Candlekeep Mysteries (OOC Chat)


Speaking of Clarity (well, I was!)

"If you are sure, Broun. Though I would personally sleep better if you at least stayed this night with us."

I've obviously allowed something to become unclear here. Broun is definitely staying with you. Returning to Candlekeep would take at least 7 hours on the road (the camp was also an hour or so from the road - it took two hours to get back to the coach with Broun slowing the group down). Broun would be in serious trouble on his own. If you were thinking that he was meaning to leave you and go the other way, well... that's the same direction that you are going.

"As much as I dislike using the accommodations of the demon worshipers, it is perhaps the wisest think to do until tomorrow morning. Let us dig some graves for the poor souls that perished at the hands of these terrible creatures."

For a moment, I didn't understand who you meant that perished. No one died in the fight and Broun was on his own in the coach. But then I realized: You mean the bones that the gnolls have used to make stuff out of! Yes, those are humanoid bones. You're right. I'll add a bit about that.

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Just to let you know, I'll be away from WiFi until Friday. I'll roll for Shedrick with advantage from Kaliban's help for the trip to the nearest campsite, but feel free for the rest of you to chime in if you have anything else you want to do to assist.

Also - it's a bit harder to fit Broun in the cab, compared to Kaliban. There's two "footman's posts" on the rear of the coach. (Think like a fancy version of a garbage truck, if you're not sure what I mean - You'd stand on the back holding a handle - this is where Shedrick usually gets to ride.) If anyone wants to volunteer for that so that Broun can have room without five people practically on top of each other, that would be kind of you.

Broun will be mortified that he's in rough enough shape to ride inside the coach - he doesn't consider it his place - but he'll put up with it because he could really use the rest. That's about as apologetic as you'll see the otherwise stoic half-orc.


So I was curious and looked it up here: The Official Timeline for the Forgotten Realms and Its Adventures | Alphastream

Seems Candlekeep takes place 2 years before Elturel goes to Hell. But that's cool. Wasn't sure when you were setting it. I like to think all the hardcovers are happening at once. I mean, Elmister and Drizzt can't save Faerun from five different apocalypses at the same time...right? ;)
Yeah, I dunno - I was just winging it. I played Tyranny years ago and I'm still working on Avernus so that's where my head cannon went! (Also, I liked Irony so much I used her in both this and my home Avernus game. She was the same age, so they take place close together, I guess?)


It wasn't a criticism :) It's hard to keep track sometimes LOL Just an observation. Heck, my last two AL characters were made for the Avernus storyline even though that was last year. They were just going to be playing their first session in that season.


It wasn't a criticism :) It's hard to keep track sometimes LOL Just an observation. Heck, my last two AL characters were made for the Avernus storyline even though that was last year. They were just going to be playing their first session in that season.
No worries. I didn't take it as criticism. I'm just a full disclosure kind of guy.

As an aside, my Avernus game just keeps getting bumped back with my home group (one of the gang is running Icewind Dale in its place). I just can't seem to get myself to DM over MS Teams. For some reason I don't mind completely NOT face-to-face like we do here, but I really don't like video-conference gaming. The hit to my morale makes it hard for me to DM. I can barely manage playing that way. Dunno why.

Voidrunner's Codex

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