important them. He told his teachers about his discovery, and his troubles. Since his training was nearly complete, they bade him to journey there on his own, and unlock the secrets of the damaged stone first hand. Luckily, the place was nearby. While the memories weren't clear, it's somewhere close to Eldeth.

Personality: Tanuar is kind of odd for a faen. He doesn't have strong social skills and comes off being a bit shy. He's more comfortable being alone mostly because he didn't spend a lot of time with other people growing up. He's quick to warm-up when approached, though, and very happy to talk about a wide range of subjects. He has little to no interest in people, cultures or current events, pays a bit more attention to geography and specific locales, but has a real fascination with things. He always seems to be handling something, sometimes taking things apart just be able to put them back together, or messing with them just to see what they do or how they work. Puzzles, both mental and mundane, are one of his favorite ways to spend time. He likes to help whenever he can, though usually does it quietly, often without alerting those asking that the task has been completed. He tries to seem indifferent to praise but always strives to improve himself, and is secretly pleased whenever anyone compliments him.

He sees his ability to tap into the akashic memory as a mental path that will lead him to his destiny. He's been given this gift for a reason and a purpose. After all, the memory shows little bits of a very big picture, and it's up to those with the gift to find the hidden meaning and make sense of the pieces.

Description: Tanuar is 42 years, 5 months and 16 days old on the day he arrives in Eldeth. His eyes move quickly, assessing and categorizing the people and layout of things. He stands 3' 2" and weighs ~39 lbs. His long, sandy-brown hair is usually braided or in a tail-wrap so it's out of his way, but the style changes multiple times a day as messing with it gives his fingers something to do. His gear, arms & armor all look brand-spanking new, and they are. His parents helped outfit him for his trip just before he left, including all sorts of things that he's not sure he needs, but he sees too much potential in all of them so he hasn't ditched anything yet. He doesn't look like he's all that schooled with his sword and shield, but he's a fair shot with his bow and a lot more comfortable staying out of close combat.
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