[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness - Chapter 1; Recruiting Alternate Players

Øyvind was sitting not far away from Miss Bardier and George in the hotel restaurant, contemplating his meal. He was as usual eating a English breakfast with sausages, bacon and eggs. Ingesting a huge amount of the fatty and protein rich meal. He had after all to conserve is line, and as a good knower of the harsh environment they where about to leave to, he did know that the extra fat layer he had being gaining the las months, where going to disappear in the first weeks or so when they hit the desolation off Antarctica.

He looked over the table and saw Enke and Olav eating with vigour and talking with their mouths full about the new dogs and how much they missed home and its fish, fjords and women.
When he finished the meal he slips a big chunk of 'snus' under his lip and, told Enke and Olav that he was going a short trip in the area to see if he could fin a thing he wanted to take with him on the expedition.

Enke and Olav asked him for what that 'thing' could be, but Øyvind had a cunning smile on his lips for them. He told them to wait and see.


As he walks towards the Mallet he hear a bluegrass tune in the air.

He used the part of the morning walking towards Central Park where there was a concert. He heard some people talking about the how obsolete the bluegrass was and how the new nigro sound was something any American soon would be listening to.

Øyvind curious as he was asked the man that seemed a mulatto what this new music was all about. The man looking up at Øyvind told him about the man from new Orleans that was a prophet with the trumpet Armstrong was his last name, Louis the name.
Convenient did Øyvind think and he that was looking for something special to take with him to the expedition, something that could boost the morale on the long trip journey.

'Mister' 'Excuse me again, but i was exactly looking for a record shop or somewhere i could buy a record player and some records'
The man looks up at Øyvind 'what your looking for is a Silvertone 78 record player, its light and made of the best wood' 'walk with me mister and i take you to the shop I have to go to work anyway and the shop is on the way there'

After some minutes of walking they arrived to the record shop and Øyvind thanked the man and entered the shop. After an our or so he walked out of the place with a record player and a collection off new music.

He pick a cab and was in few minutes back at the pier and the USS Gabrielle.

[sblock] I tried to attach a soundfile to the post. Does anyone know if this is possible?[/sblock]
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Morpheus said:
Martin steps outside the hotel and flags down a cab. The cab pulls up and Martin opens the doo and says, "Take me to the newspaper downtown, please.".
Every time that Martin and the other expedition team members attempt to travel around New York City--even if only traveling between the docks and the Amherst Hotel--they are accosted by newspapermen. This trip of Martin's is no exception.

"Mr. LeBlanc! Can you answer a few questions, please?"
"Martin LeBanc, just a moment!"

Martin jumps into his cab and slams the door just as the reporters converge on the spot where he was moments earlier. The cabbie speeds away, occasionally glancing at Martin through the rear view mirror and says, "Eh Mac, are you someone famous? You sure draw attention ... even if you don't LOOK very famous!"

The cabbie drops Martin off at the Times Tower at 42nd and Broadway and 7th Avenue. After showing his press credentials in the lobby, Martin is led to the New York Times newspaper morgue to begin his research.

Job (the tortured one).


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Taokanf said:
Camille [replies to Professor Moore] ... "I do not have any questions, save two. I understand from Monsieur Barrow that the departure date has been moved up sharply. I asked Monsieur Barrow the reasons as to why, but he was nonspecific."
Moore studies Camille for a few uneasy moments, then says "Well, Miss Bardier, that is indeed the question of the day! I believe that our commander has chosen to move up the departure date so that we maintain our momentum and good press. Apparently another expedition has attempted to seize the initiative and, like any good chessplayer, James Starkweather has responded to their maneuvering."

Taokanf said:
"The second, sir," Camille gestures at the calendar, "is this: I see that everyone else, including yourself, are quite busy scurrying about with sped up preparations. I myself have all of my supplies back in my room, so I do not very many things to do before our departure. I dislike being idle, so how can I help?"
With a smile, Dr. Moore says "Welcome to the team, Miss Bardier! I assume that your presence here and your request for an assignment is an affirmative response to joining our expedition. I'm sure that Commander Starkweather will be pleased."

He reaches for one of the many clipboards hanging on the wall near his desk and flips through its thick sheaf of papers, pulling a set to hand to Camille. "As your first assignment, please examine lower holds number one, two, and three to ensure that they are clear and sufficiently prepared to accept the delivery of our aircraft.

"Mr. Barrow, would you be so kind as to provide Miss Bardier with a brief orientation to the ship and also to lead her to the lower holds? Thank you, and please report back to me by the end of the day with your findings."

Job (the tortured one).
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Drowned Hero said:
Øyvind ... looked over the table and saw Enke and Olav eating with vigour and talking with their mouths full about the new dogs and how much they missed home and its fish, fjords and women. When he finished the meal he slips a big chunk of 'snus' under his lip and, told Enke and Olav that he was going a short trip in the area to see if he could find a thing he wanted to take with him on the expedition.

