Candlekeep Mysteries (OOC Chat)


IS Beregost supposed to be on the crossroads between the Way of the Lion and the Coast Way? Because every map I've seen puts it south of the crossroads (not far south, mind you).

(Mid-typing this I looked it up and I found this really gorgeous map):

Candlekeep Road.jpg

By my calculations is 15-20 miles south of the crossroads. (So a good day or so out of your way). The current campsite is at the top curve of the switchback that goes up the ridge (about 30 miles out of Candlekeep and about 10 miles from the T-junction crossroad). This isn't quite how I imagined the area, but it's nice and it works for me.

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As another note: The coach belongs to the Black Dragon Gate Mining Consortium (it's not a hired coach) and I think it would be possible for Hawthorne to "commandeer" it for your purposes. He'd simply send a note (he could send it from Beregost) to his superiors in Baldur's Gate. They gave him use of the coach to get to Candlekeep, and there was no reason for it to stick around (no one knew how long it would take for Hawthorne to research the location - it could have taken weeks!) but Hawthorne's mission is vague (essentially "Go find this mine we've heard may or may not exist and see if it's viable"). They must have given him quite a bit of leeway (including recruiting help). No reason to think he can't keep the coach, if he can prove it's worth.

Sure, he might be in trouble if the mission is a total failure, but who thinks that that is going to happen? ;-P


I've been struggling with just how much of this journey I should hand-wave. I'm toying with Morrus' "Level Up" journey rules, so I'm going over more of it than I otherwise probably would. (Especially seeing as you all signed on for the Candlekeep Adventure, that by-the-book pretty much 'ports you from Candlekeep to Maerin.)

Everyone let me know if you'd rather rush forward.

Also, @DEFCON 1 I haven't really worked out with you exactly how much "discretionary funds" the Consortium gave Hawthorne. If you enjoy that sort of thing, I can give you a specific amount of coin and then tell you your actual expenses, or we can just work it as fluff (you have money, you spend it) and if it seems like you're running out (or you get robbed) I'll mention it; or we could even describe it in tiers "flush" to "stretched thin" (or that sort of thing). Let me know which you prefer. I'm neutral on the subject, really. I used to track every coin but lately I tend to handwave it.


I'm much more of a fan of just having a certain amount of ready cash to spend as necessary, rather than the literal nickel-and-diming of keeping track of money. If Hawthorne has a certain amount of discretionary funds, then buying normal equipment and such shouldn't be that big a deal. If he wanted to make some big purchases would be the time where roleplaying out how he acquires it (from Black Dragon Gate or whomever) would come into play.

And if we are good with keeping the carriage in order to cross the Greenfields, then I'm okay with going with that.


I'm much more of a fan of just having a certain amount of ready cash to spend as necessary, rather than the literal nickel-and-diming of keeping track of money. If Hawthorne has a certain amount of discretionary funds, then buying normal equipment and such shouldn't be that big a deal. If he wanted to make some big purchases would be the time where roleplaying out how he acquires it (from Black Dragon Gate or whomever) would come into play.

And if we are good with keeping the carriage in order to cross the Greenfields, then I'm okay with going with that.

We are on the same page then because that's how I see it! I'm not a fan of tracking paying 6 sp for dinner and haggling with the Innkeeper over 1 or 2 gp for your room. I've done enough of that over the years.

Let's go with "Hawthorne was given a secure sack of coin (probably not more than four hundred gold, give or take) to 'get the job done'." He can ask for more if he needs to, but he will lose face if he does. I kind of like the idea that Hawthorne finds any setbacks (encounters, etc) stressful, not because he's not brave, but because if they go wrong, his rep could suffer. But that's up to you.

Some of his money should be in platinum, so that he's not carrying a great weight in coin, but that makes them more vulnerable to theft, and harder for small towns to exchange. He might even have a few Harbour Moons (Waterdeep currency) apparently they are worth 50 gp in Waterdeep, 30 gp in other cities and big towns, and are probably useless in most small towns.

... But that's just fun fluff.


No worries. I didn't take it as criticism. I'm just a full disclosure kind of guy.

As an aside, my Avernus game just keeps getting bumped back with my home group (one of the gang is running Icewind Dale in its place). I just can't seem to get myself to DM over MS Teams. For some reason I don't mind completely NOT face-to-face like we do here, but I really don't like video-conference gaming. The hit to my morale makes it hard for me to DM. I can barely manage playing that way. Dunno why.
Totally understandable. I never thought I would get into online gaming either, but I've been doing Adventure League on Roll 20/Discord since February, I think. Surprised how well it's going. And I've been doing a Star Trek Adventures game that way, too. Those are all just voice only though, not video.


For the money issue, just use the "Lifestyle Expenses" rules i the PHB, I think.
I'm wish I was a bigger fan of those rules. I think if I could expect the players to consistently remove their lifestyle expense money as each day passes without me having to think about it, I'd like them more, but it never seems to happen. Maybe I need to be more disciplined about it.


Lifestyle expense is usually weekly or monthly, as the GM prefers (just multiply the number). It's designed so that you don't have to worry about things like meals and drinks and fixing equipment and housing. Pay 1 gold piece (Modest lifestyle) at the beginning of the month, and that covers you. As a GM, you just need to remember what lifestyle they are at and describe an inn or something accordingly.

So the Dainty Dragon is a modest inn (describes the food, rooms, services) with a three comfortable rooms as well as poor accommodations in the common room. (You can get a small room to yourself, or a larger one you can share with a party member, or you can get a large room to yourself, or you can sleep on your bedroll in the common room).

But then I'm the kind of guy that does like tracking such things LOL

Honestly, when you're out on an adventure, you only have to track it when characters are in town. They show up at the inn, you say "Pay 1 gp". The inn takes care of everything at Modest accommodation. If they're going to be in town for a few days, just pay more. Out in the wilderness, you don't need to worry about it.

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