Battlestar Galactica-Final Season (4) 6/13/08--Revealations (Mid Season-Finale)


The Grumpy Celt said:
Edit: The ending did make me wonder if the ghost of Charlton Heston was somewhere down the beach, bellowing about the maniacs that blew it all the hell.
I was thinking something very similar :) Maybe they will discover the thirteenth tribe is a race of super-apes :)

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First Post
Regardless of where they're going, they haven't given us the viewers much to go on. Why do we have to wait till *next* year for the cliffhanger to be picked up again?

In other news, I guess I have to change my sig.
Last edited:


Spoilers will happen in this post. I you haven't seen it yet, do so, and come back afterwards. ;)

I really liked this episode.

Random thoughts:
- Tigh is hardcore. We knew that already. But seeing it reeinforced is part of the fun. And the actor is just fantastic.
- Wow. 4 Finals revealed to everyone! Finally. And well done.
- Apollo - again- comes off as a great leader. I still believe he's best described as a Paladin. ;) "All of this has happened before... " "But it doesn't have to happen again." Indeed.
- Maybe Adama was a bit over(re)acting? But come on, the man you trusted most turns out to be your arch enemy?

And - Oh my fracking gods! Earth! We're there. I half-expected that the final cliff-hanger would be them reaching Earth Orbit, and I was close - they actually land! And Adamas hand takes the first Earth. And Roslyn is still alive!

You know, I am not saying people would like this, but if this was the finale of the show, it would have worked (in the sense of Moores "Soprano ends perfectly" blog post.)

But there are still some plots dangling:
- What's with the other Cylons?
- What happened to Earth?
- Can Earth be the final home? Or will we have to go back to another place? I mean, New Caprica isn't inhospitable. Neither is Kobol. If the Cylons and Humans come to a peaceful agreement, these would be valid settlements.
- Who contacted the Viper? God? Survivors on Earth? How fixed Starbucks Viper?
- What is with all the cylon-blooded children? (Two hybrids, 1 100 % cylon "in-the-making"?)
- Adama asked all the questions we have asked once we learned that Tigh was a Cylon. And we still don't have the answers.

So, once again I wonder where I can get a time machine or at least a cryogenic freezer so I can oversleep the days till the next episodes come around. Please, Sci-Fi, why are you so cruel? (DVD Sales? I get that... Once the story is resolved, it will take some time till I could go back to the show. But I don't think it stop me from DVD sales. But I am a fanatic...)


Ivan Alias
I thought it interesting that Earth was in ruins, or at least the part they landed in; but in hindsight it's probably not all that unlikely considering the time involved. If I recall correctly the floating beacon they found last season that had the rat disease that sickened the cyclons was some three thousand years old. Plenty of time for Earth to fall in to ruin.


First Post
What I also found interesting was Deanna's comment that she wanted the four cylons within the fleet, not all five. If I can recall correctly, she actually said only four are in the fleet..... (Anyone provide the quote?)

That can lead to all sorts of speculation. Perhaps the fifth one, the one she apologized to, is "dead".

or not, and it is just another sick, twisted part of an already twisted plot.

Mkhaiwati said:
What I also found interesting was Deanna's comment that she wanted the four cylons within the fleet, not all five. If I can recall correctly, she actually said only four are in the fleet..... (Anyone provide the quote?)

That can lead to all sorts of speculation. Perhaps the fifth one, the one she apologized to, is "dead".

or not, and it is just another sick, twisted part of an already twisted plot.
It was interesting, indeed. My guess is something along these lines (entirely speculations)
- The Last of the Five was on Earth just like the rest of Final Five, but he didn't leave.
- The Final Five might be a different generation of Cylons, some that existed even before the first Cylon War. The "new" Cylons were created in image of the Final Five. (Not physically, but technically)
- They might have been on Earth all along. Or they were send by the Cylons to find Earth, found it (possibly in the state it is now), and formulated a kind of plan that required them to assume normal human lifes.


First Post
Mkhaiwati said:
That can lead to all sorts of speculation. Perhaps the fifth one, the one she apologized to, is "dead".

I suspect the one she apologized to was Tigh, for having him tortured physically and emotionally.

I also think that her wording was deliberately vague - it didn't rule out dead humans (Billy!), humans not in the fleet at that time (Baltar, Roslin, various marines), or Cylons of any model that may in fact be more, just like Tigh/Tory/Anders/Tyrol. It also could be that the last Cylon is in fact in the fleet, and D'Anna was lying, or that it doesn't count as a Cylon until it awakens.


First Post
That episode was incredible... possibly among the best of the series.

There were a number of possible ending points that I thought they could have used. The obvious one is the money shot of Earth and the fleet. Another interesting one I think they could have used is Lee and D'Anna agreeing to work together. Still, I think this one was great. I loved that the Cylons seemed as devestated to find Earth as it was as the Humans. I think that the rebel Cylons really thought they were going to find salvation there.

I like that Tigh was the one to say "frak it" and let the cat out of the bag. You are the man you want to be, indeed. Tigh is loyal, and relatively honorable, and pretty forward and honest. That's why he was the one, and it had to be, to spill the beans to everyone about who they are.

I wish Billy was still in the series - it should have been him, not Tory. Honestly, I don't like her character at all, and she really feels shoe-horned in. Maybe Anders could have become the "traitor" and Billy becomes the ideal. I'm still hoping it's him as the final Cylon, and he welcomes the allied groups with open arms for finally getting it right.

An interesting thing I thought about watching the show was how necessary it was for Lee to be President at this time. Roslin would have airlocked Tigh and the others with no hesitation, and it all would have broken down. Boom, game over. That's why the hybrid jumped away with her - it had to get her away.

On the subject of the hybrid - one of the things it said was that Kara would destroy humanity. However, perhaps humanity needs to be destroyed to remake it. Of course, one could argue that already happened. Still, I wonder if this is part of it - Kara would lead them to a "promised land," and that is a false promise.


I really wanted to see a shot of some sort of planetary defense or space command on earth ordering a red alert and firing off nukes at the fleet in space.

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