[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness - Chapter 1; Recruiting Alternate Players


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Taokanf said:
Camille frowned at the lack of organization. How could the dunderheads who put the supplies here expect anything else to fit? Hopefully they'd be reprimanded later. Sighing, she turned to George, and smiled exasperatedly.

"We should probably alert someone as to the state of these holds, Monsieur Barrow. Nothing can be secured here with them in this state. I'd move them myself, but I personally am not that strong, and you, monsieur, couldn't move all of them." At least, she didn't think so. The man wasn't a machine, even if he could move a few- he'd need help.
Drowned Hero said:
'I think you are, right miss' 'we should get some help' he looks around with his flashlight feeling the cold and humidity of the ship 'I'm sure Øyvind and the other dog guys can help us out' 'Enke and Olav seems like what we need down here and Øyvind could walk his dogs around here too' 'maybe they can catch some rats or something...' He turns to walk upwards the ladder... 'are you staying here taking a look at the other stuff? or you coming?, i only got this flashlight'...

...George started to climb the ladders taking him to the higher levels. After some searching he suddenly hears a gramophone playing Alexander's Ragtime Band of Louis Armstrong. He is curious about where the sounds come from beeing surprised when he sees Øyvind lent back in a big comfy chair, boots on a crag and holding his snus tinbox in one hand and a beer in the other.
Camille continued to examine the hold as George departed to find help, and she began to sense the darkness. Dim incandescant lamps hanging from the ceiling gently swayed with the ship; shadows shifting, enlarging and shrinking with each rocking motion. She noticed that the light failed to penetrate to the far corners of the hold where the shroud of black offered concealment for...

...something scratching. Camille could hear something back in the corner.

And then she heard a faint, soulful trumpet playing behind her, up the ladder, far away in some other hold.

Job (the tortured one).
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Morpheus said:
Martin carefully sifts through the piles of newspapers. Seconds become minutes. Minutes become hours. After a while he stands up and says to no one in particular, "Alas, I have..."
...spent much too much time in this dungeon! But perhaps, I have found what I need. Very curious... A death and a missing rare manuscript?" With that, Martin closed the books, pushed in his chair, and departed the archives.

Job (the tortured one).

Drowned Hero

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Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra

The ship echoes with the sound of a dark voice and a trumpet. The waves seems suddenly to move the ship gently up and down and from side to side. The working men on deck, the rooms and cabins inside the hull and the lower deck can hear the faint music. The rats feels it vibrations trough the otherwise cracking metal that makes the ship.

Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra - St. James Infirmary

[sblock]Another window will open and load the audio file. You should be able to hear it trough the browser[/sblock]
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The impatient drumming of fingers on a gray steel desk echoed in the Ship's Mess.


"Hmmph. I wonder what's keeping Mr. Barrow and Ms. Bardier," muttered Professor Moore to himself. He reached into the right pocket of his tweed jacket and withdrew a gold pocket watch, flipped open its cover, and squinted at the face. "They should've returned some time ago. I guess that I'll need to investigate the hold myself."

After a long sigh, he stood from his desk, walked across the mess and exited through the doorway. Echoes of his mumbling voice faded down the hall with his footsteps.

Job (the tortured one).


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Camille sighed in exasperation and seized the first decently-sized board at hand. Great. A rat. ...Or a stowaway: a dumb stowaway. Boats attracted rats after all, and not just the quadraped kind.

Crouching on the floor, Camille pulled off her left boot, hurling it into the shadows at the noise. Maybe this will flush it out.


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Drowned Hero said:
George ... is curious about where the sounds come from being surprised when he sees Øyvind lent back in a big comfy chair, boots on a crag and holding his snus tinbox in one hand and a beer in the other.

'Hey Øyvind i did not know that you where a Louis Armstrong fan... He is a quite new artist here in America... you hear this kind of music in Norway?'
he sits on a crag besides Enke and Olav, they have obviously never hear this music before as they are watching the gramophone play with closed eyes and taping the rhythm with their feet's.
He sits down from the crag to the floor close his eyes and enjoy the music.
Enke and Olav also seem to appreciate Louis Armstrong's trumpet playing and remarked that the dogs must also like it since they've quieted down a bit. Olav smiled, saying, "Ja, dat Mister Armstrong is good. Almost good as cousin Johan!"

At that moment, Øyvind, George, Enke and Olav hear the sound of someone descending the ladder from the main deck.

Job (the tortured one).


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Taokanf said:
Camille sighed in exasperation and seized the first decently-sized board at hand. Great. A rat. ...Or a stowaway: a dumb stowaway. Boats attracted rats after all, and not just the quadraped kind.

Crouching on the floor, Camille pulled off her left boot, hurling it into the shadows at the noise. Maybe this will flush it out.
The boot bounced off a layer of boards into the dark corner and something skittered away in the shadows along the wall.

Job (the tortured one).

Drowned Hero

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Øyvind Raknes Sled driver.

Job said:
At that moment, Øyvind, George, Enke and Olav hear the sound of someone descending the ladder from the main deck.

Øyvind turns in a lazy manner his head towards the ladder, disrupting him from his thoughts about a certain lady in Bergen. 'hey that reminds me that i must walk the dogs, have you seen that the dogs are getting bigger?' he bumps George with his elbow 'That must be that good mixture of yours in the feeding program you put them on' 'Enke, Olav you have been working hard today' 'in that box under the red carpet theres a surprise for you I got some beer from a friend of mine yesterday, hard to find you know... whit the prohibition going on and stuff'
He walks to the nearby cages, now fully fixed and with a pretty wooden sign on each one, with the names of the dogs. Grumphy was the natural leader a furry young male dog. Øyvind let the whole team lose calling at them, rewarding them for the obedience and attaching them to a harness he wear around his waist. 'George you mind walk with me down to the miss?' 'I think the three of us could get the problem solved quite fast'

[sblock]Just permiting me some dialog with George before mr.moore, if its him, climbs the ladder[/sblock]
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Drowned Hero

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George Barrow Scientits

Drowned Hero said:
'hey that reminds me that i must walk the dogs, have you seen that the dogs are getting bigger?'

'George you mind walk with me down to the miss?' 'I think the three of us could get the problem solved quite fast'

'Yes yes my friend I've seen remarkable sign on gain in muscle mass and growth, yes they got a special protein rich mixture that in simple it provides the right material for them to digest and make more muscle fibers' 'remarkable that the physiology in animals as in humans has very much of the same workings in nature' 'well as in the physiology books of Dr.Malkim or Dr.Hill where they assure us that....' he looks at Øyvind and sees a him not even listening at him as he stated to talk science 'anyways...' 'yes their bigger' he hears a noise and sees some feet coming down the hatch 'yes yes Mrs.Bardier, lets get down to her'

Voidrunner's Codex

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