Boston EN World game a great success! Photo on p. 9!


It's time. Ohhhh, yes! Time for the 5th (or so) Boston game day, held at lovely T-accessable Chez Piratecat in Newton, MA. Come meet other local gamers and roleplay like crazy!

Time and date: Saturday, November 15th. Slot 1 runs 10am-2pm, Slot 2 runs 3pm-7pm.

Location: Piratecat's house (directions by email.) We can fit up to four games simultaneously, which means up to eight total games and 28 people. Depends on how many people sign up, really.

Games: Volunteer to run stuff, and volunteer to play! I'll update game selections (and the people running them) in this post, first come, first served. Or something. Make sure you specify which slots you'll be there for, and which slots you'd like to judge.

Food: Let me know if you want to show up early for breakfast. I figured we'd do 9am bagels, coffee and socializing at the house! People can throw some cash into a donation jar or bring food to share; this is probably easier and less expensive than us all trying to fit into a restaurant.

We can send out for pizza, or separate and return for lunch. There are lots of restaurants nearby.

So, who wants to come? :D

NOTES: Slots might move around, and games might change. Don't worry about it too much. We can also add one more game in the morning slot; Chronosome has dibs! If he can't, I'll open it up. NO GAME KNOWLEDGE IS NECESSARY; RELEVANT RULES WILL BE TAUGHT. ALL CHARACTERS WILL BE PROVIDED.

We use the d20 system for determining who eats first. Arena battle for bagels!

- Piratecat
- KidCthulhu
- Kat
- Blood Jester
- Umbran
- Chronosome
- Djeta
- Mojo DM
- Dareoon Dalandrove
- Dave Lozzi
- Carrie
- Dr. Midnight
- NoPantsYet
- Clint
- Snowdog
- Sagrabah
- Ao the Overkitty
- orchid_blossom
- scholar
- guedo79
- Incognito

(no limit)


Septentrionalis - Doug Mander
A setting for fantasy roleplaying in colonial America -- think Brotherhood of the Wolf meets Solomon Kane!

- Silvermoon
- Clint
- NoPantsYet
- Kip the Bold
- Snowdog
- Kriskrafts

Something Savage - Chronosome
In the bowels of the jail, they've kept you locked in place. No more! A D&D game where you can show off your more... feral... side.

- Mojo GM
- Dareoon Dalandrove
- Scholar
- Blood Jester
- Bill Door Jr.

Grim Tales - Wulf Ratbane
Bad Axe Games' new grim setting, using the d20 Modern ruleset and a whole lot of grit. Right now, it's looking like a Fallout-style game of post-apocalyptic goodness: guns, back-alley cyber-docs, radiation, mutants, splattering your foes into a blood red mist... And the PIP-boy.

- Sagrabah
- Ao the Overkitty
- Sir Osis of Liver
- Dr. Midnight
- Incognito

Jack Vance's Dying Earth - Mearls
Not d20, but one of my favorite games if you excel in witty verbal repartee and like to insult other people with big words. Trust me, it's fantastic.

- Greybar
- Carrie
- Guedo79
- Dave Lozzi
- Umbran
- OPEN (Farganger?)

Spaceship Zero - Piratecat
This is my favorite new game. This Green Ronin non-d20 game won an ENnie this year, and it deserved to! Jump into a 1950's outer space radio serial, sort of like Lost in Space meets Dr Who meets Red Dwarf. For a wonderful example, read Capellan's Q-Ship.

- Kat
- Orchid Blossom
- Conaill
- Gospog
- Fluffaderm
- Djeta


Omega World - Urban Renewal - Gospog
Four nights ago, there were mysterious lights in the sky, far away. Three nights ago, a massive robot city sprang to life and built right over a village twenty miles to the west, killing its inhabitants. Two nights ago, the growing city built right over a village fifteen miles to the west, killing its inhabitants. Last night, the robot city crushed a city ten miles to the west of your village, and it's still growing. Even the members of your village without fingers can do this math. That's why you're going to the robot city today. You're going to stop its progress and save the village! It's a long way to the city, but on the other hand, it's constantly getting closer... As seen in past Omega World games, this is light-hearted and fun post-apocalyptic role-playing!

- Snowdog
- Clint
- Carrie
- Bill Door Jr.

Shadowrun - Umbran
Turn up your paranoid tendencies, sharpen your wits, and give your cyber-implants a diagnostic, 'cause there's gonna be some trouble in the 'plex tonight!

- Mojo GM
- Chronosome
- Kip the Bold
- Westwind

Feng Shui - Dr. Midnight
Full bore action, speeding cars and spinning back kicks! This is the game of Hong Kong action movie mayhem, where your actions have to be cool and cinematic for you to survive. See an incredible example here.

- Ao the Overkitty
- Sir Osis of Liver
- Conaill
- Kat
- Blood Jester
- Silvermoon

Call of Cthulhu - KidCthulhu
Using the classic Cthulhu horror rules, play Submersible, a scenario from GenCon's Cthulhu Masters tournament run by the woman who wrote it.

- Orchid Blossom
- Sagrabah
- Fluffaderm
- Kriskrafts
- Thomas Hobbes
- Dareoon Dalandrove

Spycraft - Piratecat
Agent Hans Glickman has gone rogue, and it's up to you to track him down. Political assassination takes on a new meaning... d20 Spycraft!

- Guedo79
- Greybar
- Samus the Lucky
- Djeta
- Scholar
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First Post
Can I come?

Of course, I'll have to depend on that round-trip ticket to Boston you promised me for my birthday. ;)

Sigh. Have fun.....

Ao the Overkitty

First Post
Sign my girlfriend (orchid blossom) and myself up as players.

We will be there for both slots.

Ever since she started reading your storyhour, she's been repeating, "I want to play in P-kitty's game!"
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I'd be interested too. Since its only a 3 hour drive. I'd rather play but I could dm if needed.

Since I will most likely work something out with AOkitty. I'll be there for both slots.
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I'd love to get in on another game day. I really want to play, I haven't played anything in months now, but I might consider running also. I'll have to get back on to you on that though. Thanks PC your a wonderful person!


First Post
I'd love to get in on this!

No time to get anything together to DM, but I'm up for playing anything Wulf throws down, and I'd love to see some of that fabled P-cat Spycraft...



No Trouble at All
Ooh. Sounds great, count me in. Won't even begin to have enough time to run a game, but the calendar looks clear.


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A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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