[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness - Chapter 1; Recruiting Alternate Players


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Camille cocked her head, listening to the skittering retreat. Huh. Guess it was a rat.

Shrugging slightly, she went to retrieve her shoe, calling up the ladder, "Are you men aware that there are rats down here? Filthy vermin... Hope they don't nibble on the cargo."
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Drowned Hero said:
'Yes yes my friend I've seen remarkable sign on gain in muscle mass and growth, yes they got a special protein rich mixture that in simple it provides the right material for them to digest and make more muscle fibers' 'remarkable that the physiology in animals as in humans has very much of the same workings in nature' 'well as in the physiology books of Dr.Malkim or Dr.Hill where they assure us that....' he looks at Øyvind and sees a him not even listening at him as he stated to talk science 'anyways...' 'yes their bigger' he hears a noise and sees some feet coming down the hatch 'yes yes Mrs.Bardier, lets get down to her'
Professor William Moore descended the ladder with clipboard in hand, turned, and looked appraisingly around the hold, his eyes eventually alighting on the small group of men who were surrounded by the team of dogs, obviously happy to be free of their cages. Enke and Olav had hurriedly risen when they noticed that it was Moore, and were standing quietly by.

"Good afternoon gentlemen. Is that a grammaphone? Onboard ship? During our ugent preparations?" He looked directly into the eyes of every man, one to the next, seeking an answer.

"Mr. Raknes, I see that your team is thriving under your care," glancing at Olan and Enke, then back to Øyvind. "Are the sleds in order? Have all of the harnesses been trimmed and stowed?

Then looking across at George, he asked "Mr. Barrow, do you have a report on the lower holds?"

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First Post
Taokanf said:
Camille cocked her head, listening to the skittering retreat. Huh. Guess it was a rat.

Shrugging slightly, she went to retrieve her shoe, calling up the ladder, "Are you men aware that there are rats down here? Filthy vermin... Hope they don't nibble on the cargo."
As Camille moved into the shadows, she found that she could barely see amongst the crates and sacks. She couldn't see her shoe and would have to feel around for it.

Job (the tortured one).


First Post
Figures, she sighed. Listening closely for more scratching noises, Camille advanced further into the corner on her hands and knees, fumbled around blindly with one hand for her footwear.


First Post
Taokanf said:
Figures, she sighed. Listening closely for more scratching noises, Camille advanced further into the corner on her hands and knees, fumbled around blindly with one hand for her footwear.
As Camille crept and felt her way further into the shadows, she thankfully found that the wooden flooring was generally clean, most likely due to the recent work in this area. To her utter disgust, she encountered a number of small pebble-sized rodent droppings, and also a half-eaten insect, but eventually came across the familiar soft leather of her boot.

As she retrieved her shoe, she heard some faint scrabbling noises on her right, alongside the rusting hull, but she couldn't see a darned thing and they sounded as if they were moving away from her.

Job (the tortured one).
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Drowned Hero

First Post
Øyvind Raknes

Job said:
"Good afternoon gentlemen. Is that a grammaphone? Onboard ship? During our ugent preparations?" He looked directly into the eyes of every man, one to the next, seeking an answer.

"Mr. Raknes, I see that your team is thriving under your care," glancing at Olan and Enke, then back to Øyvind. "Are the sleds in order? Have all of the harnesses been trimmed and stowed?

Øyvind looks down as the Dr. is upset with the music, he slips a portion of snuff in a nervous gesture 'eeeeee' 'Yes Sir, we are almost done with all the preparatives, and if something need to be done im sure Enke and Olav can take care' he stumbles forward and regain his balance as the dogs pulls 'rooooolig nå, roooolig' 'The hardest job now is to walk all the dogs daily and make them run a bit on deck or in the holds as they need the exercise'
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Drowned Hero

First Post
George Barrow - Scientist

Job said:
"Good afternoon gentlemen. Is that a grammaphone? Onboard ship? During our ugent preparations?" He looked directly into the eyes of every man, one to the next, seeking an answer.

Then looking across at George, he asked "Mr. Barrow, do you have a report on the lower holds?"

'Yes Dr. I have' 'we where acctually on our way down to the lower holds to help Miss Bardier with some heavy labor' 'I think most of my clippboard has been checked and re-checked and should be ok' 'You comming with us down?' George snatches some flashlights from one of the tables and waits for an answer...


First Post
Drowned Hero said:
Øyvind looks down as the Dr. is upset with the music, he slips a portion of snuff in a nervous gesture 'eeeeee' 'Yes Sir, we are almost done with all the preparatives, and if something need to be done im sure Enke and Olav can take care' he stumbles forward and regain his balance as the dogs pulls 'rooooolig nå, roooolig' 'The hardest job now is to walk all the dogs daily and make them run a bit on deck or in the holds as they need the exercise'
Dr. Moore watched quietly for a moment as Øyvind worked to control the dogs, then said "Yes. Yes, I can see that the team...", pausing at that point to look again at Olav, Enke, Øyvind, and George, "is anxious to--Ahem!--run free. However, I'm afraid that we have much work to do yet."

He then looked down at his clipboard, flipped through a number of papers (each one covered in neat, tiny handwritten script) then stopped at one to read through it, eventually looking back up at Øyvind. "If you would be so kind, please confirm that the pemmican supplies for your dogs are in order. I believe that these supplies remain on the docks and must be quickly loaded onto the ship.

"And now, Mr. Barrow..."
, he said as he shifted his gaze to the scientist.

Job (the tortured one).
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First Post
Drowned Hero said:
'Yes Dr. I have' 'we where acctually on our way down to the lower holds to help Miss Bardier with some heavy labor' 'I think most of my clippboard has been checked and re-checked and should be ok' 'You comming with us down?' George snatches some flashlights from one of the tables and waits for an answer...
"And now, Mr. Barrow, yes, I think that I will take the time to join you in the lower holds."

A concerned look crosses his face as he says, "Ms. Bardier, she's down in the hold alone?"

Job (the tortured one).


Exploring Ptolus
Martin looks at his clipboard and wonders, "How in the hell am I going to check all of this alone?" He then sets off in search of Dr. Moore for some advice...

Voidrunner's Codex

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