D&D Movie/TV D&D: Honor Among Thieves Open Discussion [Full Spoilers]

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There is a novel with the title "Elminster's daughter" and her mother was... (spoiler). Let's say Fizban denies their existence.

I dare to say in the future will become a cult movie like the Bride Princess.

I thought the animatronic puppets were too "old-fashioned", but now I think they add a 80's vibe.

A lot of things could happen if after the event with Vecna the D&D is rebooted...again.

Favorite scene is Dorric escape the Castel using multiple wild shape.

Some thoughts on play style vs The movie.

An amusing thing is that nobody care for rest, and spend “ressources” freely. the movie surely don’t show gritty realism and ressource management DnD.

The general tone is “light heart & easy going“. Even if the story goes the plan A then B, C, D, Z, the characters go to one solution to the next. Nobody care for consequence.

Except in the last fight, combat encounters are run often by a single character. Overall tone for fights is improvisation and do your best rather than careful preparation.

The movie show a good interpretation of hit points. Suddenly Olga is bring to zero and dying. First big wound of the movie.

I definitively love the displacer beast tweak. A kind of distant mirror image.
I will remember this for the next time I use them.

the movie also use ”an unexpected secret weapon”, the anti magic shackle used on Sofina and the end. Great move, and don’t bother to explain why nobody think of them before, or the consequence of such items in the world. Again the tone is solve a problem now and don’t care for consequence.

Ya know... both Forge and Sofina would have succeeded in their plans if Forge hadn't been lying to Kira and wanted to keep her and the tablet :p

Well, as soon as they referenced Chekhov's Resurrection Token at the start of the film, I knew that someone was going to be resurrected, and it was unlikely to be his wife.
That, or he would have to throw away the tablet for one reason or another.
the movie also use ”an unexpected secret weapon”, the anti magic shackle used on Sofina and the end. Great move, and don’t bother to explain why nobody think of them before, or the consequence of such items in the world. Again the tone is solve a problem now and don’t care for consequence.
Yet everything in there was established well beforehand and anti-magic shackles would make sense in a world where magic is common enough!

I saw someone compare the tweaks made to how the rules work in DADHAT to how realistic westerns are. Would it be better to show realistic resource management to show gunslingers stopping to reload constantly? Maybe, if it's got dramatic value, but all of the time? Probably not.

So the filmmakers made similar choices here (and in Legends of Vox Machina).

Yet everything in there was established well beforehand and anti-magic shackles would make sense in a world where magic is common enough!
Indeed, the movie established the plan very well, and I even found the anti magic shackle item defined in the book of exalted deeds in 3.5.
what makes me laughing is thinking that we should have use it against the mighty casters much more and sooner in 5ed!

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