Enke and Olav asked him for what that 'thing' could be, but Øyvind had a cunning smile on his lips for them. He told them to wait and see.
Enke and Olav playfully tease Øyvind about "Looking for love", and then ask if they can join him on his "hunt".

Job (the tortured one).


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Enlightening Newsflash

Newspaper coverage of the Starkweather-Moore Expedition remains exhaustive, as evidenced by yet another article the next morning.

Job (the tortured one).


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George Barrow Scientist

Job said:
"Mr. Barrow, would you be so kind as to provide Miss Bardier with a brief orientation to the ship and also to lead her to the lower holds? Thank you, and please report back to me by the end of the day with your findings."[/COLOR]

'Of course Dr.Moore' 'Miss let me be kind' George hold up his arm to Camille 'lets grab a cab' he walks out with Camille intending to find a cab. 'I hope we don't meet any of those intruding journalist today, all that flashing with their cameras makes my eyes hurt' 'If you want to grab something from here the Hotel now is the moment to do so. There's lots of hard work to do at the ship' ' remember that the Dr. wants you to report back on him this same day' he takes out some papers from his pockets and hands to Camille a sheet describing the ship ' You see there on the deck? Far inn front of the ship inside the main structure there two hatches going town to the huge cargo room. First you must go to the tweedecks and then further down to the lower holds. Watch out for the rats, I've hear them all the time fooling around the boxes down there'

Paper Sheet
US Gabrielle

Drowned Hero said:
George hold up his arm to Camille 'lets grab a cab' he walks out with Camille intending to find a cab. 'I hope we don't meet any of those intruding journalist today, all that flashing with their cameras makes my eyes hurt' 'If you want to grab something from here the Hotel now is the moment to do so. There's lots of hard work to do at the ship' ' remember that the Dr. wants you to report back on him this same day'
The moment that George and Camille step from the lobby of the Amherst Hotel onto the public sidewalk, a handful of newspaper reporters stop leaning on the automobiles at curbside and come running to the couple with notepads, pencils, and cameras raised.

*scribble, scribble*
"Mr. Barrow, could you please comment on Mr. Starkweather's new departure date?"
"Oh my! Are you Miss Bardier, the new pilot of the expedition?
"Mr. Barrow, could you spare a moment?"*
"Miss Bardier, what are your feelings about joining an all-male expedition?"

Job (the tortured one).

Job said:
*scribble, scribble*
"Mr. Barrow, could you please comment on Mr. Starkweather's new departure date?"

'Just to satisfy your curiosity gentelmen'
George says on his way to the cab 'The crew and its leading souls has been working very hard to keep clear goals' 'and as the good team we have become, I imagine that Mr.Starweather see this potential in each of us and we can even sett a earlier departure' 'I know for sure that the crew is eager to get this thing going' 'god bye gentelmen I and the lady have much things to do'

Camille declined the arm George offered. "No thank you, Monsieur Barrow. I've found that accepting such offers remind me of how very short I am compared to most men. That, I believe is why womenkind wear those ghastly high heels." Smirking at the scientist, Camille and George opened the doors of the hotel and stepped out.

As they stepped through the door of the Amherst, reporters approached from the curb, firing questions. Camille's stride to the cab faltered for a moment at the barrage of light and sound. She'd had limited attention sent her way by the press over her lifetime -for which she was grateful- so she'd never had cause to acclimate herself to it.

The man problem was that magazines, she'd long thought, were a mild form of voyeaurism- they allowed people to gaze at intimate details of a stranger's life without repercussions. Then again, answering their questions would hold momentary amusement, especially if she was misquoted in the name of selling the ghastly papers. The morning paper after the dinner party had held a sort of morbid gallow's humor sort of amusement at the blatant disregard for accuracy. The whole thing was horrid and an insult to the dead, of course, but journalists would be journalists.

Ah, the American love for their freedom of speech- the speech did not necessarrily have to have a distant relationship to the truth, so long as it was written. Gods bless the foolish things.

One of the reporters glanced her way after questioning George
"Oh my! Are you Miss Bardier, the new pilot of the expedition?" *Flash!*

Recovering her pace, Camille weaved her way through the reporters, smiling distantly. "If I was not, would I be wearing a flight jacket?"

Another reporter pressed in closer, pen hovering over a tablet of paper.
"Miss Bardier, what are your feelings about joining an all-male expedition?"

The pilot smirked. "As long as the men explore planetary geography instead of my own geography, I will be content. If you'll excuse me, I do have things to do other than stand about the roadside answering questions. Au revoir." Opening the cab door nearest her Camille slid into the seat, closing the door behind her.
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At the shopping trip...

Job said:
Enke and Olav playfully tease Øyvind about "Looking for love", and then ask if they can join him on his "hunt".

Job (the tortured one).

'No love for me today guys' 'But maybe we should hit the night life of NY before we get on that floating can, what you say? I think we even could get Starkweather on that one! Øyvind laugh a mighty laugh and and puts his hand in his pocket and takes out his box with snus'You want some? Is that Swedish kind General its called' He turns to go and grab a cab 'come on, let me show you this thing i want to get'


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