Door to Nowhere


Gamer Extraordinaire
After coming out of his trance, Taylar tells his companions, "We have learned what we can here. We should follow the river to the Centrin village. I don't know if any of those people are involved, but we can at least question them about anything unusual they might have seen."
He will help with preparing the food and other other camp chores.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: Each square represents about 2 hours of travel. The Mining Operation is about 4 hours north of Outpost. The Centrin village is about 6 hours north of the mine.

Astarte: 51(perception) + 51(d100) = 102
Plumeir: 60 + 51 = 111
Taylar: 46 + 51 = 97
Away from the river, only a few strides, there was very little undergrowth, due to the enormity of the towering conifers. They were notably larger on this side of the river than on the eastern side, apparently growing even larger farther to the West. A game trail, seemingly used by every denizen of the forest including people, followed the path of the river, but nothing of note was seen going more inland. Fortunately, by the morning, the rain was no longer falling and travel proved easier.

Midday had not yet brought the investigators to their immediate destination but it should not have been much farther. Continuing on, after resting for a bit, by mid afternoon the sounds of voices could be heard coming from the direction of the river, before anything could be seen through the thicker foliage nearer the bank. Coming to a definitive cross path along the game trail, the current path continued on but another led to the river bank and farther into the forest, westward.

Able to see the river from this vantage point but not yet be seen, Centrins were out on the water in canoes, using nets to capture salmon. The chatter was nothing more than usual conversation. The Centrin village was likely directly across the river from the party’s current location. If the kidnapers had followed the same path, which seemed the only possible option, they could have gone north or west to get away from civilization. To speak to the Centrins, the party would need to cross back over the river or hail a boat to see if passage would be granted.
Taylar: full wellness
Astarte: full wellness
Plumeir: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar says, "We should speak with these people to see if they have seen anything regarding the missing youths. We should also ask about the area, landmarks and the best way to move around. My centrin is not fluent, so one of you will have to do the talking. Tell them we will trade or pay for a ride across."
Taylar will stand on the river edge and wave to the canoers with a friendly smile.


"I know Centrin, so I can speak with these people. You could too, as I can translate. There're sure a lot of things you'll find out you wish to ask them about as the conversation progress."

Astarte will greet them and tell that the missing kids are Plumeir's relatives (if they're gray) or Taylar's or hers (if they're look more similar to them). Otherwise, she'll tell them the youngsters are somehow related to her by marriage. While pretending that The Party consists of a worried relative and his/her friends that for one cycle have been searching for the young wayward escapists, Astarte will enhance her senses to find out if these Centrin people are hiding anything, have some bad intentions or tendencies, fear something, or are simply lying. She intends to ask a simple questions (like did you see the kids with this and that look a cycle ago; which way they went; were they alone or found some company; were they fine, or rather sick or hungry; etc.).

When The Party finally leaves, she'll obscure her presence and quietly go back to overhear if the people say anything about the younglings that they did not tell her and her friends.

Please use the rolls from the post #27: 98 71

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir responds to Taylar. "Yes, I have visited this village before, but I have not spoken with them lately or in any capacity regarding the missing youths. I can speak Centrin fairly well, but I think it best for Astarte to do most of the talking."

Since the Centrin people are known to be friendly and open with strangers, Plumeir will stand near the bank with Taylar. The river is a bit loud this time of year, so he will whistle with his fingers, then wave, as well.
OOC: 75


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Taylar says... will stand...
... Astarte will...
Plumeir responds... will stand...
Astarte: 55(coerce) + 31(muddle) + 169(d100) = 255
Plumeir: 83 + 61(enthrall) + 75 = 219
Taylar: 66 + 27(muddle) + 64 = 157
Astarte: 45(investigate) + 32(tuning) + 169(d100) = 246
Taylar: 46 + 31 + 64 = 141
The closest people in boats waved back and then appeared to be in conversation with one another, momentarily. They pulled in their seine and deposited the fish in their boats, which were draw together as the net was retrieved. One then stood and gestured overtly, attempting to communicate, since he could not be heard. He seemed to be indicating that the three people should wait, but he then took the boat in the wrong direction. Leaving their boats upon the eastern bank, others came to collect the fish while the two men each took another canoe and poled back across the river toward the waiting party.

