Candlekeep Mysteries (OOC Chat)

Steve Gorak

What the...!? I went to resolve Ruz and Kaliban's turns... and my post where I resolved Argenti, Ethian, Hawthorne, Shedrick, Broun, and three of the gnolls (probably took me an hour) appears to be gone like it never happened.

Well, that's depressing!
My sympathies @FitzTheRuke!

Years ago (wow, I could even say decades ago! I’m old and I’ve been here for ages! ;-) ) Enworld was much less stable, I would write my posts in notes and copy paste. This also used to be symptomatic of an imminent crash, I hope we don’t live through one of those again!


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...My first post was better. Ah well.

Looks like I've managed to do a whole 3 points of actual HP damage to the party in the whole fight! (I expect those last two gnolls won't last long). Goes to show how immensely powerful that Twilight is.

I'm fine with it, I don't like killing PCs anyway, but it hope it doesn't make fights seem anticlimactic (or make me get the urge to clock them up a notch!)

I like the party quite a bit so far. They have interesting personalities and abilities. For a bunch of intellectuals they did very well against some pretty fierce opponents!


Hey guys,

Are all the gnolls dead?

Right this second G2 and G4 are alive, but on their last legs. They probably won't surrender (it's not their way). Argenti and Hawthorne have gone, and Kaliban has used a reaction, but still has a turn. So Kaliban, Ethian, and Ruznami can still take 'em out (or do whatever else you'd like to try).

I'll start resolving turns as soon as I get a chance. (Today or tomorrow)


What the...!? I went to resolve Ruz and Kaliban's turns... and my post where I resolved Argenti, Ethian, Hawthorne, Shedrick, Broun, and three of the gnolls (probably took me an hour) appears to be gone like it never happened.

Well, that's depressing!
Sorry to hear that :( Yeah, I always write my posts in GDocs. I don't usually keep them beyond the next post (write over it), but at least it means I still have it if for some reason it doesn't go through.


Option 1: Camp Here (Everyone make one skill check of your choice relating to bedding down for the night. If you have no other ideas, just give me a constitution check (a save will work, if you are proficient) and we'll call it "enduring the discomfort". Otherwise you're clever, I'll take anything that you come up with.

Option 2: Carry On (Everyone give me a skill check of your choice relating to getting the coach on the road. I don't know how much you'd like to get your hands dirty, but someone needs to hold a light at least. Shedrick can do the actual repair work, or he can assist a PC doing it.

We're going to have to collectively decide on which of those options (by which I mean we can't have some players doing one and some doing the other). If you like, you can OOC post checks for either scenario and leave off with your IC descriptive post until you find out which option the majority goes for. (But throw your vote for which one you prefer in while you are at it.)

Does that make sense? Any questions?

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