As the men steadied their crafts near the shore to talk, one of the men gestured at Taylar and said in Centrin, which Astarte translated, “I know you. You were one of the people who came to help our village many cycles back. You are one of the Outliers. The clerk I also recognize; but the lady translating what I say, I do not know.”

The man then introduced himself and his friend and inquired as to the party’s need. The two men took the three across the river, Taylar in one boat and Plumeir and Astarte in the other. The older villagers could communicate, somewhat, in Markidian, and everyone offered pleasantries.

The community, called The Vineyard, was given its name by others of the region, due to the active cultivation and selective propagation of native grape vines, to produce a sweeter variety. The vines are meticulously tended to grow over manufactured trellis work rather than scaling up the conifers. As the vines are just beginning to bud, residents are tilling compost into the soil to enhance the growth of the plants. The tiny community is only composed of nine families, and no one is indicated as a community leader. Once enough time has been allotted for courtesy, a few of the older villages gather to ask if anything of note brings the visitors.

Plumeir was already familiar with these villagers; but in just a few minutes, both Taylar and Astarte feel self-assured that these people are genuinely forthright.
Taylar: full wellness
Astarte: full wellness
Plumeir: full wellness
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
I know you. You were one of the people who came to help our village many cycles back.
Taylar smiles and says in his broken Centrin, "Yes. I am that warrior. Good to be back here."
He trusts his partners to ask the right questions, but he says in Maldrog, "I am suspicious of the one that left in the boat. If our enemy has the ability to deceive those youths into following them, then they could deceive these villagers too."
While Astarte and Plumeir speak with the villagers, Taylar will manipulate waylines to increase his senses and focus on observing. He is looking for anything suspicious.


Taylar and Astarte feel self-assured that these people are genuinely forthright.
I am suspicious of the one that left in the boat.
"Dann sollten Sie ihm diskret folgen. Wenn Sie Glück haben, können Sie ihn bis zu dem Ort verfolgen, an dem er sich gerade bewegt, und wer weiß, was Sie dort finden können. Ich würde an deiner Stelle gehen, aber ich kann nicht schwimmen, und wenn ich Kanu nehme, könnte er es sehen. Wenn einer dieser Leute nach dir fragt, können wir ihm mitteilen, dass du vergessen hast, deine Fallen zu überprüfen oder so."
Then you should follow him discreetly. If you are lucky, you could track him to the place where he's moving now and who knows what you can find out there. I'd go instead of you, but I can't swim and if I took canoe, he could spot it. If any of these people will ask for you, we can tell them you forgot to check your snares or something.
Astarte abandons her plan to pretending that the missing kids are their relatives, as there's no more need of it. She's still gonna ask the Centrins the same questions as she planned; but as she now knows, that she can trust them, she'll also inquire them about everything they noticed about the compannions of the missing youngsters.


Gamer Extraordinaire
With a broad smile, Taylar motions at his six-and a half foot frame, and replies to Astarte in Maldrog "Discreetly is not one of my strengths, and I doubt I could catch up with him now. We should stay together anyway for safety. I have a strange feeling that we are already being watched."
I can't swim
With a serious tone he says, "If you would like to swim, I can teach you. It can save your life, and you can have a lot of fun splashing around with Star Wolfess after we return home."

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir listens intently to the conversations in Maldrog, hoping to increase his limited knowledge. As his position with the mining operations is, apparently, known, he will attempt to facilitate the inquiry into the missing children, deferring to Astarte when speaking to help further rapport. He will also visibly observe the village to see if he perceives anything to be amiss.
OOC: 72

Voidrunner's Codex

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